M ,JU A J k Ar.wO HIEP -AUO! ft . p RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i. I "ftP &r V V A, 4 . v "J. "ft? r: Si ft V WUVJWAV.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V. HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings WWW. Take your cream to J. O. Caldwell. Attorney McN'cny was in Bluo Hill Monday. John Meyers returned homo Tucs day from Rugnii. Mrs. J. A. Bradford returned homo from Hastings Friday. Miss Pearl, Sheror returned home from Hastings Tuesday. J. D. Hereon of Superior was in town on business Wednesday. Art Suecley and Chas. Kcssler were down troin Hastings Tuesday. Roy Sattley and wife spent Sunday with relatives at North Brauch, Kas. Mrs Ed. Fryo and Miss Dora Brink man were Hastings visitors Saturday. Ralph Beale returned to Aurora Monday after a visit with his parents. Mrs. Charles Barrett returned home from a business trip to Omaha Satur day. George Burden of Kansas City Is visiting his uncle, Jas. A. Burden, this week. Mrs. N. K. Simpson returned Sun day from Rusklu where she visited a daughter. Ed l'llley of Clay Center, Kansas, Is viittlmr his brother. (Jeorgc, north of town this week. Mrs. Ned Sutton left Saturday for Marshaltown, Iowa, for a two weeks visit with relatives. Bert Shernuui, who has been work ing In Lincoln, Is homo this week visiting hlsparonts. Howard Yost, Glenn Foe, Raymond Turnure and Will Brunor arc camping at Dcwecso this week. Miss Marguerite Adams of Lebanon Kansas, Is visiting her sister, wis. Frank Starr this week. Chris Starke rotnrncd home last Thursday from an eight weeks bojourn in the southern states. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gilberts of Basin, Montana, are guests of Mrs. Gilberts' sister, Mrs. James Ryan this week. 33jj per cent discount on all Sum merDress Goods and Oxrords TunsuiiB & Son. Bye Shepardsou, Dore Pomeroy nnd John Folton of Rlverton were Red Cloud vlsitora .Tuesday.- I haviShc best rate in the county on farm loans. See me Hnd.be convinced. -My motto-prompt service. v, A. T. WAI.KKR. Chal,. Gellatly, the popular book keeper nt the Malone-Avery" lumber yard, spent Sunday in Beaver City with friends. Miss Velma McKlmmey has resigned her position in A. H, Carpenter's shoe store and Miss Florence McDowell has taken her place. Marlon Mercer and Phil Sherwood went to Lebanon, Kansns, Tuesday evening to play with the Lebnnou baud at the anniversary. Bayard H. Paine of Grand Island was in the city Saturday and Sunday. He delivered an address on main stre'et to the voters Saturday ovenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope's day old baby boy died Sunday afternoon and was buried Monday morning. They have the sympathy of their many friends. Miss Marguerite Rlahardson, who Is attending college at Valparlso, In diana, arrived the first of the week to attend the funeral of her father, W. N. Richardson. Miss Minnie Christian, principal of the Lincoln school, returned home the last of the week from Chicago, where she has been attending tho university the past two months. Attorney Caldwell had the mis fortune to turn his Ford car over last Friday near Carl Hedge's farm, but fortunately was not badly Injured, nor was much damage done to the car. . Tlie MlssesTrancosand Doris Bock ris of Chicago are visiting with Miss Gertrude Blackledgevthls week. They have been to Colorado and are on their way home. Will Galbrallh Is home from Lincoln. Wiu. -Kugels Is quite fcick this week. Jus. Hubatka was in town Momlnv. Wm. Weesner wns In Superior Mon day. S. R Florance was In Blue Hill Mon day. Sam Smith was on the sick -list this week. Jack l'egg is in the city visiting his mother. Ai V, Hnrtwoll of Inavalo was In town Monday. Paul 1'linres and Sam Jones wore in Superior Monday Dr. Nicholson and J. D. Francis took In tho ball game at Superior Sunday. Wm. Weesner and J, A. McArthur were in Guide Rock Saturday afternoon. Vernon Zeiss left Sunday for Den ver where he will enjoy a two week's vacation. Dr. Asber and wife are in ttie city this week visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe McCallum. Ralph Beal of Aurora spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Heal. Hipe Decker and wife of Custer couuty are visiting with Al Decker and wife this week. Chester Sheoley and wife arc visit ing hcr parents, Mr. hud Mrs. Will Keut this week. Mrs. Glttings of Superior camo up Monday morning to visit with Mr. aud Mrs. l'uul 1'opo. Mrs. Jus Burden nnd son, Bernard, returned homo the first of the week from Kansas City. A. T. Walker, who was injured in an nuto accident sometime ago, is able to bo about once more. Mrs. Barbara Pharos is in Chicago this week buying fall and winter dry goods for her store. Grant Bailey of Omaha Is visiting with his sisters, Misses Mabel uifd Alice Bailey this week. Sheriff Jledge wos busy Mondiy dis tributing tlio ballots over the county for the primary election Mrs. Rants of Juniata arrivod in the city Thursday evening to visit with her sou, Nel&e Rants and wife. Mrs. Emily Myers is visiting with her brother, Alfred Hadoll and family at Long Island, Kansas, this week. Al Smith, Fred and Chas. Harris are home from Gillctt, Wyoming, where they were looking over tho country. Mrs. Charles McCord aud children arrived in tho city la$t week to visit her parents, Wm Wu'lters and wife. 33. per cent discount on oil Sum mer Dress Goods and Oxfords. TujiNuiiK & Son Sunday mottling subject at the Methodist church, "Why Does Not the Church Move" Faster?" Chun. Ruddon of Bluo Hill was in town Wednesday. Elder J. 10. Jarhoo and wifo aro in the city this week Harvey Rlckcr&nn spent Sunday" in HoUwick with a ft lend? John Hamilton Jr , of Guide Rock was in town Wcducsday. Doit Garhor arrived homo this morn ing from Devils Lake, North Dakota, where he has been playing ball. Dr. Boles left Wednesday morning via Hastings for Denver where lie will spend a couple of weeks and it is re ported on good authority that lie will get married today. Miss Frances Carl of Long Island, Kas., who is visiting Bert Lindlcy and family at Rlverton spent Wednesday morning here with her uncle, J. A. Mc AitLur aud family. Editor Hosmcr of the Commercial Advertiser left this morning for Clare moro Springs, Oklahoma, where ho will take treatment. We hope you get a good rest and also nre much im proved in health when you return home, Bro. Hosmcr. S. J. Solberg of the Merchants Na tional Service Co., of Chicago, who has been conducting Miner Bros. Co's., big sale, left Saturday evening for Billings, Montana. By the way, Mr. Lotson in formed this editor that the sale brought good results and he was well pleased. Wo lmvo heard on good authority thai one of our popular young men, who goes to n neighboring town north west of hero every Sunday, to see a I'erttiiu "fair one," via uuto, met with an accident Sunday evening. On his return home tho electric lights on the car went wrong, and lie was forced to sit on the fender and hold a pocket electric light, so as to enablo the driver to keen the cur in the road. This wa, indeed, a trying experience, but the young man bolng a firm be liever in the fact that true lovo does not run smooth, no doubt considers this ns ample proof that "his" nnd "hcr's" is the real thing. Commissioners9 Proceedings Red Cloud, Ncbr., Aug. 12, 10M. 1'Otrdof County Commissioners met puraudnt to adjournment, member? present, viz: OhmBtcdc, McCnll, Storey, Hoffman and CtiBplln, chairman of hoard. On motion tho following claims were audited, allowed andCointy Clerk auth orized and instructed to draw warrants on their respcctlon funds in payment of ran e Anno Belle Spangle $ 2140 F. G. Turnuro and Son 18 93 Miner Bros. Co, G 28 Miner Bros. Co i;j 62 Hammond and Stephens Co. . 118 20 Miner Bros. Co 7 9 Klopp and Bartlett Co 203 80 Yoik Blank Biok Co 42 75 Morhait BroB 25 55 Burroughs Adding Mill Co 5 20 Weesnet Perry and Co 13 67 Lloop Printing Co 8 45 Roht. Damotell 16 00 F. E. Maurcr . 6 00 J. A. Tomlinson G 65 Sam Fletcher 56 00 Geo. H. Ovnring CI 00 Otis Leggett 10 00 J. B. Wisccurver 12 00 I. W. CraryMecCo 45 58 Gertru.le L. Coon 183 30 II. C. Wiight 41 G9 VVVv XN vsA-v END OF SEASON j CLEAN-UP The Year's Most Important Money Saving Event Wm Will 9911 For Cash Kuppenheimer. Clothcraft and Society Brand Suits CfW OOi nV BLflS I GV70 00'7C WYO A DISCOUNT f Straw Hats One Half Price Except Panamas 100 Pairs of Men's Oxfords, worth $3.60, . 94.00, 94.50 and 98.00, at per pair J. F. Buckles, Harry Buckles, Ira Wolfe nud John Aubushon returned hoie last Thursday from Wheeler, Kansns. Dr. Nellie E. Maurer is home from Denver and other Colorado points, where she has been visiting tho past month. It will soou be time for school to begin again, therd-. being only two weeks left for the children to enjoy themselves. L. H. Blaekledge and wife, F. W, Cowden nnd family and Fred Turnure aud family arrived home Tuesday from Deweese. Floyd Turnuro, Allan Blacklolge and tho Misses Gertrude Blaekledge, Frances and Doris Bock r is spent Sun day In Deweese, . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barber of Stella, Nobr., aro In the city this week, being called here by the death of her father, W. N. Richardson. J5he TEPEE Program For Week Commencing - - Monday and Tuesday AUO. 24and.23 The Adventures Of Hathlyn No. I? THE KINGS WILL STRATEGY. SLIPPERY SLIM'3 Comedy. MOTHER nn 1 WIFE, -Drama. Wednesday end Thursday AUG. -uainl'J7 W.J. Vance l 10 School Uist. No. Gl 3 00 Sam Llndsey 2 50 School UUt. 24.' 3 00 C. L Wickwiro 3 00 School Dlat. No. GO 3 00 School Diat. No. 85 3 00 School Uist. No. 83 3 0 B. E. McFarland 7 20 D. O. Bennett 3 00 D. D. Saundcreon 150 Yancc Sorgcson 2G 00 A. D. Ranney 46 00 EdAmack 18 80 G. OhmBtedo '. li 50 Ado M. Karnes 4 50 John W. McCoy 4 50 John Baker 4 50 Carl Burkcy 4 50 Pearl Waufle 4 50 Either Waufio 4 50 Henry Cook .' 4 60 Mrs. Henry Cook 4 50 Edith McKeighan . : 127 50 Jack Mifford 21 00 James Burden s (10 Weesner, Perry & Co., 27 81 H. E. Orico Drug Co 120 1)0 G. Ohmstedo..... lt) 50 W.G. Hoffman..! 131 30 G.S.Smelser 1 i 40 JohuB. Stanser 1.3 40 Roht1 Da'merell v if 00 F. E. Maurer o" CO H. J. Maurer'. 4o 00 Dr I. A. Pace ; 3 10 T. D. Kellough 3 10 Indian Creek Phone Co 1 2() Elmer Wilson 150 00 T. J. Chaplin '. m.-i 'Jn R. B. Fulton 0 no C. E. Vaughan 7 00 E.McBride 2 7." J. R. Horn 2 75 Floyd MuCall..., 171 (! W D. Edsou 15 1)0 A. C. Hosmer 55 CO $2.S A FEAST OF BARGAINS FOR ALL Sale Commences Saturday, July 11 Jhe Qomden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. )Xm Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers aV vAaA( Warner's Lace-Front Models Showing latest cut A STRENYOUS RIDE. Comedy. Friday and Saturday AUG. 28 and 29 'Defeated Candidates," will be the topic of the sermon at the open air meeting Sunday evening at 8 o'clock on the Washington School grounds. fffffffffffl ffffH ffffV flffffffffffc REAPING the W II I R L W I N D. Comedy. A TRIP to MT. LOWE Scenic. HEARST-SELIG PICTORIAL. SENTIMENTAL BURGLAR. Com edy. A LADY OF SPIRITS.-Comcdy. BRONCHO BILLY'S CUNNING. NOTKChmngm In Hour Commencing next Monday, Aug. 17, first show at 8:00, second at 0:30. No Gamble Bruce Porter and wife of Chicago nrrived lu town Saturday tojislt Mrs. Porter's mother, Mrs. Laura Pope, and brother, Paul and left Wednesday for Danvor whero they will spend a week, after which they will return to this city. Mr. Harry A. Lutson goes to Chicago the first of the wock to buy goods for tho Miner Bros, general merchandise store, Mr. Letssu lias provon that aieful buying Is a groat help to his customers aud by visiting tho markets in person ho is ablo to seloot tho very best materials at close prices, nc ex pects to be away about ton days. You can get a dollars worth of merchandise in our store for one dollar. We don't force you to take a chance on a house and lot, nor an automobile, neither do you get trading stamps and when you get three million of them you may got something. Neither do we give you tickets good for trashy crockery. In fact, thero is no chance when you trade with us. You are sure of what you get. B. E. JlepaPland "Pay as You Bnttr." A thrifty husband and wife at Hat rlflburg have been attending different church on Sundays, each giving a nickel. They talked the matter over and concluded that the plan was ex travagant. Now both attend the same place of worship and expect to enter the golden gate on the same nickel.- Carrier MjUs Mall. Itlndon Rntornrlso 1r. nil HER GREAT SCOOP. -A two reel ,,.., SloI.v m ill llll ......1. n.nill vuugrnim cu.....-j A. B. MuArtlmr fil 70 nnr.T v.lil.. ntir.TPC A Tlnlit. UVUU1 Ul IUH ""'"-" " n i, H,l , . 1,. QiinacA " ... - . KfnlnnA Araur Cr V Oft GUARANTEED Kuinproor.-Comeuy '"""" ' " "' " a stf, v.vvniTS llIDK-Comedv. btnte Journal Co 40 30 Saunders Bros 53 70 B.H. Weber , 8 CO 0 BRIDGE FUND Morhart Bros 10 35 Saunders Bros 1103 17 F. A. Good ...1854 30 II. G. Fels 11) 35 J. A. Hall , 15 00 J. R. McMahou 15 CO Guide Rook Hdw Co.... 070 20 Chicago Lumber Co., Rosemont 307 05 W..H. Fuller 7 05 Paul Storey 107 75 T.J. Chaplin 141 00 Oscar Mould 28 00 FloydMcCall 35 35 James Mcintosh (1 75 White Hdw Co., Guide Rock... 2 70 Citizen Lbr. Co., Campbell 110 03 John Koiizack 31 00 J B. Simpson & Co 1132 15 Adams County 25 3o Saunders Bros 301 75 Malone AvoryCo 421 05 V. S.Uall 1110 07 Amboy Mill & Elevator Co 43 10 A. uuckles 'M TO W. E. Toap 23 00 Crow & Seeley d oo E.H.Vober 33 00 II. L. Sohenk 112 CO Wm. J. Llpponcott 21 2', B.C. Blrkner 2100 A. II. Bowman Lbr Co 5(1 CO Chicago Lbr. Co., Blue Hill 231 35 Plait & Frees 103J 0 E. E. Burr 8 CO 'Bladen Lbr. Co 210 51 Chicago Lbr. Co., Blue Hill 003 60 Wells & MoTnggiirt 883 10 AdnmAlber 232 15 Uhioh Henry .. . . lo 25 It. S. Prouilllt Lbr Co 1705 31 harles Dinger 110 13 Bladen Lbr. Co 180 03 Widdcrsheim & Raunoy 020 09 J A, Sllvey Lbr. Co (580 05 NebfaSka lloard adjourned to Sept. 1, 1014. a FASHIONABLE top less model, for medium figures. In fact so low at the bust that it can be Said there is no bust to it at all. The skirt is very long, but cut to give freedom without sacrificirg style. Boned marquisette flap under-the lacings. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Six Security Rubber Button Hose Supporters. Hooks to the bottom of the skirt. $2 Per BYBRY PAIR GUARANTEED Barbara Phares ' Agent For American Beauty and Warner Bros. Corsets And Butterick Patterns. Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN ft SURCEOW Calls Answered Day or Night OillcoTelplioncs: Uoll.&H; I ml. 103. ltos. Telephones: Hell, Hod 273; Ind.lCO. Office Over N. A. AlbrUht's Store Red Cloud, -a- Nebraska DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST ' OVER STATE RANK Red Cloud Why Rent and Work For Your Landlord? when the reality of ownership 1b open to you? Take stock of yourself m a renter. Arc you any better off thdn you were live years ago? Oo West now, take a Mondoll homestead in Wyomlupr or buy 160 acres of land in Western Nebraska or Eastern Colorado on easy terms, witli financial aid, if you become a dairy farmer. See the West's heavy crops of 1011, Note the success of dairy farmers, made certain with the feep crops and the silo, Ask Western bankers how cream cheults lu their locality establish a farmer's credit. Note what live years' industry has brought to tho farmer adjoining the laud offered lo you. Would you not giro five years of your life if you could develop a dairy farm for yourself aud cicate au heritage for your fumlly'? Write me for Homestead folders or Deodod land matter and about per. soually conducted excursions. I am in touch with tho owners and with the Government. I am paid to locate you along tho Burlington Railroad, S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agen too A Far nam St; Omaha, Nebraska ' .-. TRY OS FOR ARTISTIG JOB PRIflTIflG , We Can Please You As To Material, Style And Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Lew. i V. t; i W.K 1 17, ! 1I :i fin ,:, h 3l s ' : , -J i ft k 1 K f a iff.. 4 w -A ' if, m3 4$ '4 "41 JS 1 i4y A XI i3r fTI. ..vn m M ,CH if