RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ft fK V fjv i f I s b I" i 1 f" . K, . 4 I. I 6 Kf.. I w The Fact Remains No amount of misrepresentation y the peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of any 'kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder has been found by the offi cial examinations to be of the highest leavening efficiency, free from alum, and of absolute purity and wholesomeness. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. that I w!ll lc tt candidate for Stale Setintor from tlie 20th District, subject to the decision of tliu licpnbliean voters ct the primaries Atuttit lSth. (Ji:o. WM1U.MMEL. J TTHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. PUDL1SHKU KVEHY THURSDAY -jKatVn.l In the I'oMolllce lit Ittd ( It. ml, Neb. ' im Second Class Matter tA. U. RlcABTHUK 1'uiir.isiiKit 3CB ONIiY ItKMOCKATIU J'AI'KIl IN WKIWTKU COUNTY date for Homily Cleric of Webster eouuty snlijoiM In (he will of the I)"in'ciatii' voteia lit Hie primiity eliclioii to leiiuld AUyust 18, Wit. W. T. MOUN'ITOKD. I hereby announce myself as n can diilute for State .Senator fiom tlio 20th DM i let, subject to tliu will of the Democratic voters nt the primary elec tloii to he held Antrtist 18,W1J. W.M. h. Weksncii. 1 ' GRANT CHRISTY Democratic candidate for the unmb nation of Sherlir of Webster County at the I'rlmurv Election t" be held August IS, 11)11 jxk Political Announcements I'-OIt COUNTY COMMlSSlONIW I hereby announce myself a enndb date for the nomination of County Comtni'-sloiierfif Commissioner Hi I rlct No. 1, subject to thu will cf the voters of the Democratic purty nt the piimary election to hehed Anpist 18, Hill. A. H. BUIGIIT Announcements Are Run Under This ad By Paying the Sum o! Five Dol lars Which Must Be Cash in Advance. Oar Columns Are Open For Any Legi timate Advertising and We Welcome Announcements Regardlcso of Party Ainiufrlons. KOK SI I Kill 1-T 1 hoiobj announce myself a cum jrfidato for the olllco of Sherilf of Web ster Cotttitv, subject to the will of the gofers of the Democratic purty nt tin primary election to be held August IS, Vial4. 1Ci:n Hudson. X hereby announce mybolf a candid ltcior the olllco of SlierilT of AVebhtcr County, subject; to the will of the fvotcrsof the. Dcmocrutlo party nt, the -primary election to bo held August 18, jj). GRANT CIIUISTY. 1 hereby announce myself a candi iriato for the nomination of Slieriil' of iWobster County subject'to the will of 'the Voters of the Democratic purty at ihc Primary election to beheld August iB, 1UI1. Cll.vs. J. Ili.niiu.N. I'hereby niinouiice my-clf asaeandi dale for County Commissioner tor dis trict I, subject to tin- will of the demo cratic voters at tlie primary election to be held Aikt. IB, l'.Ul. , .1 A. McAttTlli'ii. Notice of Final Rcnoit. In tin ( tvuiit) Court ol Webster comty, NtlirnsUn. In tin- matter of the estate ol .lamo Mc I'nrtlninl, dictated. All perrons Interested In nald i-stiite nre hereby notified Omt tlio Kxtctltorlx litis illulVt llnnl ncenimt nttil report ot her mlinlii ltrntliin. Mini a petition (or limit hcttlruii-lit ot her iiccount and aillscliartce troin her trust which have been eel for licirlin; before enld court on the llth tiny ol July, luiljit 10 o'clock A. M.. when all purmns IntercKtcd In the premtto may appear and contest tho same. Hated this mtli day of June lull. SKAI. A. P. ItANNKV, roimty .Indue. Tlie man that made cood as City .Mnislml of lied Clnttd and who wauls to meM voil face to face. One Inch and thirty-five one hund redths of rain fell Sunday evening which greatly benefitted the big corn crop the farmers will raleo this full if tiii'liing happens. jaovES scarfs ( . 1 ' WrH undervearJwaists UNDERWEAR EMBROIDERIES j0S LZSlHflHHPsTMlNGS Kaaai I fr-PHI Ik H'osfirRYMfi..B p Bfc-l , LJ DOLLARS THE: ALARM is it flrendrul thing ' OT F'ifUlZ for the man without ! Insurance. Bvery time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes tip in his throat If the tire is anywhere i near his place. What folly, what mis t'llteil lennomv. THE COST OF is so small that It INSURANCE need hardly be considered. Th,f freedom from worry ' alone U wo'-th If. many titiiot over fliivc tis insure von to-day. Q. C TEEL9 Reliable Insurance. I heteby (intiouii'ce myself a catidl date for County Commissioner for District No, 1, subject to tho will of the Democratic and Peoples Inde pendent voters tit tho Primary Elec tion, August Id, 1011. .loi: Fix. El. 1 hereby announce myself us a can dldato for County CotninUsioner for District Four, subject, to the will of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held August 18. 11)11 .1. O. C-Ai.mviai., FOU HIH'UKSKNT.ATl 'K l hereby announce myself as a cimdi date for State Kepiescntative for the Kith district subject In the will of the Republican voter Til the primary elec tion August tjth I trust I inerltyour fiipport. A. I". llAt!Tivt:i.i.. The city council hnsordeiod Itxpiite a lot of sidewalks. ,?oon we will be one of the most sldewallud cities in the state. It begins' to looU us tho Red Cuiini Is permanent ly lived on the limp. Mr.,). O. ( nldwell of this city has Ikied for the nomination of County Commissioner on tlie Republican ticket. Mr. Caldwell is at ptcsent a tfttiniber of the city council mid 1ms served two terms in, tho mayor's otlice. Ills many friend? ato pleased tlmt he has decided to uluku this t ace. 1 hereby hutioiiiiP" myself as acandi c.doU) for thoolllcoof Sheilir of Webster joouiity, subject to the will of tlie voters -,x)t thu Democratic party at. tho primary ,teIcctlon to be held August IS, lllH. ,1as lll'IIAtKA. 1 take this method 'of announcing amysolf as a cundldate for the. olllco of ;HherHT or Webster county, Hiibject to ejtho will of the progre-sive voters to be -.expressed at the primary August 18th T W. Winn:. 1 hereby nnuouuee myself u ciuidi date for Representative of the tilth Dlsttict subject to the will of tlie Democratic volets at the primary elec tion August hS, 11)11 F. S. KINO. I hereby announce myself a candid ate for Representative of tho tilth District subject to tho will of the DenWrutle voters at, tho primary election August 18, 11)1 1. A. W. Cox FOR COUNTY TRKAKCRKR J hereby announce mys'flf as u candi date for the olllce of Tieiisuter of AVebster County, subject to tho will of the voters of the Democratic patty at .the primary election to be held Aug ust 18, l'.Ul. Ulo.'W Tuini:. 1 take this method ol announcing my r.andidncy for the olllce of County !JVeuhiirer, subject to the decision of ,lio republic in votets ut the primary August 18lh C. D. Roiunson. lain it candidate foi the olllco ol .Treasurer of Welihtcr county, No ;,)irasku, subject to the wish of llic iPfiORrt'ssive votets at the piimary tficlrctlon, August is, 1911 .1. F. (iUIMKS I hereby announce myselt a candi date for Representative of the -tilth District, subject to the will of Demo cratic and Peoples Independent voters at the primary election August IS, IHU. (?i:o. W. IdNiisin. Mr. Joe Fogel has Uleil for the nomi nation for the olll-'o of County Com tniSsioner ot District.Nniubcr Four on the Dcmoeiniic ticket Mr. Fogel has !iiid expeiieiice in public ni'itters and is well iicpu. tinted with the needs of this county ills believe that lie is just the i ight man for this- position. FOR COUNTY SFPIOIUNTDNDKNT I ttunoituce tnyt-elf .as a' candidate for the nomination on thu Democratic noil Peoples Independent ticket at the primary election to be held Aegnst Iblii, for the olllce of county Htiperin tondent ot Webster eounty ttKUTRl'DD L. COON. , 1 hereby announce myself as a can ttflldato for tho olllco of County Treas -iurer of Webster county subject to the f, will of the Democratic voteis at the Primary ojcclion, August 18, IDU II. U. WRUJ1IT. FOR COUNTY ATTORNKY I lieteby ituununcc myself a ciiudi date for County Attorney of Web'ter county, subject to the action of the Duiiiocnttiu parly at the primary elec tion, August IS. lOll. s, !:. . CAunvnu.. Many of the stato politicians s-eum to lorgct that we make our brend and butter by setting up typo and print ing u newspaper. We ato'asked nearly every day to publish glowing articles about this or that candidate for, state oliicc free of all charge. They might just its well ask to have their lawns mowed or their floors swept without money and without prict) us to ask an editor to 1111 up his columns with praise articles with less than thank you for Ills tioiiblc. wHiWfc'il 'I' Si IiiIiIIiUXWMi BV 3UVJNG VQUR ORV GOODS. RSfiDY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS. SHOES. RUGS AND GROCERIES OF US. WE HAUE GOOD GOODS AND WE SELL THEM AT LOW PRICES. S1 THE MINER BROS. CO. General Merchants f "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" Red Cloud, .... Nebraska mr MQ1910 dlUctte Ad Cu We Are Looking For The Man Who h:ls soiled his clothes so badly that they are not lit to wear. 'o mutter how duty or greasy the siiir. may be we are equipped wiili the, most modern machinery and have skilltd workmen who know hifti to Clean, Repair and Press Clolhes . G. Bassingen Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones EE5E1JS3 SE23CHE Warm W th( earner i ?- IS HERE J!t.tiKttal-x ! FOR COUNTY CDKRK I hereby announce ;nybdf it candi- tffUte fo- tlie olllco of County Cletk of iVVobster County, subject .to Hie will of tS&bo voters of the Deinocitttlu party at J,he primary election to be liold August XJfi, Jl)14. KilvNu VAVitirkA. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for the olllce of County Attorney, subject to the wlll.of the of Urn Republican Prtrty at the primuiios to t'0 heldon AuCMistVitjth, 11)11 ' UitSsl. W SrMV-Aiir. ;J hereby nnuouneu ipyself a catidl-.-lt for the olllce of County Clerk of 'Webster couuty,Mibjecttothe decision Aft. the voters of the Republican parly iCX the prluiaiy to bo hold August 18th, jj&ll. Cll.vs. C. IJKXNKIT. J horoby anuouncu myself it candl- ,iJto for Comity Oloik of Webster fWiity subject to the will of the Demo- r.'tic voters ut tlie primary election yAiiRiist 18, 11)14. ALBBRT V. DUCKKR. 1 hcieby aniioiiuc myself its ean didutti for the' nomination of county attoinej, subject lo thu Demociutic voteis ol Webster county at tlie pii mary election August IS. 11)11. Your vote will bj appreciated. FRANK J, MDNDAY. Dmirtcnulc County Convention. The Democt'ats CJf Webster County are hcieby called to meet in Mass Convention in the city of lilue Hill, on .Itily 17, 11UI, ut 10 a. in for the pui- pos id' electing 'i ''elegsitcs to the unite convention) lie liuld at Colum bus on .luly 'Js-, Ml, also to elect a Coun ty Central Committee, mid tiansact any other business that may properly come befoie fl.iid convention. Uy older of Conitnlttee. CiKo. W llt'TruisoN. Sectetitry rnT . t-w:j rtrr.-r.-..T" in mm ii r!Pi? arc manv Lee's is the best M.-'(.V nMt. .noi, uvwuuuw u r""'"1 ana a quincr lur is cu. in' ui , tho usual 15 ounces; ftconJ be- j C3iu obtilnable ft most every WWW 8 Jii?iffri.j!tvoTi; third Dwrtufa compivmc ? r:- ! iV'olI H! he InwctlelJs Ut. 1 i?.y W t " Fqutlly food for crow n to la or 1 .ISSS chicks. Kspecla'.ly tine for seiiinc v. j DrofluMy unless kept Iree from lice and you need ' some! flnz that (s econoirlcal and easy to use ej A vcllaseircctlve, Thai' Lea's. Put up In loitnd j sprinkler tco ctns 2 clzcs, 25 cts. and JO cts. i I r..ll .. n WM .nt.. in It C rind fnwfi- V.'(tlo tnr l! 4 free pouhry bout anl paiuphlois. Why not buy that Porch Swing that you have been talking about, or that Sanitary Couch for the Sleeping Porch so you can keep cool. How about that Canvas Cot for the tent or for outings. They fold up so . they are easily carried. Call in and see them at M iflV BTP&Pjp ir& Ii 'iujji 11 Wiitc for F0JJ SAlE BY H.. CRHJE l)!JSJ(i CO JES. &J Licensed Ernbalmer and Furniture Dealer. Qi2!g!5EZSZm SHSSlSESa 'MSmgffi8Sg9 rB JD C GaidweUi Colls Answered Dty or Night ' QissssssMSg) S3SS sfifisaagsfiEDS3SS OlUeeTelphones: Hell.uS; lint. 15U. llt-H. Ttlelii)ites: llcll, Idtl'JT.l; Ind.l.Vl. J Jiereby announce myself n candl FOHCOUNTY.IUIKIK Having Hied my petition as retpilred by law, 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for . tlio olllco of County .Indue of Webster county on thu Non Partisan Judicial ticltet til tlie primary election lo be held on August 18, lOll, subjcot to the will of tlie qimlllled electois of said county. A. I). IUNNEY. VOU H IATB SBXATOlt 1 desire to announce to my friends Home Portraits and Farm Viems Now is the time to have a photo of your home, wheat fields or stock. Also family groups or single photos. Call us over the phone. We can come any time. PRICES RIGHT vlob Stevens Bros. Office 0y r 5!. A. AllirUht's Sforo Kerf Cloud, Nebraska FUfLNITURJE . $:-$: and sss- UNDERTAKING Dr. Nicholson . DENTIST n?- OfKICK OVI It AI.IIIIIOIIT'S hTORi: IN ItlVritl'O.N OX MONDAY Red Cloud. Nebraska iXJ? o tliu?:: ALL THE PHONES jtIlI ii J.f?k, NEVJHOUSE BLl The White Diamond De-Horning Pencil For sale at. J. E. YbST'S Meat Market Kvery pencil will de-norn Ijfty calves from one day to one year old,, for It will pay you to have that House, Barn, Crib, Garage or any Lumber bill that you are planning on, figured now, while the market is low, and the. quality high. Call and Got One. THE MALONE-AVERY CO. Red Cloud, Nebraska "Talk With Us About That Bill." N .; s ' I s 4 S U A , V-l ! M i tiwhrmmmlmmM mn ri.ffi t-mny.ftjmmmjn Km vWityt i B V 7"--it wM..-J - -.! iff..-m -BWPW IMMttMl HMillWillJjif -