The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 20, 1914, Image 4

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1 1
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Entered In the I'ostofllce nt lied cloud, Net).
ni Hccond Clasn Matter
4A. B. MoARTHUlt
If everyone in tlio city would boost
every laudable effort on tbo part of
anyone Low much better our city
would be. We should all be pleased
at tbo advnnco made by anyone even
tho It apparently is dlhadvantngeous
to ourselves. Tbe booster is always
welcome, while the knocker defeats
bis own purposes.
Now that tho primary election is
over we can all get down to normal
again. We will have tltno to take
care of all those little things that
have been sholvcd for the past four
weeks. Tbe defeated candidates did
their best and will now have the op
portunity of sticking to the ticket re
gardless of their loss of nomination.
We trust tliut Governor Morehead
will Itppolut another "Good Koads
J)ay" this fall. Tlio event last year
was vorj successful and should bo
repeated. Wo tako more Interest "In
roads if wo have nottml c.xperlcnco in
road making iiud one day In tho year
is not too much to devote to public
We rcullzo that in strict proprioty a
bachelor editor should refrain from
Baying about tlio wearing apparel of
the gentler sex, but, wo someway feel
that silence is no virturo ho far as
present styles are concerned. Tls truo
tbe show girl displays no immodlsty
when she nppoai s before her audience
in pretty tights. Tls also true that
bathing costumes arc right and proper
but what pruisc can wo oiFer the
"shadow gowns?" Wo aio sure that
If the ladies could sec themselves as
they appear in the bright sunshine,
they would go homo nnd put on more
clothes, ut least some of them would.
Marrlago is no longer a lottery.
Tho war in Europe is a terriblo thing.
Jt promises to be tho most gigantic
affair of all time since millions of
soldiers aro engaged. So far hs this
country'' is concerned its sympathies
are cxteuded to one people since we
are friendly with all. At the sumo
timo we aio conscious of tho fact that
we have many citizens front all these
countries and they all helped us in
our great Civil War. Opinions ate
divided as to whether this countiy
will benefit from the Kuropean de
vastution or not. One thing- It has
certainly done and that is It has ab
solutely annulled the fice trade law
of tho present administration. With
all Europe at aims there will be no
shipping of goods into this country,
which means that practically we have
the highest tariff law in all our history
This shows how modern transporta
tion has uultcd tho countries, of the
'entire world.
Time To Control Hessian Fly
Tho most effective way of controlling
tbe Hessian Hy, says 1'tess ltulletin No.
45 of the Nebraska Experiment Station
Just Issued, is to destroy tho stubble
hhortly after harvest. The flaxseeds or
puparia aro left in the stubble after
harvest, and these should be destroyed
by early deep plowing, done so cure
fully that tho stubble Is thrown to the
bottom of the furrow and completely
covered, thus entrapping the tiles.
Tkla plowing should be doue very soon
after harvest before any of the tiles
emerge) and should be followed by a
sufficient number of cultivations to
maintain a fine, weed. free soil mulch
until the flold Is seeded. Such treat
went makes for the highest yields,
while the keeping down of volunteer
grain serves to scatter uuy summer
brood. Where for any reason mid
summer plowiug Is undesuable, the
flaxseeds may be destroyed by burning
tho stubble.
Can Excel France
Nebraska can easily excel France as
breeding ground for I'ercheron horses,
deularcd W. R. Meltor, seerutaiy of
tho state board of agrlcultme, n an
addrosti at Seward. Fllty-three per
ccut of tho puro-bred horses of tho
stato are Perchcioiib, ho said, and it
the farmers would" plan to raise this
class of animals an Innnenno profit
follow, as Nobraska has Unco excellent
horse markots. Two of them (iraud
Island aud South Omaha-Wo rivaU
for. third placo among the hdrae mark.
eU of the world. Lincoln is tlio other
horse mailed of the state.
Big, Popular
Hundreds of Dollars in Valuable
Prizes Given Absolutely Free
by Cook's Pharmacy and The
Red Cloud Chief.
Wo aro giving away, absolutely free,
hundreds of dollars in valuable prizes
to the ladles entering our voting con
test. There aro to be eleven prizes given
at tho closo of the contest, and twenty
four weekly bonus prizes. Every prize
is well worth working for and some
lady or girl will leave our olllce on the
night of February 18th, with the grand
prize, which Is a trip to the great
Panama Facitlc Exposition at Han
Francisco in 1015.
This ticket not only takes you to
this wonderful exposition, but it gives
you 2.1 side trips to the wonderful
sight seeing and pleasure resorts in
California, and also six tickets to fair
grounds, twelve tickets to shows in
side of fair grounds.
Everyone has the privilege of enter
ing this contest and we feel sure that
the ones securing the prizes will be
well paid for their time, so come In,
let ur show you our prizes, and explain
the contest more fully, and you might
bo the lucky one at the close.
The only way to secure votes In this
contest is by purchaslu-thlngs lu the
Cook Pharmacy ,or Yfy getting sub
sorlbets fou-TluTlted Cloud Chief.
. Votes' vlll bo given at the rato of
100 to tho dollar on regular cash sales
or collections. 10UO votes to the dollar
on the sale of duo bills. 1000 votes to
the dollar on special sales. 1500 votes
for one yearly subscription to Tho
Red Cloud Chief. '
Nominate yourself or your frfond
nnd get busy. .
Good For 5000 Votes
When Used to Nominate
Only One. to a Candidate
Clip Out and Nominate Candidate
To dato the following nominations
havo been made and each one has
fiOOO votes to their ciedll:
Blanche Boner, Kiinn Ratmcy, All
son Cowdeii, (Uadys Wilson Inavale,
Josephine Esslg, Fleta Davis Esboii,
Hazel Sphea, Anna Jemberg, Laura
Pierce, Ethel Doyle, l'o.ul WollcotJua
vale, Iva Kutledgv, Grace hercr,
Mabel 'Smith, Bernico West, Maiie
Ross, May Wright, Greta Turnute.
Maiybelle llnsslnger, Dorothy Potter,
Minnie Trout, Hazel Robinson, Eliza
beth Overman, Marguerite Fogel, Lola
Coplen, Mauriui! Caldwell, liruco Wil
son, (iracu MeCiillls, Lama 'Hedge,
Hazel Sheldon, Zelma W onderly, Inez
Crabill, Eleanor Gilliam, Estello Bay
lor, Vctila Henderson, Edna Itanuey,
I'M tm Henderson, Isabel .Maynaid,
Marie Trout, Doiothy llartwefl Inn
vale. Edyth Herrlck, lleatrlco Sloss,
Faith Kootitz, Maiie Harwoud, Lillian
Koontz, Mary Clnlstlan, Clara Warren,
Esther Stoiey, Maudo Ciow, Dora
Hilukmau, Uetta McDowell, Martha
Arnold, Anna Beigman, Velma Mc
Ivlmtney, Marirarot Real, Peirl
punter, Mabel Ualley, Certrude Wull
tiraudr, Iva Carter, Helen Raines,
Marie Pulsipher, Lena Ludlow, Pearl
lliiies, Carrlu Dledilch.
A Few Comments on
Old Lady
Number 31
i '
Our next serial
TMttinfiulshed for a tenderness of teati-i
ment that warms the heart, and a kind of
nomeiy numor 01 situation and phrase
that keeps one smillnsr in every chuter."!
T-'Vogue, New York, j
"Some of the earlier parts of the story
are exquisitely pathetic, but as the plot!
develops and more sunshine comes to the
lives of Angelina and Abraham, there is a
quaint humor. The plot is ingeniously'
Wnrkri tlf nnA lllAni la a hafHW .nillnnH
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester,
"Every line of the narrative is replete with
feeling and humor, a truly delightful com-1
panlon." Public Ledger, Philadelphia.
"Blended homely pathos and sentiment
with simple humor, a combination which!
discreetly handled is an almost infallible
recipe for popularity. The writer has dis-!
played all due discretion and is reaping hen
just reward."- Transcript, Boston, Mass.'
"It is altogether one of the most original)
and attractive stories it has.been our good!
fortune to read in a long time." Alns
leas, New York.
"The narrative is that of life at the home,
and of the happiness brought by tinex-'
pected affluence. A little gem, and
dcterves wide reading." Piaindcaler
Cleveland, O. ;
You Can't Afford
to Miss It
It was six o'clock on a Juno morn
ing. His freight had now come to
tho top of the heavy Locust Summit
grade, and as ho stood on the roof of
a box car ho Baw a girl kneeling at an
open upstairs window In tho house
adjoining tho station. Her head lay
on her hands; a fow of her curls hung
out over the window-ledge and waved
in tho breeze. Ben got off the car and
stood looking up at her.- This chanco
perhaps Fortuno herself had put in his
way. How often he had watched
those black curls through the station
'window, when he chanced to bo there,
'and Cora Goyne was in sight! Yet
she had novcr seen him. He gave a
shrill whistle.
Could anything be prettier ' than
that round, dimpled, sleepy dark face
which started up from the window
sill, the eyes bright from sloop, the
hair gracefully disordered! For a sec
ond or two she was bewildered. She
looked down, and saw an engine and
train standing and something else;
a brakeman, cap In hand, looking up
Into her face.
For only an Instant she gazed at
him; then, with a little cry of morti
fication, leaped away from tho window
and disappeared from his vlow. But
In that instant, she had, with a wom
an's facility, noted how yellow his
hair and mustacho were, how big and
blue his oyes, how brawny his shoul
ders, and how handsome his face.
That was their introduction. They
became i lovers. Every day Ben's train
stopped nt Locust Summit, and every
day Cora mado it a point to meet
him; sometimes for only a word,
Bomotlmes for a prolonged conversa
tion. His southern heart yearned to
wards this lovely bit of northern wom
anhood. Tt was a night In July. Ben's train
was waiting for orders. He and his
sweetheart wero conversing In low
tones, as they walked up and down
tho railroad.
"So you liked 'Tho Last of tho' Mo
hicans?'" "Yes, very much; but I Bhpuld havo,
Ukod tho story better had MaJ. Hey
ward married Cora and not Alice."
"That is Just what I liked about,
It. No wonder Major Heyward was
disgusted with Cora when her father
told him of her birth."
"Her birth? I don't understand."
"Why, her mother was a creolo, or
Bomethlng; thero was a traco of ne
gro or Indian blood In Cora, faint per
haps, but there for all that." The
girl trembled nnd grew pale to tho
ll"a. Ho felt her quiver on his arm.
"Surely you are not chilly tonight;
why shiver?"
She was taken unawares, but her
answer shed only a faint light on
her thoughts. "What a coincidence
that my name la Cora, too!" she blurt
ed out.
He laughed.
"Be my wife, dearest; say yes." No
sound from her colorless lips. Ho
pressed her again to him. "You lit
tle goose, I thought I know you, but
now I see that no man can over un
derstand a woman. Who'd think you
so shy? Well, tho anawer tomorrow."
Ho bounded across tho rails, a
spring, ho climbed tho side of a house
car; stood on tho top, cap in hand,
tho moonlight falling on his yellow
hair; a kiss from tho tips of his
finders, tlfon tho train rolled by and
Cora waB nlone.
- She looked at tho green waters of
tho swamp, whence came the sonorous
voices of the frogs.
"Oh, if I had never mot him!" she
cried, In so low a tone that only tho
frogs heard her. "And now to give
him up! Was It your fault, mother
dear, that your mother was a mu
latto?" Was there In the music of the frogs
any note thai caused her to shud
der so?
"Cora! Cora! where are you!"
Her aunt's voice reached her ears.
The girl started to )xer feet at the
sound, so suddenly that she well nigh
fell Into the water. She hurried down
the railroad to meet her aunt, who
stood near tho station. There was
an engine, a "puBher," standing near,
wheezing and panting.
"Got Into the engine, Cora. Hero
is a bat. I'll go with you."
Her aunt led the way and Cora
wonderlngly followed her into the
cab. Her uncle was there, and on
his saying, "All right," the engineer
started the engine, and the frogs'
songs died away In the distance.
"Cora, I must bo abrupt. It has Just
come up over, the wires that Jim Gib
bons' freight ran away down tbe
grade and plunged off the track at
the curve."
"And Ben Evens Is killed?" came in
a hollow sound from Cora's lips.
"No, he'B hurt and wants you."
Ben was lying on the bank on some
coats which the men standing around
had furnished; his eyes opening and
closing, his breath falling, but he
knew Cora.
"Little wife" ho whispered, as her
arm stole about hlsXneck, and hor hot
lips pressed his forehead, "that was
not to bo on earth, but God grant it
will bo In heaven."
With a great offort ho raised his
armtfTput them about her, pressed her
to him, and then all was over..
From her heart aroso tho words:
"It waB not to bo on earth, but it
will bo in heaven. Thank God, ho
never know." -
More than 400,000 pianos are built
lu this country annually. They are
valued at nearly $70,000,000.
Tlio fullowlnif jropof-(t nmondmvnt to
the conatltutlon of tho Hlnto of Nebraska,
ns hcrelnartrr got forth In full, Is submit
ted to tliu rhetors of tho Stato of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at tho general elec
tion to lie held Tuesday, November 3rd,
A. D. 19H. v
"Foil a Joint resolution proposing amend
ments to Bcotlon 1. of Article V, and
heetlon 24, of Artlclo V, of tho Consti
tution of Nebraska, relntlnB to term of
oriice and salary of Governor and other
executive ollleers,
Uo It Uesnivcii and Knactrd by tho People
of (ho State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at thu KCIieral election
for state and legislative olllces, to be held
on tho Tuesday succeeding tho first Mon
day In November, lau, tho following b
submitted as amendments to Hertlons 1
unit 24, of Artlclo V, of the Constitution
of Nebraska:
8ec. 1. Tho executive department
snail consist of a Governor, who shall
hold his olllce for a term of two years
from tho nrst Thursday after tho first
'lucHilay In January, next after his elec
tion, and until his successor Is elected and
iliiullfled. In addition to tho Governor, tho
executive department shall Includo the
following officers: Lieutenant Governor,
Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Ac
counts, Treasurer, Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction. Attorney General, and
Commissioner of l'ubllo I.nnds and Build
in ps. each of whom shall hold his office
for tho term of two years from tho first
Thursday after tho first Tuesday In Jnnu
nry, next after his election, and until his
successor is elected and qualified: Pro
vided, however, that tho first election of
K.ild,off1cers shall be held on the Tuesday W III 01 A ft t Imua41 I T Jft AbMVlAW
rtiiuk-cciiniK tut; nni iWUUUiiy 111 iiuvuniuvii
1W1C, nnd each succeeding election shall
" tlA 1vaI, M A . ! a BAl..a.k .Isall I . nnittl
ct. .iciii iii inn name rtniiuvu iiiiiu 111 rwu
even year thereafter. Tho Governor, Sec
retary of Slate. Auditor of Publlo Ac
counts, nnd Treasurer shall reside at the
seat of government during their terms of
o III re, and keep tho public records, bookH
and papers there, and shall perform such
duties ns bo caulred by law.
Sec. 24. The salary of tho Governor
shall be five thousand (15,000.00) dollars
Fer annum. Tho salaries of Auditor of
'ubllc accounts and Secretary of State,
Superintendent of Public Instruction and
(fommlsiloner of Public Uttids and Build
ings shnll bo two thousand live hundred
(I2.noo.00) dnllais each per nnnum. nnd of
tho Attorney General, four thousand dol
lars ($1,000. 00) per nnnum, tho salary of
the Stato Treasurer shall bo threo thou
sand (J3.000.00) dollars per annum, and tho
Lieutenant Govornor shall recelvo one and
one-half tho compensation of a senator,
and after the adoption of this constitu
tion they shall not receive to their own
use any fees, costs. Interests upon publlo
moneys in their hands, er under thelx coh
srot perquisites of otflce or othsr com.
pensatton, and all fees that may hereafter
be payable by law for services performed
by an officer provided for In this article
of tho constitution shall bo paid In nd
vanco Into tho stato treasury. Thero shnll
bo no nllownnco for clerk hire In the of
fices of the Superintendent of Public In
struction and Attorney General.
Sec. 2. That at said election on tho
Tuesday sueceedlng tho first Monday In
November, 1014. on tho ballot of each
elector voting theren. thero shall bo
printed or vwltten tho words: "For pro
posed amendment to the constitution.
Ilxlng tho term of olllce nnd salary for
governor, and other executive officers."
and "Against proposed amendments to
the constitution, fixing tho term of oltlco
and Kilary for governor, nnd other cxecu
tlo officers."
Appioved. April 21. 1013.
I. Addison wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that tho foregoing proposed amendment
to tho Constitution of tho State of No
braska Is a truo nnd correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, ns
linked by the Thirtv-third senslon of tho
l.iglRlaturo of tho Stato of Nebraska, ns
appears from said original bill on lllo In
this olllce. and that said proposed amend
ment Is submitted to tho qualified voters
of the Stato of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection at the general election
lo be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of
November. A. D. 101 1.
In Testimony Whereof, I linvo, hereunto
set my hand nnd affixed the Great Seat of
tho St.tto of. Nebraska.
Done nt Lincoln, this 21rd day of March.
In the year of our Lord. One Tlious uid
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, nnd" ofjth?
Kiueiiuniiriicn oi win I'nmii males wir
Ono Ilundicd nnd Thirty-seventh, nnd of
this Stuto the Forty-seventh.
Seal) t Secretary of State.
, v ...
THE ALARM is a dreadful tliii g
Of FIRE for tho man without
insurauce. Every time he sees the
engines racing along his heart comer,
up In bis throat if the Are is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THE COBT Or is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom front worry
alone is worth it many times ovei
Have us Insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
We Are Looking For
The Man
Who has soiled his clothes so
badly that they are not Jit to wear.
No matter how dirty or greasy
the suit may bo we aro equipped
with the most modern machinery
nnd ha,v6 Kkllkd workmen who
know hoV to
Clean, Repair and Press
.w0 .5-' ..!
ft. G. flassingep
Cleaner and Dyer
Both Phonei
L;.k 1 aft
Prof. A. J. O'Brien, Expert Flour Demonstrator
Will show the ladies of Red Cloud and vicinity
how to make the finest vof bread out of the short
process for bread making. The ladies of Red Cloud
are especially invited to be present any time from
9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
We have mode arrangements with the S. L. & Geo.
H. Rogers Company, whereby our customers may obtain
any of the Simeon L.& Geo. H. Rogers Co.'s genuine
standard, A-l Plate, silverware at a very low cost. This
silverware is positively guaranteed and is now on dis
play in the Bon Ton Bakery window. Each 48-lbLsack
of "Diamond Brand Flour" contains one full certificate.
Each 24-lb sack of said flour contains one-half certificate
Three full certificates together with a small cash pay
ment, entitles the holder to any one of the various
premiums offered. Sec large display cards.
The Diamond Jffilling Go.
Red Cloud, - . Nebraska
There's Nothing . Better
'S3SS -mkmw C3S3s
Vif;;'1'';;;'' ,fi
AUGUST 19 - 20 - 21
Red Cloud, Esbon, Smith Center and
Lebanon will contest for a- $525 purse.
0. H. Morehead, Umpire
Prof. Kent will give two free exhibitions
each day with his band of trained seals.
Good Music and Other Carnival
. Attractions
f Lebanon Commercial Club l
i'wBiiBiiniies -h- esiiiiiiiiiiHirbS
Dr. Nicholson
ofi'ioi: own Ai.iiniairr's stojik
Red Cloud,
E. S. Geurber
Itenl Estate, Farm Loans
and Insurance.
Red CIomI, - Nebraska.
"y!"L IT'"
Than our complete line of Gro
ceries, Queensware, Cigars, Candies,
Tobacco. You will find us able and
willing' to; supply your wants in a very
satisfactory manner at all U'mes, and our
chief endeavor is to please.' Now, 'with
these inducements and incentives to give
us a trial order, why not do so today.
A Trial Will'
Convince You
wirainr..""!. '""" "ru
iiUdiu'llli llliu nuiUiiuHliUii iuMii..(,i
' iB
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Second House North ot I. O. O. F. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
Phm lRd.212
., .
pHW1))'!HW"MilllllM '.mih.i,: