The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1914, Image 1

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i"2"'..1i, 'Sry, g'lt '-jTIS
JBIB- 1-.-rvi ww ;-.. . .vn r .
gaagaaaM iiri" i "ft iMMBTllBaBW
If You
Deposits Guaranteed
f 1
Have you provided your-self wjth a proper
place to keep your corn?
Are your Grain Bins in food condition?
iilfcYknRWthat we olltrjar sale tthe
best Crib and Bin Material on the market:
"And Our Prices Are Right"
' ' ,
"Talk With U About Your Wants"
Watch Ideal
Many people have learned
to consider such, and such a
watch as an ideal time piece.
When they buy they want
that particular watch.
We don't blame them be
cause we have watch ideals
too and ideal watches.
They are the South Bend
and the Hamilton and the
Howard and one or two
others. These we have learn
ed to depend upon these we
buy and sell each year in
greater quantities. And be
fore you make a watch pur
chase we would like to talk
to you about these move
ments. May we?
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist and .Jeweler.
Farmer's Union Notice
A county meeting of the Fanner's
Union will bo held Saturday, August
15th, at Guide KouU. A business meet
ing will be hold at 10 a m. It. R.
Dill", state secretary 1 will make an ad
dress at one o'clock and eyorybody is
cordially Invited to attend,'
Mr. aud Mrs, Joe Folzien spent Suru
day iu St, Joe. -'
M ?4
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one, returning you the
largest measure of service and accom
modation commensurate With the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits.
by State Guaranty Fund
A &'
Real Estate transfers.
Real Estate Transfers furnished by
M. W. Cai ter, Bondod Abstracter, Red
Cloud, Nebraska.
Georgo 15. McCall and wife to R.
V. McCallum, vd, lot 10, Blk.
5, Guide Rook 8 1000
George I). McCall and wife to II.
.AV. McCallum, wd, lot 3, Rlk 5
Quide Rook 1G00
Oeorgp B. McCall and wife to R.
W McCallum, wd, lots 0, 10,
Blk. 3, Vance's Addition to
Guide Rook 8500
U. V. McCallum, singlo to Clara
McCall, wd'lot H, ltlk. f, Guide
Hock 1000
It. W. McCallum, single to Clara
McCall. wd, lot 10, Blk. 5,
Guide Rook 1500
R. V. McCallum, singlo to Clara ,
.McCall, wd, lot 10, Blk. 2, Van-
cos' Addition to Guide Uoek. ..
Charles W. "Jonvln and wife to J.
T. Adkison. wd, part lots G, D,
Re-Survey to Guide Rock
J. T. Adkison and wife to Emma
P. Corwin, wd, part lots G, D,
Re-Survey to Guide Rook
George Morrow and wife to Mary
Oney, wd, lots 23, 21, ltlk. 1, '
Inavale 500
Mortgages Filed 811 U9. 45
M01 tragi's Keloasod, 81375.
To The Democrats of Webs
ter County:
I. ii -.
1 have filed ns a candidate for sheriff
and bclieo if 1 am nominated I can
bo olected.
I came within one hundred votes of
being elected against Sheriff Hedge
when the balance of our ticket was do.
fitted in some instances as much a
7.'A) votes, Our ticket should bo scat
tered over the County to get results
and those Is no other candidate In the
soutlioastcrjK'p.itt of the county.
ndv ' , Guide Rock Preuinct
Subject of turmoil Sunday morning
at tho Congregational chinch; "Jesus
and Life".
A .Newspaper That filvcs The News
Chautauqua Was
A Big Success
Thursday afternoon's sosslon of
1 no Uiautuqua was opened Ity a pre-
ludo by the llooslor Male Quartette
and was well received. Miss Fola La-Follt-ttc
delivered an address on "The
Democracy of Woman's SufTerago"and
was ably delivered. Miss LaFoIlettc
is a pleasing speaker, well versed in
her subject and her lectin 0 created
much discussion among those who
heard her.
The evening session was given by
the Hoosier Male Quartette and though
ably rendered, they saemed.hardly able
to hold the audience for a whole even
ing, which fact holds good on several
evenings of this year's program.
Fildaywewore entertained by the
Welch Gwent Male Singers, sixteen in
number, who greatly pleased the nudi
once at both sessions of the day.
Saturday the Gilbert Shorter nlavcrs
gave an entertaining prelude followed
by Father John Daly of Milwaukee
who lectured on, "Marriage and Di
vorce," giving a very able lecture.
After e short concert by the Gilbert
Shorter Players, which was a variety
of vocal, violin and picolo solos and a
shoit sketch in oriental costumes, the
evening session was closed by Dr.
Mattibon W. Chase, who lectured on,
i"Blg Bugs Rtid Big Humbugs," which
proved to 'be an interesting subject.
Bunday'.thc last day a prelude by the
Crontion Tambnrlcan Orchestra of
Hungary was a treat for all who
heard ihem. The lecture of the after
noon was dell ered by Dr. Pox of
California who was a strong and In
telligent speaker, and whose lecture
was enjoyed by a lorge audience.
The evening session by the Croation
Orchestra drew another largo audience
this being the closing number of the
Chautauqua, which this year was a
success, 'the attendance being goqcl
throughout the entire session.
A Golden Wedding
- 1
Tuesday, AugUbt 4fh., belnjr
fiftieth wedding aunivetsarv of
and Mrs. Joshut Martin living seven
and a half miles northwest of Inavale,
seventythree friends and relatives met
with them to spend the day and to SBy
they did celebrate would be putting it
Mr. and Mrs. Mas tin were tho par
ents of ihieo sons and four daughteiR.
There are five still living two sons
and thtcu daughters. Two daughteis,
Mrs. h II. Rowo of Marysvllle, Kas .
and Mrs. A S. Stlngley of Odell, Xebr.,
and one son L. T. Mai tin who lives
near tho homo place. One son of Im
perial, Xebr , and one daughter of
Goldondale, Wash., being unable to at
tend. Two sisters of Min. Martin, Mrs.
Florence Blauchard and Mis. Carrio
Ilos both of Marysvllle, Kas., being
among the guests, also one brother
Oscar Xeal.
They have twenty grandchildren and
six great grand children,
Just before tho guests were seated
around the dinner table Rev. Smith of
Inavale made a well chosen talk for
the occasion after which all sat down
and the way they uto of 'all the good
things prepired wont to show that tho
dinner was hiMitlly enjoyed by nil. It
seemed as If each 0110 whw helped pro-
paro t'10 dinner triod to out do tho
other person and to show thoir skill in
tho culinary ait.
At a late hour the guests donnitecl
for their homes feeling they had spent
a day long lo be remembered,
Thuto Nero several nice and useful
pioH'titt left Mr. aud Mrs. Martin to
show the. high esteom with which they
aro held by thoir friends and neigh
bors, - a guest.
Theio wlllbo regular mnrnimr and
afternoon services at Red Cloud and
Ash Cieek next Sunday Let tho
Methodists of Rod Cloud remember the
roll call for Benevolences Sunday
Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
An Old Pioneer
Laid To Rest
Mrs. Fannlo Havel wife of John
Havel Sr., pnsscd away at their homo
in Batin township Monday afternoon
after on illness of several months.
Klin was tinrn In Itnliutntii nml .. nu 71
.. , vv... . ar..,...i. ....1. ..7 , .
years old at the time of her demise.
Mr. and Mrs. Havel moved to this
county iu 1872 from Bohemia and homo
stoadod a farm In Batln township on
which thov have resided ever since.
Jo this union were born rivo daugh
ters and two sons, one daughter died
several years ago. Tho funeral was
conducted at the home Wednesday
morning by Rev. Hummel and Inter
ment took place in tho city cemetery.
Grind Wheat For Pigs
A great saving can be effected by
grinding the wheat for fattening pigs
according to some very recent experi
ments of the animal hiihbnnrirv ilntmrt..
nient at the University Farm. Oilier
facts determined by the experiments
Pigs can be fattened ou a shorter
feed with ground wheat than with
whole wheat,
Owing to the fastergalns made and
ie better finish obtainod, a small
amount of tankago ran generally be
profitably fed with ground wheat. , ,'
Iu case conditions are such it hat
grinding the wheat is not practicable!
'i small amount of tankage fed with
vhole wheat will materially increase
tho ratu of gain and, ou tho basis -of
present piices used in tho experiment,
will materially increase the profit ob
tained. Dr. Xellle E. Mnurer Is expected
home Friday from a mouth's vacation
spent atColorado points.
The churches of our oltv will uuito
in another Gospel service Sunday even
ing at the Washington school grounds
at 8 o'clock. Rev John .1. Hnvne.
pastor of the Congregational church,
will sneak on the subient: "IVm-M
War and the Inevitable Victory".
On Inst Saturday morning whlla A.
T. Walker and Grant Ethertnn. n
Mutual oil salesman from Superior,
were out riding iu a Ford car it
turned turtle from some unknown
cause on North Webster street injur
ing both men seriously. Mr. Walker
received a bad gash on his hoad and
the doctors had to take several stitches
to sow up the wound. Ho is getting
along nicely at this writing. Mr
nthcrtou was pinned under tho car
and iccelved a very bsd woupd id his
left leg ami win taken to his homo In
The Webster County Fair will bo
hold in Bluden next month. Already
the indications arc that this will be the
greatost fair over glvon iu tho couuty.
Wo will not only have the very" best
farm products but we will have an
active management that will keep
things moving ami will make tho fair
ii real success. Bluden is snarl mr no
pains this year to make tho fair a,
hummer. We are looking forward with '
eager anticipation to this yoarly ovent '
and wo are satisfied there will bo no'
disappointments. I
A newspaper coming into your homo '
Is such an Intlmatonart of your daily
life that you should ohooso it as you
would a friend. First, you want one
in which you have iTmdlolt confidence, i
13 von with a tiiend you aro more
watchful in milttois In which lid has a
self-lntoiost. Why not more so In tho
case of a newspaper'.' Tho State Jour
nal Is, the one state paper that does
not have some sort of personal Inter
est iu political nff.drj, its owners and
pnbllsheis not being office-holders or
olliee-seeliors. Why not choose such a
paper.' Just to show yon how differ
ent Tho Journal !, it will lie mailed
fiom now until Jan. 1, lOin, for only
1, Inuludlng tho Sunday Journal.
Tills; is a gre it i eduction just for a
trial and tho paper will stop when tho
time is lip Souil In your order todav
and the paper will start at onco. Ad-
dicss State Journal, Lincoln, Nob.
V':.,,::;:! ::::
3 Lots
-LOT 1-,
LOT 3-i
AT '
Straw Hats Except
Panamas at
Oxlordg in is.OO, $4.S0t,$4.00
Grades to at - -
This Is Your Chmnc
"It's Up
The Clothier
hhh. iMIIKiimiimmmilitliimrmiiimiiitiimmirtii inimtut,
tojilhl 1909, bt C. C.
Go-Carts, High-Chairs, Rockers. Nursery Chairs,
Cribs, Trundle Beds, in fact everything that goes to
make things pleasant for the Baby and convenient for
the mother. We have them in all prices and quality
from the cheapest to the best.
Call and Look
Licensed Embalmer
emGE&fi'U flrTftMIFff 4
Chas. tjtroug and wife wore Mast-!
ings visitor Monday.
Vernrn Zeiss leaves Sfnnlay for
Denver whoro ho will spond a two
weeks' vacktlp u.
Mrs. Harvey Vincont and chlldieu
of Pauline aro visltjng her daughter,
Mrs. Poniard Fruit.
of Sui
-LOT 2-
& xy
T ti
i5 i
Tot Save Money
To You'
Zimmerman Co. --No. 34
Them Over
and Furniture Dealer.
Take your oreaui to J. O. Caldwell.
Georgo Steffen returuod homo front
Inland, Monday.
Fred Steffen and wifu returned to
thoir home nUOraud Island j Friday
after visiting his parents here for a
I ti t JCv,
t i jii- fe. m
aIA '
ft A
i 4i
T JBi,
1 J t . 1. a.
I. A . W