HHM u Mi. it.wii..,.41vS!i-W:! JTWiJSlTraiWwtt- 14.l,jAimffi.ii HIHli' IIIWlll , limiMIIIIMIHl """' '$$?-" .r jtrxj HTMinimi ii. .ln.n,i .. "n' 1- t. -XattsaCw. RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF V ' i If. I Ingenious Smuggling Device. A ruusuum of criminology has been founded In ParlB by M. Charles Porch- aru, rormerly chief of the pollco An archist brigade. Among Us curious contents nro n hollow wax baby which was used to smuggle brandy into Paris. A woman carried a baby into the city ovcry day, but as it never grow any bigger tho authorities ex amined it and discovered the fraud. ECZEMA ON HANDS AND ARMS , 1321 Douglas St., Omaha, Nob. "My troublo began from a bad form of ec Eema all ovor my hands, neck and arms. I could get no sleep for tho Itching and burning. Tho small pim ples looked red and watery and my skin and scalp becamo dry and itch ing. Tho pimples irritated mo eo that I would scratch until they bled. I could not put my hands in wator and it I onco tried It they burned so that I could not stand, it. I bad to havo my hands tied up and ghnes on all tho tlmo for nearly two months. Some times I would scratch tho skin off it irritated so andNI could do no work Ut all. "I tried all kinds of remedies but nothing did any good. Then I saw In tho nowspapcr about Cutlcura Soap and Olntmont and got somo. I yvas completely healed iu 11 vo or six weeks. They havo not troubled me since." (Signed) Joo Uhl, Jan. 31, '14. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Saniplo of each' free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. AddreBB post card "Cutlcura, Dcpt L, Bo3ton." Adv. Only a fool man would think of Judging a woman's cooking by tho apologies she mnkes for It. It requires considerable tact to re member a woman's birthday and to forget her ago. GOULD NOT STAND ON FEET Mrs. Baker So Weak Could Not Do Her Work Found Relief In Novel Way. Adrian, Mich. " I suffered terribly With female weakness and backache and got so weak that I could hardly do my work. When I washed my dishes I had to sit down and when I would sweep the floor I would get so weak that I would have to get a drink every few minutes, and before I did my dustinglwouldhavo to lie down. I got ao poorly that my folks thought I was going into consumption. One day I found a piece of paper blowing around the yard and I picked it up and read it It said 'Saved from the Grave,' and told what Lydia E. PInkham's Vegeta ble Compound has done for women. I showed it to my husband and he said, Why don't you try it ? ' So I did, and after I had taken two bottles I felt better and I said to my husband, 'I don't need any more,' and he said 'You bad better take it a little longer anyway.' So I took it for thrco months and got well and strong." Mrs. Alonzo E. Baker, 9 Tecumseh St, Adrian, Mich. Not Well Enough to Work. In these words is hidden the tragedy of many a woman, housekeeper or wage earner who supports herself and is often helping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether in house, ofHce, fac tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman should remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the ills to which all women are prone, and that Is Lydia E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound. It promotes that vigor which makes work easy. The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cur CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta Die act surely due genuy on tne liver. Stop after dinner dis tresscure Indigestion. Improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. ' SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature frAIEft' HAIR BALSAM Atollel preparation ot merit JI.Ip. to eradlcatadandrutt. Fnr II ntmm CTaIa .m! Bautr to Cray or Fadad Hair. won, ana VLuuu irureuu- W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 29-1914. :.,,,. BBBBBE ) .Emilia i .nDTFUs BBBBBBBBB Wll lt-b Vr HIYtK mW pjriui.. &&?&&& H Save the Babies. INFANT MORTALITY is something; frightful. , Wo can hardly realise that of all the children bora in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent, or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach ono year; thirty-seven percent., or mora than one-third, before thoy are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I Wo do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Costoria would savo a majority of theso precious lives, Neither do wo henitato to say that many of tiiese lnfantilo deaths aro occasioned by tho uso of narcotlo preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups Bold for children's complaints contain more or less opium or morphine Thoy nro, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly tho reverse, but you roust seo that it bears the Blgnaturo of Chas. H. Hotelier, Castoria causes me Dioou io circuiaw propony, uyvuo wiu y - pores of the skin and allays lover. SIS' . S&? j j Geamlno Castoria always bears the signature otaX -ebccJUtt ', HOW HE TURNED THE TRICK After This, Mr. Mordecal Hammerfest Must Do Credited With Knowing a Thing or Two. Mrs. Mordecal Hammerfest turned palo ns her husband entered the din ing room for breakfast. "Mordy!" sho gasped. "Do you don't you feel well?" "Perfectly," ho replied in seeming surprise. "But but, you aro in your your underdudsl" "Tell mo something I don't know. Pass tho butter, pleaso," said Mr. Ham morfoBt. Sho passed tho butter, remarking nervously, "But, Mordy, dear, as you camo in I saw you didn't havo any shoes on." "Well, what of It, Your hair Is In curl papors, isn't it?" "Why y-yes." "And you havo on a wrapper, haven't you?" "Yes." "Very well, then." And ho went on eating his break fast in silence except when ho asked her to pass tho butter. Then ho went upstairs and finished dressing, and tho noxt morning and on succeeding morn ings she reported for breakfast in reg ular clothes. Real Tragedy of the Stage. A beautiful actress, Fraulein Dar mcr, was killed by nccldont recently, whllo playing at tho Theater of Va rieties at Bcrno, Switzerland. The last act of tho comedy, "Tho Prldo ot tho Third Company," was coming to an end when Fraulein Darmer fell through a defoctlvo stage trap to a distance of eix feet and fractured her skull. Tho actress was carried uncon scious to her room and a doctor was in prompt attendance, but the case was beyond his holp, and as the cur tain fell on tho comedy on the stage tho girl died. Neither the members of tho company who took the final "call" nor tho public, who wondered why the actress did not appear, had the slight est idea of the tragedy that had oc curred behind tho sconce. A Fish 8tory. "The inns of dear old England ara picturesque," said Richard Lo Gal llennp, on his return from abroad, "but tho food they serve is something ter rible. "After a visit to Blenheim palace I entered an inn in tho quaint village ot Woodstock. As 1 lunched or tried to lunch my landlord said to mo: "The great dook ot Marlborough onco sat In that chair you're a settln' In, sir.' " 'Is that so?' sold L " 'And tho dook once drunk 'Is beer out o' that same mug you're a-drlnktn' out of.' " 'And I bet,' said I, 'I bet he refused to eat this flsb, too. Well, take it away, my man. I don't want It, either.'" 8usplclous. "Too bad Jinx and his wife don't get along well together." "Why, I always understood that they were an Ideal couple." "So did I, but thoy must have had a dreadful ecrap before he started for work this morning." "Did he have a black eye?" "No, but he stopped In when we were on our way home and bought her a five-pound box of candy." Not 8o Much to Blame. "I didn't know you were so accom plished a linguist," he remarked as h glanced at the paper she was writing. "I don't mako any pretentions In that direction," sho answered. "But that Is a Russian newspapei you havo picked up." "Why, so It is," she answered In sur prise. "I thought It was ar dialect story." Our Statesmen. Ambrose Blerce, the brilliant satir ist, gavo, at a dinner In Washington, a few political definitions. "A conservative," said Mr. Blerco, "Is a statesman who Is enamored ot existing evils, whllo a radical would replace them with others." LADIES CAN WEAR 8IIOES One itio smaller aftsr nttof Allen' Fool-Bat, lb Anllioptlo ponder to be abaken Into tbs ihoea. II make tight or new tbooa feel eay. Juit tbo thing for dancing. Rif uit iubit(tut$$. For VRttH trial package, addreas Allen S. Olmited, Lellor, N. T. Both Imposed Upon. Desorted Wife (tolling grocer her troubles) And I trusted him so. Grocer Confound it I So did I. TOUR OWN imUGOIST Will. TEI.T, TOO Trr Murlno Kjo Hcmndjr fiirlled, Weak, Watery Hrua and Granulated tun Kto Comtort. Wrltn for Ilook ot tha Kje f mull Ifroe. Murlno Mjo Uotutxljr Co., Chicago. jhi DiTpuuBi no nnumnv Wrlto for (look ot tha Kj Tho honeymoon Is ovor when the bride discovers that she might have dono bettor. . Thero aro plumbers. other fiends besides tsul S .SsBlBlBlavBBBaaeBvaM "xmtKr v EM mm Kj" By W (SB sT "sf JLLbLBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbA MT V" 'H HA aBLBLBLBLBLV I ffrSC tB 1 aAJH&M I sBPIniiiiiiiBl I Ii &f -''' KjVfl I KHhWlWel I VsW BVeVsWef 1 .4bBBBabbm.' .7vStBTaW I SBTSHSBTaaaaf'sTal I HSsar fJBMiWJTaV v IjbW I fBsTaVamsVaV I - fs I BWtBTBVsVsSjWjm .i t. s V Sr m VjTsWjTsWjTsWjTsVjsTaTaTaTaTar "W" vSjtBt nKBarBM 'v jam I SVjtsbSjtBI 1 i n9 I lllMUBiTaS SAMam HVAVAW 1 IB aiawMV iBNBtiiU&tltKiKIBE&bL. tSBaaaaiaiaiaiaiaL Vw LiaiavHliklBaiaiaiaiaiaH BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaHaa9jaatjBTaKl2BBTaTaTal " tm? SBTaaaaVaTBjaaTaTaTaTSWHLM HHmlaaaTaTaTaTaTaTamHklBBTaTaH?9 PJssTaTaTaTaTaTaTH'rvaTa3aV)aRituWaSei SBTaTaVxaaTaTaTaTaTasaVBTaTa'BVaTaYaTaTaTaTaTH BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaBiBaaaaTf'Jtda1&JaVaTaaaaS9Sa 'a jaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaal laaaaaaaaaaasaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTf'aVaVaVTlBYaT & BTaHaaTaBTaTaTaTaTaVaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaVaTaTB BBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaTaTaTaffaTaYaWJ I waVKSlDTataTaTaTaTaTaTa1aaBaBBTaTaTaB BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaaTalBTaTaTaV4BTaTaTaTaTVrrli9fib& v.aTaTsBa9BBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaBBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaal RBMaWwjTaT99aaTwBBV'9BK13BsUkaKlaKC!, IXmA Hkimrlm sTIbi'.Ii BTTBBtaTaBBaiaLaaBl 1 BWOTBaaTlfaTaTaVaTaWManaUaWa aWyw-aaeM wgwwfcuay MlmkMB3aarHnM iMinfflFrPlBl MT1l""IF SSaVlBlW : aaaV' Ii - lAAifM'v .Nfc ' i' rty y ji, ( f a- ?n . s , , JBBPpBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMSjaaaaBjajaa sasaal lavssESsSaTaR-TStXr laaafesBHaBJSSMasssBSHHHSsMBMiauask Tragic death has struck onco mora at tho royal family ot Austria In tho assassination of tho heir to tho throno, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, and his wife. Tho Illustration shows a vlow ot Sarajovo, tho cnpltnl of Bosnia, where tho murders took place. Inset nro' portraits of tho now heir presumptive, Archdiiko Charlos Francis, and of his wife. Ho Is a son of tho late Archdiiko Otto, nephew of tha emperor, and sho Is a Bourbon princess of Parma. COLONEL ROOSEVELT RECUPERATING P55QVjWBBBBBBYBBBBBBBBBB3BB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBWiiiBBfsfS aBaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaacWaHBaSHaV y ''BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaLJvBBBBBBBBi Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaty'BafiTeiy Te2aiir!i7ir eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBllaMaaaaaaa1 BBaaaaaaaaaaaaTyyML ; lK?SSit' BBaBaBaaPBWjCfiBBaBaBl ,-im ,..iWi J Xg' 1-aTaTaTaTaWeTJMr lfal BTaaTaBTaBTaTr'C' -Sj-OVMmSMBFT)? BaTaVaBTaTl BTaaaaar- HJ: X'tKWEWA H'-HbtHI rfcl BBaWaav' 4 f ' ' vt ''' L ' WaWaaPBBp X. BaaWaBaaK ffBaal aHril B44 oT'" rflBLBBMalBTiTaBTaTaPBVSBfa iffiiiiiBT'':)!J$,?i BaasBJBVawjAi' V l-Ov- 9V";t$ .. w s v, VaTaWfBBBVH LfaTiBTaHBBiBVlBMiJBnBV':'' : K'WWBPBB BTaVJBafrJIiBrQwJBTanF' f '-""- ? waVaVBri ' tHBwfl BLBBwawBalBawfHBwaBwaBwaVFlii t& $uf vKrW-W&fisik BTaVaTaTaTaTaTaTCWiVaVBBaWaTaWlsW&jf lHBl?iqB BVaraaBTawAaKlK9JBVJHMkBaV $T Jm "UMisKWtKmil. bKoMbI n&kWKKKKKmKM,Yi i '"; '" v-BBBViaaTl BaaaaaaaaaaasBaaaaaBBaaaaBaaajaaBnB si ., BaBvBBvBBBaaa SBTaTaTaTaTKHBRBSTv: ?;-' dV-if?-aaBaYaB BaHaarBBflaHi:'PBfJfe BBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaBaBakBBaBWaBBaBaW9BaBaKkBBtt j aaBKv ."""' -.n. Sys s.aaa ....? s4SaaPV j t3av WaWam'aa v "TfiHaTrv " -4i?irWBaBBaSBta ; - -:vaVaw V wawJsir j1,'Z X'Ijb i'? 'WsaVsaTaTaTaaaTaV v'-aaawr J r-1 -A " vTAauBWaTatl : 'A;: SAswBaTaTaTaTaT' VmS w aaaaaaaaaaaaarBaaaaaaaaaaaaav ,MtffiaaBaBaBaBaSsBaBaBajBaBaHBaBasl BTaTaTaTaWfv'aTaTaTaTaTpVaVaWBTaaaTaTaTaWV BBaaaVjaE'BBaBaBaBaBaBaBKii BBaBaBaaRlSIBaBaBaBapiBBBaBaBaBaVA ASaaflHJIBBaaBawawEMyLwawawawaaX afiPSfSaBTaTaTaMHaTaTaSBlaBT I BBaBaaaK!iBs4iBBaaBBBBSMi"9HH 'tVo!b1 I I BaBTrSaTaTaPv '"' -'''"BawataaW!IPtBTJ I V wBJafe i : ' '?'XZ x i ''.'"; i-7-: . waraVMaraVJiBTaTaTaW mJaaar?jat-. j- .:". -v . J . ,s ., - . a i WjTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaVsVjTaTaTaTaTaaBBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaw Colonel Roosevelt Is sponding much ot his timo recuperating from the rigors of his South American trip by keeping in the woods and on the water at Oyster Bay. Ho takes long tramps with Mrs. Roosovelt and boat rides with Archie, his son. FORMER PRESIDENTS' DAUGHTERS ABROAD aLBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaasaBYaa. .a. BBwawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawaTaTaW R&SStegmviaaTawaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaT . ,?lwrWBTaaaaaaaaaaaaaWe" MVPeCVBTaTaTaTaTaTaraW ':'''!eBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTr SBTaTaTaVcT "' fc?3 V " VBTfiaBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTK ''' "'' ''x v 'il! BBTaTaTaTaTaV LraTaTaTaTaV ""A jHrsaaatf 'tfSUL 'BHT A'? IfJfKk &P?W'J??MJ BBTaTaraK ftjffi&r tR-PHar vf yvV & '?-f& ll niK'afavalattffUffyi W-- -..mzzxmiH I iljaBYaTaYaYaYaYaaaaYTaYaTA Wa-'A 4 ' 'A'f '1 v $ I aaTaTaYaYnaLraTaTaTaTaTaatv4BaYaakam4T '' , ' '$ Ta 0 ft I BBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTamaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaWaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaVJBBBTK ? ..yr jXvvy VJlaTalalatalalalalalalalaWiSVVRjf IVr- &( '?& ,' ;,J V"aaTaaBaaaaaaBHBlBaTV"lp' JW$&?? lt'mP J V- SHWiBaTaaaaa f&1s WT V " OLVs3BBaTaH S6- Wk. T?MBjTaaaaaaaYw' Among the Americans spending. tho summer In Europe are two daughters .of former prealdsnts, MIbs Elizabeth Harrison (left)and Miss Esther Clove 'land (right). LATEST TRAGEDY IN AUSTRIA'S ROYAL FAMILY BO SWEENEY OF SEATTLE Bo Sweeney of Seattlo la the now assistant secretary of tho Interior, who took up his duties on July 1. When asked about his peculiar first name ho replied that It was plain Bo, with out even a period. SERVIA'S NEW RULER r-s"x ft .. Crown Prlnco Alexander ot Servla to whom tho government ot tho coun try was turned ovor by King Potor when tho latter was compelled to ro tlro at loast temporarily on account of his poor health. Nor Can't Leak. Interosted Party You say this boat cannot upset? Inventor It's Impossible. Tho tanks aro filled with righting fluid. 1 t . i ffawawawawawawawawawawawawaV ' I Ya0eiYBtataTa s' i M -' SB 1 E ;v'vfl I W IJP.vy-v , , SBTaTaTaTaTaTaTawV II ja.HBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaWtaa.. H ahf' iJlBBaTaai Y aaTaaaaaaaaaw, J' "' IfnERNMIONAL SlINMrSCBOOL Lesson (Tty B. O. SELLERS, Director ot Kvanlna Deportment, The Moody Dlbto Institute, Chlcaso.) LESSON FOR JULY 19 BLIND BARTIMAEU8. LESSON TEXT-Mark 10:-6l CJOLDEN TEXT-"Then tho eyes of the blind alinll bo opened, and tho cars of tho deaf shall bo unitoppod. Then ahnll tha lame man leap m an hart, and tho toncuo of the dumb oh till sing: for In tho wlldernrBS nliall waters break out, and trenma In tho draort." Isn. S3:5, . On our Lord's Journey "towards Je rusalem," tho placo of sacrlfico, a placo of power was Bought by his dis ciples, Mark 10:37. This lesson is an Illustration given to thoso who accom panied Jesus how thoy too may reach a plnco ot powor, viz., through service and sacrlfico. Matthew 20:30-34 tolls un that thore wero two who mado tho appeal but Mark seems to havo thought that Bar tlmacus was worthy of special men tion. . Tho healing mentioned by Luke 18:35 suggests that In that caso It occurred as Jesus was entering and not leaving Jericho. Mark la tolling ol ono man, Luko ot another. Man's Nature. I. Bartlmaeua Begging, w 48-48. Tho passing throng robukod tho beg gar. Very likely tho disciples Jolnod In this rebuke. This certainly shows! the fact that none ot them fully coin-! prehondod tho Lord's touching as sug-1, gestcd In Mark 10:45. Bartlmaous la' an Illustration ot man by nature. His homo, Jericho, was tho city under "a curso" (Josh 6:17), nnd Is a typo of this world cursed by sin. Ho was blind, seo II Cor. 4:4; Rov. 3:17. His rags suggost Isa. G4:6 and Phil. 3:0. If tho robuko was mainly by tho dis ciples It was that thoy might savo the master during theso strango days. Great and marvelous wero tho works and teachings ho was porformlng, but theso were tho things that called forth , such a waysldo sorvlco. It was a glad messago to Bartlmaous, "Jesus of Na zareth passoth by." Thero was no ono olso who could help him. Some ono had told him of tho power of Jesus. Now his opportunity Is at hand, ho must not miss it. Jesus nover passed that way again. Bartlmaeus began by crying out, Rom. 10:13; he called whllo Christ was near enough, to hear, Isa. 65:6. His cry was that of conscious need, It was direct, It was insistent. Ho called Jesus "Son ' ot David" e. g., tho Messiah, although tho people had said "Jesus ot Naza reth," seo Matt. 9:27; 16:21, 22. His cry for "mercy" Is rebuked. Many to day are so stiff and formal as to frown upon any religious enthusiasm or ear nestness. It was not beneath the dig nity of Jesus to be disturbed by a blind beggar. Though poor In purse Bartlmaeus was rich In faith for he answered those who robukod him by crying "tho more a great deal." H would not bo put off. "Come to Jesus." II. Bartlmaeus Blessed, w. 4042. His command "call ye him" Is Indica tive of tho conscious power of Christ; Notice bis great interest as suggested' by tho words, "Jesus stood still." Re member his Important mission to Je rusalem and the leaders ot the people, who occupied his tlmo; yetbodoosnot compel Bartlmaous to follow after, norj to overtake him ere his prayer Is an-1 swered, see Matt. 11:28. This wasl good news for the disciples to pro claim, Matt 28:19,20. Thero was noj Indecision on the part of Bartlmaeus.; Casting his garment asldo he sprang) up, camo and cast himself at the feet! of Jesus. Although Jesus possessed; all power still Its manifestation was, confined to the deslro of tho beggar. The Teaching: First, tho readiness of God's mercy. Jesus had boon roject-, od by rulers and councils and is mov ing "steadfastly" toward the consum mation of his earthly career. That Journey led him through Jericho, per haps that ho might meet Bartlmaeus. At Jerusalem ho Is to pronounce sen tence upon tbo rebellion of his people. Nevertheless when one of that same peoplo called him by the title that BuggoBtod his Messlahshlp. "Son of David," he Immediately turnod aside In rcsponso thereto, Heb. 3:2. God nover destroys the righteous with the wicked or the repentant with the re bellious. His ear Is ever open to the faintest cry. Second. The failure of men to ap prehend this fact Thero aro many to day as successors of thoso who re buked Bartlmaeus. Some who hold him In reverenco and yet fall to ap prehend adequately that ho camo to "seek and to Bavo tho lost." There Is no consideration of policy or of expe diency, no question of method, nor tho Importanco of rank, that can stand la tho way of opening blind eyes, and an swering tho cry ot the beggar, Third. Tho nature of saving faith. Tho answer ot relief from the Lord comes In responso to the profound con viction of personal need. "Ho came not to call tho righteous but sinners to repentance." There Is nothing in that call to make any deflnlto appeal to tho righteous. A blind man, through someono's testimony hoars that bo Is near and cries out to him from tho dopths ot his need. But there must bo' also a rocognltlou of powor. Bartl maous bad no assuranoo until ho had mado his appeal; ho took a chance as It wero. 'llo was not assured until his oyoa wero oponed. j V rav I I mi '!i.l m SH 1 BE mi mi rsiffl I 1 m Nrnn tft1 J flteJr m "i AS a T V, -life 1 ,u ? $$$ .5 "V-. .rirJfef! m am-jjrfcvOfv-, :ja5? m'j-stftlV w $. JW