RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF IK h S w w !f. H JAPAN SENDS AN. JLTIMATUM DEMANDS WITHDRAWAL OF QER. MAN WARSHIPS. GERMANS PUSHING FORWARD attlt of Liege Again In Progress German Advance Is Being Greatly Retarded, Western Ncwipnpcr Union Nowb Bervlco. Toklo. Japan sent nn ultlnuttiiin to Germany Saturday night, demanding the withdrawal of Gorman warships from the orient and tlio evacuation of Klau Clinti and giving Oorniany until Bun day, August 23, to comply with the demand. Otherwise tho ultimatum states, Japan will take action. Tho general expectation hero Is thnt tho ultimatum will bo followed by war. Taltakl Kato, tho Japanese foreign minister, simultaneously with tho dis patch of tho ultimatum, conferred with George W, Guthrie, tho Amorlean ambassador, and made to him a brond statement calculated to assure thn United States that American Interests in the far east would bo safeguarded and tbo integrity of China uphold. London. Pushing forward by mere weight of numbers, the German ad vanco across Belgium is Hlowly but steadily proceeding, and so must come In contact with tho allied nrmlcs, which; according to an ofllclal commu nication from Hrussols, aro in battle ordor at somo point unnamed. Tho Belgians, In tho outpost skirmishing, aro said to have Inflicted severe checks on the Germnn forces, but on tho whole tho German wing has kept on its way and has reached a lltle from the north of Namur to Haelen, which suggests that the first big battle will be fought somowhoro botwecn liouvnln and Dlcst, whoro tbo allies probably will try to block tho roads to Brussels and Antwerp, and prevent the German at tempt to make north Delglum unten able. Further south French troops havo entered Belgium through Charlerol, going to tho relief of their neighbor and to aid in any attack directed to ward Namur, while In the east the French are reported to havo secured possession of ridges In the Vosges mountains and to hold the passes of LeBonhomme-,and Sainto Marle-An-Mines, through which Important roadB pass, and which, It Is assorted, gives them great strategic advantage. Liege Fight Again Resumed. Brussels. The fight for the posses lot. of the Llogo forts has recom menced. Tho Germans erected a bridge at Llxhe for the transport of troops and hoavy material and It Is possible that simultaneously nn at tempt will be made to cross tho river Meuse In front of Liege, for convoys have boon sighted proceeding toward Engls. Tho German advanco Is bolng greatly retardod by the Liege fortifica tions, as thoy dominate tho routos taken by the Germans and nlso the In tervals between the fortB by tholr preventing tho passage of nrtillory and , transport wagons. The Germans appoar to bo com mencing a fresh phase of tho war. Thelr,nttack through central Bolglum having failed, they aro entrenching along their Maestrlcht-Llcgo front and are employing a number of peasants on tho road south through tho provinces of Liege and Luxemburg, foreshadow ing an attempt to force their way to the south of tho river Ourtho nnd to wards tho upper Mouso in Franco. The German cavalry, which spread itself out over n front extending from St. Trond to Ilannut, at tho same time sending detachments in tho direction of TIrlemont, Hougaerde and Jodlgno, havo fallen back except at one point where they are kcoplng in contact with tho Belgians. A fight of Importance occurred nenrJ lanemont, whero a thousand Gorman cavalry, with quick firing guns mount ed on horses, attacked a regiment of Belgian lancers. The latter rotlred ow ing to inferiority numerically. London. Rocrults for the army aro enlisting nt the rato of Bovurnl thou sand a day. Tho business men aro or ganising their employes Into n fifth lino of defense. Tho majority of the able-bodied men of tho country are drilling In tholr homo organizations. Home. The kaiser Is making, a su preme effort In the( courts of Greece, Bulgaria and Roumanla to havo those nations side with Germany and Austria In tho prosent war. This Is admitted hi official circles here, whero the nego tiations of the kaiser's representatives are being closely followed. That tho Balkans must inevitably be drawn Into the war Is considered certain bore. But it Is unlikely that they will lino up en tirely for tho kaiser. Greece and Tur key must Inevitably fight, but tho later will range itself on the sldo of the kaiser, whllo Greoco will aid England. Paris. There has been no undue ex citement in Paris over tho reported losses or victories to French arras. Thoro have boon painful bcoijos, how ever, around tho ministry of war on tho newB of engagements. Groat crowds of relatives of tho soldiers havo been socking names of thoso killed or wounded. No lists have been pub lished. According to late advices tho Germans mado a determined attempt to tako the positions occupied by tho FroncV outside of Muolbauson, but failed. The Germans did not rc-oator the towa. Germans Are Concentrating. St. Petersburg. Tho regular troops of tho German army, who hitherto had been scnttcrod In small detach ments along the frontier, aro now con centrating nenr tho Russian border in brlgade.1, coniposed of two or three regiments each, all In readiness to toko tho field. The positions in tho border villages havo been occupied by units of cavalry and infantry of tho Gorman army re serve No serious encounters havo occurred yet on the frontlor. but frequent skir mishes between outposts are reported, while Gorman military aeroplanes fly dally In tho direction or Kovno, capi tal of tho Russian province of the samo name, which hnn an outlet on tho Baltic. Washington. Mining of the North soa ns part of the plan of tho Euro pean war not only may closo most of tho northern European ports to nnvl Ration but the golden-laden cruiser Tennessee nnd North Carolina and neutral passenger vessels bearing Americans from Europe will bo con fronted with now dangers, Tho Amor lean government has boon formally ad vised by the British embassy that In nsimtcli uo Hominy had been "scatter Ing nines Indiscriminately," Great Britain could no longer refrnln from planting mine1? near her own ports. Secretary Bryan says that Amerl cans nt home may reJt assured that tho passenger linen plying botween northern European ports will tnko nc chances that will Imperil life. It If believed that Americans In northern ports will remain thoro for the pros ent or make their way south and southeast to surh ports ns Marseilles or Lisbon to obtain passage for the United States. Martial Law In Switzerland. Washington. Charge Huebschcr of tho Swles legation has notified tho Mate department that martial law had been declared In Switzerland. Both French nnd German troops are men acing the Integrity cf Switzerland with their operations in tho vicinity ol Basel, which lies closo to Mulhaimen reported captured by the French. Tho chtirgo stated that tho activities so near tho Swiss borjer havo mado It necessary to prcpnre to resist In vasion. Japanese Steamer Fired Upon. Shanghai. The Japanese steamer Shlkoku Mnru was seriously damaged anl one of her crow killed by a cannon shot fired from tho British fort at Hong Kong whllo tho vessel was enter ing the harbor. Tho Shlkoku Maru pnld no attention to tho harbor regula tions. Two warning shots wnr fired wor her bows, but she did not stop, anu a intra siieii then struck her amid ships. A government tug afterwardi assisted the stcamor to her berth. Will Act Together. Brussols. Belgian official reports received by tho war office record thn Important fact that a Junction has beon enocteu by Belgian, British and French troops across tho lino of the German advance through Belgium. Tho loca tion of the troops of tho three armies was not revealed, but In any futuro operations It Is understood thnt they will act together. Many Register for Transportation. Paris. Thrco thousand Americans havo registered tholr names at the American embassy hero and are await lug transportation homo on tho steam ora which the government nt Washing, ton Is sending to Europo for tho rollel of stranded citizens. Additional names are being entered at tho rato of 300 or 400 dally. Paris. Tommaso Tlttonl, Italian ambassador to Franco, has Issued nnd had posted nt tho quarters of Paris a signed notice stating that: "Italy has proclaimed and will maintain tho strictest neutrality. Therefore thoro Is no need for Italians to bo alarmed. They may continue to reside In Franco In full security." Rome. Tho foreign office hns sum moned homo the Italian ambassadors In Paris, St. Petersburg. London nnd Berlin, ns tbo government desires to consult them concerning tho war situ ation. Paris, It Is officially announced that France has broken off diplomatic relations with Austria-Hungary. The French ambassador nt Vienna has left tho Austrian capital and tho Austro Hungariau ambassador nt Paris has asked for his passports, Rome. Tho pope Is so overwhelmed with grief by tho outbreak of war among all the principal natlonB of Europe that ho Is unable to do any work, and sits listless and silent for hours every day. Although his holi ness Is not 111, his condition Ib causing grave anxiety to tilo attendants. Athens. Largo Turkish forces have concentrated on Bulgarian territory, near ForeJIk. In tho vicinity of tho river Morltsa. Thoy are moving ap parently In tho direction of the fron tiers of Thrace and Bulgaria by agree ment with Bulgnrln. Japan Causing Worry. Poking, Japan. Whether Japan will participate In an attack on tho German colony of Tslng Tnu Is n question about which British subjects nud other fdrolgnors In China aro gravely con corned. It Is bolloved hero thnt "sort ous conversations" are now proceeding botwoon Toklo and London In ordor to dotormlno tho futuro status of tho placo. In tho mcantlmo German cruts ora aro said to bo searching tho Yel low sea nnd causing British, French and Russian merchant vessels to re main In tho various ports. iW 1 NEW HANDS PEACEFUL P08SE88tnN TAKEN OF MEXICAN CAPITAL. CANAL 0PENEDT0 COMMERCE Ships of All Nations May Now Pass Through Great Waterway Americans Returning Home. Western f.ewi"iipr Union New Service. Moxlco City. Tho national capital now Is In the hands of tho constitu tionalists, In accordance with a pre arranged plan, General Obregon marched In with his army nnd took peaceful ((osscssloh of tho city Satur day afternoon. The citizens greeted him nnd his soldiers with cheers. The evacuation by tho federals 1ms been completed unci constitutionalist troops nro now quartered In tho barrnckB which tho government soldiers recent ly occupied. Americans Are Returning. London. With nlnp Ilnors sailing from English and Dutch ports moro than 1,000 Americans left the war zone Saturday nnd arc now en route homo, Eight liners sailed from London, LI v. erpool and Glasgow and the Noordam pit out from Rotterdam. It Is do dared that within the next throe weeks forty-eight liners, capable of carrying f.0.000 pncheiigers, will hrll for tho United States from English ports. This Is three times tho num ber of Americans now In England, but thoy are arriving at tho rate of more than 1,000 n day. CANAL NOW OPEN. Establishes New Ocean- Highway for Trade. Panama. The Panama canal Is open to the commerce of tho world. Hence forth ships mny pass to and fro through tho great wnterway, which es tablishes a now ocean highway for trade Tho steamship Ancon, owned by the United Stntcs war department, with many notable people on board, Saturday made the official passage, which signalized tho opening of the canal. She left Cristobal at 7 o'clock and reached Balboa on the Pacific end at 4 In tho afternoon, having navigat ed tho waterway In nlno hours. The Ancon did not anchor at Balboa, but proceeded Into deep water In tho Pa cific beyond the fortified Islands, whoro she anchored In tho channel of tho canal on her return to Balboa, where flho landed her passengers. The Ancon will remain at the Balboa docks for somo time dlscharglng-her cargo, this being the first commercial voyage made through the canal. Many Injured When Roaster Bursts. Beatrice, Neb. A dozen persons wore Injured, three of them seriously, when a gasoline peanut roaster stand ing on the walk In front of the place of business of Charles Overstreet ex ploded. Tho streets were lined with people waiting for the circus parade at the time of the explosion, and the fact that no one was killed Is consld, red little less than miraculous. The explosion could' be heard for blocks, and bits of glass from adjoining win dows and parts of the machine were blown across tho street by the force of the explosion. Bibles for Fighting Armies. Now York. Christian agencies of Germany appear to bo taking up work among the soldiers In arms. The American Bible society has received an application froth Germany for Bibles nnd parts of Bibles In German, Polish, French and Russian tongues, for distribution nt tho front. It was learned that tho British and Foreign Bible society of London is nlso taking stops for this Christian work, and is having tho cooperation of the Fronch Bible society in Paris. , Asks Aid for Red Cross. Lincoln, Nob. Governor Morehcad has Issued a statement endorsing the Red Cross work In tbo European war and asked the 'people of Nebraska to make contributions for tho purpose of carrying on Its operations. Living Expenses Increase. Chicago. Increasing coBt In living expenses have spread to inclitdo most of tho most pretentious cafes and clubs, and a general rise of prices was marked on the bills. In "spite of threatened Investigations by nation, state and city, there -was no reduction In the coat ofBtaples for homo con sumption. At the stock yards there was no chnnge in the wholesale prices of meats. Cattle and hog receipts con tinue under normal and the packers declaring that they wcro facing the greatest shortage In their history. Nebraskan First to Go Through. San Francisco. The American-Hawaiian Bteamor Nebraskan put out for Now York via tho Panama canal. She will bo the first merchantman to pats through tho canal from tho Pacific coast. Tho Arlzonlnn, of tho Bamo lino, loft Now York In tho opposite di rection August 4, Traffic will be re ceived beginning August 16. The Ne braskan bore many tokens of good will and was uproariously greeted by tho whlstlos of all the shipping In the harbor as she got under way, PEACETREATIES ARE RATIFIED . INQUIRY 8TARTED IN BOOSTING OF PRICE8. Eighteen Out of Twenty Treaties Are Put Through the Senate Carranza Leaves the Capital. Weitern Newspaper Union News Service. Washington Legal forces, state and federal, all over the country got Into action Friday, carrying out President Wilson's suggestion for an Investiga tion of whether food prices are being artificially Increased on the pretext of European war, and for criminal prose cutions If thnt Is found to be the case. The national capital led off the cam paign with n grand Jury Investigation, to which commission merchants, wholesalers and retailers, buyers for hotels nnd restaurants were Bub poenaed and citizens having evidence wore Invited. Special agents or the department of Justice' began their search for evidence of manipulations or other methods of prlce-fUIng, and Secretary Redflold sent detailed In structions to agents of the department or commerce on carrying out their part of tho Investigation. President Leaves City of Mexico. Mexico City. When the Inhabitants of tho federal capital awakened Thursday morning the arsenals were empty, tho barracks were deserted and tho provisional president of the republic, ns well ns the members of his cabinet, had vauished. President Cnrbajal left the city on n.speclal train bound for Vera Cruz nt 3:15 a. m. He left behind him a manifesto to the nation saying that he had dono his best In a provisional capacity to sa,vc tho country from further bloodshed, but hla peaceful overtures had been met on the part or the constitutional ists by uncompromising "demands for an unconditional surrender. PEACE TREATIES RATIFIED. Eighteen of Twenty Put Through the 8enate. Washington. Eighteen of the twen ty peace treaties with foreign nations providing for commissions of inquiry beforo resort to arms in international disputes, which ordinary resources o! diplomacy faJLto settle, were ratified by the senate. The treaties with the Dominican republic and Panama were held up for further consideration. Treaties ratified are with Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Persia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Usuguay.-Ar gentlno, Brazil and Chile. Washington. Authority has been given 'American embassies and lega tions throughout Eurone to charter ships In which to bring home Ameri cans. 8tamp Tax May Be Put In Force. Washington. Although the United States Is at peace with the world, lead era in congress say that a "war tax" must be levied. Prospects that the European war will continue indefinite ly will materially reduce Imports to this country. It Is estimated that one third of tho revenue would be out off, Majority Leader Underwood, author of the new tariff law, admits that the falling off In revenue from foreign ports Is being felt It Is Bald that a stamp tax, the same as prevailed dur ing the Spanish-American war, will be put in force. Hard' to Verify Dispatches. New York. In a notice to its cor respondents the Associated Press and United Press and other news service companies adviso correspondents and patrons that due to the censorship over all news dispatches out of Eu rope, It Is almost Impossible to trans mit messages with any degree of satis faction. Cables are greatly congested and all messages are being delayed from 17 to 48 hours. News is coming largely through Paris and London. Asks Aid for Red Cross. Washington. President Wilson, as head of tho American Red Cross, bat appealed to the American people to contribute monoy for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers of the warring European nations. Mediation May Be Reopened. Peking. The Japanese government In replying to the suggestion of China that the United States, China and Japan should endeavor to mediate the European conflict said Its obligations to Groat Britain might prevent Japan from doing so. In consequence of this reply China considers further effor useleoB, although it was stated that tbo question of mediation might be reopened with tho United States In case there were any prospects of sue cess. Enough Food for a Year. London. That Germany has enough food on hand to last one year, even though all communication with the outside world Is cut off was admitted hero, it wns announced that a report to that effect has been mado to tho kal6or by a governmental commission appointed for that purpose. Tho kalsor has contributed from his personal for tune $200,000, of which ono-balf goes to the Red Cross and the remainder for tho relief of families of soldiers killed In action, STANDARD OIL HE STATE PAY8 9133 FOR SLAUGHTER OF QLANDERED ANIMALS. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Western Newspaper Union Kewa Service. When the Nebraska legislature In 1911, and again in 1013, appropriated money to pay for glandercd horses and mules condemned by the statf veterlnarinn and killed under tils or ders, It had In mind the protection of farmers who nre always the heaviest losers from any live stock dlseaBo. The legislature did notjtnow that, un der this statute, John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company would become a claimant against the state nnd re colve an allowance of $133 for u mulo that hns Just been killed In Lincoln by the state veterinarian. Neither wns It aware that a storage and trans fer company at Omaha would ask the state to pay It 'several hundred dol lars on account of four horses taken from its Btnblcs nnd put to death bo calico they had glanders. The Stand ard Oil mule was executed by State Veterinarian Klgln. lit accordance with the statute, be has mado out a voucher for $133 to the Rockefeller concern, which tho state of Nebraska will pay. Save the Straw Stacks. With straw piles from a forty-ncre-tract worth, according to conservative estimates, $100 for the fertilizing con stituents alone, tho agronomy depart ment of tho Nebraska College of Agri culture again calls particular atten tion at this time to tho waste or de stroying them. According to data gathered from Nebraska funncrs, wheat straw may bo put to many uses. It has been scattered effectively on the wheat land as a top-dressing to check blowing In the sandy regions. Others And It profitable to scatter the straw on land that Is planted to corn. As bedding, It absorbs and holds the liquid excrement, which Is the most valuable portion of the manure. In any case, when the straw Is applied to the land either as a straw or strawy manure, It may be thoroughly disked with the surface soil in order that the best results may be obtained. A few farmers have scattered the ashes after burning, but by so doing they have lost 95 per cent of Its value. Corporations Paying Under New Law More than 1,500 corporations of tbi atato have now paid their fees undei the 1913 law and the total Income therefrom exceeds that under the old law by $22,000. For the blenntum, therefore, it would amount toJ$50,000 or more, when all the corporations have come in, according to clerks h the office of the secretary of state, than the legislature appropriated lot the Nebraska City armory and the sufferers from the March, 1912, trag edy at the state penitentiary. When the figures were compiled there were 500 corporations that had not paid. When their money has been received It will mean that the total' excess pay ments over the former law will amount to $25,000 or more for the year. Appointments to Naval Academy. Seven appointments to the United States naval academy at Annapolis are to bo made soon by Nebraska senators and congressmen. Three of these ap pointments are to fill vacancies occas ioned by this year's graduating class, the others bolng to All vacancies al ready existing. Two of thoso appoint ments will be made by Senator Hitch cock; two by Congressman Dan V. Stephens of the Third district, while John A. McG ulre, and Moses P. Kin kald of the First and Sixth congress ional districts respectively, will each, as will Charles A. Sloan of the Fourth district. Nominations for appointments may be made any time before March 1, 1916. Decreases of from $300,000 to $450, 000 assessed valuation of property In the state are looked for over last year's figures, according to estimates made by Secretary Seymour of the state as sessment, board. Automobilists Must Pay Up. Automobile owners under the sys tem evolved by the 1911 legislature are being compelled to keop up their unnual registration payments. The change was beneficial In that It put the collection of the fee up to the county treasurers. Before It was a duty of the secretary of state, and under this scheme It wns impossible to check up all owners. Despite the fact that cars most seen In the state carry numbers running far beyond the 20,000 or 30.000 mark, tho lower cumbers are still kept up. Two cases recently appealed by the Union Pacific to the supremo court are for death losses. The first Is that brought by the administrator of the estate of Carl Rlchert of Platte coun ty. In the lower court tho suit was brought for $30,000, but Judgment was obtained for $10,000, The other suit was brought to recover for tbo death of Conductor Ray Phillips, killed in a wreck which occurred during a bliz zard in the winter of 1912, This ver dict was for $16,000 and from that the road appealed. The suit was brought for 150,000 BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA The Edgar drew a big crowd. Five bands will furnish music for the state fair this fall. ' Merchants' fall market week Is be ing observed at Omaha this week. C. N. and V. C. Herbert are planning to open a new state bank at Harring ton. But four cases of contagious dls ease wore roported In Lincoln last month. Bonds for $37,000 havo beon voted tor an electric Hcbl nlant and nnwm "system. Flavins Wood and son, Flavins, Jr., were badly injured In an nuto accident at Denver. Tho now $125,000 high school build ing at Ftomont Is being pushed to completion. J. F. Powell of Lincoln was the suc cessful man at the old fiddlers' con test nt Capital Beach. Little Crow, a ninety-nine year old Sioux Indian, wns a participant in a tribal danco at Crawford. John R. Lee, one of tho pioneers and one tlmo prominent merchant of Fre mont, is dead at Seattle. The new armory of Company L, Fifth regiment, wns formally openod at Grand Island last weok. It Is reported that thero are various places In Richardson county where tho corn Is practically burned up. Mrs. Anna Doty has boon granted a license to operate n forry ovor the Missouri river near Plattsmouth. Patrick Conwny's band, which gives the concerts at the state fair, will also have a number of boIo opera stars. Southeastern Nebraska growers are shipping grapes of suporlor quality, and the yield Is said to bo abundant. Postoftlco employes at Omaha, 40cT In number, rebelled when thoy wore ordered to be vaccinated In a buncb. Fire at Waterbury destroyed sov eral buildings In tho business center and caused a property loss of $50,000. Mrs. John Marquardt of Otoe county was bo badly burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove that she died from her Injuries. . According to assessors' roturns, dia monds aro a negligible quantity in Ne braska, and those listed are small and or Inferior value. Two weeks or continuous Masonic celebration will mark the dedication of the new Scottish Rite cathedral at Omaha in October. Some change and several boxes of cigars were taken from the store of C. W. Crawford at Falrburjr when burglars paid it a vislL A large hole was torn In the celling of the kitchen of the William Sump tion home at Schuyler when the water boiler In the range exploded. When a boat was overturned on the Missouri river near Shubort, Fred On was caught In some fish neta and drowned before help could reach him. The explosion of a coffee heater In Ray's restaurant at Anselmo destroyed the contents of the building, although the latter was saved by hard fighting. Fremont business men have agreed to give $4,000 toward the annual fall festival on condition that It be held la the business district Instead of la the driving park as planned. S. E. Kim, a Korean student, who has been cared for in a tent on Hast ings college campus, under tho direc tion of Hastings club women, died Thursday of tuberculosis. Amos, ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Splcknall, near Holstein, was caught In a cave-In of a sand pit he. and his brother had dug and wa Jead before he could be rescued. -' Charles White, 90 years old, t bachelor residing at Pleasantdale. was found dead at his homo by a celgh oor who had paid him a visit. Heart ilseaso is thought to have caused his tenth! Amos, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Splcknall, residing near Holstein, was smothered to death when he waB buried under several tons of sand in a cave which he and his brothers had dug In a pasture. A horse stepping on a bottle con taining an unknown cubstance caused an explosion that set Are to the barn of Carl Green at Lincoln. The 13-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holllster, living near Stromsburg, accidentally got hold of Borne laxative tablets lying on the window sill and ate a quantity of them, dying a few hours later. Herman Schaffer, a veteran circus man and resident of Omaha, waa the color bearer of the flnt German troop to aid in wresting Alsace and Lor raine from the French and adding It to the empire of tho Fatherland. After suffering -for two months, C. A. Lawrence of Bennet discovered his neck was dislocated. Surgeons replaced It and he Is on the road' to a, recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Altgood of Ne maha county were severely Injured when a team of horaes which they were driving ran away, throwing them to the ground. A pulmotor saved the life of Bryan States at Capital Beach. Lincoln, whoso body was found at the bottom of the bathing pool by his brother. He had been under water for fifteen min utes before his absence was noted. The littlo son of Mr. and Mra. John Corliss of Fremont was badly crushed by a horse that trampled him as he was trying to 'rescue a toy balloon from under Its feet. Clarence Smith, twenty years old, was burned todeath near Nora, when a quantity of gasollno In a garago ex ploded, and ho was unablo to escapo frorh tho building. An examination or tho water thought to bo responsible for an epi demic of typhoid fever at North Platte, proved tho wator to bo abso lutely froo from disease-producing germs -j :i 'i XhL. ir im i ttj wm m -&5 .',. Ja&jfo , "WwpUfWE uaamuvsmi&wzwxiB&Mmm '' "' ' nifMlMaMiiMMmJii..; '?-! ; ;:cy !",- vf y .