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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1914)
If " ! 8T I J.w -tt.uMi.1 b. r SHK:2SS6XCK VOLUME 4J Attorney McNeny wns in Superior Friday. AU of the business houses will close ut 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Hon. Dan Gather of Ul vert on was in town Monday. He has just returned from a tour of the eastern states Col. J. 11. Ellingor 1ft Homo ironi Toledo, Ohio, where he attended u Modem Woodman head camp meeting- The merry-go-round was shipped to PhlUlpsburg,- Kansas, Sunday where It will be one of tin- Fourth of duly attractions. Irwin lli-os. Wild Wt Show wits -hero Thm-iday, hut. owing to tho fad that so many aro busy in the harvest fields, did noMinvo ir large patronage. Tiinr iii-r. two npi-foininiicea, aft-'r- noon and evening, and was a very good show of it hind. ' On Sunday evening at six o'clock at the home, of the ln.ido' parents, Mi-.', and Mrs. A. V. Ducker, occurred the j marriage or Ml Alberta J. Ducker,1 to Frank Sutton, liov. Hummel olllciat- j inir. I'lie .vming conplt) are well and' favorably known in tills city, and have began housekeeping in cjUO of tho J. D. Crans nsld:ncs. The Chier along with their many. ti tends wish them much joy and hnpdlnehs. ' H ,t r ' wwti VERY one of your banking connections .to be a profitable one. returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits.. .. ""auk Deposits Guaranteed by m i WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, KF.O CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL 8:15,000 jjgjIMi ',r 'in fl v 'WA.""."'.- There is no Closed Season for KODAKING It is the "all-the-year-around" sport, and you can carry a Kodak anywhere. Easy to use and every part of the work can be done in daylight. Kodaks. $5.00 t $111.00 rewRles. $1.00 tt $1?00 All the new goods from Ko dak City in stock. E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler. Take your oroum to J. 0. Caldwell. vdWfWiift&fSjite LIBERATFS tN 1 N PRKSKN'TING l.lbcratl'a 13antl and and Vocal Music. This United States from coast to four experienced and popular This Famous Band -SP State Guaranty Fund mi msfmmMami. Is your subscription pa&t due? , i! S'ltaileti was in Lincoln this week Ed. Hnrr of Guide Hock was in town Tuesday. las. HubaU:a ol llladcn was in town Tuesday. Frank Mliwr of Dunning is in town this' week. Don Fulton was down from Blue lllll Tuesday night. Ed. Payne of Catherton precinct was in town Tuesday Orln fledge and wife have moved into Mrs. Hale's residence. I Miss I'Jora ltrinkiuan isspendlng the ' . 1. ... . l.. r..l..i 1c. tti Tfifiviili WBCIC WIUIII iniliia ' '""""" Father Fitzgerald returned homo tho first of the week from Yoik. Den Ludlow left the ilrst of f.ho week for Excelssor Springs, Missouri. About a quarter of an inch of ruin fell Sunday night which brightened up the crop in general. E. O Caldwell of Red Cloud was In Blue Hill last Saturday and he frankly stated that his mission was for the purpose of looking over his prospects for county attorney. His friends say he Is a good Democrat, but Insist that It Is as un attorney -that he shines, characterizing Jilra as an aggressive lawyer who goes Into every'dotall of a case ontrusted to him. In tho affairs of tho county ho has shown tho same zeal as In his private practice. Ho is deputy under County Attorney Muurer. and his supporters feel tnat ne is en titled to promotion to the position to bo vacated by his chief Hlue Hill Loader. ,''9kTu.f.f. r7ukK . r-w&Mto$.. A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Yenr For $1.50. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY U, 11H4. BAND AND GRAND OPERA end (Jrtuul Opera Company we are lo tho world famous band which -was coast, iirt time r.K-u.i. opera singers will travel with LiUrsti' a Will Appear at tho Red, Cloud Chautauqua, Afternoon and Evening. August 2nd, 1914. lie Amboy Mill is Lightning Strikes 'Cupalo Of Mill Sunday Evening, And It Burns to the Ground. Loss $25,000 mm & rra 1 On Sunday nL'li nbont 10 o'clock tho A m boy ! louring Mill was struck by lightning and burned to the ground Starko Bros saw the bolt, strike tho cupalo and liumedlntidy ran over to the Frlsbie homes and notified them, By the lime they readied the mill it was all Hlironnd consequently nothing was saved. r. The mm liait a capacity ot ir.()i)aiTeiiMU.a,u.L.nIuU)0h. Io,b ls ,.stiimUo ,lt per day and was one of tho best in tho foono, state. It was built, in l8r. and Elm j "The Gospel of theSuninier," will be tho subject Sunday uuirnlng ut the Congregational church. On Wednes day evening ut 8 p. in. thu pastor will give a lecture on, "The Gospel of Matthew."' FOIl SALE A nlco 7-rooni modern cottage. Cily water, oleiitrlo liglits and bath with four lots. Also my farm two miles east of Cowlus. Terms to suit. J. H. Bailey. Some of the local Democrats had a secret meeting Saturday evening and for the benefit of the Argus editor wo will say that this editor along with a large number of other Democrats of this community, were not invited to attend this meeting. Tte tlrm of Fox & Smelser, who have been painting and paper hang ing, dissolved partnership the tlrst of the week. Fred Smelser moved out to the country Where ho will work for Sam Shuck, he being compelled to give up tho painting business on ac count of recently having been lead poisoned. Mr. Fox will continuo the business. ,.t .-&, wtl-t ' .JWWKWTi 6- S. living to our patrons an opportunity to organized In the early eighties U.'.nd, rendering portions of popular Destroyed bj Fire y creek fui'nUlictt (lie VhUr which it was r peiated power l' Messrs I. FHsble, Frank, Charley and Sylvester FVisblu were tho own-j ers of the mil', and will, no doubt to- build as soon ns possible. At the time . , of tho flio the mill contained fjoOOt I bushels of wheat, !.' cars of feed and ' 100 sacks of Hour. They had no in- On Sunday evening ut 8 o'clock thero will be union churoh services held in tho school house park. Everybody welcome. Fred Good of Cowles was In town Tuesday afternoon attending a meet ing of the Democratic committeemen. A. Koplsh of Blue Hill was in town Tuesday afternoon attending a meet ing of tho Democratic committeemen. The Peoples' Independent Party state convention will be held in Hast ings, Tuesday, .lulyiWth. This county wllj be entitled to thirteen delegates, Leo DeTour of Guide Kodk was in town Tuesday afternoon attending a meeting of tho Democratic convention Lee informed us that he just finished threshing his wheat and it went twenty-six bushels to tho acre, That It pays to advertise was demon strated tho other day. says the State .Tournul, when it whs announced that no republican had filed as a candidate for the nomination for lieutenant gov ernor. L. P. Albright of lied Cloud promptly filed nomination papers with the secretary of state. "' ' ' . . , jr. JmMnti i.SwjrSWW"W" I COMPANY Hear tlio best tlio country nnord m and Hlnco that time toured tho oporati with Hand nceompanimpnt (, 3e&33Hfl :i.n,,,.U-.'i.Eiii1i!U!il 0 Hot Weather Calls For Cool Clothes See tho Linos of Coo! Stuff Provided For You Here Hats in Straw and Silk From 50c to $6. "Munsing," "Porosknit," "Goodknit," "B. V. D." Underwear Mohair Suits - alm Beach Suits A Store Full of Good Things at Popular -' Pi I PAUL STOREY i -J3 I Si-Y I j The Clothier r Attorney L. II. Blackledge was in Superior Saturday. Architect Way and children were down from Hastings Sunday after noon. J. A. Bradford, O. C. Teel, Clark Stevens unci L. II. Blackledge returned home from Lincoln Friday evening. Attorney B. W. Stewart arrived home from Lincoln Friday where he had been visiting his parents. A. H. Carpenter returned home from Scldou, Kansas, Friday inurulug. Ho brought back with htm a few samples of wheat which were very good, ...... s .... t. r-r -" j ww'Mrt-i'?,,1'--aM(MlJ-t NUMBER ST Jim Etherton was In Hlue Hill frt' day. Tho I. O. O. P. lodge will have in stallation' of oiUccrs next Monday night. (leorgo J. Warren rcturnod homo' Friday evening from Lincoln and. Omaha. Mi-hi.I. I). Cnius arrived home Sat urday from Ohio where she had been visiting. Geo. Stell'ens left Tuesday morning1 for Inliuid whuro ho will' operate ' threshing machine this season. Mrs. 1:1, lioyd Smith and children of Lincoln, who havo been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. P. lily at McCook, ar rived hi the ulty Sunday to visit with Qoo. Warren and wife. Tho stato railway commission hoard testimony Thut-bday in the matter of tlio request of tho Lincoln Telephone Company for leave to place on its swltohboard of tho Farmers Independ ent Telephone Company of Rod Cloud, and thin company obJHcts to the change. Tho Lincoln company doea not pro poso to out oir exchange between tho farm Hues and tho Independent Co., but proposvn to connect Its exchange with tho Independent Company's ie. ohange by a trunk lino. Statu Journal. t-WiEiTMftLrKJBmnraiTasKtaiBH rrHMiii."!. "?! m;;i!ii id uwiaaaiwiii'niiiii wn.iii ices. E. M. Bcal of Suporlor was in town Saturday. D. M. Able was in Lincoln .tho last of the woek. J. M. Burgess returned home from David City the first of the week. Sheridan Pharos of Lincoln is in the city visiting his mother, Mrs. Pheres, and brothers. Tom Idletnau camo down from Uloomlngton Monday morning and is working for Will Scrlvner. Peto Hansou, the west sjde harness dealer, has been laid up with tbe rheumatism tlio past few days. MMSR iimmmmm. Pi ri HMk' mtf w J .It :VI .JI "r 'rti 1 n kv 7?1 -d .fi M &. m i i.j V, Yt i-tfrnl m $? I ?XJS i,ri i "J '.: t. - .v m & Mi . ,V . l-.f iL-i. n ... ..liU1 J ft MWMP mrJtKm AWto ill)