rfiWww. m w n R A IKA,0 HIEf JK Kt.&. $. 5 .,? J J1' ''W HS x RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF SPIRITED FRENCH INFANTRY IN ACTION IN1HMT10NAL SlNftSrSflBOL Lesson (By IS. O. SHLLHUS, Director of Kventng Department, Tho Moody HI bio Institute, Chicago.) , ' -i f it vv&v?emm.tak M .., (,. . ,1 " i i . rtimunv",;wV: ggiMr JlflfarisDrmk Jlfj)omans Drink fyertjhodys jDriti LESSON FOR AUGUST 23 i ' TtfJMBjfc M&rw?'ljm r n .-MtwwiifSMMM x A . rVi kam SBRB1BBk- IbIBU Hr4EH TiJaaaBHlaB BkIh stEw JLaiaaaiaBiBiBKS t--iflEBIHtrHi Mt w,t" aK IL ' v& Vft HHVHB aav -VaavfibV .aHaaaaaa 3 -.aaaVTOr-4auaBi tt ti-A'-'.V' w ' i Bk J w HlalBlBMHBBBBBBwBBkSLISBH .. Va9a oiaBBBBBBtiBtsBWfe3b HXl .etf wv lm: xMmdCMm a 1 GUIDE FOR AVIATORS bbbbbbtc jf"j. WiW i'wsi bbbbbbbI BM - ''BBBBBBH bbbbbbbbBfv? "vfff'v' 'wwwn"1! f bbbbbbbbbbbb bbbLBt'tc? ,v?3??1 fe$sl& vbbbbLLH p ,SkH5' s.j1bw. bbbbbbbV KbEEbBSSfbbsbbuw" 1 H BfflBBSBBBa HSHHvSBP" 1 ?BB?WC HHtoBBlMW'WVM'vSBBBBBBBBKl RSBfCBBBBBBSlBBBBBBB3BBBfvBBH BSBBlBBBBBKffiBBfflfBt BbB BBBB bbbbbbbBSxbbZmmOvbC ibtsKTbbb BBBBBBBBBBBflllHBKlBffBS4'! BBBBBBRJKBBBBrBBBBBBBBrEC'flWl bbbmSIbbbb1bbbbbbhVwI BBBJBBBlBPBBmM mSaWMM BBTBBvBBBBBBBBBBBBBrlBUBlBaM'4!! PBBaBSISBflBBBBBBBBBBKArSrTFTrBVOrif ?tv BBBv'?S2BflBBBBSBBBBBs3Kv?K:xiJ This is one of tho powerful flares which send a vertical ray that serves to guide the French army aviators at night. Wi SIR JOHN FRENCH Field Marshal Sir John French who commands the English forcos sent acroBB tho'clmnneljo help tho French and nclglans against tho (lermans? , n yforW .yA'iMfo,,' "t.rcrV,' vSV KWA,'1.)c,'X'' s "" y-v2jwrfBBBBa GERMAN INFANTRY IN TRENCHES 7TA's -W".;'v'':T'.JK".N5 " asrsBsnTaiH M " : - ?2r&i. 'T-TD Q& rfvtparv SO AMERICAN WOMEN I Ate. H SPHbbbbbbbbbbbI tfluVk aBtt SHM. , y.v iVi. BBBk .ASS(53iB I 'v'TbbbbbbbbbbbbI CK'BSHIbBBBl ? JHBBbMttBBBBa2':?'''v''x''?' JbI -J x rf bbbsbbbbbbbbb1 SbFbb7E3bl.''sbbbvKbbIkv1bbbb2 rH Srvl I r VvfPiHBH ' Hn VBBBiTBMlBri.BBBBBBL Va? "" 'jxJbH B'fllB'JBBBBBB SbsH BBBV K " &wE9J$k BBbH B&BBBB9bBBBBBBeDBeBBBBBW .Bk SBBKbB Bk' S''lUBBS'BKi:!V Wa BBBBBBwEBBBb sBb& jBmBBB y BBBht sfc "' f f - VBBBBFt ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb lBBBaL. SBBBBr k. ijJ' 9v4v.f ' " Sr99T ' B, t bbuBBBBbWbbksbhbb1i vW --a"T"'' '''srvl American women waiting nnxiouely at tliu rallwuy station in Tlolgrado for trio last train that left that city. Oofore they got away AuBtrlan shells fell at the very spot where they had been sitting. FRENCH WOMEN AVIATORS ENLIST dtr " . 'BJB BBBi .gf JkbbbmMRbPI . W'bTSeK .1 iBBBBf MByCBBm.'Bta BBBBb HVSaff aBBBSBBrflPBVSBBMBBSSBEBBSBBBBl A 'Hk. BBBBS8BBBBW!lBBBiHBBBBBiBBBBg iBJf jJBfNfcM1 fflf .SE)MVMinHSHB BBBBBBHKHllBr9 BBBBBBuaBBBBUBflBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB mVSHebsV BffiW r?iBHBBaSBBBBBBBBBBSVGBNRrS sVVSBBF7BBB9Bnfw "i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiK! J tiHB r ABfVll'BBBBB4HBBBaHB'PiVVVH m i,n -iff''.t'x ''&&&$x,' " k ' '"'M jbbRH BBBBBMaVlBamMlL 'wMfwrfftTfW'mWTrW 'M171 Helena Dutrleu, one of the many women aviators who are acting ns scoutB for the French army. REPORTED CUT TOPliciTBiFORiT Theso are tho famous Uhlane of havo been annihilated by Polglans in NEAR LIEGE z-vmrii .-. i&&.&Jr?iiM JVstJ3ES v J ' CAUGHT IN BELGRADE tlw Gorman army that aro roported to tho fighting around. Llogo. i r ..aam THE WEDDING FEAST. LESSON TPOCT-Mntt. HsMI. OOKDKN TBXT-"0 JcruBalom, sJnm nlcin, (lint klllcth tlio prophutn, nml eton est thrm tlmt nro ncnt unto Iter how ottnn would 1 liavo Bixthcrcil thy children to RCthnr, even an n hen tfatlicroth tier own brood under wings, and y would not." Luko 13:34 It. V. To catch tho full significance of Mill parablo which Is alono recorded bj Matthew wo need to bo moro or lesi familiar with tho Jowlsh pride of rac and their fooling of superiority ovot all "heathen" or outsiders, and tho his tory of their treatment of God's rep resentatives, tho prophets. Following upon tho parablo referred to In our last lesson tho Pharisees per eclred that Jesus Bpako of them and thoy sought to nrrcBt him (ch. 21:40). In this lesson tho flguro of tho king dom Is changed from a vineyard to s feast Relation to Hit People. I. The King's Invitation Rejected vv. 17. Tho change of flguro Just re ferred to suggests not alono an occa sion of foetal Joy (Luko 1-1:10), but nlso Christ's relation to his people, which Is that of a husband to his wife (ho Tjelng tho son referred to, bco 1 TJor. 11:12; Eph. 5:24-32; John 3:29). Theso Jewish leaders and their nation wcro first to bo Invited to tho mar rlago. This had been dono by the prophets of old and Inter by John the Uapttzcr. Under this figure of a mar rlago our Lord speaks of threo differ ent Invitations. Tho first ono was re ceived with lndlffercnco, but indiffer ence never removes responsibility Tho socoud invitation was received with hostility. Nothing moro full roveals tho foolishness and hardnesi of tho human heart than tho way Id which men treat tho gracious lnvlta lions of God's love. Wonderful indeed Is tho forbearanc of God. Tho Bin of rejecting tho cross, God's offer of graco, is Immeasurably grentor than that. Incurred by those Jews who rejected tho "Man of Gall leo." Question of Worthiness. II. The King's Invitation Accepted vv. 8-10. Thoso Invited had Judged thomoclvcs "not worthy." Now go to the parting of the ways where people congrcgato and "gather them In." Our worthiness is in that we accept, and If. wo roject wo aro "not worthy." This command to go outsldo was a prophecy) of the time when tho Gentiles should, llkewlso bo "partakers of graco." Thoso who finally accepted thej king's invitation woro both good and, bad (v. 10), but tho act of acceptance, was not an assurance of position asj we can see from the last port of tho, parable. It Is sad to think of the manyj servants of tho king who have negi lected his command thus to go forth, and recruit tho banquot feast. Final-) ly (v. 10) wo read that "tho wedding was filled." Heaven will not bo anj empty placet Itov. 7:9-14, III. The Unprepared Guest, vv. 11-14, Every guest was scrutinized by tho, king. It was a strange sight to sea ono who had neglected to avail blm self of tho garment freely provided In which to appear on such an occasion. This robo Is symbolical of tho robo of righteousness with which God will clotho all who accept his Invitation, Isa. 01:10; Rov. 19:7, 8; Eph. 4:24; Horn, 13:14. For this man to present himself clothed In his own garment wns to Insult tho king, so our own righteousness la as "filthy rags" in his sight, Isa. 64:0; Phil. 3:9 It. V. When questioned about this act of lnsolenco tho guest was "speechless." So llke wlso will all unbellovora stand one day before tho great king. The Teaching of this parablo em phasizes our privileges In tho king, dom of God. A full realization of that kingdom means Joy, gladness and per foct satisfaction. On a provlous occa slon Jesus gave up tho parablo of the Great Supper which so much resem bles this. Doth of theso parables have to do with tho attitude of mon to the Gospel invitation. Thero Is the further emphasis upon tho nature of tho an" ewer of men to this Invitation. The first is that of mod who aro blind to tho glory and beauty of that which Is offered to them, though their refusal was not final. Men, etlll blind, treat this Invitation contemptuously and turn to their own Interests, Booking satisfaction, while others shamefully treat tho king's messengers. This treatment la followed by swift Judg ment Onco more tho Invitation and and a mixed company aro gathered, some with worthy and some with un worthy motives. The Master's final words (v. 14) em phastzo ecrvico and responsibility. Tho call was an open, general univer sal" ono. Thoso chosen were not only thoao who camo but thoso who accept ed tho conditions laid down, Tho in different, or bostllo, and those who ac cepted unworthily wero rejected. Tho Goldon Text roveals tho heart of tho Lord. Ho doala In sure Judg ment; still his purposo and doslro is to protoct and to gather tho children eafo from all harm. Tho doom of tho city was pronouncod upon It as tho rosult of Its refusal to accopt this his DUrDOQO. Jj&mm .f-ju '"L.v ,,. BV - BaMBLBjEyBE'!l.',PB--FF-'aBB'ji ' wBt jiBM0SBnkwA,IBa'BHKfl'"'!''' wBiS T!.-Bf wjiTf flW." B igorously good and keenly delicious. Thirst -quenching and refreshing. The national beverage and yours. 4 T I .L !-. U- I. .11 Nickname eacourigo THE COCA-COLA Whenerer Atl4aU.Ce. vou tea an Arrow think of Coca-Cole. UNION MIGHT BE POSTPONED Matterof-Fact Serelda's Two Good Reasons for Hesitating About 8ettlng the Day. Tho Blanks' maid of all work was a practical young woman of about twenty-seven years. Ono day when her mistress wns making somo plans for the future tho matter-of-fact Serolda Bald: "1 don't know, ma'am. It might be that I won't bo with you much longer, an' then mebbe 1 will. I ain't sure yet" Knowing that a young man had called a good many times to see So rclda, her mistress Bald: "Are you thinking of getting mar ried, Serolda?" Without tho least show of embar rassment or enthusiasm Serelda said: "Well, yes, to tell the truth, I am. Then again I don't know If I will. I'vo got a good place hero with good pay, and he's such a fool mebbo I'll stay on with you!" ERUPTION OVER CHILD'S BODY Route No. 8, Box 67, Little Falls, Minn. "Our little boy was taken sick with a fever and after the fever he broko out with a soro eruption all over his body. We could got nothing to bolp him. Tho sores wore large and rod and bleeding." Thoy started with blisters as if he were burned and when they broke they would bleed and they itched so that he could not sleop for somo time, we bad him all tied up with bandages and then we bad to soak them off every day. "We bought a cake of Cutlcura Soap and a box of Cutlcura Ointment which soon gavo blm relief. Now be is sb well aa can be for in three weeks ho was all healed by the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Georgo Wolters, Jan. 29, 1914. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplo of each free.wlth 32-p. Skin Dook. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." Adv. Amaxlng Case. "Is there anything special in the case?" askod the roportor of tho bank president whoso cashier bad stolen in. "Yes," mused the president, "you may say that we did not trust blm Implicitly." Might Be New Drink. "Say, Bill, what's a ralxod meta phor?" "Dat's a now one on me. Let's go ovor an ask de bartendor." Men without enemies have but few friends. WINCHESTER "Reeater Smokeless Shells. If you want good low-priced Smokeless powder "load,' Winchester Factory Loaded "Repeater" Shells will surely suit you. They are loaded with the standard brands of powder and shot, good wadding and with that same care and precision which have made the Win chester "Leader" the most popular and satisfactory high-grade shell upon the market. Some shooters insist that Winchester "Repeaters" are better than other makers' highest grade shells. A trial will tell the tals Don't forget the name : Winchester " Repeater," THE YELLOW SHELL WITH THE CORRUGATED HEAD. J&iLJx.. m IAjB wbtfitutioa. COMPANY Good Eating. "Metchnlkoff, tho Metchnlkeff of sour milk fame, Is soon to celebrate In Paris," said a Paris correspondent on furlough In New York, "his seventieth birthday. "Since his sixtloth birthday, when he began his sour-milk regime, Metchnl koff has not aged. On the contrary, bt has become rejuvenated. "To tho committee that has la chargo tho splendid honors of his birthday celebration Metchnlkoff gave some advlco on the benefits of frugal eating tho benefits of taking no alco hol, very littlo meat and an abundance of well cooked green vegetables. And ho ended his lecture with this crystal of wisdom: "'Good eating makes more dcsbW mists than bad luck.' " Making It Complete. Mr. Fred Kerr, tho actor, was play ing at Ranelagh, and at the Lake hole drove eight successive balls straight Into the water. He bad o more left in his bag, and there was nothing more to bo done except ono thing. Seizing his bag ot stabs, be walked dramatically to the lako's edgo. Then In a broken voice he said: "Old pond, have these as well," and turning, with a slgb, walked bono. Throw away the washboard. Use 'RUB-NO-MORE GARBO NAP- THASOAP. Save your back save your tem persave your clothes make washday play day. "Carbo" kills germs. "Naptha" cleans. Watch results. RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTIIA SOAP la harmless to the finest tahrio nd makes .your wash sweet' and sanitary. It does nofneed-hotwater. Naptha Cleans RUB-NO-MORE Wsihlag Powder Carbo Disinfects RUB-NO-MORE Carbo Naptaa Seas Five Cents All Grocers The Rub-No-More Co., Ft.Wayne, bid. WANTKD-AftnU la .Terr oonntrtos.lt Mootaaa farm land forth. largMt Una owner Id tbattau. Liberal comminlons, eielnlro terrltnrr. Addreas Imtuvdlaulr, Moutana Handles Co., Helena, Moat M ITPUT0 WatMBR.flatoMM.'Waih. tf .V t 4 'M . I 1 i V fjr P m 4 : 1 ft ..'4 . 1 ..sj-it j mm v4 Aid f " ll rTi ' it1, j . ii "H m 4&i if m?