The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1914, Image 7

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Dress for the Nearly Grown Girl
? -TVI
m Tur unrwiAin
I I I I I Ik. M.Vi I 111 J
y Will Bradshaw
Miiwwul j, i.,)i'ii;i iinnmm, tuatd u ;m-i umiee ?- 'wtaJr",, ""I"" " -"
A ----
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PffWf, iW
''K'j'v'xwlM iKli. feB BHBfStw
m so SB SB IHibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB WjKLbK' paK
ill i IH H 11 VH 8yHB':l:'i:Hk
I 'Siyrv-mmUmm VjbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB . LHt B liSff -.vrofHF 1
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l !fxi2jr "F'JaB5v'BiBBBBBBBBm)?5 "'.1MJaBBBBBiBBBBBiBBBaflra I V tits MmmmKmMmmKlKmmWMmmmm i
HBflwlwBBIlHXHiKtAI -v
A ONE-PIECE dress, with q skirt
having a long Russian tunic, Is
shown hero ns an unusually good
model (or tho slender and Immature
figure of the nearly grown girl. This
dross is designed for the corsetless
flguro and leaves nothing to bo de
sired as a modol for tho miss who Is
finishing her school daysy Tho skirt
is set on to tho bodico and has a high
waist lino. Tho bodico is supported
by a light undcrwaist and thus tho
weight of the garment Is hung from
tho shoulders as well as the hips.
Firmly .woven light-weight serges and
other closo weaves aro appropriate
for this dress. Supple materials that
fall gracefully aro tho best choice
There 1b an under petticoat, of lin
ing, with a wide border of tho material
at tho bottom. This straight-hanging
skirt Is cut to instep length and of
nmplo width to insure perfect freedom
in walking. Tho tunic is laid In box
plaits at tho sides and back, with a
straight panel at tho front. The plaits
nro stitched down to tho swell of the
hips and fall frco from thcro to the
bottom. Tho panel is finished with a
row of small covered buttons at each
side, and the skirt opens under It at
the left side, where It fastens with
snap fasteners.
The loose and cleverly managed bod
ico 1b cut with sleeves and body in
one piece. It insures perfect free
dom to the arms. Fullness over tho Is provided by gathers at each
side, let into tho goods and laid in
plaits which aro Btltched down over
tho shoulder. This arraugement helps
out tho deficiency which is UBual in
tho undeveloped figure of the miss. A
largo sailor collar Mulshes the bodico,
which opens over a vesteo, or fichu,
as tho case may be, of white organdie.
The Blecvcs aro long and closo fitting
about tho wrist, whero thoy are pro
vided with a silt for tho hand to go
through. This is fastened down with
snap fasteners nnd flnlshod with two
buttons like those on the skirt. Turned
back cuffs of organdio aro used as a
neat finish for them.
A broad sash of heavy ribbon in tho
rich colors which one finds In the
roman EtripcB Is draped about tho fig
ure below tho waist line. It drops at
tho front, terminating under tho pane)
of tho Bklrt.
Costumes for the Afternoon
AI Barnes (a comedian) Do you
know what 1 Just saw ns I came along
tho Rlalto? Ono of tho saddest sights
In a long timo. Men and women, It
brought tears to my eyes, and I'm no
weoplng wilier.
Nona Wells What did you seo, Al?
Somo poor actor bidding good-by to
tho profesh?
Al Dames I saw Waldo Van Ness,
tho leading man, selling his last dia
mond ring to a newspaper reporter to
got enough to tnko him out of towti.
Ain't this gamo getting awful? Imag
ino a guy llko Van Ness, who had hla
namo in lights nil winter, selling hla
rocks for carfaro.
Algy Oh, my I I 'opo I won't bo
driven to waltln' on tablo this summer.
But I'll do It Boonor than starve, proud
as I am, doA't y' know. I'vo boon
watchin' waltors 'ore lately, bo I'll
know 'ow to carry an armful of dishes
If I 'nvo f.
Dad Wadcll I think I Bhall bo nblo
to exist modestly until tho Shako
spearean season opens agin. I have
my pension from tho actors' fund.
Maude Fabro (a leading woman)
Aro you sure Van Ness was peddling
bis ring, AIT
Al Barnes Am IT Wasn't tho re
porter shining tho atono on his slcovo
and looking at it under an arc light
and blowing his breath on it, and I
saw him slip Van iNess a few bills.
Then Van took tho reporter Into
Louie's cafe and treated him to
a dinner.
Algy Van Ness always was clover,
Al Barnes It mado mo pretty sad,
though, to Bee on actor llko Van Ncsb
rcsortcrs won't stand to havo hor rant
and ravo on n hot night in ono of your
dramatic things. Glvo thorn some
thing light. We'll frame up a four-act
vaudovlllo bill. That will let her out,
Algy I llko tho Idea, I s'y.
Dad Wadcll Why not glvo somo ot
my Shakespearean offerings on tho
lawns at tho summer places. On a
moonlight night it would bo pictur
esque, Indeed.
Al Barnes Nothing doing.
Nona Wells Do as I say, Al. I can
open tho show doing my slnglo. Then
you 'can do your specialty; then Algy
nnd I will do a doublo singing nnd
talking net; then Dad Wndell can do
a blackface, and wo'll closo tho bill
with a comedy net for you, Algy and
Maudo Fabro I havo dovlHcd a way
to get along without Miss Wclls.i tho
troublo maker, Al. You, Algy, Dad
and I can put on short dramatic pieces.
Glvo them something high class, so
they'll keep us over a day.
Al Barnes I don't wnnt to leave any
of you hero to die. I want to tako you
all with mo.
Maudo Fabro There must bo but
ono, leading lady, and her namo Bhall
be Fabro.
Nona Wells Her namo will bo
Wells or nothing.
Al Barnes Listen. My plays all
call for six people two ladles and
four gents. Havo a little Bcnse, girls.
Because you wcro both engaged to
Van Ness Is no reason to quarrel.
That's tho kind ho was. Getting en
gaged to every, pretty girl ho mot, and
then giving her a big diamond engage
ment ring. Then his heart would
waver when bo mot someone else. But
rf INSttWimW V U nmUff
rJKf-nUilW V
"Van Nets Always Wa Clever, b' Jovel'
mmmrk w -MWQMWfnWMWK&Jm' ' - 3WMPWIA
mmmmwt St- J'- itcVMpK &mmmmBrmmmmjmW
w .mmmmmmmmf 'vtl ammmmwmmmmmmwi HKMtiii.
Hie m$ f i iwt jVlj, 'hi i , ,? j, fWfcfcuU i i v$s&r
ONE can find enough of the new
things every week to write a fair
sized volume on late fashions. Some
times the makers of fashions take Just
one idea and develop it to such an ex
tent that It takes column after col
umn of newspaper space to describe
the variations that have been rung In
upon that idea.
Toko tho ruffled skirt, for instance.'
When the-mlnaret tunic was first intro
duced It was a shock becauso women
ot fashion had grown bo accustomed to
tho straight lino from hip to anklo that
tho cutting In half of tho flguro did not
r ,i r .. r-iff i Tumbling nnd
criticism, however the Idea was ac
cepted and even declared to bo pret
ty. So much of tho very inevitable
ia accepted with grace and change ot
Taffeta is fulfilling amply the proph
ecies made concerning its popular
ity, and as an infinity of ways have
been found of diversifying Its appear
anco it is not becoming wearlsomo on
account of reiteration. '
Tho photograph shows two ot tho
very latest stylos In afternoon dresses.
At tho left Is a model of whlto crepo
with embroidered border. On tho right
the costumo .is of embroidered vollo,
with roso silk glrdlo.
hocking his JowoIb on tho street to
got out of this burg.
Maude Fabro And to think that the
beautiful stono I am wearing was a
gift from tho samo party.
Nona WellB (musical comedy) It
Is, ts it?
Maude Fabre It certainly Is, m'
dear. Have you any objection?
Nona Wells Far bo it from such.
just wanted to let you know the three
carat ornament I wear on my left band
Is also from Mr. Van Ness.
Maudo Fabro WhenT
Nona Wells When? When Waldo
and I were engaged, of course,
z Maude Fabro Is that bo? I
Al Barnes Cut It out, cut It out!
What we got to se'ttlo now ain't dia
mond rings or who Van Ness was en
gaged to. Wo'vo got to work out a
systom today to get us out of town
and working before wo starve to death.
Algy If I 'avo to go waltln', Al, I'll
speak a vord for y
Al Barnes What I havo In mind is
this. Wo havo just enough in this
crowd to got up a ropcrtory company.
I havo several plays in my trunk, au'd
wo can produco "Ills Father'a Pride,"
"When Lovo Was All," "By Fast Ex
press," and sovornl more. Wo'll go on
tho road and play summer resorts.
Play In tho dining-rooms after thoy
clear tho tables out.
Algy Dlnln' rooma sounds good, ol'
Dad Wndell Eating should not como
before art
Nona Wells Its a cinch wo can't
get any mora booking hero.
Al Barnes Wo'll play tho different
places on a percentage basis. Split
50 land GO with tho manager, nnd ho
throw In our meals. Wo'll divide tho
companies, share equally.
Maudo Fabro Wo will what, air?
Al BarneB Divide our takings
Maudo Fabre Let me stay In town
and starve amid tho scenes of my tri
umphs. Do you expect a leading wom
an like I am to work for tho samo
amount her mediocre companions will
Al Barnes What . do you mean by
Mnudo Fnbro Don't I get moro than
Miss Wells, who has never been out
in a show that lasted moro than two
Nona Wells Woman, don't pritlclzo
ono who saw you act. I'm tho ono
to object I can go out and do a sin
gle and get away with It. You havo
tho wrong idea, Al, Thoso summer
tho girls wero always tho winners. He
never wanted or wouldn't accept hla
rings back. Ho told thorn to keep It
as a momonto of a star.
Dad Wadell I heard a story of Van
Ness and his rings. It seomB that on
a southern tour ho picked up a quan
tity of whitish stones called "Mexican
diamonds," which looked to tho un
learned llko the real thing. Thoy cost
him 60 cents apiece. As a publicity
movo he had them sot In 76-ccnt gold
plated bands when ho returned, and
he passed them out to his personal
friends and admirers. They thought
they were getting a rich token from a
rich man. Therefore, I say, you two
young ladles aro foolish to quarrel
over baubles tho cost of which was
f 1.25 'each. ,
Al Barnes Well, that'a llko Van
Ness. I'll bet ho got 25 bucks from
that poor reporter.
Algy No wonder 'e could afford to
tako 'Ira to Louie's.
Al Barnes Well, girls, you aren't
going to quarrel over Van any moro,
aro you?
Tho Girls No, All
Al Barnos Then it's us for tho tall
sycamores this afternoon.
Booking Agent (onterlng) So long,
everybody. Bo good!
(Copyright, 1PH, by W. Q. Chapman.)
Electricity From tho Air.
A well-known Inyontor, Julian
Ygleslas Blanco of Madrid, has suc
ceeded in extracting electricity from
tho atmosphere by means of antcn
nao and other apparatus. Tho an
tonnno wero mounted In palre upon a
wooden tower 33 feet high, erected
upon a high hill. Senor Ygleslas'
apparatus received electricity at a
pressuro of 6.00Q volts, which was
transformed down to 150 volts. Fit-
Jjtecn lamps in a house were easily
lighted and maintained at fullprcB
Buro during tho prolonged test. Tho
experiments will bo continued, with
the object ot ascertaining the full ca
pacity of the Installation. S,cnor Ygles
las states that he can obtain direct
from tho atmosphere electricity in
enormous quantities at will, accord
ing to tho arrangement of tho installation.
ml jMHIt 7m
ft i&j?tr&
Dtninct lt (tmilnt
hf lull Mine
KkkMDct encourtf
Tub Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Where It Counta.
"Aunt Dinah, nro you going to
havo 'oboy' eliminated from tho cere
mony 7"
"No, chllo; but I sho Is gwlnter
hnb It 'llmlnatcd from do matrimony."
A young man may havo to fight for
tho first kiss and thereafter wear n
catcher's mask for self-protection.
His Idea.
Ruth Well, I think every woman
should havo tho right to cbooso her
Zckc Wa'al, In that caso thoro
wouldn't bo princes onough in Europe
to go 'round hero In Podunk. Judgo.
If tho play Is a frost tho audience
soon melts away.
Right Name for Them.
"How much did your motor cat
"Fifteen hundred dollars, exclusive
of tho excessurles."
Hla Mistake.
"Ho's a Bclf-mado man."
"1 know. Ho suruly mndo a mistake
In not consulting nn expert."
It's a caflo of love's labor lost wlion,
a woman has to tako In washing iq
order to support a worthless hustmndi
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