The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 16, 1914, Image 4
f, ry'w7?yT!j nf- ' pryr- jjaMtiearr- ftwMMwaiiS4wTiiiiiiiiaiiiftiMiWlt!B HHII minL,fc.fcJ BH iaj.irtA imr'fr&iEte',3t'ifritaAifljnNiLtft.t .iS?5BBBMMBMMMBUMMMIBMiB p 10 111 l t.-'' .1 E. Ly ffi jw.i :-'! J7 iV. JHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Clovi J, Nobrnsktv JPUBL1SHKD KVKKY THURSDAY jenUTCrl III tlio 1'oMt.Ilico nt Hut ( loml. Net). to Hcroml I'lnmi Mnttcr iA. H McAUTIlUK fi M ' . ii in n i " i tflB DSI.Y IH'.MMUIATK' I'AI'KH IN WKHSII-MtCOUNTV Political Announcements Announcements Arc Kim Under Tlits fiend By Pnyinf, tlio Sum ol Five Uol tars Which Must Ilo Cash In Advance Our Columns Arc Open Tor Any Legi timate Advertising nnd Wo Welcome Announcements Regardloso of Pnrly Atflltatlons. FOR S Hi: It IKK I Ihm1,v nniiounco tn.uolf u imii tlldulo for tlio olllco of hln'illf or Well tcr Couiil V. Hiiljjtot lo tl.c will i.f llu -votci 8 of the Democratic;, party nt the prlmnry election to bo held AukuU 18, ,1014. Hi:.v Hudson. 1 hereby nniiounco myholf a candid ,tc for the olllco of Sheriff fit WelMor county, Mibject to the will of tlio motors of the Dcmocrntlo parly nt I he iprJmnry election to be held August 18, J914. (HUNT CHRISTV. I hereby announce mjself n canill- date for the noinlnnllon of Sheriff of .Webster County subject to the will of .ihe voters of the Democratic party nt jLbe Primary election to bo held August ,18, 1014. ClIAH. J. llKDDON. -I hereby nunouiiL'e mjself ns iiciunll .date for tho ollleeof Sheriff of Webster joounty, subject to the will of the voters pt the Democrat le party nt tho primary election to be held August 18, l!M I. lAH. Ill'II.UKA. I take this method of niiuouticliif.' mVBolf hs ii unnriidnti1 for the olllco of Sheriff of Webster county, subject to fthe will of the progressive voters to be xprc&sed at tho primary August 18th T. W. Winn:. J hereby announco myself n candid ate for Sheriff of Webster County sub .Jject to the will of the Democratic inretcrs nt tho Primary Election, August j3B,J9U. Wm. KtnKfA thick. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce mys"lf as a candi date for tho office of Treasurer of Webster County, subject to tho will of the voters of the Demociutte" party at the piltnary election to be held Auir nit 18, mil. t'.no. W I'iunu. J tulcc this method of ntiiiouiwinKiiij candidacy for the office of County T.vasurer, subject to the decision ol tlio lepubllcan voters at the primary August lsih C. I). Rouinson Innia candidal u for the office of Treasurer of Webtter county, Xe braslcii, subject to the wish of the vProreshlvo voleis at the primary election, August 18, lOll J. l- (IRIMES I heioby announce myself as a can- .dlduto for the olllce of County T.reas .flror of Webiter county subject lo the will of tho Democratic voteis at the Primary election, August 18, 15)1 1 II. t WIIUJUT. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce myself a caudi jdato for the ollice of Connly Cleric of .Webster County, subject to the will of ftlio voters of the Democratic pnrly at .She primary election to bo held August -;l8,lftll. Frank V.vvitiriu. I hereby announce myself u candl icdalo for the olllce of County .Clerk of UW.bster county, subject to tho decision af ilic voters of the Republican party t the primary to bo hold August 18th, ASH- Ciiah. C. Hbsnkti-. -I lieroby announce inyhelf a ciuidi otete for County Olerlc of Webster -t-fiounty subject to the will of the Demo cemtic voters at the prinnry election .i'&Hft-ust 18,1011, ALBERT V. DUCKER. J hereby nniiounco myself a cnudi t&Ae for County Cleric of Webster idwanty subject to the will of the ifimocrntlu voters nt the primary 'redaction to bo held August 18, 1014. W. T. MOUNTFORD. 'jFOtt COUNTY COMMISSIONER iUiercby announce myself a candl .liiatr for the nomination of County -fiOMBmlssloner of Commissioner District 3hV).li subject to the will of the voters (9f Ibe Detnocrutlc party at the primary trtfection to be held August 18, 1SI14. A. H. BRIGHT. "JLJiereby announco myself as a candl jlMte, for County Commissioner for dls- 'ffet 4, subject to tlio will of the demo- tt rtlc voters nt the primary election to JwJield Aug. 18, 1014. ), A. McAiiTiipn. ,j.Jiereby announce myielf a cnudi- for A County Commissioner for District No. 4, subject to tl e will of the Democratic and Peoples Inde pendent voteis at the Primary Elec tion, August I?, 1111 J. Joe Foof.1,. 1 hereby announce myself us n enn didatu for Cnnii'y CommUsioner for Dlstt let Four, subject to the wdl if I ho Republican voters at the prlt.i.-m election to be held August 18. 11)11 J. O Cai.dwi u. FUR REPRESEN'TATIVE I hereby auiioiiiice no sulfas a chimIi .lute for State 1i'icm ntullvo foi the 1(5,1 h district subject t" the will or He RcpubjlA'ti votei-ut lliu primary i co t ion iiguillsth 1 trif-t I iiici It r support. A. F IfAitTWii r I h 'teby announce myelf a i'i i I dnt'i for Repri'scntalive of tlio Itilh Dlstilct .subject to the will of tlif li'inocratic voteis at.the piltnary i Kc lion August IS, l!ll P.M. KINii I heiuby aniioutici mj'-elf a eai ild nte for Repre'entative of the 4i)th District subject- to the will of the Democratic voters at tho primary election ugust 18, Wit. A. W. Cox I hureby announco myself u can 11 date fur Representative of tho Itith District, subject to tho will of Demo cratic nnd People,-. Independent votors at the primary elect ion August 18, 1!)14. fiKO. W. Lindskv. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT I qtiuotinco myself as a candidate for the nomination on tlio Democratic nnd Peoples Independent ticket ar the primary election to be hold August lStli, for tho ollice of county supeiln tendent of Webster county (SERTRl'DE L. COON. FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY 1 hereby announce myself a enndi date for County Attorney of Welt tei comity, subject to the action of tin Democratic party at the primary dec lion, August 13, 1011. E. (. C.i.mvi:u.. 1 hereby ;uinouu"o mys'lf as n candl date for the e"lliee of County Attorney, subject to '(he will of (he voteis of tin Republican Party at the priumriei to bo held on August lath, 101 1. HllANSON W STMVAItT I hcieby announce myself us a can dldato for the nomination of count; attouiey, subject to tho Democratic voters of Webster county nt the pri tnnry election August IS, It'll. Yolii vole will bo appreciated. FRANK.!. MCNDAY FOR COUNTY .IUDUE Having filed my petition as require' by law. 1 luieby announco myself asi cumliilate for the olllco of ComiM Judge of Webster county on the Non Partisan Judicial ticlcetiit the prininrj election to be held on August 1,-, UUJ, subject to the will of the quilille.' electois ol said county. A. I). RANNEY. FOR SI ATE SENATOR I desire to announce to my fileiuU that 1 Will bo a candidate for State Senator from the 20th District, subj.'ci to the decision of the Republican voters et the primaries August lStli. OEO.W. 11 U.M.MEL I hereby announce myself a a can dldato forStato Senator from tho 20th District, siibji-ct to the will of the Democratic voteis at tho primary elec tion tube hold August 18, lull. Wm. L. Wniisxim. There is uu awalcening at hand in tho Industrial world und good prosperous days aie near, savs ll! id the Pittsburgh Cat hollo. The croaker the worst scourgo In tho communl is and tho political oroalcor is u per Hi clous pOrtt. The abolition of tho wool tari IV didn't ruin tho wool growing Industry, says the Iowa Mineral Point Demo- crat. Those who are Hilling Wool in tho Mineral Point market aru receiving i'i cents per pound. At this time last year tho price was 18 cents. Preparations are being carefully mhde to make this year's Chautauqua the very best yet. Tho program has jen selected from among the bent talent In the country. The musioul numbers will be especially good. Tak ing it altogether we cau reasonably Wjtaut excellent entertainment. Nearly 3,700 more American motor cars were shipped abroad during the ten mouths ended with last April than In the corresponding period In 1012-13, The total exports of automobiles, en gines, tires and other parts for the ten months aggregated 830,000,013, hs com pared with S2",3t7,041 for the teu mouths eudfcd with Apt 11 1013 a gain of more thin l,li0o,00o. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, s CHIEF GRANT CHRISTY Democratic candi.Int f r the u -mi nation of Sheriff' of Webster Count; nt the I'rltmir.v Election lo be held August I, mil Tim tnitn 1 1 in t. utt i unoil h c t MuihIiiiI of Kt'd C lttt I ami who waii to mutt you fHCi? to (mcn. JAS. HUBATKA Ciiudldate for tin nomination I'm Slieiill'of Wcbstt'r County, subject t the decision of ll.o Dunociatio voteit nt tin Prim ii j Elfctinii, August lStii FRANK VAVRICKA f arlnluto U i- tlt. ncii! i, f Cwjin.j Ci rs 1 (unty, suli )v i t i tin- ileuiiiuii ot tli Den oorati v t-isat'ln Pi i in !: .-tijf, A V IS, IDi J S'ktuiday is the Usl !; tor tli- (iliivg of camlidates and tlii'u who havt been v..Uing till tin last mouieut will have to gel in by tlin1 difo or fni'Lvei after Imlil their pi nee. The count oil 1 1. Miy- tlit-rcHs still ii little, u.ore ruoiii in I he Hl.u book and ulmll that N u.sinl up he can easily get tn. oilier one so theio U no reason why iiuyouo i should hesitato lo g't into tlie bnnd wagon ami itde. Mr Win. Kirkp.itiick ot Ouldo Roclc lui- tiled tor tlio nomination of sheriff on tlie Dciiixictatic ticket. tie ha it ell engaged ill buying horses In this county for eighteen joars or moie and has uu enviable reputation for fair dealing und honesty Should hu be elected to the important office ol sheriff" his f i lends are confident that he will be one of the bot men ever called upon to Iceep tlie peace in this county, . Those who operate automobiles in tho streets ought to bo more consider ate of other peoplu'n rights. It is the get oral practice when starting to throw the muffler wide open much to tho annoyance of people on tlio street and in the stoics and olllces. It would not taltc thirty seconds longer to get started with the inuttlcr on and this practice would be welcome relief to all. Ever think of It? Remember what a panic was thrown into tlie camp when our republican friends Insisted a few months ago that the removal of tho tariff on wool would ruin entirely the sheep industry in tills country snys the Smith County Journal. It was insisted that the wool would not pay for the clipping and that the industry would bo passed from the stage of reality in this country at once, Well, wool Is higher right now than at uuy time in tint Inst many years and ulmost four cents aM: Ilfti HftJSHaaH 3rfaV HaaaaV9 BBPIPgBBBC8!EaaB!IE5iI BaaaaaBaaaaaaBmMaaaaaalaMiBKJ BBBBBBbT flflBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBI Baaa-. $i BaaBBBBBal higher than the avuiHge tor th last sixteen year-. "One of the old-lime fanners of Onge county who was skeptical about tlio farm' demonstrator prnpiMtion rthon It wms liist mentioned has been converted and is confessing his faith o all the world," says tlio lieatrlee Sun. O. II. IJubers, the county dein onstia'oi, upon a visit at his place told Idui that tbeio was mint in his oats. I he f.u nier laughed at I lie idea, but a llttlo later he found his crop was cut short from this' cause '1 lie ucxlsi.isou too dtiuoiistiutor seemed permission to treat pal t ;i.f tlio seed. The remainder was left untrtuted. A recent exnmln.Ulon showed that the untreated portion was damaged 30 per cent. D seems very Illogical to this editor Hint niMi and part'es should be clamor ing for woman suffrage when the gieat insjorlly of women themselves don't wmt to vo'e. Chief. Did you ever sue uu election Hint was conducted in n logical manner, Unit Is, when there was not some il logical issue tin lo hornswrgglo tlie voters, confuse, the public und malce the whole business a Mrt of burlesque? Tho Woman's Suffrage question Is (o be settled this fall K onoof the gieat est political burlfsques ever pulled off in this s' ate. You might as well try topnssalaw making it lawful for n mm to via petticoats. The men would benbout as much Intctested in that as most of the women arc in Epial Stiffing-".-Guide Rock Signal. "Nebraska was n revelation to me. 1 wassurpiised nt what I saw in tlie state. Nebraska offer-, opportunities that me far greater than I eor antici pated." This statement was made bj E. W. llodell, of Chicago, a member 1 1 the party of foreign edltoi-, who re cently went tluougli Omaha on theii wruy to Colorado, where they weie -en tertained by u promotion company. 'The editors were entertained in Omaha duriug a stop ol a few hours At a luncheon they ,eii! told of Nebraska'.- oppori unities i.n.l f.icts unit dourer, were given which p'uwd tlia' Nebraska was fur ahead of the s'ute which they were going to visit Mi. Itudcli'i opinion h shaieil ly inau t au of ll p'uity who have wntuii I j the lluieau "f Publiuiij, i xpiessu.. a sei tur.eiit suiililat to that wiiiti Dy .Ml", llodell. NelrrnsiCti Is ladna ' being iei'Oftulred in the east. Notice to Non Resident , Defendanls, In'Ilio Ulstricl 1,'ourt of iVebstdr Count). Nitiriisl.a. ituu'li M, lluntor. t'lalntltl, v. (.'Urlraiau llaiiKt'ii and Aiimmln V. lhunon et. al., l.elciiilautN. 'I ho iiIkivo naineil (Irtemlnnih. ( Inlstlan llinii-cn ami Amanda V. Uantii, will Uki nollio Hint tho hilntlil herein, llnuh Ii Hunter, tiled Ills po'lllun lio-eln In tlie ills trlcieuurlol W'oltotcr County, NV-ljraika on uUulyliiil, aicanist tlie ilefunil nuts Christian Hansen and Aininda V ilnn cn, the object and priiyerof which Is to foie tlei-e a eertaln inert (JHkc, ecoi)tiil liy tin dclendanlH Clulstlnn Hansen ami Aiiianda V. Hansen, to the plaint!!! herein, tijioii the bouth lull oithu KOiitli 'tht tinr!tr (S. i-'j S. Wi 1-n anil theiioclli east uunrtt r of the HoutU east quarter (.V. K. 1-1 M. i:. i.() ami the soutli halt ol the xmith ciiRt quarter (ij. I -a H. K. i-l), all In town one (I), stcllon thlriy three GSf), raiiKii nine (!)), West 0 e. ji., Well stur ioiiuty,'NehraiUa, to secure payment ol ii certain note, ilateil . I nnu Ith. l'JIJ, (or tlie suiiiof SUjOO.OO due anil piiyahlulu llvo years from date thereof, and on which default haii been made In tlio lixyiuciit ol thu interest iWioln.lnnu ll)i:t and In the Interest due In Juno IUH; and as Is provided In the tenon ol said mortmtgo, plalntlll' has e lee ted to de clare, the wliolo amount due on said note and mortijanoi that the amount duo and unpaid on said notu and iuorti;ni:o Is ?l!HS).0O, for wlilrh mini wllh Interest at 8 per cent from .Inly 7, l!)H, plalntlll' prays (or a ilecreo thai doleudants be required to pay tlie same, or that said preintscH ho sold to satisfy the amount found due. Vou are hereby required to answer s.nld poillion on or before Monday the aitli. day of August till I. Dated tills ir,th. day-of July IUH. IllJdll I). IIUNTKK, y I'lalutlll. Frank J. Monday, lllsAttorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Attachment J. l lirutiuliiou, will take notice, that on tho 17th day ol June, ll)M, James A. Harden, aJuHtlceof tho peace, ol Ilea Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska, Issued au order of at tachment, for tlio sum of one hundred and twenty llvo dollars and seventy llvo cents (IS.7S) anil Interest thereon (rout tho date aforesaid, and cobts uf suit, In ai action pending boforoliliu, wherein Uuy A. Robert son Is plalntlir and J, K. llrouifliton defend ant. That properly of tho defendant, con slstlng of One Klectrio American player piano No, I7IHI has been attncheij under n.ild order. Hnld case waH continued to tho :ird day ol AiiK-ust IUH, at lOo'eloek A. M, Dated this ?Jnd day ot June IUH. Ol'YA. HUllKUTfld.V, I'Ullnlllf. Be wise rend The Chief. i gwBMieaBiBa ' -v"WTrrrT;TT TRY OUR GROCERIES M ''4.iri -o A vrWvi r i n i -, i ,i x' t l ' T Ii"- .. i.i i i J Vv I lt J W$& f$4&v's?i& - ' . ? , A 1 i tectefeffi I ''tSi,sr2Sfiv,w,y-SBss5si-i:j" , . . 7 ,3-.i 2.v WE ARE WHAT WE Of.D SAVING. M.JEJH,S,S TRUE: THEN SHOULDN'T WE EAT ONLY THE FINEST. BEST THINGS? TO HAUE EUERVTHING THERE IS GOOD TO l?nlS!i?.,XHESE 0F THE BEST QUALITV. IS THE FIRST RULES OF OUR BUSINESS. c i JSICS!8? RULE ,s T0 MAKE THE prices AS RIGHT AS OUR GOODS. uf SELL THE BEST GRADES OF GROCERIES: STORE NLV KIN Y0U CAN BUV IN 0UR MINER BROS. CO. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" Red Cloud, --.. Nebraska &&S2S QSESSEEas! Warm IB HERE Why not buy that Porch Swing that you have been talking about, or that Sanitary Couch for the Sleeping Porch so you can keep C09I. .Hov aboul that Canvas Cot for the lent or for outings. They fold up so they are easily carried. Call in and see them at Licensed Embalmer " "-mirwirni mnw wiml.m. i ROY S CTI32&SZVVS &1KM3 (511223515 Sacs nr SSSS iibm ssss. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES 1 It will pay you to have that House, Barn, Crib, Garage or any Lumber bill that you are planning on, figured now, while the market is low, and the quality high. THE MALONE-AVERY CO. Red Cloud, Nebraska "rallrWithU. About That Bill." srhtx-u ceantssmtrcu-.) EAT. IS A WFII KNMJIN &2E1 Weath er ATTLEY and Furniture Dealer. NKWHOUBK BLK v