The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 30, 1914, Image 8

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I 4
AUGUST 2nd to 9th
A Program of Unusual fflorit
Including the Best That the
Country Affords. v
Inspiring Lectures
Magnificent Music
Wholesome Entertainment
August Ciul
IVelude Liliui'uiiS Hand iiml Grand
Opera Jomji.uiy
Concert Lillet all's Hiind mnl (ilailil
Opera Company
I'roliido LIbeinil'H Unud mid (timid
Opera Company
Concorl M he roll's Band mid Grand
Opera Company
August Jlt'd
Include Miulctta Lti Doll Header
In-cMire .ludtfe Kinnk V Sad I or,
"('rlhilnuls In flic Making".
I'li-ludi' Mntletta I.n Dell Holder
Lecture Dr .Infill A Hi-ay, '"Jul. of
I'relude Coyln Sprliifr an 1 yWor J
Leottno Mmliun M on ti tford "Tho
King of the SliepaiiK'.
Prelude Co lit Spring mnl Slslor
Lecture to be supplied
Auintst .'til
Lecture I'rof.Wuwun
Prelude Hllieldaftor-Oalley Co. S
Conceit ltihcldall'er-Oailey Co.
August Dili
Prelude Homier Male Quartette
Lculnie MM Kola Lnl'nllotte "The
Democracy of Woiiuin Hulirago"
Pieludu Hoo-lor MhIo Jmirtutlo
Lecture Pather John Daly
August 7th
Preludo Owenl Welsh Male Prize Sg'is
F.ntert. ' "
Prelude " ' "
fintnit " " " " "
f August 8lh I'
l'i elude .Illicit Shoi let-Pla vets
Lecture- Dr. Muthnn W. Clinse, "Dig
Tings and Bier Humbugs".
Prelude Gilbert Shorter Players
Kulcit. Ollbert Miortcr Player-
August ()th
Prelude Croation T,a m h u r 1 o a n Or
" chestra
' ' Lecture-Dr. l-'ov, "The Mirror of a
Mighty Dlu".
, Prelude Croation Turn hit riean Or-
' ' ' ehestrn
' Coneort Urontlon TuinbuiieauOruhc-e
Guy Season Tickets and Save Halt Price Admission
Adult Season Tickets (Good for ull Sessions).,.. iS2 00
Child Season Tickets (Good for all Sessions).... 1 00
-ErErrE For Further Information Apply To rErxnbc
R. D. MORITZ, Local Manager.
Kent, Geo. Drake, 13. A. King The
HteHvnrds are: Mr-. Ida Kent, Mrs.
Vlrl Kent, Mr-. MeCartny, K. A. King,
Mrh, (leo. Harris and Mis. D. E Ship
man. The conlHieneii year will close
the middle of September.
(Crowded out last Week)
Mrs. Joe Mud has had usurious time
with a .ou him I
Will Fischer lins bueii on Hie sick
list but HMccnvetltig
lliittiv iiud Maggie Polersou of Uray,
C&louulo, nt vt-itU.u their sister, Mis
Chas. Suliult..
Mls I In .el Llpplucult and Kieh
muiid are vlHllingtimli' sister at liiiiiau
In Holt county
The last Quarterly Confer unue of the
AshCteok Methodist cliutch will be
held next'Moiidny af let noon.
Mrs. (llliuutunf Guide Koi-ic Is x Islt
lug her daughter, ,Wrs. Louis Kent.
Mr. Mllinoie and Ll'iii were over hull
day and returned.
A company of girls fioin Kansas 1
expected to camp oi. the Kaley lunch
this week. The Cani,i FIro Ulrls will
retuin home Fiiday.
licit King has men busy putting hi
situ this week. Louis Kent propose
to elect a silo, aKo. It Is liopel they
will have coin to llll It.
Henry Hantcn circles with him otu
best wishes as ho goes to Wheeler,
Kansas, eoklng a change of climate
for his head If. Mis. Hansen will
follow in a week
We lire having good attendance at
the services at the Methodist chinch
every Hundny afternoon despite the
war in weather. Kifiy-eight were pi es
cut at Sunday School last Suiiila).
The good music helps mid so do those
beautiful reward buttons.
The .subject of the sermon next Sun
day at the Methodist chinch will be,
"Scrambled Religion." A icvtswl edi
tion of the -urinoii delivered In Ke,t
Cloud last Suaduy night. The time is
2::i0 p. m.
The new school limine Ih now under
construction at lnavale
Joorgo Hastings and wife are enjoy
ing the cool broiv.o of Colorado.
The M. 10 cluucli held quarterly
meeting on Tuesday of this week.
Quite a number from lnavale attend
ed the Hand Concert at lied Cloud
Monday evening and report it Hue.
Mrs. W. It. Woiiderly and daughter
aro visiting relatives in Minnesota.
Mr. Hcltatul Alf Saladeii, the Flori
da laud agents, were in lnavale on
Saturday of last week.
Miss It inn llruce of Blue Hill has
been omployed to touch the inter
mediate room in the High school at
Henry Lunbrecht while on IiIh way
to Lnavale ii Tuesday had the nils'
fortune to turn his car over, but for
tuuutely oi one was hurt.
Judglnc fiom the uppenranen of
Home little tniilcin that have been sent
to DemoiMiuti' viiler itmnkoiit tuthur
liai'iWor a in'iron to deieiminc jiifit
whul iiRpLmglor the oillce of County
Attorney '
Ct iwileil'onl last week.)
J. T, Uutledgo Is dollvoiing Ilnkoi'n
rcmeilles by auto
Charley Strong Is now in possesion
Martin Xolion and wife from Hoi
yoke, Colorado, were visiting W. H
Ilean and family the first of the week.
Mrs. U. A. Adams enjoyed a visit
from her mother, Mrs McNutt and
sister-in-law, Mrs. Oliver McNutt, the
111. St of tfie week.
Don and Harry Cloud aro running
two threshing outfits and are doing a
good business and report wheat mak
ing from 'io to .'!0 bushels per acre.
The Young Ladies' Kmbrotdory Club
gave Mrs. Hlmor Hlaukenbaker a
pleasant surprise last Thursday after
noon and each member presented her
with the articles miido during the
August Sweet Clover Seeding
If sweet clover is to be seeded i i tl.i
fall, it .should be dniieenrly in August
The early fall seeding will permit
sutllcleut giowth to prevent wintci
killing according to Extension Hlilleliu
No. l!S ot the Nebraska E.pcrinient
Station. In general, I lie same picnar-
iitlon of the seed bed should lie given
for sweet clover as for alfalfa. The
i ate of seeding is yU to '2.') pounds of
the hulled seeds per ncre, nnd at least
5 pounds inoru of tto uuhullcd setd
should be used. Tno bood tuny be
sown broadcast uml covered with a
smoothing hariow set lather stunting
or else with a grain diill with grass
seed attachment. In either case the
Seed should not be coveted mote than
about thiee foiuths of an Inch deep.
I'm t her information conci ruing the
wilue of the crop ami the chaiacter of
the plant 01113 u secured by asking
the bulletin department, University
Farm, Lincoln, lor the bulletin on,
"Sweet Cloer in Nebraska.
The follonlnv piopused amendment to
tho constitution of the. State of Nebraska,
(is heiXnufter ot form la full, Is milmilt
t"il ti tlm electoin of Hie State oi Nebras
ka to lie voted upon at the Rem nil olrc
tlon to ho held Tiii-Mlay, November 3rd,
A.n 10H.
"ruit a J Int rf'SMliitkm pronoiln amend'
inf-dlH to Mi (.'tlm I. of Aillelo V. and
Jon t of A rtli V, of the Consll
tut. mi of N'ohrvsl;,!, rolatlm; u term of
o.Uco and f-nldly of OoVvrnor unit other
O-jrr-'t t rTf ..
K- K jr., I : . fv , ,(. 1 1 y 1 1 c pie
u. llM fclt.ltl i( :fli,lalvll.
Section 1. That at the general ehetlon
for statf. and leglitUuivu olllc a to be tn-.d
(in Ibe TiieKiliiy Duceeeiilntf the nut Jioi.
duv In Noxonher. I'm u,c full)! I b be
auhiiilttiii as nmniliiiMitx to S l )iS t
am! 2 rf Article V, of tho Co.isiliutlon
of Nebraska:
Sec. 1. Tho executive (I turtment
hi) I cirslHt of a Oovemor um -nal
hold his tlTcu for a trim f two yens
rfom ;' 11 vt Thutsdiv nftr the lltst
luialt in ,! muary. iut ait(r hl e. c
tlon n 1 ur.ili hl hucci j'hjt is 1 H ci il and
'luall.''. 1 I 1 tildltlon to the (.in'-.-rn ir, tho
... f.nxt. .5iirtiiiont rt.iill inc'ud tho
re. . 1 r erm Ijtoutcinnt Girnur,
buu.etirv 1.; sitTte. Auilltor of Public Ac
omii t Pre aUrtr, Superl' j I'nb
'e I .a'tkCtun, Attornry Oin tab and
:minlaii?i of I'u! lie lattulrt and ilulld
s (unhtof whom ihall held his olllco
for il-. t I'm of two wars from th llrst
J IiumJ iv aft.-r tin- H't Tuesday In J um
nr. 1 i't after l-H el etlon, ami until hi
-itc" .sir Id ol eted id minll'lel, I'ro
liled. Foncvei, that me lliat eltotlou of
-lid .' ...i j-hn'l be ! Id 11 th- t . Relay
jeoe( ! ir i'ie Ilmt S'onday I 1 November,
rili. 11.1l ieh Kiieei" Ilmt eli etlon shall
I held at I'm rnnie iclttlve tlue In e irh
even j,ar t.''-reafter. The (lovernor. Sec
ret irv rf fin,. Auditor of Public Ac
i"innt? and Tr Miirrr shall resde at tho
"eat of frnvi'rnment d'lrlnsf tlielr terms of
o'llee, ird livp the publle records, bonks
aid 1 itim theie tad shall perfoun such
iliitles is u i fiiulred by law.
Sjc, tri The siinry of 'the Oovernor
Ei.iil 1 1 five t'ni'., ind (j. j.' i) 1.0.I11111
. " iinj-ii Tue Hil.irtiM of Auditor of
I'ul'llc mpi mats ami Seiietarj' f State.
Hli eiliiteiderit of I'ullo Initrtirtlnn nnd
f omn Ik 1 i.itr of Public Iinds and Ualld
Inirs shall be two thousand live hundred
i'iJ,."i00.rn) dollars (aeli pir annum, and or
Hie Attorney General, four thousand dol
lars (J4.noo.00) per annum, the salnry of
tho State Tre (surer shall bo threo thou
sand ($3,000.00) dollais per annum, and tho
Lieutenant CJovernor shall rccfclva one and
one-hnlf the compensation of a senator,
and after tho adoption of this constitu
tion they shall not recclvo to their own
uso any fees, corns, Interests upon public
monoys In their hands, or under their con
trol, perquisites of offlco or other com-
niinflnllnn nnrl fill fiiaa 4hnf mnv horrtnftAf
... wr..nt.,A ... Inn. ti... sm,l.An, '
by nn oirtccr provided for In this nrticlo
of the constitution shall bo paid In nd
vanco Into tho stnto treasury. Thero shall
lio no allowance for cleric hire In tho of
fices of the Superintendent of Public In
struction nnil Attorney General.
Sec. 2. That at Fnld election on the
TiksiItv SUr-eeedltiK the Hist Motility In
N't vi mber, 1014, on the ballot of each
eleetor votlmr tlvrrat. there shall bo
nrlit'd or witun th. won!: 'Tor pro
posed amendment 10 the constltutlin.
llxli .- th" term or 'ffp. and wilirv for
ftoxer- i, iiiul otli teeutlve 'Tleers."
and "AKil'ist pr')toed ameniluients to
the constltutlnn ln-i the tirm of office
and selmv for RONernor, and Other execu
t't oll'ters."
Approved April i 11J1.
1 AiM'von Walt. Pecietnrv of State of
the Ht ile irf Ne'nnski. dn berehv c rtll'v
ili.t.t t!i fotenlniT p ipn.sul amendment
to tin (Vin'tlt'itlnn nf the State of Nu
br.isk'i Is a true nnd cirrtct cony of the
i-l-'ntl enrolled nnd ensro-el bill, as
I law d by tho Tblltv-tMrd reasinn of tho
Leiilnl tttite of the Stete of Nebraska, us
tppeis nm rain oinrmai iii( on me in
thi nf" e, ard tint Ja' I proposal nmvnil
ment la anl mltti 1 to the i mall lied voters
of the State of Ndirnaki for their adop
tion or m etlon at the Ktsncral election
in he hrld on Tuediy, the 3rd day of
Noemer, A. T) 19H.
I '' Kl'Timv V 1 1 f' I ln'e r-Teir
set my hand and itlllxcd tho Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 21rd dav of .March.
In tho year of our Lord. One Thoitmnd
Nine Hundred 11115! Vourjeen. nnd of tho
Independence) of tho United States the
One Handled and Thli tv-seventh, nnd of
this State the Torty-sevcnth.
Seal) Secretin)- of State.
1 .- .
it i
Are Made Right
Well Lettered
Carefully Erected
GSSSSS5SS)'5ii3?srrsrT GSsESSSl
Notice to Non Resident
Mrs, liort King has been under tho
weather but is recovering.
Mis-. Pearl Amnck is helping Mrs.
Joe Mudd for u few days.
Louin Kent has began work on his
silo which Is being plnced just ninth
of the barn,
Will White and his. two children
I'earl nnil Ceoil have gone to Lincoln
for tv In ief visit.
The company tnre.sher began oper
ations lit Joo Mudd's this week litter
vclng laid up for repairs
r.ev, lta Wagoner' preached at the
Union park service on last Sunday
evening at Hcd Clotnl. It was a very
helpful sermon
Mr. Gllmore 0 uno up from Otudo
. ek on Sunday for a short visit at
,'iuis Kent's leaving Lola and taking
us. Oil more homo. with him
Ourniail'inun, Mr, 'Cm-holt has learr-
nobt.MUchel and family wore guests- 1 uy n unpieivsnnt e.Nperience wnn
' ...... . . L nln l. '1 itin.l.t t !.. 1,i,.ll.nA).
Ir lllltll UI4 . UV'r'tlH 1 I 1 til I. VW nilltlUlyl IIIV
Neely Will Speak
DesMoinee, Iowa, July 22, l'JM
Supt. It. D. Morilz, Red Cloud.
' II... .Ot.. II... ... ., . .I.n ... ... t
ueuroit,-j nave ciusvu luiiiiucl kji
F. Tennyson Neely, to appear ut your
assembly on the open plucc in the pro
gmtn, on the third night, at 8 p. m.
This is one of tho biggest lectures, 1
have heard recently. Mr. Neely is an
uuthor, traveller and lecturer, and has
recently lived live years in Mexico.
Democratic Candidate for Reelection
. Primaries, August 18, 1914
Stands Squarely Upon His Record
ol' the hardware store.
The eighteen nicnths old baby n;
nil llaye is quite sick. ,
Charles Tlonkel who has been qulti
blek, is slowly linptoving
Loyd Kaiulnsky leturned home Mon
day fiom Kormand, Nebraska
In The District Court of Webster County.
Hitch I). Hunter, I'latnttll,
Iirlstlau Hansen and Aiunuda
V. Haiixeu ut. ill., Lcftiidants.
The nhoe named defendants, christian
Hansen and Amanda V. Hansen, will tnko
notice that the plalntltl herein, Hutfh II.
Hunter, Hied his iiellilou Uo-cln In the dis
trict court ol Wt-Inter County, Nebraska on
the "th. day ot duly 11)11, against tho defend
aiitKChrlHtlnu Hnnseu and Annnda V. Han
sun, the object nnd prayer of hlch Is to tore
i!ose a certain uiortKiiuc, executed by tho
dcfiiidautsChilsttnu Hanstn and Amanda
V. Hansen, to the plalntltl herein, upon the
south IniH of the south wist quarter (S. !'.!
. W. 1-11 and thu north enst uiinrtt-r of the
ile has over two hundred colored viewa south east quarter (N. H. 1-1 a. i:. l-l) nnd tho
of the recent battled, phices of interest south half of thenouth east quarter (S. l-s H.
and leaning parties in Mexico. ''; ' " lu ,,,vv" 0,' ' h,,ll,u ,lr
.I.vaa fVt. r........ ulna ,1)1 V',.o, ft 1, t ',f.
.. .. . ,i . . .. UUID ll. lll(KUI(ll(Ulvr, ,,.-,v. .,, ,w.
i.u. itvwij iu iniiiy vduuute'ii aim la a
brilliant speaker, I believe this will be
one of the beat entertainments and
lectures On the entire program, 1
ihi k wo are very fortunate indeed, in
De-lug able to ecure'hini.
Mr. Neely has appeared in of
the big citii-B in our country. 1U yuvo
his lecture befdru congres.3 and the
prefidenv'u cabinet thi-J last spring.
I feel mire that this will meet with
I he approval of your commit toe nnd, 4nd u. .1 jti ,ti, tie. h,Ut,
indeed that 1 have Hefnt Mr. Neo'y to
S. M. Holladay,
M uagcr Mtdliiiid Cluutauq lu'Circui.C.
ut the Frank Ulanlumbauer home
Su!i(l,iy. ,
Miss Jennie Ghnrst visitod ut.tlio
Jim Kinkaid home ijaturday night and (
Sunday. ' j
Mrs W. M, Points was quite til last
week but is t ported better at this
ret more lain out here than they do
u lied Cloud.
Thero will be lib services at tho
UelhoilUt church. Jot- two weeks on
u'count of the Chautauqua at lied
Cloud, during whiu'ti time the pastor
ll take his vacation
'PI i loci Mim it.itO t Pdii fit fiwtmi rt tlm
.,..-1 . 1 I II.. ..,1 MU ""'"""S k..V v.
riL-.i aigiici "'.'. ; ""''". sh Creek Methodist, ehnroh was held
Bertha While! oy were Koil Clouu ,,. , r .,...,....
visitors Tuesday.
tJoorge Smith from Vuma, Coloradp,
was visiting n fow days lu this locality,
tho last of the week.
Millard Hunsloker nnd wife and
Jlttlft son, Emmett, visited Carrol
Noblo's Saturday night utul btiuday
tBe.roUandiso to C. A, Waldo and ho
toalt possessjou of the same Monday.
it tho home of Lujita Kent on Monday
lUernooti, Rev, it. W Marsh, Dlstiict
o ipcilntciidcut, c.itne out with l(uv,
'Vrlght and presided at the meeting,
;' lu reports wore uucoiiraging The
. .-.iiday school has had nn aveiago in
(,4nse of llo during this warm weatli
r The following otlluers weiC elected
Charles Hunter hns sold hU stock of j'r next year as Trustees; 0. Mc
Nutt, C G. Peterson, Ooo, Harris, Jas.
Deuuohamp, Karl McCartney,, Louis
Notice To Contractors
.Scaled proposals for the rnctloiWit an 1. O.
O, lli)dt;e room and I'lrc llnll wlll'boreccU
eilhy.llie liulldlniji ominittioat Ited (loud,
Ne!)r01ior liofoiuAuu. lid 13 o'clijck A. M.,
l' lt'ln accXirtlani'L! nltli draIm;jnd sped
llcatlors propared by Kvcrott Dodris Omaha,
Xebr. l'lnhsjor blddlii and other Inform
ation nui5 boRwured by mint; committee.
fontiuiucbroslrfios right to nccept or re
Jcct'nny or nl proposals.
lly ordur Of e-diiiuilttie,
I. O. i), I Iiulldlim committee.
stLr (ouuty, Nebraska, to secure payment of
a cci tain note, dated June Ith. I'JIU, for tho
HUinof F.ijo.0Q due and p.iyablolu (ve. years
from datu thereof, mnl un hlrh default has
been nutdo lu the m) iituiil of the IntureM
dun In luno nilli and In tho lnt(,resl lliu In
.IiinolUII, audaslHpiolded lu the terms of
said inortvatfe, ptalnllT has cleeted to de
claro the wlioluaiuount duo on said iute.nnd
mortuiiKo; thulthu amount due mid, unpaid
on Kald note and mortgage I siliri.OO, (or
which sum with Interest at B per cunt from
July 7, lull, liMlutlll prnjsfora decree that
diifendants be lequlred to pay Ihe'same, '
titnt H.lld prenilxei be sold to 'iiHIify tl
nuiotmt found, due. '
You aro hereby required "to aniwer r..i '
pe Itlou oil or before Monday the -Itli. ib
Ul .11KU( llll I.
Hated this 15th. day of July 1HH.
HUflll I). llUNTIIU,
lly . I'lalntn
I'ranU I. Munday.
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Second House North ot I. O. O. P. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
Phone lnd.212
!oik! " 4 a Nebraska
urucr io aiuM L.au9i;
eitmor I oiin
btaluut .s'ttbrasUa. I in The Countj Court
ty. I
THE ALARM is a dteadful thing
OF" FIRE for the mau without
insntnnee. Every time he sees the
engines racing along bis heart comes
up lu his tin oat if the fire is any w hero
near his place. What folly, what mis
ttikeii economy.
THE COST OF is so small that it
IMGUKANCE need htudi.v be
cnii'.iileied. The freedom from worry
alone Is worth it muiiv times over
Have us insure you to-day
Reliable Insurance.
Dr. Nicholson
Ul'HCK OVKIt Al.llItlOllT'S TORi:
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Am County tourt hold at the Cotinu
Court room in and for said county July lsth,
An. lull.
IN Utu matter ol Mho estato ot John
Mnlcom, Deceased,
ON readmit and tiling the petition of (!r,u
i:. Hardens ,pinlnk that admlutstiatlon o.
said iitato may be granted to t'red Maurci,
at Administrator
OltDlUlKI), Mint Vrldny the 7th day v,
Auguit, A. I. 11)11, at te-u o'clock a. in,, is
nssluneit for hearlim said potltlon, when n,
persons IntercKled In said matter may m-
pear at a County Court to bo held lu and fo. '
wild County and show cause why prayer i(
petitioner should" not be.ifrnutods and that
nptlco ot the pendency ol said petition una
tho hcnrlu-; thereof ha Iven to till person,
interested )n said matter, by publishing a
copy otthU order lu tho Ited Coud Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed lu'snld county,
lor threo consccutlvo w eoks prior to said day
of hcnrluu. t
A. 1). ItANNKV,
(Seal) County J udc.
We Are Looking' For
The Man
Who has soiled his clottTes bo
badly that they arb not lit to wear.
No matter how dirty. or greasy
the suit may be wo are (quipped
with the most modern machinery
and have skilled ,-workmen who
know how to
Clean, Repair and Press
ft. G. Hassingep
Cleaner and Dyer
Both Phonea
rrotscu horsej
iird cowi from
flits tod moa.
cultoe. Applied vilt'a a handjCSBprayer, only a
ery ihln wry o er niS'
thehtlfoftho.inlmil.-rl t R 1. .. V
not soaked to Iho JjUiT.
1 1.111 -It forms pro- .VrT X? V, , i
teulvo ce,t!rK lhahi '-'!& p'jiOiVS
rspels lnccts. 'j3-., " Jrn !&
rh t ii trninr! iv?ra.ti ffyi .. t?it
."..." ..:.;r..,: . ,-. -.r . i n i vjli v
U1I1U bl 4iJI,liK ,c?4)Tl y
than ono minute! S1.
r Id..! far si In jht ei?
----- --- ,--.. -- ----- - ,
uini.uiu3ur. intra
a I ,.. rt il t.i-. '
t'tluy i)ltitfT vhfiriBv
Hi n r a unuttiallv V-
Ulouihen It mar tak a more lietjutut applICKttoa(
Tkree iliei, U ctt. 60 cti., $1.00. Sprayer 80 cU.
Br, J. - Caldwell
Calls Answered Day or Nlflljt
Oltleo Tel phones: Tiell. (is, tnd. ICO.
Ites. 'I eleplionem Hell, Hwl 27J; Ind.ioo.
Office 0er M. . AlbrlSljfs Store
Red Cloud, ' Nebraska
' , i
:? f
in An
tih. .
! ' !-
.1 .L
Stf .
l" iL
A It"
L. '