vm &' RED 0 1, CUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF mmwBwwwwwwMiiK l j't Kj. B$. t" ff n a I- Vy W w :Kr A- W v& I 5 i I n W m IS fej rj fltf & Rr. X s R45. fv 5f" iir ?.' i. rf '$ ROYAL o mff uj Saves s SiIlCl aves Mone 3J0.CI. Makes Better Food SOUTH 1NAVALE T. Whitley lost a valuable cow lust week. Jim Klnknld and wife were tranMict lng business In Red Cloud Monday. MissJIonnlo Blankenbnker wjis the. guest of Miss Mabel Litndy last Sun diiy. Wm. Norrhiind raniHy spent Snntlny nt thu I'rnnlc Howont liotne west of lmlviilc. ?- Mrs. Floniiiee Clinllln of near Frank lin vlblted her parents, Mr nml Mm. John Mitchell last Mondny anil Tttcs dny. Ilov Smith ami wlfo of limviiln wore gutsts of Mr. and Mis. Klmer IIIhiiIc oabaker one day Inst ueelc. Quite n mnnbor from Soulli ltiayulc utteiuknl tho Ice cream socitil held at the Christian chinch at Innvalo hiht Frldny nifht. Carroll Nolilo and wlfu lutitnu'd liotuo lust xoi'lc frimi MurelMiid, Kan bus, when" they had vUitud Mrs, KohlfS Iniitlier, Owon nnlelier. John Palnos was the llifit In this vlclully to lnivo new huiii,'i)WI I't'1 too". Thfj- alho h:ive a line buuuh of youny chicken's liirjjo uiioukIi to fry. COWLES Holland Kltchey of lrastlns Is homo to help In tho hnrwst. Mrs. Darnell ami mother vn In HiihtlnirsTtiewhty lietnoi'ii'trttlif. Quite ti number or peoplo ntlfiidcil the Sunday Si'bo 1 '"'l.v nt Eekley Sunday. MWs Louis Hit obey who hut. been quite sick vn taken to the fntintarlum at Hnstlius for treat uuiut. C. U. Bennett arrived home ftont bohPIi eiist Katihiis Friday and he te ports crops Rood all alone the line. Joe Saunders has returned from Montana where ho has been looking nt land. He reports that a Rreat nountryv Harvesting has begun In earnest this week. We have prospects for an A No. 1 wheat crop in this violnUy if it In till saved. Lew Wilson and w fe left Monday for thblr homo at Atwn d, K.u sts, whero hti Is employed as a 'lit lor tho B. .& M. Heheld thu sauiu pjjltiou at- this pliice for a uuiuber of vcars. MUh Ooorgla Scott of Mltcholl, S. D. "cauie home Monday for her summer vacation. She. Is employed as Instruc tor of music at u college located at that place. i-jtnvous, the photographer of Rett Cloud, was on our streets Saturday for, a dhort time. He took a picture for Wells it MoTnggart of the numerous peoplo nml their lmrvestors which they hail purchased. ROSEMONT M. Kunolo was a Blue lllll visitor Tuesday. Henry Buntjer was a passonger to Bluo Hill Tuesday. 0, Hudson traded horses ,-with O, Hotidcr&on Tuesday. John Dirks of IHldreth was visiting friends hero Tuesday. Helen Welholms is visiting friends In Hastings this week. Mr. and Mm. R. Rose spent Tuesday yelling at E, K. Huns'. 1. W. Edson of Red Cloud was !n town on business Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, r,i?wW. Schultss spent Sunday evening at Kl K, Haas'. MUs Dulolo OutUrle i helping Mrs. B. Qulgffli otefl" lio60 "s wt'elf' Mr. and Mrs, A. fitroh rkp tho proud ni. nf a babv crlrl bornV uuc oo MM iK&f.lHf-mwil pA9ijW$ iT,V K aiH,a Powder Health Ldi . W W x Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lltintjer of Hit 0 lllll visited D. liUinpmau's Monday Baby Hose daughter of Ueo. Bote Is on the sick list anil Is Improving very slowly. Hobort (Julggle of Hastings i stay ing with his aunt, Mrs. U..Qulgglc this Mimmcr. Mr. and Mis. Ken Arends niul chil dren were piigseinrurc to (3ntiipbuH 'I'uesiliiy. Mr ami Mrs. H. V. HiuUon and Mr. anil Mis. O Hudson niilood to Hastings Si unlay. Mls Sophia 11 iM Is assisting Marie riinllh with hfi'woik while liei'inothor Is In Hastings Mr and Mr, tieo. Iliul-on vl-itnil liiBil.iughler, M' J. Friend, at haw rouce Sunday. Miss Llllle Lurk of Lawrence visit c.l Miss Vclla Wright Saturday even ing and Sunday. Ne uly all of the lmrvt"lci'.s of iltls local. ty went lutotliu wliett llelds on Monday monilug, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 Kraue and ilrttigbters visited Loo Cunaway'.sSatnr day evening and Sunday Douu Iicey, Olive Keeve, l'lillip Lurk and Verna Wright uutovd to Hastings aud Ilolsteiu Sunday. Irving Norrls, Anna Cowel, l'hillp Lurk and Verm Wright attcndeil the dance at Doweese Friday evening. Me.idoiv drove played Huscuiont a gaum of ball Sunday. Meadow Grove Won the trame In the loth Inning by a scoro of 2 to 1. The dance at the Cia ford building given by Ua.wnuiul Hobfoon on Sntur day evening whs well attended and every one lopoit k good time. LI tile .Ia'iU" C'-atvf ril gave a psrty iiiiThmMlHyp.nl lion ttnee to four in honor of his fourth blrt'ulny All of tho little folks gathered at his home and spent an enjoyable hour. Chautauqua Program The following Is thu iirogratn for the Bed Cloud Cliiiotnuiitia which will hi held August and to 0th August 2nd Prelude Llburati's Band and Grand Opera Jo in pmy Concert -Llberati's Band and Grand Opera Company Prelude -Llbcrail's Bund and (iranil Opera Company Concert Llburatl's Bund ond Grand Opera Company " August Ilri! Preludo Marietta La Doll Reader Lecture Judge Frank P. Sail I or, "Criminals in the Making". li elude Marietta La Dell tender Lecture Dr. John A. Gray, "Out of Work". August 4th Prelude Coyla Spring and Slstor Leoturo -Madam Mount ford "Tho Kluir of tho Shimards". Preludo Coyla Spring and SUtor Legturc rallttcinn AuguM 3th l'leludo ltlheldaiYer-Gnlley Co. Lecture Prof. Wassain Prelude RlheldaiTer-Gailey Co. UoiK'ert-BUieldalfer-Ualley Co. August 0th Prelude Hooslor Male Quartette Leoturo Miss Fola LaFollette "The Demoorncy of Woman Sulfrngo" Prelude Hoovior Male Quartette Lecture Father John Daly August 7th Prelude O wont Welsh Male Prize Sg'is Entert. " " " ' " Prelude- " " " " " Entert. " " " " " Aiigust8th Proludo (Ulbert Shorter Players Lecture ur. Miutison w.uuuse, -nig Bugs and Big Humbugs". Prelude Gilbert Shorter Players Entert. Gilbert Shorter Players August 0th Prelude Croatlon T a m b n r 1 n n n Or ch est ra Lecturo Dr. Fox, "The Mirror of a Mighty Em''. Prelude Croatlon Tn m bu r I can Or chestra Coucert Croatlon Tatnbuilcan Orches tra ;a HY1t3 WWUHMWUmiMWl M,onwiaiTiiiiinoiii yiiiwiy win " FOR COPYISTS AMD WRITERS Work May Be Llfjhtened and Better Results Obtained by Following Theoo Simple Directions. Tho quickest way to copy with pon or pencil is to put a Ant, heavy weight over tho upper edge of tho paper on which you write, to hold It firm and leftvo both hands free. Then place tho matter to ho copied flat on the i1ePi at llv Wt, so fis-to brlnp It nfc ucai as possible to tho blank paper. With a linger of tho left hand keep your place In the book or manuscript at you write nntl you will find goner ally that you 'can copy qulto fast la this way. For a paper weight n lupavy oblong rectangular piece of brass or-glasa if most effective. The- connecting of words by long pen strokes hnti very little bad effect on tho legibility of tho copy and certainly saves time. Of course, the stroke snouiu uo long enough to .mark clearly tho break be tween 'words. Writers who have n habit of dinning pens in the mucilage nn'd putting the? mucilage brush into tho Ink may find it a good idea to keep the mucilage bottlo invariably nt one otdo of the desk, and tho Inkstand at tho other. ' Half of a lemon set firmly in a small shullow support and renewed from tlmo to time will bo found to remove tho finish from old penB quickly and thoroughly. Another good way of bringing forth the possibilities of new steel pens is to let some Ink dry upon them before using. RACE KEEPS ON IMPROVING Modern Science Has Proved That Even In the Slums, Four-f If tho of Babies Born Are Normal. Tho encouraging word of science that "heredity is overwhelmingly a force for tho Improvement of the race;" that "the child at birth has, not a few months, but 10,000,000 years of unbroken llfo to back him In hlB fight with environment," and that "even in tho slums four-flfthfl of nil Uio chil dren are born normal and healthy," was proclaimed by Dr. Woods Hutch inson. "Ono excltablo gentleman," ho Bold, "figured out that tho rate at which insanity wob Increasing wo would all, bo mad in a century and a quarter. "Ho forgot that tho lncrcnso was jluo largely to the fact that more cases of Insanity are cared for today that formerly. And, nt tho worst, only from 1 to 2t per cent, of humanity Is defoc tlvo mentally. A careful uso of negu- tlvo eugenics, preventing tho breeding of real defectives, can reduco that pro portion almost tonothlng. "The great man comes up froin the mnsBos, 40 per cent, of tho tlmo lu oi.e bound from rn unknown father; even oftoner from unknown grandparents Nearly 30 per cent, of grent men wero delicate In childhood, though they arc distinctly long-lived and robust in man hood. Tho reason why more great men do not come from tho really poor Is that the stress of early environment does not let them live." Right! Get up right In the morning. Go to bed right nt night. Start with joy In your heart, hope In the future, kind ness lu your purpose. If it is a dark day, never mind; you will lighten it up. If it is a bright day, you will add to tho brightness. Give a word of cheer, n kindly greeting and a warm handshake to your friends. If you have enemies, look up pttbs them I ' forget n'hd try to forglvr-j If all of us would only think how much of humnn happiness is made by ourselves, there 'would bo less of hu man misery. If all of us would bear in mind that happiness is from within and not from without, thero would be a wellsprlng of joy in every heart and the sun would shine forever. fry it! Leslie's Weekly. Really Baby's Fault. Tho young mother had left tho six-months-old baby only a few minutes, but upon going back to it discovered quite a largolump over ono eye. Dis covering threo-year-old Henry In tho vicinity, she surmised tho causo and questioned him. "Henry, did you hurt tho baby's eyo?" ''No." "Now, I know better than that. If you do not tell mo how you hurt tho baby's eyo I sholl spank you." "Well," said Henry, "I did throw a block nt him, but I told him to look tho othor way." His Privilege It was during tho rush hours and tho car was crowded to Its full capaci ty and then somo. A rather gaudily dressed young man wna standing next tr a German, each holding on to tho overhanging strap. Tho car gave a BUdden lurch, which re sulted in tho young man's stepping on tho derman'a toes. This Irritated tho German, who addressed the other an grily. "Mine frlendt." he Bald, "I know mine feet vob meant to be valked on, but dot brlvllcgo bolongs to me." Lip-1 plncott's. Child 8lpf Life Away. A child that nover awoke during Its entire life of eight months died recently nt Hacknoy, London. An in quest was hold and the mother stated, that even whon being .fed the baby still slept. MedlcP1 evidence showed that death was due to heart failure, and that there wbb nothing abnormal to. account for the aleeplriess. fcSSm vVT3!; '-rv "ftffi'W'r'S .. i ,j.v ,v ... .. . .." - v " . w .rv..V. ii . . v k v -r ,. vji-, ; , n i,, v ,i. r, ,.-..io . " - j,. .1,(1. v Mr,.,.. ..... .,.... ., r, . 1 NOTICE. lei itoiunn Wm.i im lii'i KIN, Nox- HlnhVr lU'ttiM ANT You nrc hi n-tit itoili.iil lam n Uu ustli tin of.lnminrj i.isrrn: . i t knu ninl i HfttHou nnlnM jott in II. i lii tlet court of Wi lnur CiiuiiM . Ni-lirunKn. the olijirt and mover Mlileli ftro lo obtain a divorce from .uu on tlio ground Unit ,mu hnvc uilllully bninlouut nml timer tnl tho piainiiir without ,ii' vnitRo for tho turm of t enn-lmt putt You tin-rttitilritl loniiHtM-r "mid petition on r lifforcMoii(Ii.rf,tIii,liln ul.luiy i.iit. I'l.'r.t tH Mt-ft', tt'li. S.V '.! lllll'hlNH piHllltllt, li- I,, if lilrvt KleiiKO, licrnttoint'j. ViltlCOIlppMlVCll. llni-ry M. inuigml indite of Die Plutilpi Court. Ntt Ice of 'Final fiMwM. In Hie i 'mint' rourt of tt ti ittr cunt Vflnnokn. I r tl'fMiinttcr of tho t-s'nifof In me Mi r.uiiiui't iti'i'tnwl. A I, ti'5Lii intc-reMed In h Id. i- in to art; herein noilnoil that tin- Kxictil'jrlx hat II lid n llnnl nccount mid ruport of her mltulii I'.rallMi, nm.- petition fur lllril sUlliuiont of liir nccount nml atll'i'licirijH from her trust which hat u hicii st-t for lirtrlnit lu'forc fnld court oil thfllthdnj ol Jul, 11)1 1. at 10 o'clock A. M.. whuii nil piTMins liitcrtititt in Mie prcinlftrntiinynppc.tr nml contcit Hionnino. Dated thN inth day ol June lid I. hi:ai. t A. D. Haxnkv, County .lud'c. -' F I R E - "-- a THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for tho man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In his throat If the fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THIS COST OF is so smnll that it t?JSlSJ?ANCS need hardly be i ii'-lili-ivil Tli- f.'edom liom iwmt nloiie i- uiith I' many tine-- vei !J.ve u- lii-iin- j i'i lu-ilny N--u ." Fip pyr r Vup-b 9 &?,& f Blob i..f K?n y RoiiahttJ tnsurance. QlOlOaillstteAdC We Are Looking For The Man Wl i I iis Mil'e I lit- c'nthes mi l.uii.i lliitt they are. hoi lit 1 1 j tienr. No in.itter liiiw iliriy or greasy I lie hiiit may be we me icpilppe'd el'li lint must modem machinery i iitt have .-killtrd woikineii win ill mv how to Clean, Repair and Press Clothes' H. G. Hassinge Cleaner and Dyer Both Phonos Is not r.o much In Its crestjffltltncy m rtmear lor roup, canker, iicn P" nd other dlseueo ol poultry, but It la the creitert bowel regulator In the world for either poultry orMoch tlncludinc pet stow, counterin- ng, upecmiy, bowel trouties aua tornusty, spoiled or improper rood. With mtn, fowls orBnlmals,recu Iir bowcla meina heilth. Con tinued Irregularity means some sickness, difficult to cure II not fatal. Thousands clve Cermozont recubrly twice a week to chickens, young and old, stthcsametlme having It ever handy as n ready remedy (or other diseases. Sold by dealers or post paid. Ono slio only, 50 cents. . -n. FOR SALE BY H. E. CRICE DRUG CO Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN &StlRCEON Cnlls Answered Day or Night oillcoTclphmies: llcll.dH; I nil. IK). Iteii. Telephones: lltll, ItoU 'J7;t; Iml. IW. Office Over N. A. Albrlftht's Store Red Cloud, -a- Nebraska Dr. Nicholson Ng DENTIST OFt'lOK OVPIt AI.linlCUIT'S STOBE IN IllVKntOX ON .MONDAY, ClOIHl. NtkrMka - ' MBmnumiicuniM teww ES Big ' I zy Value I H icuff liilTtw'K. iLtlbrZr v. ,"'"' ' rlWBt'WL ' 'ilii nil- MMTrymifrintt93BaBMM3itiassmmmmtBmmmmtmmiiWHim' n mi mwjimji 'if, j a HOLEPROOF jt fiLti 'Ji'ii?nipznnjrtf: rtProtly fine looklnc sok to wear six months without holes. "Yea, Dailt and since we all wear Holeproof, theic s no more inminc tor me. htV9tl M'H I ' bo i 0 l I tffff lt( dtfft irvrrTi tt n (M1! ift 'Brt pufi ire itihH if thirt I'o't.rcJ r. i (jrt bt btt n fMt If I tii tur fi i (Mi icm tit. r UfMfll iu a.u ) t tttwtlit Ittt Holeproof 'Hosiery One Million '7 i" ""'LX r" Men. Women anJ ChllJr.n p'i,:,"::,, tit f.f.n ljp,ftut Ifltt l-J. .,hf ,(t4.M th.i,t.t wtijhn if lUMIIil.liri"lll!tl ' . , ,, ,.,,. ..,,, . not i , o't ph f ' iM w Tl" ".,,,,, "l"f?' ' !; (,.Tioni..io.k,i. r(..i tin I'fW't ViS.' 4 fiji.uUf (....?' Iitri.i i kiui i J?i 5lMlTOO - . , A ..! 'rv' ?r' ysjy sV SOLD BY Barbara Phares Agent For American Beauty and Warner Bros. Corsets And Butterick Patterns. Highest in quality .ty t I i V. & til V 'l j izing of ,1 ing the h us figure with you on your next order of printing. We can please 'you, give you your money's worth, and as we are not pos ing as philanthropists ask only a fair profit. Anti-wasto basket June Bulletin ol Excursion Fares t'O I' vOIFIO C'OASI': iicy,ei'nl X'ui-lon r.ite n( S'JO ilaily. VLI.LUSYSTO.N'U PARK. 'iriii-'ul e,n." n late i.12 to the entrance, anil from bS'2 to S100. -aeie tonr. (I ve s nnitCH, etu fiKiniiv abuitt Wylttl Purtnas Cumii ti.tare- ninl tli" u nilueted n fK'V unny pai.t.-: Special excursion rates to Denver, Halt Lalte vlty, wmi ni"ersroiue THE BLACK BILLS: Diillv tourist rates to Hot Sprlncs, region is attrnetinn a greatly Increased patronage every snininer. R BIG HOUN RF.t'.lON: J THE TotirUt rnt.e. to Sheridan, Uanehcster, Thertnopolis ntiyt'otly, Wyo. EASTERN TOURS: " Attrtictlvo excnrlon fares cominenclug June ! Th.v cover dlreot also oh cult rontes. Secure eastern rate leallot, Piibllc.itlniiH fnu: "Low Rates, to thu l.c1flc Const," "Vfliowbtono Park," "E-1-- 1'iilc," "California ExcitrWt5," "Low Bates East," "Bl'" Horn Ranch Re-nrH." "The Blaclt IHllfe," "ColoraiLUlnh llamlbeolc." Ash us for such publications nsynn wish and let. US help you plan1 yonr tour. ' CAMP THE GHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second Houao North o! I. O. O. F. Hull -O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free o Phone lHd.212 We Have Aided In Building Great - Fortunes For -Clever Advertisers I w . SaPBBssSpmvMKi , "'''" 1SB5 HOSIERY w ifia'duaag iAfaaHU A rfWgj ,,, ; ,", - - ,jt -.. t C, - . i 1 i lowest in price m i iifKV.S K ffliwFY.jrxito w K.fU ..? S S V T . m t 'J S alMrtj fr " "V - ' T -- IK ifi F your printing must be of the highest. class combining good composition, the harmon- colors of paper and inks, see us before making contracts. Our productions are always at tractive and correct before leav- office. Come in and let printing gets results . all B t toui from Cody j J E-tes Park, dlhicier XutiorU Park, ihuiiihiiiii lours. Doadwoeil nml LhuI 'Jlils' heantlfnl R. E. FOE, Tlchot Agent. L.W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. Children are interesting i n each stage of their develop ment. Let pictures keep them as they are today pictures full of unconscious u n affected grace, and the individuality of the child. Make an ap pointment for them to inspect our playroom. Stevens Bros. Studio 4 . ft k , -'i i' 'tt, f A 1 , I l v - j mSmSmmSS u ii