The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 06, 1914, Image 5

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Bulletin of Tho Week's Doing9
Charles liusheo of ttlm Cteelc was hi
town Frld.ty.
Carroll Walters of Stipetior was in
town Sunday.
Frank Not ton of Superior was In
town Tuesday,
Miss Gertrude Ulnckledgc Is homo
from Colorado.
Attorney Walters of lllue Hill was
In town Monday.
Byron VaugliBti of Guide Uock was
in town Monday.
Mis. Charles Stolleii is leported voiy
slclc ut hor home.
Fmnk But den spent Sunday with
his family at ISlndeit.
Kictl (3und of Hluu Hill was In town
the Hrst of the week.
FOH HUNT A good 5-room house
Hutchison & Saluden.
Adventures of Kathlyn lit the Tepee
Monday mid Tuesday.
Dolly of the Dallies at the Tepee
Wednesday and Thursday.
Will Gilliam Is home from 1 larva id
whore ho was been working.
Harry Mini); of Jjloomliigton was en.
joying Llhfi'.ili's band-Sunday.
Moio price red net ions nt the great
Unlp.iding Sale ut Miner Iltos. Co.
George Ilolll&ter spent the fiist of
the week with relatives in Lincoln.
Miss Juliet Giilushu of McUook is
visiting with friends in tho city tills
Vincent Johnston of Kansas City is
in tho city this week visiting with his
Prof, lletz und his oichestra played
for i dance in Uloomlngton Thursday
Miss Iletta McDowell has accepted a
position in Mrs. Biubarn Phaits' dry
goods stoi c.
Silver Lougtin and sister, Miss Mai
celine, came down from Hastings
George W. Li whey is home from
Cripple Cieek, Col., v.heie he has been
on business.
Walter Means uriived home Satur
day from Sutton, wluuo ho has been
for some time.
Mis. George Pierce of California is
in tho cltv visiting her parents, Mr
und Mis. Dan Lindsey.
Editor Karl Spenee ami wife of
Franklin woie in the city Sunday at
tending the Chautauqua.
Fred Arnold of Iuavalc puichasod a
new Overland' auto from James Peter
son thelflist of tho week.
Mrs. Chas. Barrett left Tuesday
morniug for Benlcleninn to visit her
parents, V. II. Scrivner and wife.
33'jj per cent discount on all Sum
mer Dress Goods and Oxfords
TunsuiiE & Son.
j Mr. land Mrs. Edgar .Cowden aie
home from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, wheie
they spent several weeks visiting rela
tives. Besurotogot one of the new big
circulate with moie price concessions,
now being left at your door by Mluei
Bros. Co.
Wade Kooni. nriived homo the lust
of tho, week fiom Indiana, whore lie
went to attend tho funeral of his
brother. .
Alex, llenkelof Hugo, Colo, was in
the city tha last of tho week, having
been called to Inuvale by the death ol
his father.
Mis. Hayes of Guide Bock was in the
city this week visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. KdJLGarbor and Mr and Mis
John Garber.
Miss Gei trucks Gray of Riveilon and
Dorothy Hopka of Blue Hill are Ml
Ing Irnia Hiinney and taking in the
Miss Ituth Malono returned to her
home at Beaver City, Monday morn
ing, after 'spending last week hero
with Robt. Avery und wife..
Every thrifty housewife should take
advantage of the thousands of bar
gains offered at the stupendous Un
loading Sale at Miner Bros Co.
Mr. and Mrs. FrnuklCrawford, Ellas
Lockhart, S. W. Hogate, A. W. Cox
and Charles McDonald, all of Bladen,
were Chautauqua visitors Sunday.
I huve the best rate in the county on
farm loans. See me andbe convinced.
My motto prompt service.
A. T. WALK!.
Ladies' Suits at less than half price.
Oxfords and Shoes at prices cut to the
core. Dry Goodb of all kinds at un
hoard of low prices at the great Un
loading Sale at Miner Bros. Co.
Mr. Bryant, who resides on Paul
Storey's farm, northeast of town, had
tho misfortune to have four stacks of
wheat destroyed by tiro Sunday night,
wheu thoy were struck by lightning.
Rev. W, H. Wright went to Lincoln
Wednesday morning to attend the Ep
worth Assembly, so there will be no
preaching service at the M. E. church
next Sunday. Suuday school will be
beld at the usual hour.
was lit Dliie Hill
SlaiKer Atnick came heme Iran
Guide Bock Saturday.
K. (.'. Chevalier of C.unpboll was a
Red Com! Mtur Sunday.
Attorney Frank Munday was trans
acting htMncss in luavalo Monday.
Ernest Starke is homo fiom Milwau
kee, Wis., where helslted lehitlves,
P. E Full-Held and chlldienof Guide
Rock visited ills son George Sunday.
J. E. Moiris and wlfo of Rivcrton
spent Sunday with Robt. Avery and
Mis. if any Flest and children of
Hastings are visiting fi lends in town
this week.
Miss Irani Grimes came down fiom
Blue Hill Satutday for u week's visit
with lehitlves.
Mis. Felzleu of Oxford Is visiting
with her husband, Joe FYlaslcn, who I
agent at the depot, this week.
Then will bo tho regular Sunday
morning sorvlco In the Congregational
chinch. Subject, of .senium, "The
Older of tho Clitiitian Brotheihood.
Mayor Dr. Robt. Dauieioll lecpiests
us to stale that automobiles i milling
without lights or exceeding the speed
limit will be dealt with accoidlng to
Ei nest Stiayer and wife of Oilcans
and llenty Sttayer of Finiiklin weie
in to. n Monday attending the funeral
of the infant child ot Mr. and Mis
Otis Leggett.
School Board
Met Monday
Red Cloud, Aug. 3, 1014
The Board met in regular session,
with the following member present:
Gilliam, president; Overing, secretary;
Coun and Creightun.
Minutes of tho previous meeting
wert) read and approved.
The fallowing hills were allowed:
Jack WUccurver $12 00
John Wilson 2 75
Commercial Advertiser 4 50
J.B. Curr 9 CO
R D. Moritz 80
Superintendent Moritz reported the
resignation of Ruby Colemun.
A motion was made by Creightun
and t-econded'hy Coon that school, start
Sept. 7th. Motion carried.
A motion was moved and seconded
that the rstgnution of Ruby Coleman
as teacher ot the 7th grade, he accept
'd. Motion carried.
A motion was" mede by Coon and
"econded by Creigluoii that tho secre
(dry be instructed to buy Nebcin's En
'yclopuedlu at $19. Carried.
A motion was made by Crelghton
and seconded by Overing that the sec
retary be instructed to ask for bids for
side walks on the agricultural farm.
Moticn catried.
On motion Board adjourned.
E. J. Overing, Jr., Secretary.
Cards of Thanks
To those who havo been with us in
our recent bereavement and by kind
words and kindly acts have tried to
lessen our sorrow, we extend our sin
cere thanks.
Mas V. P. Runkel ash Family.
Wo take tUis method of thanking the
kind ftlem's and neighbors for their
assistance and sympathy during the
sickness and death of our beloved
daughter and sister. Wo shall over l o
metnlier you.
J. R.' Osborne and Family.
Private Honey To Loan
Also legular Faun Loans at lowest
tates.' Call for me at State Bank.
You can get a dollar's worth
o merchandise in our store for
one dollar. We don't force you
to take a chance on a house and
lot, nor an automobile, neither
do you get trading stamps and
when you get three million of
them you may get something.
Neither do we give you tickets
good for trashy crockery. In
fact, there is no chance when
you trade with us. You are
sure of what you get.
B. E. JHefarland
J. A Bradford
m lm m lm i
No Gamble
Take your creaiii to J. 0. Caldwell.
A. W. Co of Bladen was In town
The baud will give Its next conceit
Thursday evening. August l.'l,
Ilenryllanson was netting along leal
well when last heard fiom. He goes
over Into Colorado this week, pioba
bly to Colorado Springs.
Louis Kent lost a fine .1-year-old colt
last week as a result of contact with a
barbed wire fence.
Glee King Is visiting Martha Wright
at the Methodist paisiniago tills week
und attending the Chautauqua
A good many arenttondlngtheChau
tauqua at Red Cloud.
Tho thresher was at Charles Alius,
last Tuesday.
The little daughter of Ell Ilouchtn
Is quite ill with tonsilltis.
James Robinson has gone to Omaha
for t'jo treatment.
Set vices will be lesunted at the
Mothodisl chin eh a week fiom next
Sunday, August 111.
IiaioldS. Perisho of La Grand, In.
U visiting his sister, Mrs 1 S. King
Finnic King is spending a few days
with his bt other, L. C. at, Gibbon.
1 R. Mudd Is digging a well on the.
N. L. D. Smith place.
Program For Week Commencing
Monday and Tuesday
AL'G. 10 and 11
The Adventures
Of Kathlyn
DOC YAK, the Maikstniin.
Wednesday and Thursday
AUG. Rluudia
DOLLY :tf the DAILIES. The End
of the Cmbiella.
pint Vitui;taph diautu.
Comedy 'Irama.
Friday and Saturday
AUG. 11 and 15
HEARST-SELIU Pictotinl News.
TONY the GREASER. Drama.
Matinee Every Afternoon At 4:15
Change In Hours
Doors open at. 8:00 o'clock. First
show at 8:30. Saturday Matinee at
Meet Cap'n-Rose
aed His Good,
.Old Wife, Aragy
The two principal char
acters of the new serial
we are about to run.
They take up their resi
dence in an old ladies
home on Long Island
when poverty overtakes
them and where Old Abe
is adopted as
Old Lady
Number 31
You'll also want to know
"Miss Abie-ail," "Aunt
Nancy Smith," and "But
terfly Blossy," who make
a big fuss over the new
A story of real, human people,
that will brine tears of laughter
and pathos.
Be sure to read it for
you'll enjoy every
Mr. and Mrs. nrt Lindley of River
ton are attending the Chautauqua.
A V.. Mrong, who llvi's on the Art
Myers fat in, will have a public sale
August l'J.
J. F. Grimes of Blue Hill N in the
city this week visiting his sou, E. L.
Grimes, and wife.
Mlldied and Goldle Chnney of Su
perior ate visiting with their grand
patents, Mr and Mrs. J. K. Chancy.
In anil litiiclng my uiultl.icy u n
tiling iii a IJoiiiocratlo candidate fjr
eiuitfross in the Fifth congressional
district of Nebraska. 1 am conscious
of the fact that I am depai ting from a
custom that botdots diuigeioiisly neat
an established rule that none other
than members of the legal fraternity,
or that of tluuticc, tuny tmplro torepre
setit the dihtiict in the National Legis
latuie. Lbelieve the present an oppottune
time to In oak away, or dupiut, from
that custom. I llud noluw which for
bids a tnoichiint submitting his name
through the medium of the primar.v
ballot to his fellows for a nomination,
and if successful, then to tho citizens
of nil patties at the general, election,
.should he feel capable of tilling, with
liquor to his fellows and ciedit to him
self, the exalted offtoo of congressman
I am fully awuio that u wide gulf
epciutes promises fiom peifortnunces
The obstacles of our vat led interests
must bo met and solved, not to the
satisfaction of all, but to a mnjority of
our people; hence tins promise to do
right in iiccoidancji with his trainiuit
ntid as bis creator gave lilni light to
see the tic,ht. is the only promise- that
elu safely bo given in advance.
Having In a mlnordegtee.eontilbut
ei to tho milking of tho Baltimore plat
form, it would nut ut ally bo expected
that I would accept this document of
human rights as my eioed 1 have and
will continue to so accept it until my
patty shall have again spoken In
I am In complete accord with the
nominees of the Baltimore convention.
I will, if honored with a nomination
and later with an election, take a firm
Stand with President Wilson, and aid
him with my vote in enabling him to
carry out the party's pledges and to re
store the government with its luUicntc
all'alrs, to tho whole people.
I recogni.e that it is to the soil and
to the fellow who tills it that, we must
look, if wo expect to continue to pros
per as a nation, The land being the
basis of all true wealth, It should be
the aim and the ambition of those
elected to our National Legislature,
and to tho executive of the govern
ment, to offer him who is willing to
plow, an oppoitunity not only to in
urease in nutnbeis and wealth, but (in
Incentive to reap tnoro easily nnd to
mniket moru profitably.
That thoio ends may bu attained,, 1
heartily indorse that plunk of tho
Baltimore platform which declares for
some sound system of rural oredlt,
where tho gteat iigricultutal class of
the naticii may go for linaiiciiil rolief,
to aid them either to plant, to harvest
or to hold.
Being among the early friends of the
p'urcel post, I approve the actlou of our
Postmaster General in broadening its
scope, thus making it a useful iustrii.
mont for the transaction of the small
business of the country. If elected to
congress, I shall work for its gradual
extension until tho maximum weight
ot 110 pounds will be admitted for de
livery in the ?.ouo of origin.
I urn opposed to the acquiring of
land by corporations or individuals
either for investment or speculation.
The man who cultivates the soil should
own tt. it blioulu be the duty of our
government to popularize the small
but well tilled farm.
For a generation, with a few except
ions, the people of tho Fifth congrest
iotiul district havo beeti voting to makf
the business of tho other fellow pros
perous, why not now look to home.
They have submitted to a tariff tax
willingly for another's suko. Now be
hold that other fellow, a giunt in stat
ure, grasping, domineering and arro
gant. Wo do not wish to sever our
business relations with him, but wo
should insist that ho be fair, aud above
all things, that he take a saner view of
his potency in conducting the affairs
of the nation.
P. W. SHEA, Orleans, Nebraska.
t . ., I UKI
y sgj1
tt-t.1 1 tr
ViS'iT 'affs-if-
The Year's Most Important
Money Saving Event
Wo Will Soil For Cash
Kuppenheimer, Clothcraf t and
Society Brand Suits
Straw Hats One Half Price Except Panamas
100 Pairs of Men's Oxfords, worth $3.50,
Sale Commences Saturday, July 1 1
he Qomden-Kaley (j lotting o.
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
Dresses - Rompers
Economical Mothers Note tho Prices
Dollars and cents saved are
one food reason for buying
these little garments.
But not the best reason.
The charm of the style the
excellence of the material and
making would make them wise
purchases at a considerable
higher price.
Quantities arc limited but plenty of variety in
sizes 2 to 14, if you come promptly.
Pi Ices from 25c to 1.25
a Barbara
Agent For American
Bros. Corsets And
- :
Switzerland in America
Glacier National Park
Glucior National Park Is in North wost Montana, and with Its scenery nnd
excellent auto roads, is buuomtnK one of the famous paries of the world.
Within the Park comfortablo quaitcrs are to be had at placler Park
Hotel and the various chalet camps, All charges, circuit tour rates, in fact,
the eutlre scheme of service to tourists is uiyler the Miporvislon of the Great
Northern Railway Company.
The detours consume from one to Ave days. They Include automobiles,
launches, coaches, hotels, and cover distances of from 80 to 15U miles.
The HurlliiKton Groat Northern Express arrives at Glacier Park Station
at 8:35 p. in; the Park Hotol Is nearby the station, and you are ready tho next
inorultiK for one of the systematized and well mauaged park tours.
I will Rladlj provide you, free of ehargo, with attractive publications,
di-scrlptiye of this bcenio and recreative region.
We Can Please You As To Material, Style And
Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Low.
Beauty and Warner'
Butterick Patterns.
i Vi-'Wi! hi
H 'i. ii 11
i ': 1 1
J. J. FELZIEN, Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELKY, Qoneral Pasiengor Agt.
i Ii
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