..3AUUKMM&. Uf ,B.R A I IAO H I E T - s " j., ..., usrt t r. - . .ajeaJt.JTJ! Jw . m lL.Jjirr-2 izjmerwmimA ju?.t I RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Ls. V V TV '$ !',. ' ft Backache Is a Warning Nature always airer) fair warning when ever anjrfhhig Ib going- wrong Inalde the nodjr. When warned of kidney weakness br an aching back or disordered urination. (We the kidneys prompt help and arold more serious troubles. Kidney trouble la a dangerous thing, be eause the kidneys are the blood intern, and weak kidneys soon upset the healthiest system, causing rlieumrtllo attacks, grarel. uvjwy wu unguis uiscaae. Doan'aXJdneT Pills Is a most rsllable VM. bst remedy. Doan'a are used succensfutly all over the sltlllied world and Dubllcl rec- wauvu wj uNusaaus 01 graieiui people. A Nebraska Case. fig?E3 Mrs. II. Earl, Ifsdlson, Neb., says! 'Ths psln and stiff. ness In my bsok was agonising and I had dlisy spells and hot flashes. Puffy sacs appesrtd beneath my eyes and my feet and ankles swelled so bsdly I couldn't wear my hoe. Nothing helped me until I took Doan's Kidney Pills. They removed the swelling and other ailments and I Kilned ten Bounds In weight X haven't suffered since." Oeeatf a at Aa? Stan. Me Bos DOAN'S Vidi!V CO, BUFFALO, N.Y. 3KuflB What is Castoria ASTORIA la a harmless snbstitute'for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops 4. aad Soothing Syrups. It la pleasant It contains neither Opium, " Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wanna and allays Feverishnesa. For more than thirty years it baa'beea in constant uso for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all "teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach aad Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over 80 years, haa borne the signature of Chas.H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good ' are but Experiments that trifle wKfc and endanger the health of Infanta and 0 Children Experience against Experiment. ST sj&t&j . GcbvoM OaatorU always bean the signature of WMCVGMOM& Once Too Often. Parson Black (sternly) Did you come by dat wateh-melyun honestly, Braddeh Mingy T The Melon Toter 'Deed I did, pah son; ebry day fo' nigh on two weeks! Pink. I W--TKKyr'wISwISS sa and djwtriated Myellds; No Smarting rate Ctaeaton. Write for Book of lb Hys wit Free. Marias Mrs Remedy Co., Chicago, A raaa can treat the crowd In a bar room and still be a bore the morning after. Don't Persecute Your Bowels &&2!&Steu2L They are CAR TOTS LITTLE LIVER NLLS ajaatnr on. tat) in eliminate MM soothe Uee del norsneof L Ctfr tutsans. s fcaaw. HALL FILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature J Reduces Strained, Paffy Aaklee Lyaafaiaatitia, PoH Evil, FktuU. Ms, SweHlag; Step Laneaeat and allays pain- Heals Sores, Cats, Brakes. Boot Chafes. It it an ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE MOX POISONOUS Does not blister or remove the hairand horse can be worked. Pleaunttouie. 2. 00 a battle, delivered. Describe your caie for special kittructioni and Book 5 K free. ABSORBINK, JR.. asdtrpoc liniment lor mankind re docti Strata, Palatal. Knotted. Swollen Velne. Milk Ler, Cool Cooceemeedwolr a lew drop requlrrd ataaappll- Rtlon. Price St per Bottle dealer or delivered. .F.YOONQ.P.D.FStOTtaDlSI.,8prlnoflela.MtM. BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVEKTEO Cstteft Blaeiles Pill. Low- nrfeed. fresh.- nliib una it preferred he Ucaiue tkty Western itockmen. araUet Men ether taatlaea fall. Writs for booklet and UatuaonUli. If-SSM ski. BlaeMei PIIU 11.00 Vm any bjortor. but Cutter's beet. aa.ieas alee. Biaetiea rine Ths sufluiMf of Cutter product! is due to over IS rears sf spsrla Using In vseuMS sad eeruais saly. Isalat a tatter's. V unobtainable, order direct . The Cutter Laksrstsnr. Ssrtsley, Csl.. sr Caleass. IK- Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Naferatka IUROPEAN PLAN Booms from SUBS ap atagle, 75 oenU up double. CATS SalCatS BtSASONABsUB Good Road Tools t AM Kind Repairs for All Machines rAKM WAGOHS ffifiA COmPLCTE f4iww ITIM)Ota(MaawljRAy,,0ilMUrck Liicoli Sanitarium 9iaaaBaamBBBfjeaieHBVrsaal Sulpho Saline Springs Ueatat Mwm BfttalM and U the Natural Mineral Water Baths IhtMraaeaaa in the treatmest ol Rheumatism Heart. Stomach, Ktdner and Uver Dlssaaes MODERATE CHARGES. ADDRESS DN. O. W. KVERetTT, Mar. I40S M Street Lincoln, Neb. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 34-1914. Bn Act .eBBBBBBOaivrnt'i r, .aaaBaaaaaaaa OAK I CKd .V.daF VITTLE rfflr IlVER upkaW PILLS. 4T JK I mMMmm. aa aflfisi i&&&&zif lalJP aSSl In Demand. A Louisville mnn tells of an Incident during the sessions bold In his city of n Sunday school convention with dele gates from all tho states. In answer to the roll-call of the states reports were verbally given by the various state chairman. When Texas was called a big man stepped Into the aisle and In stentorian tones' exclaimed: "Wo represont tho Imperial Btate of Texas. Tho first whlto woman born in Texas is still living she has now a population of over three million." Whereupon a volco from the gallery cried out In clarion tones: "Send that woman to Idaho wo need her." A Doubtful Statement. "Ma, I would liko to have a donkey, Did anybody ever give you a donkey for a prcBontt" "Yes, child, your father did when ho married me." fifteen hundred persons nro killed and 5,000 are annually injured as o result of flros in the United States. Never refuse to marry a girl bo cause her father is rlchT It Is false modesty. WELL, HE MADE THEM LAUGH Speaker at Banquet Intended to Ba Humorous, and Quite Uncon sciously He Was. Henry returned from the dinner ant faced his expectant'wlfe with a proud and smiling face. "Yes, thank you, my dear," be said, In answer to her anxious Inquiry. "The dinner was most pleasant, and my speech was the success of the evening." "What did you say, darling?" "Oh, well, I can't remember ex actly, you know. But until I spoke all the speech had fallen rather flat, so I thought I would give them a little humor. And I succeeded, too! I bad hardly said more than six words when there waa a pleased giggle round the buge table. In a few minutes I had them all rolling about with laughter, and when at last I sat down the ap plause was tremendous tremendous!" At this point Henry removed bis overcoat. "I ami glad your speech was such a success, dear," answered his wife, dutifully. "But next time you have to speak In public would It not be better to put a waistcoat under your dress coat, especially when you wear a dickey T" The Drawback. "I see where the women abroad are offering to flgbt at the front, but women will never mako soldiers." "And why not?" "For one thing, each oue would stop In a hot engagement to powder her nose." The Difference. A man whose Income Is $800 a yeai or over Is entitled to be called a gen tleman In England. A man who earns that much is entitled to be called a gentleman In America. . The young roan who has been Jilted thinks that all the trouble In the world wears petticoats. DISAPPEARED ' Coffee Alio Vanish Before Postum. ' It seems almost too good to be true, the way headache, nervousness, insomnia, and -many other obscure troubles vanish when coffee Is dis missed and Postum used aa the rogu-J lar table beverage. The reason is clear. Coffee con tains a poisonous drug caffeine which causes the trouble, but Postum contains only the food elements in choice bard wheat wltb a little mo lasses. A Phlla. man grew enthusiastic and wrote as follows: '"Until M months ago I used coffee regularly" every day and suffered from headache, bitter taste in my mouth, and indigestion; was gloomy and irri table, had variable or absent appetite, loss of flesh, depressed In spirits, etc. "I attribute these things to coffee, because slnco I quit it and have drank Postum I feel better than I bad for 20 years, am less susceptible to cold, have gained 20 lbs. and the-symptoms have disappeared vanished before Postum." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must be well bollod. 16c and 25o packages. Instant Postum Is a solublo pow dor. A teaspoonful dissolves aulckly in a cup of hot wator and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious bever ogo Instantly. SOo and COc tins. Tho cost per cup of both kinds is about tho same. "Thero's a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocers. Refined Interpretation of Summer JVIodes At VhAi!ee4SjSjaeVv $v a J' VasSPSSas4lBiw! A x ?Vasrajiivt aaaaaaaaaBaws ySBiitlkaK tX BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBT fBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBTBk BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ i . V.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMT ZA ,t 'V dBlBBBBBBBBBBBW ''fMi& jBIBBBBBBBBBm JBBBBBBBBBBBBBLV' "' A l U IBBBBBBBBBbV tcSv sBBBBBBBBBBBLm BBBBs8at JB slBBBBBBBwaal! .'"JSm' aanBalBBBBBH reTaBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTBaWli ? iS?t$9 BWlfaBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTaTaV BBTaBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBVBKa ' J T J f J ? S 1 1 ' ST- iB'jBBTaBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBV BBBBBBBBaVsm ! f ) f ' I'lP aBBBBBBsiH SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVVIi v, 'bI4bT jBPSUBBBBBBBBBBBBBB yW' .f IV'tiii JuBWaLBBBBLLLy BBBBBBBkVr: ' 'lfr$lilMaM TaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBBBBBBBT ? ' .v SsSaesTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaa bbBBBBBHBbbBBF '?' wbbBbbHbBbbBBBBBBbbBv bbbbb! ',.; M iS-imi MiMsWftiif'vJv V BsbBsbBsBBI lV Mm H?f KBasu'aai s JV f J. ? jSSi "S'--'JV'C: .aBaBBBBBBVsaWv) W f :4. ?T iiti VbIbbH0bbK BBtrVJsVVaVaT tBnaBBBVaBBkHBT BBBKft BF" SuNBbbH aWl tW VVUBrifwBBBBH BbHCM BBBBBBBBByCSgflEBIP THE last word in thin summer toi lettes, designed for the hot days of August, comes In tho form of this combination of transparent materials and embroidered not or heavy linen with Ince.' Every detail of this cos tume may be carefully considered, from the transparent wide-brimmed hat or shirred mallne, through the elaborate neckpiece of embroidered net, the wide velvet girdle, the very full tunic and the close-hanging under skirt, bordered with embroidered net, not omitting tho pumps of dull kid with their showy buckles. These fea tures embody the last evolution of the summer's modes, and Indicate what we may expect for the coming fall. The costume shows a fine eye for selection rather than a desire to be original. There are several new touches In the minor details, such aa the new form of side comb In the hair, the very broad girdle or velvet ribbon, and Its adjustments about the hips in the oriental fashion. Tho long sleeves of voile indicate the liking for long sleeves In thin fabrics which are to be seen repeatedly In gowns of heavier materials. This gown is made of sheer, fine voile embroidered In disks on the lower half of the sleeves and about the bottom of the tunic. Tho bodice, which Is bloused only a little, is of Lingerie Favored NIOHT DRESSES designed for sum mer are mado of the lightest and sheerest of batiste or nainsook or cross-barred muslins, linen and cotton lawns, and also of wash silks and crepe de chine. The latter and linen lawns seem to be In highest favor at this season. For decoration, well-made French or German val laces, cluny and shadow laces hold sway, with band embroid ery always the most elegant of all. If fine hand embroidery Is to-bo used, linen lawn, crepe de chine, or very fine batiste will make the work worth while. Hand embroidery in simple de sign and neatly done is the most de sirable of all decorations for lingerie. Durable laces In narrow insertions and dainty edges are quite often used wltb It. But the majority of hand-embroidered garments have no further deco ration than newer sprays of embroid ery and all edges finished with but tonholed scallops. A gown of batiste Is shown in the picturo cut "In the simplest manner possible. A plain kimono pattern does away with armholes 'or separate sleeves. The round neck and short sleeves are finished with buttonholed scallops, and theso nro placed, In stead of a hem, about tho bottom, A flower spray appears on each sleeve and In the front of tho garment. Made with much loss work and very pretty is the gown shown in thu sec ond picturo. The yoko and sleeves, in ono piece, aro made of Gormun val laco Insertion flnlsbod with edging. JbbBTXbV7n " ' aeeef'' x -? " BSBs'BBSS'Baw jvC'- """' itfrff .'BbbBBbv?' "" iiSlB' bbBBbW ' aBBs'iBsBFV' a TSbbBSBBBBB tin; vollf ulso. Tho uuderpettlcoat of fine moUBsellne or organdie Is finished at tho bottom with a wido border or embroidered net. Thltt samo net makes tho neckpleco, which consists of fichu and flaring collar In one. Any pattern In a lace of bold design may bo substituted for the embroid ered net with equally good effect. Handmndo laces of linen braid are especially appropriate if the costume Is Intended for summer wear only. This gown, made up as pictured here, might easily be serviceable at other seasons of the year, as voile and em broidered net are fabrics used all the year round. It .Is worth noticing that the tunic Is quite full, but the fullness is not Increased by the addition of a ruffle at the bottom. This ruffle is of exactly the same width as the body of the tunic above it. It Is finished with a narrow plaiting of fine lace at the bottom and a similar plaiting Joins It to the tunic skirt. The parasol, of embroidered taffeta, Is edged with a ruffle of chiffon and completes an exquisite and refined In terpretation of this summer's modes. There Is no trace of any of the freakish elements In the bunching and draping of materials about the figure. All the lines are uninterrupted and therefore graceful. for Summer Wear Tho shaping is managed by basting al ternating rows of narrow and wide insertion to a light paper pattern. The lace 1b brought to a "V" shape In the back. The shoulders are fitted with narrow seams, The tnsertlngs are whipped together. The lower edge of the yoke Is stitched to a beading embroidery about an Inch in width, to which the body of the gown is set nn. Tho sleeve por tlon and bottom of the gown .are fin ished wltb a wide edging, and the neck with a narrow . one of corre sponding pattern. Ribbon run through the beading adjusts this pretty em pire pattern to the figure. In nightgowns and in other lingerie of the best designs the makers steel clear of much elaboration. Ribbons form a highly Important decorative feature, and special designs in bows and rosettes are made to be adjusted when required. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Vivid Shades for Girls. Bright colors In linen, crepe and cot tons aro much worn by children be yond the bnby ago of whlto. These are usually worn wjth black belts or Klrdles, and aro relieved by collars or guimpos of lino white embroidery. Tho linens aro too heavy for gath ers, but in sheer fabrics shlrrings, plaitings and gathered ruffles are usual. Such colors ns terra cotta, grass green and vivid yollowB aro worn by young girls of all ages, MODERN WHALING SHIP UGLY Naked, Ill-Looking Craft That Is Built for Hard Service Gun an Interesting Feature. Vancouver, n. C -Every yenr s number of whaling ships go out from British Columbia ports to engage In hunting tho monster innininnls to be found In largo numbers nlong tho North Pacific coast. Tho chnngod conditions In tho wlinlo fishing busi ness, nml the stylo mid equipment of tho craft employed In tho Industry, an com par ml with thoso of n few gen erations nRO, aro of special Interest to pooplo who follow tho career of thoso who pursuo this pr-cullnr business. Somo of thn whale fishing boats, wero overhauled In tho Vnncouvor docks recently for tho season's run, and It Is Interesting to noto that tho bottoms of tho craft nro painted green Instead of red, as was formerly tho custom. This Is to prevent tho whnles from seeing so plainly tho approach of tho ship, as thoy see red paint un der tho water, and for that reason nil tho whalers now hnvo Brcon under v orks. In general nppraranco tho whaler 1b a naked, ugly craft. Tho bows llnro high to glvn room for a gun platform, und tho stern Is cut away so that it rldcH low, giving tho screw a deep drive. Tho housowork Is iron, with a nnrrow navigating platform and a lit tle 'ntcerlng box on tho top of thn foro end of tho house. Tho gun Is tho most Interesting feature of theso whalers. It Is a short-tubed cannon on swivel bearings nml discharged with a Krupp firing screw. It Is car ried on a long gun platform on tho ship's bow, and Is pointed with a wooden hand stock. Tho platform Is rigged with grips for tho gunners' feet in n heavy sea. Tho gun Is loaded with nn iron crow, pointed with a thln-Rliaped time shell, and witK four lijngcd bnrbs fnstcned to tho Bhnft with ropo yarn. When the harpoon Is fired into tho whalo tho fastenings are released, tho barbs open and tho shell oxplodes; tho shaft I of tho hnrpcon Is slotted and a ring runs In the slot; from tho ring a wlro lino Is colled In a caso on tho plat form and extends to a winch near tho gun carriage The winch is used to pay out and reel In tho line when tho whale has been harpooned and It Is fighting for Its life. When tho mammal Is dead It Is drawn alongside the ship by reeling In the wlro cable. Air Is then pumped Into tho whalo through a hose with a hollow lanco nozxle which Is attached to the engine of the ship. The air causes the mammal to float high out of the water and renders it easy to tow. Some nine or ten of theso whal ing ships cruise this coast each sea son. Some of the whales found In the North Pacific watera weigh as much as 90 tons. None of tho flesh Is used for food, although It Is said to bo very good, palatable and healthful. ODD FINDS OF THE CAMERA Rameses' Portal of Triumph Evidence That Ancient Egyptian King Was a Master Builder. Cairo, Egypt. This gateway re mains to commemorate the deeds of an Egyptian king, Rameses IV, of whom little else Is known than that bo was a master builder. Masstvo, giant ruins In various parts of tho Nile val ley acclaim htm the truo ancestor of American builders' of skyscrapers. However, Rameses' workmen wero a Rameses' Portal of Triumph. little slow at sculpture. The huge fig ures carved upon the sides of the por tal would fall to exalt tho American to a triumphal spirit. They lack ac tion and purpose. While they all ap pear to bo proficient In balancing suns, moons, worlds and flagons of ale upon their beads, they are too seriously angular, too gravely noncommittal, too detached and laborious to rouse In the modern onlooker a desire for cheering. DIED WITH FORTUNE NEAR Benjamin Vance, a Prospector, Fell Over Cliff After Discovering a Rich Mine. Creetono, Colo. That Benjamin Vonco, prospector, whoso body was found in a gully at tho baso of a 600 foot cliff, near Palo Rlto pass, was ltlllod after locating a rich mineral vein, is tho boltef of S. J. Vanco of Tekamah, Nob., his brother. In tho prospector's cabin wero a number of high-grado oro samples, cached In a secret passageway. jBajsSJBJSJail. bbbWbI-SjBIbWPM? BSBbbKim BbbK BbbHBBeIsvIM ''; SfSBSV BBBBBBVBBBY-BMrfM 4 V SBHHu BsbIbbIbbBV IuIb1 ''" KlilB BbbB raBnH'Vi IHBsiji bbbbV rllfaSHH -5 SbCTbbI BBBbbI IHPBBm ' ulStf BH Ureal 'h MR bbV WSbmA Hflsl bbV WmSmxM jBBTfl BBTSTSBTa HbBWSUbW?: i'J bbH bbH BHslBaii 4 Daffl BbH QH'1 SR ataaaPtisBill bbKbPjBBbVt bbbBbbBMBIbbBBbbT 4i bbhbvdkmskbbbbbbbbbs IBaBaBaBSBJBBWwyBBBjMKgnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iS U SflOM Mistletoe Develops Slowly in First Years of Existence. Parasite Occurs on Wide Range of Trees and Is Common on That of the Apple, but Rarely Appears on the Pear. London. The very 'slow growth mado by tho mlstlotoo plant In the first few years of Its exlstonco has boon a causo of anxiety to thoso who havn fondly hoped to grow large bunches of mlstlotoo in their gar dens In a short Bpaco of tlmo. In sup port of your correspondent's vlows 1 am sending n photograph showing two largo bunches of mlstlotoo on a whitethorn, says n writer In Country Mfo. It Ib very curious, for tho mls tlotoo Is obviously older than tho host plant. This, however, has boon nc corapllHhcd by removing tho mlstlo too with a portion of tho troo on Which It was growing and grafting upon tho whitethorn. Your corre spondent's succcrr In growing mlatlo too on tho GlaRtoubury thorn raises tho question of sultnblo host plants for tho pnrnslto. It is most often teen growing upon tho npplo, but in certain districts it Is common on the poplar, while it Ib also found on haw thorn, willow, llmo, maplo, mountain ash, and oven cedar of Lebanon and larch. There is n popular Impression that mlstlotoo haa a great liking fot l&M v ' . .-5 - . .'vsje M s ff fl' , V o'f, W7M!Z: ',?:.. y. i' -a. & eV jWa- 'foZ&l&M-M Mistletoe's Host Grafted on a White, thorn. tho oak. As a matter of fact, the tw are vory soldom found together, and tho rare occurrence of mistletoe grow ing upon oak was held sacred by ths Druids and regarded as a divine gift A most singular thing concerning mls tlotoo Is .that, although It occurs on a wide rango of trees and is bo common on tho apple, yet it Is hardly evei found on the pear. Tho writer has never seen mistletoo on tho pear, and such instances must bo extremely rare. Attempts recently made to grow mlstlotoo on 'pear have led to such remarkable results that the sub ject has since been brought before the sclentlfio committee of the Royal Hot-. tlcultural society. Mistletoe seed was sown on a numbor of trees, and la many instances germination took place. In no case, however, did the mistletoe get boyond tho stage of germination, and no leaves were made. Tho effect upon tho pear was notice able, for the mistletoo In its attempt to establish itself killed tho tissue of the tree stem Just within the bark, completely encircling the stem, all rrowth being killed above tho point where tho mistletoe had germinated. LITTLE-GIRLS LOOT SAFES Two Other Tender Children of Absr- daen, Wash., Had a Cache for Stolen Goods. Aberdeen, Wash. Wiia Golka and Paulino Casperson, both under twelve years old, under arrest here bave confessed to a burglary at the Pa cific Fruit company's store, recently, when thoy took $15 from a safe wblcb had been left unlocked. Since thon thefts of fruit have oc curred regularly and a watch was placed In tho building, with the result that the two girls, who had entered the building and were preparing to take fruit, were caught in the act. They confessed to other robberies. The girls have been doing petty pil laging for a long time. Cecil and Carl Tougan, ten and twelve years old, whose parents aban doned them, were arrested in a vacant cottage in wblcb considerable loot was located. LIGHTNING BALKED BY ROPE 8aves Cow'a Life After Bolt Had Malt ed Heavy Chain Holding Animal. Lentsvllle, N. C Lightning perpe trated quite an unusual freak hers during the electrical storm. Harden Evans bad a cow tied with a chain which had beon lengthened with a piece of rope some three feet im length and this piece of rope was fixed to the baiter. The lightning struck tho post to wblch tho chain was tied, completely shattering It, and followed tho chain down to where the ropo waa fixed. The chain links were molted into a solid mass and could easily be broken apart with tho hand. The ope being attached is the only reasoitho cow escaped being killed lnstatfy. '&J ' tssaBHBBBBBBBRb Vw2 sBMBBa-jkCalBBBBBBBBB VBBHr.M Mis III ."BBBnTA'iwsv.'i?-!:. BbWJBFBbb 4,A'x.Ay7- t4. ';bsbbT I t 1 1 'i i TV I w "r CJ m m m m v "Si -f .T ji " i Vw "3$ i Lfr... ?kU&JLZ . .: MJjMpya,f, ? i ra