The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 25, 1914, Image 5

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H0i13 NEWS
Bulletin, c. T! o Week's Doing
finis iii'in i It of Cowles wns in town
Fr! lay.
TOR SALE-Mow or c.ic.e-, 82 each
C. F. Walllu.
T ink Sidlleh of Bidden ,s in
'town Moutl.. . ,
o o I'.i-.-j'iTtf r
the IliV. of til.- we
vn In lowi
. FORRL.Vi' A giod
l.'u olii'tii A: .luhden.
0-tO.lll llOUlC.
IV .:,! i-lo l Dlue llltl wns
in the
vl$ U c tu t ol t!i" week.
Miss Until Ji uMon ivns down fiom
Alma Sunday visiting ber untlier.
Clm. A. eliel Hk rut unit tl home
from Hastiugb Thursday evening.
Attorney McNeny returned home
Sulurdiiy morning from Supeiior. '
I). M. Able fi eight agent (it the
depot lb etjoylng u two week's vaca
tion. Will Auhl, cafehier of the State Uauk
Is vi-ltititf with fiiends iu lown this
Mi 8. Wllbcr Fisk of Red Cloud, wan
a city visitor rrlday. Monday's Mc
Cook Trlbuue.
Mrs. Fiauk MIzer of Duntilug 18
visiting friends and relatives In the
city this week.
A. H. Carpenter went to Eeldonr
Kansas, Tuesday morning to look after
his land interests.
Mrs. Perkins of Lincoln arrived
Monday to vl6lt her parents, E. M.
Oard and wife.
Frank Able ot the Miner Iiros
Grocery department Is enjoying a two
week's vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Longtin of
Hastings spent the first of the week
here with his sisters.
Carl Ranney left Tuesday morning
for Kansas where he will enjoy a vaca
tion in the harvest field.
J. H, Uailty and wife left Friday
morning for Broken Bow to visit their
boh, W. R. Bailey aud wife.
Miss May Carl of Long Island, Kan
sas, spent Friday here with her uncle,
J. A. McArthur and family.
The ladles of the vCongregattonal
church dkUI hold their monthly market
.VvMrsjjE&wygK a,fiian)r
the flrst'of theS&ePfor BiobigaB am
Indiana for a visit' with relatives.
Brakeman R. TbbasojVeptjdatr
to Red Cloud, Saturday, on a snori
visit Mopd?y?B;McCookTrlbunc.,
Mr. and Mrs. James Silvey of Ina
vale spent Sunday here with her par
ents, "Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wonderly.
Why do you take trade checks or
chips for your produce'.' Weesner,
Terry & Co. pay cash for produce no
Rev. Bayne accompanied by .sevcial
of the small boys of tho city, aio- en
joying mi outing on tho liver this
Mr. mid Mrs. Ralph Foo and child
icn lett Monday morning for Montana
where they will "d their future
Jay Studebukur left Monday evening
for ills home lit Elbetta, Utah, "ftt-r
spending a tew weekb icie visiting
Ned Gi hues hi lived home Saluidny
evening liom Kansas Ulty wheio he
attended a meeting of the UoMill dent
ers last week
Mis. Ed. Callahan and eiilldieii, who
have been visiting with J. K. Chauey
ati'' wife, left Monday tor Superior to
visit i datives.
l'have the best mte In tho county on
farm loans. Seo mo mid be convluctd.
My muttos-pi ouipt hei vice.
A. T. Wai.kkh.
- Must, fit the fnrmeia mound heie
began harvesting wheat Monday In i
aidioH time WO will f-oon hear tht
wlitstle of the throhhliig machine
riito yiieii of Oi leans, whoUaspm. g
jproougiesbinan ot tho Fifth District,
wab in town JMday shnklng hmi s
with the voters While hejehe made
this ofllco a pleaJjant call.
iiu largest ciowd of the season
turned out Monday oveliln'g to heai
the band conceit. Our band is cor
tiiiuly tluro when it comes to putting
up a tlibteliiss musical prugiam.
"Man Made Rich by the Toverty of
Christ," will be the subject of tho ser
mon Suuday morning at the Congre
gational church. In the evening the
pastor will lectin e on, "The Xowly
Discovered Siiing of Jesus " These
sayings not found in the bible are con
sidered genuine by our best scholars.
11 Interested In tho btory of the life
and teachings of Jesus ought to hear
this lecture. The Bible Lecture Wed
nesday eveulng will be on, "Tho
Gospel of Mark." Who Ws Mark?
When Did Ho Write? To Whom Did
He Write? Where Did He Get His
Material For Ills Life of Jesus? What
Are tho Practical Teachings of ills
Gospel? And many other points of
Interest will be brought ont. Come
Willi your bible.
m l lake yoili cream u .1 O. Idwe 1,
J I Hob LhjIoii of Uiierioii wus in Uwti
;TnpdHy aftertio vi.
s ii vn w'Mioiit rt J'nver Is 'ik,
C' I.ii.ho wl li .in a I'liL.i
A go id " i mm houio for ifi t.
Hutchison ASaladeu.
iv!i. .1. Warren went to Llncn:ti iiud
Oniahi WirdiiO t.'t-y morning.
Who will slut t t'i..' wut.-i tj tu.iiiiiig
in the fountain on .i.ulii street?
Miss Alice Avetinir of Finnic n Is
vl-ltlug fi lends in the city this w-ok.
The ills' s'iow ( t'. Toit" will
I'oninu'iice at :", On Saturday n-iht
u' S:0o
Harvey Dediiclcnnd sousarc p'uister
Inif the new telephone building this
A luerry.go-rotitnl litis como to tuwu
which .Mil bo c!co:ue news lei the
Jnini's II ii''iii Un nf HI ii'i-n wns on
our btret'ts TiH-il.i. -h,iliiig iia.ult.
with the voters.
Born to Mr. und Mrs, Ralph Can
field on Wednesday of last week a
seven pound bnby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sattley are the
happy parents of a baby boy which
arrived at their home Saturday.
Mrs. Ed. Pulsipher returned from
Orleans Monday morning where she
had been visiting Mrs. L 11. Fort.
O. C. Teel, J. A. Bradford, Clark
Stevens and Attorney McXcny wont to
Lincoln Wednesday morning on busi
ness. FOR SALE A nice 7-room modern
cottage, City water, electric lights
and bath with four lots. Also my
farm two miles east of Cowles. Terms
to sult.-J. H. Bailey.
The Young Women's Society of the
Congregational church will give an ice
cream social on the church lawn Mon
day evening, Jnne 20. They .will
serve home-made ice cream, sherbet
and cake. Price l5o. adv
Beautify your own property all you
can, then do all you can to beautify
your streets. Be friendly with every
body and courteous to strangers. Your
own civility will help make good im
pressions and will ue carried away
and cherished.
So far as our local condition is con
cerned there has been more work for
the laboring man this year than for
some years past. There is plenty of
WorVfor tuoaewho really want work
and with the coming harvest men will
be in raoreileuvmdJhan ever. There
wjfi ontlfluehtuout?li Jfcaty. '
J. L. McCall of Webster co'utity, Neb ,
la U.ii Republican river valley, a splen
did liog pfdduoing territory, considers
I vaccination, the only safe way to. wnj-d
nffJintr nhnlaril' ''Wis' are craduallr
frilling ill llne.ivitli this plan of hand
ling the deadly hog'disease," Mr. Mc
Call said. "Farmers realize that It
does not pay to save a few'dollais and
take chances on a much .heavier Iosc,
so vaccination is becoming quite gen
oral" -Kansas City Drovers Telegram
of.luuo 18th.
State Fire Marshall Hldgell has sent
out n serious plea for a Mifo and sane
Fourth of July celebration iu the state
of Xebiaskn. He shows the impoit
Mice of shunning tlio tire cracker, the
skyrocket the toy cannon nil 1 the
like, by stating that during the past
ten years nearly forty thousand per
pie In the United ht.iteb wfie either' crippled, th usults- of acei
dents from using explosives. The
Chief believes that the city nut hoiitle-
should absolutely forbid the use of
the usual brand of tiro starting ui tides
within tho city limits.
Private Hotifjy To Loan
Also lobular rum Lo'ini ut lowest
rates Call for me at State Hunk.
THAT'S when
the grocery bill
is high. Extra
hands to feed and
work to do. Save your
work and save your money.
Let us stock you for Harvest
Time. A Harvest Canned
Goods sale 28 per cent off.
. B. E. JWepaPiand
All the Phones
-. WJSPL .'M. JkJ Mm'
fr f w.l.1 . JI
C W Kaley U homo fiotn Ltnco't1.
Koxoy Grove of Superior wns in
town Wpditeoday evening.
Mis. Cluis. Gllham Is visiting with
lelativcs near Lebanon, Knnns, this
JraTruohlood ninl wlfi- left Tuesday
morning for Donald, Kansas, to visit
with fiiends.
Attorney L. II, lllackledgu went to
Lincoln Wednesday luoining whciu he
will h.ive u hearing hefuiu the state
railway commissions. s.
Monday and Tuesday
.1 UX E 20 and .'10
The Adventures
Of Kathlyn
The Cruel Crown
In Two Reel
Kathlyn, becoming separated from
her party, In searching for their horses
that were stampeded during the, night,
is, in turn, trailed by feiocious 'tigets.
She Is walkiug along a high, locky
ledge when she discovers her danger
Just as she enters a blind pocket backed
iy a mountain wall. Happily she sees
a sheep herder, and getting him to toss
up his riata, manages to slide down
over the face of the ledge, just as the
raging beasts disappointedly claw and
snap at the sustaining rope. That is
seveied as she reaches safety far below
The program will also Include two
other good reels.
Fifth of the Andy series, where Andy
becomes a hypnotic subject and bis
actions will many a laugh.
graph drama of tho stage life of an
aotress that Is well portrayed.
Wednesday and Thursday
JULY 1 aud 2
the Dollv of the Dallies series, with
Mary Fuller. An interesting and
clever-picture with this star actress in
the leading part.
rural comedy that is a scream. The
Village Board buy a chemical fire en
gine, and, well guess the ret.
western picture that will please.-. One
with m'afiyp'mty 'scenic-effects. ,.;
lng'V!Wferpb9nie4y with Sidney
Urew in the title role.
Friday and, Saturday-,
cIir.-nJUNEa and 4, -..,, ;
part western Diama that bolls with
political aroma. A couuty seat war
intermingled with a pleasing plot.
Showing the world's events and
giaph comedy that will please.
best comedy that the Biogiiiph pen
pie over pioiiuced. It you don't laugh
you stu Ply have forgotten how.
Change In Hours
open at. S:00 n'elnuk. First
show ut
8.:!0. .Satuiday Matluco at
Moisture Conservation
Cultivation is throne practical means
that tho farmer has for conserving the
moihturo over any cpnMdciahle men of
hind. It Is by cultivation that thebtir-
f.H'o is put in condition to catch and
and hold the water until it can so.ilc
into tlin (.oil. Wteils .iiv IcUIimI hvt-iil-
'tlvatluiuuiirthiH pi evented fiom usiiiL'
tho water which falls Cultivation also
checks the loss of water fiom the soil
by dtreet evaporation. Slnilng the
boll looscno the burface, lnibtens the
piooess of diying the siuface lajer,
decreases tho pomtof contact bet weiu
tho tho soil particles, bo that the water
fiom below cannot to icadily teach the
snifaeO Ij.v capillary action. In othci
worilh, i pm poHolyTiaciiflcu the mois
ture Iu the cultivated layer in oilor to
u unserve that In tho lower levels.
Matters of the Memory.
Savages have good memories, Thoy
raroly maUo a falso or cnoneous mo
tion. They havo mastered their our-
louudlngs and thoro tiro no now
things to distract their attention.
The'y lceep their nnmory cells un
crowded. The civilized man is at a
great disadvantage. Ho socs somo
new thing ovory hour. His brain cells
aro a veritable, dancing, whirling,
seething nest of memories. It is not
ary great 'wonder that ho cannot re.
call tho ono ho noeda Just vhen ha
Dally Thought,
Let your first effort be not for
wealth, but indepondonce. Whatever
be your talents, whatever your prow
pects, never bo tempted to speoulatft
away, on tho chanoe of a palace, that
which you need as a provision against
tho workhouse. Lord Lytton.
Danger of Dictating With a Lisp.
"Office-boy wanted, to make himself
youthful." Adv. in Manchester' Eve
ning News,
ncmiwii' mjurvPBCTHcaumu
Colonel's Method of Rebuking Young
Officers Probably More Effective
Than Severity Would Be.
The rolonel of n German regiment
on garrison duty near a lively city
was very much annoyed by tho way
his young officers went about town hi
civilian clothes contrary to tho regu
lations of the scrvlco, tho articles of
war, and tho spirit of Prussian mili
tarism. Ho spoko very sharply about
it and threatened tho extrcmest pen
alties if nnybody wero caught doing It
again. Tho warning served for a time
at least tho offendoro wero moro
Presently, however, two young llou
tenants took a chance. They Bllpped
away Into town in modish nfternoou
clothes of tho latest English cut, with
top hats on and tho rest. Suddenly
they ran Into tho colonol. Tho next
mtnuto thoy had vanished Into a gro
cer's shop. One mUiuto moro and tho
door of tho shop opened.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen," said
tho colonel. The pair stood before
their superior silent and dismayed
whllo a grim smile spread over the
soldier's face.
"Young lady," said tho colonel, ad
dressing tho shopgirl, "glvo mo two
five-cent cakes of soap and wrap
them separately." Tho girl obeyed
and the colonel gravely gavo her ten.
cents. Then ho turned to the young
officers and handed each of them a
"Here, gentlemen," ho said with a
grin, "Just so you sha'n't be put to
any expense on my account. Good
And he turned and strode out of
the shop. Now York Evening Post
Father Sana of London, England, Has
Mad Enough to Purchase a 8lt
for Chlldren'a Homa.
Rubbish collected in London haa
provided enough money to purchaaa a
alte for a chlldren'a home. Father
Sana, employing two motor vans and
a horse cart for collecting things moat
persona throw away, makea 110,000
a year for his "Crusade of Rescue." In
a warehouse in Compton street, King's
Cross, he has three sorters, whose
task It Is to empty sacks containing
different kinds of refuse and to ar
ftnge the material for sale. Among
the neglected articles which he has
found to have real value are old en
velopes, pamphlets, bits of paper, bro
ken bottles, corks, electric bulbs, sar
dine tins, old stockings, silver paper.
candle ends, cardboard, and medicine
bottles.' "'KJ
irMedlSn.tttles can he fold to doq
tors for 11.80 a gross, aniotbejr bot
tles artJttUght waj?y. a dealer. Bro
ken plates are sold and 'brosHlTUP'fUB;
road foundations' ' Corks go to lino
leum manufacturrs,?and tin lids aiji
utilized by the 'British Electron com
pany. ,tho zinc1 and tin in bottle tons
fetch, respectively," 3 denta a'" pound
and $7.50 a hundredweight.
Advice to Doctors.
"Bo cheerful." That is Sir Culre
Bancroft's advlco to the doctors. Dr.
8tephcn Paget, in his "Confcsslo
Medici" that most companlonnblo pf
books dilates on tho same theme,
"if you must stay," ho says to tho
young practitioner who Is Invited to
tea, "do not stay long, and koep tho
door on your lips. Talk of tho pa
tient, of tho weather, or of tho propo
sition, which will as suroly as tho
broad-and-buttcr bo handed to you,
thrt "J'hcro Is a good deal of Illness
about.' Avoid all topic3 of church and
ptato, quoto nolthcr poetry nor prose,
glvo neither conauro nor approval to
music and tho drama, hide your lik
ing for any nrt but your own. Lc-avo
behind you, for gossip to lap. a saucer
ful of tho milk of human kindness."
City Free From FII03.
,"lfy Hies in Prague," nays a resident
In that city In reply to Inquiries from
manufacturers of fly-papers asking for
Information us to tho extension of
their trade in Bohemia, for thero uro
not oufficient files to exterminate. In
restaurants thoro are very fow fjlob.
Screon doora to Ueop out HIrb and
other Insects mo uuknowu- Tho build
ings are all conotructed of brick, atom
or concrcro. Tho pavements and aide
walks are mare of granlto hlock, Thero
nro no voodon Hldownllis, stairway, or
buildings in tho city. Decayed vege
table or animal matter Is not openly
expo'M'd to llios, and the rtrfet3 nre
frequently cleaned during ouch day.
Girl's Mfcerable Death.
Suffocated in mud wuh tho tenibio
death ot JIaud Klrby Cornwoll, a fac
tory girl, of Cambridge, England. Bhe
was out waUUnix with Arthur Jlad, a
barman, 011 Coo Fon, nu open space
between tho river And Potorhouso col
lege, when, according to a utatomc.i'
by tho man, they walked Into a ditch'
which has scarcely a foot of water in
it. He cays he sank to his hips Im
mediately. His cries for help wero
heard, and two men pulled him out,
but tho girl was not found nntil soms
tlmo afterwards. She was then dead,
having been suffocated by mud.
Firemen Had a Right to Be Vexed.
They had a fire in Burlington." thw
other day and when the firemen re
sponded to the alarm and ran to get
out the flrft-flghtlng apparatus they
found, as the Republican says, that
"every wrench, spanner and other,
dingbat necessary to get the water4
turned on had been takon from tho
hose cart since the last flro." Tho
members of tho hoso company Are,
Indignant. Kansas City Star,
- qaBaaaca,
"l V-" -4. vvvtV"4
A Natural Feeling
Does It "Get You?"
Have you walked into a clothing store,
spending 16 to 20 minutes trying to find what
you wanted not finding a particular suit,
felt as though you were taking up too much
time, and have this feeling begin to worry you?
This feeling won't "get you" when, you
are in our store. Take as much time as you
need, and do it, feeling that you are welcome.
You will always find our salesmen
ready to assist yoL courteously, and they'll
gladly go out of their way to please you. Our
line of Clothcraft all-wool suits is large and
complete real value priced $10 to .$20. It will
be a pleasure for you to examine these clothes.
Kuppenheimer Suits
$18.oo to $25.20
Society Brand Suits
$18.oo to $25.oo
Gt Your "Ctltbratlon" Cloth Horo
The Gouiden-Kaley Clothing (Jo.
Red CloudVEorfemost Clothiers
0 .1
" ;
rflf i . .
wvw v
r fti ' -i
1 .
Urn -., ' I 'i-.ii
1 1
v 1 ;
1 l
g Our
j Prices
S Are
m Reasonable
kL. -
E. S. Geu-ber
Real Estate, Faun Loans
and Insurance.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Red uiouo " " " neDrasKa
i r
t Uwl!j"I
'' (. St - T
"" ' l.07
Are Nd Riht
5 'nnphj
I1 ,.
- i,j'
WM IfiStqjkA
Carefully Erected
-, ,
othinq Better
Thar, our complete lino of Gro
cefitts, Queensware, Cigars, Candies,
Tobacco. You will find us able -and
willing to supply yout wants in a vcry
saliafaclojy manner at all limes, and our
chief endeavor is to please. Now, with
these inducements and incentives to give
us a trial order, why not do so today,
A Trial Will
Convince You
H - 14
Omduate Chicago Vetoiinary Collect?
Sw www ml 9mMf ,
Awm mixm
Ml Wi
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:s5gSi.-gr-5; jy yssKJCssaaca
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