m ft V.- IS U I. M tf Hi i v !. K t 4 1 It lit . RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to inform the people of Red Cloud and vicinity, that we have engaged the well known and reputable Sales Firm Merchants National Service Company of Chicago to conduct a STUPENDOUS UN-LOADING SALE And have placed the entire stock in their charge and have given them power to mark goods down to prices that will inevitably bring quick action. The object is to turn at least $10,000. Worth of Merchandise Into Cash In 16 days. This tremendous sale will present to the public an absolutely unprecedented opportunity to save money on excellent, dependable and meritorious merchandise. Sale Will Begin Wednesday, July 29th, at 8:30 A. M. LOOK FOR OUR BIG CIRCULARS The Miner Bros. Go. Red Cloud, Nebraska LOOK FOR OUR BIG CIRCULARS THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, "Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the roMoMro nl Ilea ( loud, Noli, as Second I'Iiirh Mutter A. B. MuARTIlUR l'uiiusiiKit THK ONLY DKMOUKATIO 1'AI'Klt IN WKUSTKIl COUNTY Political Announcements I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho oillco (if County Tiohs urer of Webster county subject to the will of the Democratic voteis nt this Prnntirv election, August 18, lOll. II. C. WR1UIIT. Announcements Ar. Run Under Thle Head By Paying the Sum ot Five Dol lars Which Must Be Cash in Advance. Our Columna Are Open For Any Legi timate Advertising and Wo Welcome Announcements Regardless ot Party Affiliations. FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby nnnouuee myself u can dldato for the olllco of Shorlir of Web ater Couutv. subject to the will of the voters of the1 Democratic patty nt tho primary election to bo held August 18, 1914. lh:. ltrisnx. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce myself u candi date for tho otllce of County Cleik of Webster County, subject to the will of the voters of the Democratic party at the prlmury election to be held August 18, 1014, Pn.tNK Vavmcha. I hereby announco myself a candi date foi''thc otllce of County Clerk of Webster county, subject to the decision of the voters of the Republican party at tho. primary to bo held August 18th, 1014. Ciias. C. Bennktt. I hereby announce myself a candi date lor Representative of the 4flth Dlsti lot, subject to tin will of Demo cratic and People- Independent voters ut the primary election August IS, 101 4. Geo. W. Livdsry. FOR COl'NTY SUPERINTENDENT I announco myself as a candidate for tho nomination on tho Demociatle and Peoples Independent ticket nt the primary election to bo held August 18th, for tho otllce of county superin teiulent of Webster countv C.ERTRUDE L. COON I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Oleilc of Webster county subject to the will of the Demo cratic voters at the primary election Atigiistl8, Mil. ALBERT V. DUCKER. FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Attorney of Web'tor county, subject to the action of the Democratic party at the primary elec tion, August 18, J014. E. O. Caldwku,. Brother Shields of tho Orleans Isser has shied hi? hat in tho ling and tts plies to be our next Seoiotary ot State. And why notr If there Is anyone who is acquainted with the ufl'ulis of this state it Is the editor and as uu editor Brother Shields lias pi oven himself to be one, of exceptional ability. He can put, any town on the map within twenty-four houis after his arilvalaud as Sucretuty of State he would fill the bill to a T. 1 hereby unnounee myself a candid ate for the oillco of Sheriff of Webster ciurity, subjtct to tho will of the voters or the Democratic party at the primary election to be hold August 18, 1914. GRANT CHRISTY. I horeby announco myself u candi date for the nomination of Sheriff of Wobstor County subject to the will of the votors of the Demociatle party at tho Primary election to beheld August 18, 1014. UHA8. J. kkdhon. I lioroby announce tnybelf as a candi date for tho olllceof SheiUl'of Webster county, subject to tho will of the voters of tho' Democratic party at tho primary election to be hold August IS, 1014. .IAS. lll'llATKA. I hereby announco myself n oundi date for County Cleric, of Webster county hitbject to the will of the Democratic votots ut the primary election to bd held August IS. 101 1. W. T. MOUNTFORD, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONS .1 her.eby announco myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner of Commissioner District No. 1, subject to the will of the voters of the Demociatle putty at the piimary election to beheld August 18, mil. A. II. BRIGHT. 1 horcbv announce myself asacandl date for County Commissioner tor dis trict A, subject to the will of the demo cratic votets at the primary electiou to behold Aug. 18, 1011. .1. A. McAiitiil'ii. I horeby announco mysel f as a candi date for the olllce of County Attorney, subject to tho will of the voteis of the Republican Pint v ut the piimarios to bo held on August 18th, 101 1 UllAXnOX W STKWAItr. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho nomination of county attorney, Mih'ccl to tho Demoeiutic voters of Webster comity at the pri mary election August 18, 1014. Your vote will bo appreciated. FRANK J. Ml'NDAY FOR COUNTY JUDGE Having tiled my petition as ipquired by law, I heieby announce myself as a candidate for tho otllce of County Judge of Webster county on tho Non Partisan Judicial ticket at tho primary election to be held on August Id, 101 1, subject to tho will of tile qu'illlled olcctois of said county. A D. RANNEY. The eutiro state regardless of party otllllation gives Governor Moorchead credit for the ablcaud elllcleut manner In which he has conducted the affairs iu tho Govcruoi's otllce. His adminis tration has been lice from all playing to the gUllerios and Las been full ot good common' souse and ability to see things us tiiey :uo. Hisrecoid de serves recognition by returning him to the olllce for another term. -SEESa- oS3S3Sat There's Hotbing Better 1 Mike; this method of announcing myself as n candidate for the oillco of Shoriff of Webster county, subject to the will of tho progressive voters to bo expressed nt the pi Ininry August 18th T. W. Whiti:. f iiornh nnn mnce mvsolf a candid ate for Bheritr of Webster County sub ject to the will of tho Democratic voters at the Primary Election", August '18, 1014. Wm. KlBKI'ATKlCK. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Treasurer of Wobiter County, Bubjeo1 to the will of the voters of the Democratic party at the primary election to' be held Aug wt 18, 1014. Geo. V. Trine. I take this method of announcing my candidacy for the office of Couuty T.easurer, subject to the deaislon of the republican voters at tho primary August lt)th. 0. D. RoniNfiOX. I am a candidate for the office or Treasurer of Webbter county, Ne braska, subject to the wish of the Progressive voters at the primary elation, August 18, 10l4.poRiMEg 1 hereby announce myself a candi dates for County Commissioner for District. No. 4, subject, to tho will of the Democratic and Peoples Inde pendent voters at tho Primary Elec tion, August 18,1011. Jou Fooei.. I heieby announce myself as a can dldato for County Commissioner for District Four, subject to the will, of tho Republican voters at tho primary election to bo held August J 8. 1014 I. O. CAi.mvr.LL. FOR STATE SENATOR I, deshe to announce to my friends that 1 will bo a candidate for Stato Senator from the aOth Dlstiict, subject to the decision of tho Republican votors et the primaries August 18th. GEO. W. HUMMEL. Wo wish to call particular attention to tho proclamation of iMuyor Dnwcr ell. Streets and alleyb, juuls and lawns should bo kept clean nil the year around but when wo iuo expect ing distinguished visitors arid a great many who are not to distinguished but who appreciate a well keptcity we should make an uxtia oftort so that we may present aspic and span appear- iwicu. Let everyone got busy and for once at leatt let every spot iu tho city bu clean. awMMMaBMaM Than our complete line of Gro ceries, Queensware, Cigars, Candies, Tobacco. You will find us able and willing to supply your wants in a very satisfactory manner at all times, and our chief endeavor is to please. Now, with these inducements and incentives to give us a trial order, why not do so today. A Trial WW Convince You !1 6969 A WULLBRANDT THE HOME GROCERY S3S3 - 63SS I hereby announco myself candl dtto for Countv Commissioner of Dis trict No. 5 subject to tho will of the Democratic voters ot tho Primary Elec tion August 18, 1014. T.ee Detouh. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as a candi date for State Representative for the 4Gth dlstrlot subject to the will of the nAimbllcan voters nt the primary elec tion August 1 8th. I trust 1 merit your 'support. A. V, IlAUTWEI.L. T lmrebv announce myself a candid ate for Representative of the 40th mati-lct sublcct to the will of tho Democratic voters at the primary election August 18, 10J4. A. Wi COX. I hereby announco myself as a can didate forStato Senator from tho 20tb Dlstiict. subject to the will of tho Democratic voters at tho piimary elec tion to-be held August 1H, lull. Wm. (. Wei:sni:ii. Air. Lee Detour of Guide Rook has (lied on the Democratic ticket for the nomination of couuty commissioner. Mr. Detour served one term in the couuty clerk's otllce creditably and he certainly Is well acquainted with the needs of this county. lie is a hall fel low well met and a good mixer. Tho Democratic county convention hold in Bluo Hill last week was most harmonious and the utmost good-feel-Ing provailed. There was a very iioticable "get-to-getlier" atmosphere about all the deliberations and as a result tho party will present a solid front to all opponents this coming election. With a united party stand ing squarely for the principles of demo cracy we ought to be able to sweep the county from end to end. Surely tho prospects never were brighter and look for a glorious victory. 9S9a A careful perusal of tho Chautauqua program will convince" any one that this year's talent is tho best ever given in this city, Each aud every day will be a raro treat and we are all looking for ward to an exceptionally ood feast of entertainment and instruction, we Mice Owing to the press of busiuess mat ters I have decided to withdraw from ine race xor representative irom the 40th District. I also take this method of tbauktng my frieuds for their en couragement and aid. F. S. Kino. FURNITURE ass and ee UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK ALL THK PHONES NEWHOUBC BLK DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIBT OVER STATE aUNK Red Cloud Nebraska E. S. Gorber Real Estate, Farm Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud -Nebttsia. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North of I. O. O. F. Hall -O- Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free o Phm IN, 212 i A Vk It ( J ' V V. ., I . Vk ! T' 'to. ymmHmt miMimiai,1 ititi'imnnimiiimtiwmi)immmm -u- r a