I" w ., 'VL"''ViMnummrmitWPsrTFKgritn'-tt&fmc.tAiL.... . . ?fM!',"Ml"lM,,ll'"'lA' rtrrT.TrwrTrWyM.))10ti(i)(r MtlmMMhT , .-, -rMlKW-.SjStSKr 'fs RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I i 'iti i iv ' ?V ' Lf r .'I '' HOMENEWS Bulletin of Tho Week's Doings Take your cream to J. O. Caldwell. The price of wheat Is going up every day. 1'iank Elllnger wusln HatinKs Mon day. John Foster spent Tuesday in Hast ings. Hon U. W. Kaley was in Ulue Hill Fi Iday. MUsIlctlln l'otter is homo from Chicago. Attorney Stewart was in Nelso'n Thursday. FOR HE N'T A good 5-rootn house. IlutuhUon & Sakideti. Aaron Hedge peut Sunday near lnavale with relatives. Howard Simpson left Sunday for Armour to visit relatives. The Mlses Aljcc and Mabel Pope were in Hastings Friday. I offer for sale cheap my black driving mare, 7 years old. Win B. I'ayne, Rlverton, Nebraska. S. C. Ellis, wife and daughter are spending this week in Denver. Clyde Wolfo and Raymond Kootitx. left for the west Sundavevtnlng A large crowd turned out Monday evening to hear the band coucert. When ever you know of any local items let us know. We have both phones. Allen Hadell of Long Island, Kansas, was visiting friends and relatives here this week. Col. J. II. EUlugcr hhs purchased n new Ford car of the Red Cloud Auto Company. Miss Veda Ludlow returned home Sunday from Denver where she had been visiting. SherllF Hedge went to Lincoln Tues day morning to atteud the National Suerlff': Convention. .1. F. Grimes of Ulue Hill was in town the Hist of the week visiting his son, E L. Gi lines and f.imily. II. J.tMnurer left for Lincoln, Sioux City and Quincy III., Tuesday morn ing where he will enjoy himself. Editor Jones cf the Blue Hill Leader was In town Tuesday morning. While here he made thl olllee a pleasant cul'. Miss Nellie Caster and Miss Ruth Johnston lnstiuetois of tho Alma Xiiuia School- apent Sunday heie with home folks. Veilin Taylor, Paul Polnicky and F.-ed Plmieb returned home Friday fi-om Oewce&e where they had been enjoying an outing. Mis. LGanow, daughter of Ueo. Clauson amj.wlte, was brought home Sunday morning. She is suffering with acuto appendicitis. Several members of the Epworth League attended the social nt lnavale last Friday evening given by the Epworth League of that place. The lnrgost yield of wheat threshed so far this season around hero was part, of Harry J IlulTcr's Held which turned out iG.buslielB to tho acre. Losr A man's..black coat Sunday somewhere in town or near railroad track. Finder leave same at Weesner .V. Perry's store-und icceivc reward. I Imvo tlie best iuie lu tho county on farm loans. See me and bo convinced. My motto prompt service. ' A. T. Wai.ki.ii. ' A largo crowiOittended the Union services Sunday evening uttho Wash ington school paik. The services are growing moio , Intel estlng every Sun day eveulng, The engino'oti passenger train No 13 broko don;Filduy morning as the train stinted to leave the yards and another engine was iiecessaiy to pull the train west. Chas. Uieshline was thrown fiom his motorcycle Sunday afternoon when five miles east of lawn. He received a bal gash ouloiie or his legs, which re quired several stitches by Dr. Mitchell. Miss Kose McGulro Is homo from ScottsbliifTwhero she has been visiting Mrs. Fred Stauberry. She has becu PiHovlni? a two week's vacation from her duties as bookkeeper at Miner Bro3. Co. store. The school board held a special meeting Monday Uiight to consider the petition of the patrons living lu the extreme north end of the district Hsk ing for a scuooljcloser to them. Tho board denied the revuest because they had no lawfultneans of complying with it. The real merits ot the case was not brought out It would give thin oflloe considerable pleasure If overylfarmcr would call us up as soon as he.has thrashed and let us know how much his wheat or oats yielded to tho aero and tho number of acres ho had In crop. With the best crop In ton years we ought to make as much out of It as we pqsslbly can. What would give us still more pleasure would bo to have oaou farmer call at the office and tell us personally about bis crop. The Congregational chinch Indite will give mi ice eteain Miclal on the chinch lawn next Monday evening. 12 II. XowhousW. (J. Hamilton, S. It. 1'loiatiee hnil 12, L. Uritnes were In Cowles Tuesday night where they in stalled the olllceia'jn the I. O. 6. I-'-lodge S Gentlemen Who Yearn For Public Office The following is the list of thoe who aspire for public otllco having Ule-l as candidates for' nomination for the vat Ions county ofUce, and who will be up fur your consideration at the Pri mary Election, Augwit lSth. The following filed on the Demo crat ticket: Representative 40th District A. W Cox G. W. Lfndsey County Sheriff ' " B. F. Hudson Grant Christy Chns. J. Reddon James Hubatka Wm. Klrkpatriek County Attorney E. G. Caldwell Frank J. Munday County Coroner Henry Cook County Treasurer H. C. Wright Geo. W. Trine County Clerk Frank Vavrlcka A. V. Duckcr Wm. T. Mountford County Superintendent Gertrude L. Coon County Commissioner A. H. Blight, 1st district. J. F. Knigge, 1st " s C. T. Dickenson, 3d " J. A. McArthur, 4th " Lymin E-ssig, 4th " Joe Fogel, 4th " Lee DeTotir, Gth " The following filed on the Progress Ivo ticket: T. W. White, County Sheriff ' J. F. Grimes, County Treasurer Geo. P. Cattier, Commissioner .'id district. Chai. II. l'otter, Commissioner 1th dlstiict. The following tiled on the Peoples Independent ticket by petition: A.W. Cox, Representative 10th Dist. Geo. W. Lindsey, " 40th " James Hubatka, Sheriff. Ciias. J. Reddon, " E. G. Caldwell, County Attorney. Frank .1. Munday, " " Henry Cook, Coroner. Geo. W. Trine, Treasurer. Frank Vavrlcka, Clerk Wm. T. Mountford, Clerk. GeitrudeL. Coon, Superintendent. C. T. Dickenson, Commissioner Hd district. The following filed on the Ho- public.invticket: Representative -sQth'Dist. A. F. Heart woll W. F. Rlckaul County Shot ill' Oliver D Hedge W A. Barcus County Attorney Branson W. Stewart County Coroner Ed Aninclc County Treasurer K. T. Foe C. D. Robitison County Clerk C. C. Bennett dJ. Garber County Surveyor Geo. II. Ovcrlng , County Commissioner 1st Dist. A. J. Grant " T. J. Chaplin J. C. Mcinlo B. V. Sheppard Commissioner 3rd District Floyd McCall Commissioner 1th District .1. 0. Caldwell Paul Storey Win. II. Thomas C. II. Potter Commissioner fith District G. Ohmstedu Grant Shldlur Private Money To Loan Also regular Kami Loans nt lowest liites. Call for me at State Hank. C. l CATIIEI1. You can get a dollar's worth of merchandise in our store for one dollar. .We don't force you to take a chance on a houe and lot, nor an automobile, neither do you get trading stamps and when you get three million of them you, may get something. Neither,do we give you tickets good for trashy crockery. In fact, there is no chance when you trade with us, You are sure of' what you get. B. E. JHeFaFland nlBST vt. ItfwK m tKttBifHi&fif aV .HbVa Wfl CjfiB ,CcfrtJrci fcBM A-JH j- h aHkk o I No Gamble KusmI A mack returned home from Blue Hill Wednesday evening. The Masonic lodge will lay the corn er stone next Thursday afternoon for the new- court house. Today the business men are out on their Chautauqua Booster Trip. There are over twenty automobiles loaded down with advei Using and enthusiastic piomotors and we ptedlct the greatest whirlwind campaign ever pulled off in this county. While primarily this trip Is for the purpose or ad Vet Using the Miininer cbuutaiiqua it will be used to increase the goodfellowshlp existing between the towns of the county. We like to visit aud see what our neigh bors are duing mid we art- willing to co-operate with tln-m in whatever un dertakings they hae planned. J5he TEPEE Program For Week Commencing Monday and Tuesday JULY 27 and 23 The Adventures Of Kathlyn "THE WARRIOR MAID" In Two Heel After Kathlyns escape from the ani mal case the lions s wanned into the arena aud with great feroslty try to follow their intended victims. An up rising takes place and Kathlyn assumes the leadership and becomes a real Joan of Arc. Clad in a suit of silver armor her imposing Amazonian figure fills her followers witli confidence. A SALT MAUKKKHL MINE. A Comedy-drama full of amusing situa tions.' A SNAKBVILLE EPKDEMIC An other amusing comedy. Wednesday and Thursday JULY 20 and 110 DOLLY of the DAILIES. "On the Heights". Dolly saves an old school friend who has eloped and thinks her self deserted. A QUESTION' of HATS and GOWNS. A two-part comedy drama, adapted from "Town l'utnns and Gold Leaf." Plain little Jennie is transformed into a beautiful being, but by her own ap parel. SLIPPERY SLIM and thcSTOUK. V6stern comedy. Friday and Saturday JTLY.'M and Aug. 1 A PRINCESS of the DESERT, by Mary Fuller. A beautiful picture with lavish costumes and settings. lloarst-Sellg' Pictorial with timely anil topical world news in plctutes. CHERRY A.Comedy with a "Dick Tui'pln" thrill. A put up job that serves to win. Written by Booth Turk Ingtou. SONNY JIM at the NORTH JPOLE With his dog Shop he trios to find the North Pole. He does not llnd it but does become a hero by saving an ex press train. Change In Hours Doors open at S:00 o'clock. First show tit 8:.10. Saturday Matineo ut 3:30. ' Notice To Contractors Sealed proposals for the erection ot an I. (I. (). 1 lodgu room nml I'lro Hall will ho receiv ed by the llulhlliiK Committee at lied (loud, Nchr., on or hcforuAuu. 3d 1- o'clock A. M., lllll, Inaicordaucowlth drawliut and sped, llcatlons jirepared hy Kitrett Dodds Omaha, Nchr. rians for blihllng and other Inform ation may ho secured hy seeing committee. commltteoresirvcs right to accept or re ject any or all proposals. lly ordir of committee. C11AS. lmiMlAKHH rui:iMAi'iti:ii l'Al'I.HlOUKV 1. O. O. 1'. Ilulldlug Committee. Dr. Nicholson V2 DENTIST OFl'ICB 0n AI.IIIUOIIT'S STOtlK IN R1VKUT0.N ON MONDAY Red Cloud, Nebraska iEDIIfi7AVE'Clfe'' VllM Is not so much In lu crctl efficiency u neay or roup, canur. c&ictea pox nd other dlMue of poultry, but It li the treateit bowel retuhtor In weiretuutorin oouhrvoritock the world for either (Including pet itock), counteract nr. eipedally, bowel troubles das io muity, spoiled or Improper food. With mm. (owls or snlmils. reta. 1st bowels mesns heshh. 'Con tinued IrrecuUrliy mesns some sickness, difficult so cure It not (ttsl. Tboussnds tlve Cermotons reiulsrly twice s week to chickens, yeanc snd old, sttnessmetlme bsvlsi it ever hsidy m resdy remedy for other dlsesses. Soldbydeslerswpest psld; Oae eUe only, SO cents. .atMHBksr Fft SALE 1Y M. E. CRICE DWJ6 Cf Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SURGEON Calls Answered Day or Night J -' ' OltlcoTelphqncs: Hell, (jH; Ind. 1W. Hen. Telephones: Hell, Itcd 27J; Ind.lM. ff Ice ver IN. A. AlbrlftNt's Slw Red Cloud, -i- Nebraska w. l-lignr Cowden left Satiltday for Iowa where he will visit with relatives. 'Mrs Wallln returned to Lincoln Tuesday morning after visiting with her son, Fred Wallln and wife. Notice to Non Resident Defendants. In The District t'ourt of Webster County. Nebraska. lliiKh II. Hunter, I'lnlutllt. v. rhrlMInn HntiHn ninl Auinmln V. lliuiHrnct.nl., nettuilntilK. Tlic above imincit tlufcnilantii, Christina Uaiifccn ami Amanda V. Human, will Uko notice Hint the nliilntll! hiruln, ltuich II. 'Hunter, HUM Ills I'ctlllim lirtclu lu the tllx trli't eourt ot W'cbsiir County, Ncbrimkii on itho'th. ilay ot .Inly ltlll, auatust tho ilcU'iitl untN Christian tlansin and Aninmla V. Una. cn, the objei-i unit ithj tr ol w hli-h Is to fore-i-lose a eirtntii timrtisatii', exeeiucil hy tlic ili'fiuittuits Christian llnm-rn anil Amninl.i V. Iluimn, to thepliilutlirhcriln, upoii the Kiiuth h'nlt dI tho south ut iiinrtir (Sj. 1-2 S. W. t-l) anil the north cast quarter ot the south cast quarter (N. I:. l-i M. II. l-i) nnil tho miuHi hnlt of theKontli cast ilinrtcr (S.'l-'i S. K. 1-4), nil In town one (1), Motion thirty three (III), r.inno nine U), Wist fi v. m., Wcl- st r county. Nthranka, to Kccuro imynicnt ol a certain note, it ntcd . I lino Ith. 1UI0, lor the sum ot r.i'jOO.OO iluo anil (inynlilc In il o years from ilato thereof, anil on which default lin been made In the imymrnl ot the Interest ducln .luno iui;l nml In tho Interest due In Juno 1UII; and as Is provided In tho terms ol said niortiWKC, pliiliitltr has elected to de clare lliou hole amount duo on K.-ild note and iiiortKnRc: that tho amount duo and unpaid on said note and niortKUKc Is 811 ll'J.UO, for Which sum with Interest at 8 per cent from July T, lllll, plnlutlil prays (or a decree thai defendants bo reculreil to pay tho same, or that Raid premises bo sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are hereby require 1 to answer said petition on or before Monday tho Ultli. day of August l'.M I. Hated this 15th. day of July 1UII. 1IUU1I II. IlUNTim, lly l'lalutltl. Krauk J. Munday, II Is Attorney. Order to Show Cause State ot Xeliraska, j. i -n,u County Court. WelHler County, f ' At a County Court held at the County I'ouri room In and for kM county July lHth. A. I". 11)11. S thu matter ot tho estate of John Milcom, Deccnhcd. ON readlim mid llliiu; the iietltlon of ((race i:. lluruess praying that admluKtiatlou of said estate may ho granted to Kred Maurcr, as Administrator. OiUHMtKl), that Prlilny the 7th day ot Auxustr A. I), lllll, at ten o'clock a. in., H asHluucel for henrlim said petition, when all persons Interested lu 8nld matter may ap pear at'ii County Court to he held In aud for iald I'nuiiiy anil show causo why prayer of petitioner should not ho granted; aud that notice ot the pendency ot said petition and thu hi-arluir thereof ho given to all persons Interested lu said mailer, by publishing a copy ot this order In the lted Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for thruf cousecutle weeks prior to said day ot hentlnj.'. A. 1). lll.NVUV, (Seal; County .Indue. (OlOlOOIIletteAdCa We Are Looking For The Man Who has soiled his edotlies so liadly, that they are not lit to wear. No matter how dirty or irreasy the suit tuay ho wu arc equipped with the moot modern machinery and hnvu skilled workmen who know- how to Clean, Repair and Press Clothes R. 6. flassinge Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones Jlome Portraits and farm Viems Now is the time to have a photo of your home, wheat fields or stock. Also family groups or single photos. Call us over the phone. We can come any time. MICKS niQHT 0O Stevens Bros. MNiWsdMHVwSsyiMksBSswSMitfNBAsNkwsiiMeleftf VV i END OF ? IT 11 A tLLA VNV'VV The Year's Most Important Money Saving Event IV Will Sell For Cash Kuppenheimer, Clothcraft and Society Brand Suits 20 3& 50 DISCOUNT Straw Hats One Half Price Except Panamas 100 Pairs of Men's Oxfords, worth $3.80, $4.00, $4.60 and $5.00, at per pair $2. A FEAST OF BARGAINS FOR ALL Sale Commences Saturday, July 11 he Qomden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers vAns"- Children's Dresses - Rompers Economical Mothers Note tho Dollars and cents saved are one good reason for buying'1" these little garments. But not the best reason. The charm of the style the excellence of the material and making would make them wise purchases at a considerable higher price. i Quantities are limited but plenty of variety in sizes 2 to 14, if you come promptly. Pi Ices from 25c to $1.25 floleprogffloaeru Barbara Agent For American Bros. Corsets And i I, See JlmeFiea Pikes Peak, Estes Park, Royal Gorge, The Black Hills, Big Horn Mountains, Yellowstone Pork, Glacier National Park, Puget Sound Cquniry, California These aro Western becnio and vacation regions, for any of which Europe would pay a fabulous buiii to possess. ' Thoy are nurt and are easily accessible, at low ratobf luxurious train service andinuy be enjoyod nt small expense. You will bo surprised to learn the raodoruto cost of a two weeks' stay in Colorado, for Kates Park, or ,at Hot Springs in tho Illack Hills. or nt a hospitable ranch lu the lilg Horn mountains, near Sheridan, or in tho Absorakas beyond Cody; or would you prefer a tour and keep "on the move,'' through Yellowstone or Glacier National Parks, or of the PaclDc Coast through Sccnlo Colorado? You can travel in America at tho comfortable tralus in the world. Ask tour you have in mind, i , .-.THY US FOR AHTISTIG JOB PflflTHiG .-. 7Vvv', SEASON mT TTT - UTI Prlcos Phares Beauty and Warner H Butterick Patterns. W iiaw.nr hi, i 1 1 l mm1 iii1 This Summer I lowest railroad rates and in the most mo for literature descriptive of any . ' ;.;L.' J. J. FKLXIKN, Tlokmt Agint. t L, W. WAKKLKY, mmnmralPamngur Agt. vJEV 'I nEP- T ,Bil ' I y I . 1 J 1 4 W. m rso t .' & -A 1 K JlJtf..tiltltsA .