RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, a aw tmirnxM. CHIEF nsaaumi vitmrv.vmavxrYt.rxai iMaiatSM jneMaaB r nrKssii II I ' lfci THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Clovid, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Kntifiil In tho Puktulllro nt llnl ( Joint, Neb. n Second Clan Mullcr A. B. MoAltTIIUH PCllMSlIKh TU1S ONIjY J:M0( K.VTIl' IVU'ttil iU WKIWTKIU'OUNTY Political Announcements Announcement!! Aro Run Under This Head By Paying tho Sum ol Flvo Dol lars Which Must Do Cash In Advance Our Columns Aro Open For Any Lcgl tlmato Advertising uni! Wo Welcome AnnounecmontH Regardless of Party Atfllletlonn. I hci'ol'V announce mvMilf n candi date fir RoprusonU" of thM loth Plisti Irt, subject to tho will of Demo cratic Ulid People Independent voter ill tho primary elect Ion August 19, 101 1. ()i:o W LlNiiSEV. KOU&JaxggffraK fjju.yuaoa: ;.;L.iir.'i:ju s&mraRCtirarxjrjff4 - -p fc- FOR COUNTY btM'MRlNTKNDHNT I iiiiiiiiiini'o myself ns it oitndidrfe for tho iiotiiltiut Ion on tho Uemnoriitlc n nit Peoples Independent tlolcnt nt tho piinuuv li'(i1ii to ln h-iil Aug' st Imiii, foi tlio ollli-i-of county rtiipci-m tondciil or Webster county OBRThTDK I. COOX FOR SHERIFF I hotebj announce tnyM'lf n can didate t'or'tho ollleu of Sherdf of Wob fetor CoutitVt subject to tho will of tho voteis of tho Democratic ptirty nt tho primary election to bo hold August 18. lOlt. Ri.x Hdhsiin. 1 hcri'bv nnnounco myself u candid ate for tho olllco or Sheriff of WelMor comity, subject to the will of tho voters or thu Democratic party ut tho primary election to be hold Augus) 18, 1011. ' flltANT CHRISTY. I hereby ntiuounec myself n candi date for the noiuinntioii of ShorilT of Webster County subject to tho will of the voters of the Democratic pnrty ut the Primary election to bo hold August 18, 101 1. Cms. J, Rr.nno.v. I hereby announce tnjself ns a candi date for tho olllco of Hhet 111' of Webster county, hubjeet to the wilt of tho voteis of the Democratic party nt tho primary election to be held August 18. 101 1. .l.S. Ill'IlATRA. 4 take this method of announcing myself us n candidate for the olllco of Hiorlff of Webster county, subject to tho will of the progressive voteis to be expressed nt the primary August 18th T W. WiIiti:. I hereby nnnounco myself a o.iiulid nto for.Sherilf of Webster County sub joet to tho will of tho Democratic voters nt the Primary Election, August 18,1914 Jt. KlIlKI'ATItlCK. FOR COUNTY TREASURER 1 heieby nnnoiinee myself ns iicandl ditc for the olllco of Tioasuror of Wobstor County, subject to tho will of tne voter, of I ho Democratic pnitv at the prlniaiy election to bo hold Aug U6t 18, 101 1. Oeo. V. Trine. I take this mclhodpi niinounoiugmy candidacy for tho olllco of' County Treasurer, aubjeet to the decision of tho republican voters at the primary August 18th. C. D. ltoniNi-PN. FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY I heiebv announce myself n candi date for t'otinfy Attorney of Web'ter eountv, subject to tho notion of the Pomo'crntlc pnrty at the primary elec tion, August lfi. inn. ' K (5. C.u.mvr.U.. - ' I heiebv announce myself as a candi dal!' for lb" olllco of County Attorney, subject to the will of the voters of the Ilopublloun Piuty at tho piiimirlcs to ho held on August lsth, 101 1 DUANM'N W SmV.ltlT I herebv auijonnce nuHOlf ns a can didnto for th noinlnnhon of county attorney, subject to the' Democratic voter of Webster county nt tlio pi I mary oleetlon August IS, 'Hill. Your vote will be upptvelnlnd. FRANK J. ML'NDAY TMP 3 Till M, J& tte, JL3 SkxJr Jli 7Zz& M, 1 w ! ll iLd P i ILr it, 3PMFI aLJBfii rf5l W iitti' ;3f UP Jr 3 hx$ C! M I "I1l' T lT I k Ob $.A s viksriLil m A AT THE BIG STORE 0 F Miner 1 Bros Wd i3i 9 taP Wi K3&&. oiid FOR COUNT Y.IUDUB Hnvlnif (lied my petition .is required tiy law, I heieby announce mybolf nsn eandlilale for tho olllco of County Judge of Webster county on the Non Partisan Judicial tlchet nt tho primary election to bo held on August IS, lOU, subject let the will of the qimlilleil ob'o'tois of said county. A D. RAN'NKY. . FOR SI ATE BI5NATOR I desire to nnnounco to mr fiieiiils that 1 will be n candidate for Stntn Senator from I lie 20th District, subject to the decision of the Republican voters et the primaries Ainiist 18th. Oi:o. W.HUMJlEli. 1 hereby nnnounco myself an n can didate forSlato Senator from tho ".0th District, subject to the will of the Democratic, voters al tho primary elec tion to bo hold August 18, 101 1. W.M. U. Opened up yesterday with a great throng of buyers all eager to participate in the great benefits this wonderful sale brings forth. Thousands of Dollars worth of high grade merchandise offered to the people of Red Cloud and vicinity at an ENORMOUS SACRIFICE EwByifai8'ig in the 0y d 9 Sioro FRANK VAVRICKA PSJiM&k fl Wgl 3 PS HTtfiC - Come Quick You Are Bound to Save Money Pi Friday and Saturday Friday and Saturday We Will place on sale extra heavy unbleached Muslin, sold regularly at OXc a yard, not more than 20 yards to a customer at the low price ! per yard O2C AMfnurtt rrjMMr9 We place on sale 3000 yards bleached Muslin, Hope and Daisy brands, sold regularly at 10c a yard, and will sell it as long as it lasts at per ol yard O4C VM.runu mwwjM 'iwny.wwn w Friday and Saturday We will sell best Amoskeag Apron Gingham, sold regularly at 8c a yard, as long as it last but only 5 yards to a customer, at the low price j of. v j3C Sme of I Hin ti caudldato for tlio olllco of Treasurer of Webster county. No- hrsiukn, subject to the wish oT tli Progiesslvo voters ut tho primitij election, August IS, 10H j. p. amaiEs l hereby announce myself ns u can didnto for tho olllco of County Trens uror of Webster county subject to the will of the Domoeuitic voters at the Primary election, August 18, ISM I II. C. WRIGHT. " FOR COUN'IY CLERK I hereby nnnounco myself n candi date for the olllco of County Clerk of Webster County, subject to the will of Uic voters of the Democratic party nt the primary election to be held August 18, 1014. Fha.nk Vavkicka. I hereby announce myself n candi date for the olllce of County Clerk of Webster county, subject to tho decision of the voters of the Republican party At tho primary to bo held August 18th, 1014. CiiAH. C. Bennett. 'I ux&n- rait .ivnvTisy.r -a mmk . smmmi q mm if ll ml. Mm i i Bleached Huck Towels Fancy borders, sold at 10c, extra special Large Jot fancy lawns, dimi ities. tissue ginghams, silk mulls and other high grade dress materials sold up ij & to 50c yd., go now at. & tC Toile de Nord Ginghams In all new leading patterns, best 15c value in the VI market, go at - " the Tt?d&3sair2dls- of. Splendid Ladies' Suits 1c Wool Dress Goods and Silks Or.c n 39c Wool D ess Goods sold up to yard, wdl be closed out at per urd I Wool Dress Goods, assortol styles, i-old up to Sl.25, must go at 79c Ladies' Suits, assorted styles, regu Inrsoldup to 313, for dQ yjr quick selling tpO.'tD Waists, 98c bargains Domestic m a 39c TnlTeta Silk, ni-sortod color-, sohl up to 51.00 u yiiul this Silk i. not gimrnnteed and will bo "sold as is," yaid . .. '..' Notlco All Wool Dmss Goods are marked to sell exceedingly low. Remnants and short lengths olo-cd out ut i pi ice. Candidate for tho nomination for Couply Clirk of Webster County, sub jeet to the decision of the Democratic voteis at the Priuiary Election, Augt&t, 13,11)11. dH3t I hereby announce myself n candi date for County Clerk of Webster county subject to the will of the Demo cratic voters at tho primary electiou August 18,1011. XLBERT V. DUCKER. 1 hereby nnnounco myself n enndi date for County Cleric of Webster county subject to tho will of the Democratic voters nt the primary election to bo held August 18,1014. W. T. MOUNTFORD. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner of Commissioner District No. 1, subject to the will of the voters of the Democratic party at the primary lection to beheld August 18, lt14. A. H. BRIGHT. Wheat took u raise of nine cents on Tuesday and this under the present Democratic administration. Surely tho American formers are enjoying the best prosperity that they have ever hud. Constitutional Amendment No 3 appears in this paper on nnojhtr page. Keuil lit. The Blue HIU' sfcieader is ruunlng Amendment No. 1 and the Guide Rock Signal Amendment No. 2. These Amendments will be run until ttetUrst of November. Ladies' White Llngpilo sold up to Sj'UO, now go youroLoice Domestics at About Cost Splendid quality Pillow Ttiblngi bleached, :itl and 42-in. wide, "1 n host L0c value, price IOC Bleached Pillow Tublinr. I.Vin wide, tu r 3 2-f yard wido Sheeting, unbleached extra quality, sold at !27e yd., yn sale piico i. ,w!5C 2 yard wido blenched Sheeting, Pennerell Mill, sells at :i)n n a - ird a u'-tt yard, as lotig as it hibts Pure Linen Cienm Tiiblo handsome designs, a (Wo value Damask, ...48c Bleached Linen lie Atlantic brand, sold at -J Q Prutty Patterns, our (! 'J'." to l! Ic. aid, special AoCi seller, now Table ;iOc Dnmnsk, . 48c MMWMHII iWJWHi llrokou lines of Ladio-t Oxfords, nssorto 1 leath ers and stylos, old up to S3 00 Choice $1.38 Brokt-n linos of Ladles' l'liid Shoes, us-sorU'd styles and leatheis.sold up to SI iK) Choice $1.48 Broken lines of Child ren's Shoes, ii good Hi sortment, sold up to 5175 Choice 08c Special Children's Shoes, assorted stvles .sold up to 81.00 to close them out Choice 69c Men's Shoes in broken lines, small lot, splen did shoe3, sold up to S3 0.) Choice $1.95 - lefGhafits National Sendee Go. IN CHARGE 1 hereby announce myself nsacandl date for County Commissioner for dls trict 4, subject to the will of the demo cratic voters nt the primary electiou to beheld Aug. 18, 1011. .). A. MoAltTIIUH. I hereby nnnouuco myself a caudl dato for County Commissioner for District No. 4, subject to the will of tho Democratic and Peoples Inde pendent voters at tho Primary Elec tion, August 18,1014. Joe Foci ei 1 hereby announce myself as a can dldate for County Commissioner for District Four, subject to tho will of the Republican voters at the primary election to be nclil August in. niH 8J. O. Camiwkll. I hereby nnnounco myself a candi date for County Commissioner of Dis trict No. 5 subject to tho will of the Democratic voters at the Primary Elec tion August 18, 11)14. Lee Detouu. - We nro pleased to note tho hearty response to tho Mayor's' proclamation in regard to tho cleaning up of the lawns and alleys. Most folks want their yards looking tho very best but most of us arc-very busy and then too summer weather Is good resting weather. ri , cents, it costs SI. 15 on ground soaked wheat and S1.75 on shelled dry corn to produce 100 pounds of gain Where whole soaked wheat was used the cost increased to 83.0s a hundred and with whole dry wheat S5.14 a hundred pounds of gain. of -Nebraska to adopt ideals for abetter agriculture and home life and torenialu upon the farm. Auyoue Interested iu the College of Agriculture should ap ply for tile booklet to Dean E A. Bur uett; while those interested in the University School of Agriculture should apply to Principal Harry E. Bradford, University Farm, Lincoln. There's Nothing Better The editor of-tho Argus must have beeu dreaming of tho days of 1007, when this country was in the hands of a panic when he wrote the Democratic convention up, ns ho was certainly mistaken when he said that there were only two Bryan delegates elected to tlio state convention, aud that there were .only fifteen iu attendance at 1:30 when tho convention was called to order. Wo will say that they were all Bryan supporters and that there were about forty present at 1:30 when the convention was called to order. FOR REPRESENTATIVE 1 hereby announce myself ns iv candi date for State Representative for tile 4Gth district subject to tho will of tho ltepublicHn voters at tho primary elco Hon August 18th I trust I merit your support. A. l, IIAIITWELL. I hereby nnnouuco myself a candid ate for Representative of the 40th Dtstrlct subject to tho will of the Demociatlc voters nt tho primary election August '18, 1014. A. V. Cox. The large crop of wheat now being harvested will make wheat more profit able to feed than corn at present prices, said Supt. W. P. Snyder of tho North Platto Experimental Substation at the meeting of dry laud experimen tal workers at Hays, Kansas, recently All wheat should bo ground, however, beforo feeding unless tho costofgrlnd ing exceeds 18 cents a bushel. In giving the results of feeding wheat aud corn, he showed that with corn at G8 ceuts a bushel and wheat at GO August seeding of alfalfa is now be coming quite generally practiced in many sections of tho state. Reports have been secured from practically every section of tho state, iudicatiug that Its success depends largely upon theamount of moisture at tho time or Immediately following the seeding. The first week in August is geuerally best, but the time will depend very largely upon the condition of the soil. August seeding gives u chance to se cure a small grain crop in sections of tho stato where there is plenty of moisture. It nlso allows summer till ing in sections of the state where there is plenty of moisture. It also allows Hiimmor tilling iu sections of the stato whore moisture should be conserved. August seeding enables one to kill the weeds, thus doing away with tho greatest objection to spring seeding, soys Bulletin No. 180 Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. Ringling Circus is Announced Ollicial information confirms the an nouncement that on Aug. 13th, Ring ling Brothers' circus will give two per formances in Hasting?. Many new features have been added this year, the most notable of which is the spectacle "Solomon and the Queen of Shelba". This colossal production is presented with a cast of 1,250 people, a ballet of ,100 dancing girls, 735 horses, X2 camels aud a tralnload of scenery, costumes and properties on the biggest stage in the world. Following the spectacle, a circus pro gram of unusual brilliancy will be pre sented, including au array of foreign and American acts new to the circus world. Tho menagerie contains 1,003 wild animals, II elephants, r giraffes and a "baby zoo". The circus is trans ported on SO double length cars. Spec ial arrangements have been made by the railroads to accommodate the crowds that will visit tho cirous from tills city and and the surrounding country. What Ah AftrlcMltiiral Educatlm Means To You Au Illustrated booklet of unusually handsome design entitled "What iinj Agricultural Eduention means to You" describing tho Nebraska College and School of Agriculture at Lincoln, is Just olf tho press Hiid may bohnd with out cost upon application. Altho ' de signed to illustrate In a practical way the work of pie many departments, as well as the beauty of tho University Farm, it is an invitation to the youth Baptismal Custom. A pretty custom is followed at bap tisms in Heligoland. Whllo a psalm is being sung a procession of little boys and girls troop iu, passing in front of the altar. Each child carries a pannikin of water, tho contents of which nro poured Into the baptismal font. Thus all tho child's futuro play matcB contribute to tho wator with which tho baby is admitted into tho church. Mean of Maud. ' Ethel "Jack snatched a kiss from Ulco last night aud she cried." Maud 'What for more T" i , 8 " l A ', ED- IT ALL THK PHOMK9 m999mmmmmm A Trial Will Convince You 6369i B n6S69M Than our complete line of Gro ceries, Queensvyare, Cigars, Candies, Tobacco. You will find us able and willing to supply your wants in a very satisfactory manner at all times, and our 7chief endeavor is to please. Now, with these inducements and incentives to give us a trial order, why not do so today. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY FURNITUR.E AND UNDERTAKING AMACK NEWHOUmtE BLK