fauaastHttiMa -i-j RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF .1! . fcfl t-. K : 1 f r AUSTRIAN OFFICERS y4. v1 resell VMsssfe Isf ii3Wf .'n IujiBhs JmJV tm. Tho photograph shows n group of Princo Franz of Austria, SERVIAN SERVIAN PRINCES V j wg ' 'a flKiVflfjfaBtif iMfc V2itgk T jBftft fSJBfttBB tiMwCiij3MMw , vVAfllVVJ BTBKBuBKSKBBwgBWrWcffBrWLi- fjl- jj&?H'iMarWlWB t1ftU7uX?&ffijIiH rjP E W J t vJVHHjMJUs''.y $r& Loft to right: Crown Prince Alexander, his brother, Prince Georgo, and an army officer. RUSSIAN INFANTRY READY FOR ACTION nvw BBSSSv? "vBvBjBK&9Kfl3fiBKBSB"7aBBEaA&Baaaa KuM&3Hm 'aBMZ fcBBBflfeMBBBBBBBLl aKSVarhSS"aKniaHK'HK SHHaV HiBnHnBIKHi aBBBBBBBBnBBBBBJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBuaaBFKeBBB7. EiBakBBBBBBBBF? aBBBBBBF '.BBBieBBBBBBBXBBBBBjBaBBaBBBBBBBBBJ sBBBBBBBBBBslllBBBV3fllBiLBBBBBHHr,: HfllBJgJIlPlft xvff tfMWaWsaMaaaawTaTO TYPICAL RUSSIAN IN CONFERENCE ON otncers of tho Austrian unny discussing TROOPS READY FOR TAKE THE FIELD ARMY OFFICERS FIELD OF ACTION war plans. Tho Insert is Crown ACTION HEAD OF THE GERMAN ARMY Count von Moltke, commandor-ln chief of tho German army. WHAT LIPTON WANTS This is the beautiful American cup which Sir Thomas Llpton will makd a fourth attempt to lift 4 f BBBBBBBJI BpBBBBBBBBBHpBMB VOICE OF CONSCIENCE DEAD Ail the Fault of Nune That Small Girl Could Not Walk In the Straight Path. Mnrln had be on naughty nnd mother, BorloiiBly rcnionBtrntittB with her, thought to press home u needed aug gestton. "I con't think why you persist In doing wrong, my dear," sho snld, sol emnly. "It nlwnys makes us unhnppy wlien wo do wrong." "Hut but 1 often don't know It's wrong till 1'vo dono it," sighed tho small culprit. "Hut," mother urged again, "you should know, my darling. Your con Bclcnco wilt tell you if you llston." "What is my consclonco and how will it toll mo?" wide-eyed and eagor. "Your consclcnco Is tho llttio volco Inside you thnt sayB 'Nol' when you shouldn't do tilings nnd mattes you feel sorry when you'vo inndo mis takes." "Oh, then I'll novor bo good!" mourned tho troubled sinner. "I had a volco llko thnt once, but nurso said it was indigestion and site gavo mo some mcdiclno and it died." UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES ON FACE Now Sharon, Iowa. "Two or throo years ago pimples began to como on my fnco and I had dandruff. Tho pim ples mado a very unsightly appear anco. Thoy were red and numorous, Bomo camo to a bond and festored and tho Itching caused mo to scratch them. Tho dandruff on my head could bo plainly eccn. "I tried Bovoral remedies but thoy only temporarily relieved mo. I had boon bothered with tho troublo two or tlirco years when I decided to try Cu tlcura Soap and Olntmont, So I sent for a, freo samplo and I noticed rollof from them, and I bought moro. I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes ot Cuticura Ointment and am now freo from pimples and dandruff." (Signed) Clyde Firebaugh, May 11, '14. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each frco.witb. 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dopt L, Boston." Adv. Expren. A German princeling went to pay a rlsit of ceremony to a small but an cient and honorable city situated upon a branch line of railway. His screno blghncsB had Just stopped from his prlvato car upon tho bunting-bedecked station platform. Greetings had been oxchnngod with the local receiving party. "And what," said tho princo to tho burgomaster, "are thoso children do ing thero on tho tracks?" "Serene highness," replied tho bur gomaster, bowing low, "Uiobo aro tho young maidens of tho city who run boforo and scattorod flowors In front of tho locomotivo of your highnesses' train." The Old Idea. "What makes you so lato?" asked his mother. "Tho teacher kept mo In becauso I couldn't find Moscow on tho mnp of Europe," replied Johnnlo. Mother And no wondor,ycu couldn't And Moscow. It was burned down in 1812. It's an outrage to treat a child that way. Not for Her. "What did you say to him, dad?" "I asked him It ho could support you In the style to which you had become accustomed." "And he?" "He said he could." Tf he trlea It I'll leave him." There are people who look upon matrimony as a necessary evil. mmm p'riiZ ALCOHOL 3 PEB CENT. AvcgelaWeErprjarailnnrnrAc, slrallailng ihcFooaanURcdula tingUtcSiomadisandBoMdsof F.v,:lv.raWIIIHIJ,IM.I ItomofesDigcsttonJM ncssandRntjContalnsKitiirr OpiuiwIorphlnc norrliaetal wot Narcotic. jatUU" urn irJaaV Aperfect Remedy forConsf iinn . Sour StnmarJLDIarrh WonasrCoiwalskmsJeveristr tvesScgulLOSSOFSLEER IieSinnle 'sitaatnitaf laz CENTAUn CompSJJ NEW YORK. Guaranteed under live i Exact Copy of Wrapper. Fastidious Pet. Tito mombors of nn utitomobllo tour ing party from Washington to Haiti moro Btoppud for tho night nt a certain caravansary at Hugorstown, In Mary land. Since tho food supplied thorn was oxorcrablo and siuce their kit fur nished tho nccossnry Implements, nsldo from tho raw material, thoy de termined to liavo a Welsh rabbit. Ac cordingly two were deputed to proceed to a corner grocery, thoro to obtain tlio choice and crackers. When tho old chap that kept tho plnco camo for ward onu of the two said: v "Wo want a couplo of pounds of chceso nnd somo largo, square crack ers for a Welsh rabbit." Tho old man seemed doubtful. "I got tho chccRo, all right," Bald ho, "but I ain't got no largo, nquara cruckers. Won't your rabbit cat tho small ones?" Harper's Magazine Aladdin Looks for Deauty. Aladdin rubbed his lamp. Almost Immediately thcro was a sound at tho door nnd tho Blavo entered. "Bring mo tho prettiest girl in New York," Bald Aladdin, "and get a move on you, too." Tho slave vanished, nnd almost In an. Instant thu door opened, and tho slavo, bearing In his nrmfe tho prettiest girl In New York, outorod and put hor down in n' chair. Aladdin looked at her In nBtonlshment. Sho had on a shabby drcfls. Her hnlr was tousled. Evidently she was from tho East sldo. "What aro you trying to do?" ho said to tho slave. "Why don't you 1111 your order correctly? 1 asked for tho prottlest girl in Now York." "Hero sho is, your honor." "ImposBlblo!" "I novor mako a mlstnke." Life. Reprieve Angers a Murderer. An unusunl sccno was enacted nt Versailles (Franco) Jail recently, when tho public prosecutor went to Inform two murderers thnt their death sen tence had been commuted to pcnnl servitude for lifo. One, JoBoph Urugcn, received tho nowB Joyfully, but tho other, Louis Louis, exclaimed: "What, you asked tho jury for my head, and now you como to tourturo mo by a roprlovo? I do not want it; I must liavo liberty or tho guillotine. I won't go to tho galloys at any prico." So saying ho rushed upon tho pub lic prosecutor, seized him by tho throat and endeavored to stranglo him. Tho keeper had great dlfuculty in releasing tho official and putting tho convict In a strait Jacket Fade Alarm. Truth camo up out of her well one day with so merciless a look in her oyo that disquieting rumors sprang into circulation. Was sho about to tako over tho dominion ot tho world? A group ot gentlemen mado hasto to bustlo up. "Ma'am I Ma'am!" thoy protested, breathlessly. '"Well, who nro you?" demanded Truth, with ominous coldness. "Publishers, It you please, ma'am. Er tho advanco notices of our books, you know or er. In short, ma'am, wo need tho money!" stnmmorod tho geutlomon, in much confusion. It was Impossible not to feel a cer tain compassion for them. "Well, we'll see what can bo dono," sold Truth, not unkindly. Good Angler. Miss Rand Why, Kato, how do you do? I haven't scon you for sovcral yeara. Caught a husbnnd yet? Mrs. Reno Goodness, yes. I've caught threo and let two go. Nover go In for practical Joking un less you are a good loser. Women outnumber the men in New York, Berlin, Paris and London. Children What is CASTORIA Caatorla ia a, harmless gnbstltae for Castor OD, Par eorlo. Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It Is pleasant Ift contains neitlior Opium Morplilno nor otlicr Narcotio substanco. Its ago Is Its guarantee It destroys Worm and allays Fovcrislmess For msro titan thirty years it lias been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the ($fM&i In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THU OINTAUD COMPANY, NBW YORK OITV, The Other Side of It. "Tho early bird catches tho worm, observed tho sago. "Yes," replied tho fool, "but ik how much longer ho Iuib to wai. dinner time." To Make Mucilage. A mucilage which holds with sup prising tenacity can be made by boil ing a Spanish onion for a short Mm and then pressing' the juice from 1L vntm own lmtifliusT wim, thu, ron Tr- Murlno Kr lU'iiiMlr for llt, Weak, WRiry ivjr". mm . I lruiitilatil Kiell'H! No Mmirtlna lint Kjro Comfort. Wrltn for Jim of ihn ti 07 inau trro. Murlno ltja tleuimtr Co., Lblck Insunicleut sleep nnd into hours are roino of tho cnitBCd which retard growth and health ot children. THREE"WINNERS" A STRONG STOMACH LIVER ACTIVITY BOWEL REGULARITY It is impossible for you to be strong and robust to be able "to win" if you do not possess these threo essentials; but there is splendid opportunity, with the assistance of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Differs II to restore these organs to a normal condition and thus promote health and strength Start today. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tho most economical, cloanslng an4 cormlcltlol of all antlaoDtlca is 9idlin 1 1 A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed As a medicinal antiseptic for douebse in troatlng catarrh, Inflammation off ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Mb it haa no equal. For ten yearB tho Lydla B. Plnkhan Medicine Co. has recommonded Paxtin In their prlvato correspondence wlttk women, which proves Ita superiority. Women who have been cured saj) it is 'Hvorth Its weight in. gold." At druggists. GOc. largo box, or by 'mail The Paxton Toilet Co,, lloston, Mass. You Can't Cut Out AuoaNPAViN.ruFForTuonocauruit lint will clean them off permanently, and you work the hone tame Urn. Docs not blister or remove the hair. 52.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you witta, Book 4 K free. ABSORBING JTL, the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduce Varicose Veins, Ruptured Mutclrior Lliunenti. Enliti c4 CUnJi. Coltrat Weni. Crit- Allir pain qulcklr. Price It. 00 tal KM I bottle tt drunliti or dtllwrd. Minututurcd ouljr kf W.F.Y0UNQ, P. D. F., HO TibjI tt , Sprlngfltld, Mm. BUCK LOSSES SURELY PRE tr cwtKr't bimMh nn. crictd. rnan. rtiuut! pi wnum tocknMn. kwi LEG rttttt ww tkr nm Writ for honklit ind taat lo-i-Mt kt. aiMiut rnu II U.rfua SB. EluklM Nlla i Un nr Injector, bu Til tawiortti' of Cutur prodaou U - ; r . . - -.;--.. V-T WCWr, DUI UUHTI MfM a aat w am m vara af naeUllalii la maalMa ftafl ai litllt Cuttar'a. IT unobtainable, order dtrtat. U Gwttar LUtnitn, lerUler, CaJ, r CUMwTHb MTIHI WHf. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 32-1914. Cry For Signature of rarru rarwrM w tuaa UM RSJSr i - J t HI 'i 'l 1 urn i! II a ml m a m 4,1 1 1 .Mi I I J! W i '.-v, Jii "'. "k ,m rtwy JwOtjl it''V' yuiuXEBubdtaaiE