sjt" - -- ...IISW! JT v"" 'T17I "ITV arawM X k-ft-Mw UteMuvS . j. ,. ., ...,, rn'mn.. S nfcrcwn- ,;. wmw. wiwmar sv 0' ,tV kV8 I I K 'C a-, ' i I" iek--yuiflfT; i!r7flHHKi BfccS- ltT1 nnHri aMM"8TgriiTi ifclMMBFI BIBBMaaaaaaalaaBBgjJ MaHMHl VOLUME 4ii rs J" i' vniiffllM BIMI, ID P' 'H IIPiPMi'iM'lHU'll JU1BM If You VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. Deposits Guaranteed by WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CAPITAL 2."5.000 . rail"11 ii i , n ii b ' ' i ii FURNtTURE AND UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONE vvv There is no Closed Season for KODAKING It is the "all-the-year-around" sport, and you can carry a Kodak anywhere. Easy to use and every part of the work can be done in daylight. Kodaks, $5.00 to $111.00 Bnmnlcs, $1.00 to $l?00 All the new goods from Ko dak City in stock. L H. Newhouse Optometrist and .lewder. Notice.' Alipai ties who are sunouuded by filthy alleys and closets please Inform the. City I'hyfeielan at once. We aio going to have mm is cleanliness about the city. A special e.xluui nation hi County Certificate subjects will be given Fil day, Juno 10th and Siturday, June 20th., iu Hod Cloud only, GehthudeL. Coon, Couuty Suporhiteiulont. m " y y1$yJfifi& Willi i'l"1 W'i" lWillVllliffllPBW'Jir.1! I Bit H'lPI Desire State Guaranty Fund !i, ""MWiVaJ t, - NCWHOUBC BLK Cut Worms Raising Cain "Dining the ptst two weeks the sec ond growth of alfalfa i tke fields of eastern Nebraska has been serlohsly damaged by the cut worms, which have appeared in gieat numbors," says Prof. Swenlce of the Ntibr. StatoJJUniverslty. T lese wtitnis were nt flist reported to be the army worms but upon hives tigajou we fonud to be the varlgoted cut woims which aru distiucCly differ ent Instead of being Htrlppcd ns the army worm, the varigated cut worm is of a grape color with u low ol yellow ish dots do. vn tlio back nud the dot on the next to the last f-egment of body Is Invariably blnek. This is the the third year that these pests have pluyod havou with the sec olid cutting ot alfalfa iu eastern Neb They appear about the first of Juno, and remain about two weeks. Usually the farmers ate not aware of cause of the failure of the second cutting until until after the worms have been at wotk for some time, us they do not vapidly strip tho.pluuts of their foliago but letards the growth by means of eating the tender btuin and leaves 1'otatoes and tomatoes are also being Ituooked out by the cut worms and In some instances it is found that they are f under of them Hum of alfalfa. The army worm does not caru to work ou this sort of vegetation, but prefers wheat or barley. In reply to tho many letters asking for Information concerning method of destroying these worms, which aio now being lecelved at the collego of agi (culture, the entomologists say that littlo cm now be none to save the sec ond cuttiug of alfalfa. They recom mend however, that jutj, as soon as tho present growth of hay Is cut that the soil be harrowed or cultivated lu such a uuiuner that the soil will be worked up without tho plants bolng disturbed. In this manner the woims iu tho- pupa stago will be exposed to Hie sun und air and bo destroyod so that tho second and third broods will bo greatly l'educed.-Stato Journal. Al Beers aud family have moved Into Mrs, Haney's proporty on Elm street. 4 Newspapir That OWe's TtoJIm BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE 18, 11H4. Wilmot-Ranney The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. K'liuie.v was the scene of u very pretty yet unpretentious weddlug, Tucsdnv evening, when their daughter, Ethol, was united In marriage to Dr. Frank A. Wilmot. Only relatlvos wore present. The simple ring cei omouy was used und was performed by Chancelor emeritus Aylsuorth, of Cotuer university, a close friend and fonner instructor of both the btide and giooin. Immediately after the ceremony u four course luncheon was served by the bisters of the bride. The bride is the second daughter of Mr and Mis. A. D. Kanney. She has Brown to womanhood in this com munity nud 1ms a very large chclc of ft lends. For the last six years she has been attending school and teach ing lu Bethany, Nebraska The giooiu is u Lincoln man, of ex cellent character and highly esteemed by all who Uuow 1dm. Ho Is now a piacticlng physician of Ootavln, Nobr. The young peoples plan for the future has not been made public as jet. Announcements state Unit utter Inly ist they will beat home in Ootu via, Nobiaska. The Chler j-ilns their host of friends in wishing thm tt lung, happy nud prosperous life. " Chautauqua Program 1 The following is the program for the Red Cloud'Chuutauqna which will be held August 2nd to 0tb August 2nd Prelude Liberuti's Baud and Grand Opera Company Concert Llberati's Band and Graud Opera Company Prelude Llberati's Baud and Grand Opera Company Concort Llberati's Band and Grand Opera Company August ,'lrd Prelude Marietta La Delt Reader LfCt ure Judge Frank P. Sadler, "Criminals In the Making", lit elude Marietta La Dell Rvnder Locture Dr. John A. Giay, "0t of Work". August 4th Prelude Coyla Spring nn 1 Sister Lootuie Madam Mountford "The King of the Shepards". Prelude Coyln Spring and Sister Lecture Politician August 3th Prelude -KiheldarTe r-Giiiley Co. Lecture Prof. WHSsam Pielude Rlholdaft'er-GaMey Co. Concert-Hlheldalfer-Gallcy Co. ' 'August Oth Prelude Hoosler Mule Quartette Lecture Miss Fola LaFollette "The Demociaoyof Woman Suffrage" Prelude Hoosler Male Quartette Leoture Father John Daly AugUit 7th Prelude Gwctit Welsh Male Prize Sg'is Entert. " " " " " Prelude " " " " " Eutort. " " " " August 6th i Prelude Gilbort Shorter Playeis Lecture Dr. Mattison W.Chase, 'Hlg lings and Big Humbugs". Prelndo Gilbert Shoiter Players , Euteit, Gilbert Shorter Players August Oth Prelude Croutlon T a m b u r I o a u Or chestra Lojturu Dr. Fox, ''The Mirror of a Mighty Km". Prelude Cioation Tarn bn r lean Or- chest l a Coucoi t Creation Turnout lean Oiches tin' Dr.T U.Lyon rtnd wife of Raton, New Mexico, in lived heie the latter part of last week by auto, and aic visiting at the home of Mis. L M, I Stonobreaker, FOR SALE A nice 7-room modern coltago, und bath City water, oleotrlo lights' with four lots. Also ( .... ..., .., U.J farm two miles east of Cowles. Terms tvl , to suit. J. EI. Bailey. HTty - two Wwks Each Year Ftr 91.50. Fire Bug Confesses Last week we make mention of Indi cations of incendiarism lu connection with the lluilington Hotel fire. Since then a very clear case of arson has ap parently developed. Sunday morning bhei iff Hedge and Deputv Fire Warden Reqttartte, went to Palisade and brought back one Nate Carey, an itenerant painter, who had made the hotel his headquarters a few days ptevious to 'nud nt the time of the the. On Monday morning he was arranged before Judge Rniiney, pleaded guilty to the charge of arson, and mado a full confession, and was bound over to the district court. lie Is now In the couuty jail. His confession implicated a Mr. Jctferies of McCook one of the owners ot the hotel Its substance can be given In a very few word-: Mr. .leiVetics sent Ulm to the tho build ing. Ho wtis to iccelvo two dollais per day and expenses for the job. Lite on the night of the ilio ho pouted coal oil lu an 'upstair corner, lighted it, went back to bed and remained thole until hu was ousted along with the rest of the guests. bheiltr Hedge bi ought Jelfeties to Red Cloud, Tuesday morning. He was able to raise 9l,(X0 bail and his pie limlnary hosrlug was continued until Thursday afternoon. We have not yet learned along what Hue Jefforlcs will build his 'defense, but it is thought that it will be princi pally upon the unreliability of tho witness. It is .said that Carey U not "just right" aud his general abear ance aud the faqt that he was Willing to face the penitentiary for 82 and expenses per, would iudlcatc that such is the case. Everyone Knows Everyoue knows that the inerehttuts of this towu must sell reliable good, or they will not loug sell any at all Everyone knowfethat tint merchants of this towu must compete iu prices with tho outside dealer or theirs will come to a sudden end. Everyone knows this, bveryoue rcal li3 this, yet much money floats awt f i oiu tlijs community which should be spent in our local stores Everyone kuows that It Is jus, that much money withdrawn from ciicula in this vicinity. Even one knows that to withdraw this money fioin our midttt is a delii incut to every cltlzsn. Wo refer, of course, to mouoy sent away for goods which could just as well huve beeu puichastid fron our local dealers. Everyoue knows that nt luMt souio of our morchants realiz.o tho necessity of adveitlslug the demand for it on tho part of the buyer and are making weekly use of the columns of this paper lu plaolug before the buying public those facts which they have a right to expect. Everyone knows that these merchants tire soiling goods as cheaply as they can be pui chased elsewhere, and It Js but right that they should be given tho first consideration, Everyono knows they nro paying heavy taxes for tho support of tho com munity and have a right to bo support ed by the community. Everyone knows that justice requites that every citizen glvo the local mot chants u fair show that wo, keep the money at home, if possi blekeep H where wo may at least see it again, wheio it's power will boa beueflt to us all. Everyoue knows that such would bo the part of justice, of fairness, of loyalty to our own, Aie we just or are wo uotV Again, everyone knows. Franklin News. Pesslmcsts who are seeing vislousot business stagnation and hard times, hud bolter boglu rovlslng their foicasts for the era of good times Is approach ing lapldly. The jirospccts of good crops is dispelling whatsoever there Is of business depresslou. In the face of bountiful harvests thoie uuver has 1 beeu aud never will bo business 6tag- nation in this couuty. Rauger, -Harluu Couuty 1 1 WW w T2 M aWnM m. vaaas " . WW It will pay you to have that House, Barn, Crib, Garage or any Lumber bill that you are planning-on, figured now, while the market is ;low and the quality high. Wi THE MALONE-AVERY CO. Red Cloud, Nebraska "Talk With Us About That Bill," .. " WMT'.y Hot Weather Calls For Cool Clothes it ' '(f, See the -Linos Provided For H " Hats' in Straw 50c to $6. 33 1 "Munsing," "Porosknit," "Goodknit, II "B. V. D." Mokair Suits - MM, J fv5 pi A Store Full of Good Things at Popular Pi PAIL STOREY The Typhoid Fever It is the opinion of the best and most (xpcrlcuced sauatariaus that typhoid fever Is u disease that need not exist; that It is tho result of a specific genu, ti tilth disease but not produced bv 111th nloue. There is a specific germ and this germ must enter by way of the mouth iu food or dtlnlc that is It must outer the small Intest In j where it multiplies very japldly, aud 1, thrown oil' lu the exerota to attain multiply under tho tayorublo condition of moisture mid heat therefore tio disposal of exoieta is of the utmost impoitnucc, The most dangerous source of Infection is fioin Hies nud di inking water the" excreta bolng to often thrown wheio it eveuluully sinks Into the eat lit nud contaminates the water. () Hi:.vnv Cook. Why do you take trade checks or chips for your produce? Weeauer, Pqrry ii Co. pay cush for produce no chips. NUMBER 21 I ', i ..''WStfA'SBHIM of Cool Stuff You Here , . r J A and Silk" From Underwear Palm Beach Suits J ices. m & Clothier Three Horse Markets. Nebraska is making phenomenal progress us, a horso market state, St, Louis is regiuded as the largest market lu the wot Id while Chicago claims second pl.ici. Thou comes Giand Island, South Omaha and Kansas City, all making claims for the third place. Lincoln also has a flout ishlng market which Is rapidly expaudlug lu Import ances with spirited sales every week at Gnfhd Island, South Omaha and Lincoln, the matket possibilities of Nebraska oauuot bo emphasized too sttongly to horsemen. In breeding animals, the Porcherons seem to bo the strong favorites as S per cetit of all the pure bred stallions are Perohorous, with all the other bioeds tralllug below 12 per cent Why not muko it unanimous and have Ne braska vecognlzod us the Percheron breeding ground of the world? (W uatural advantages equal thoso of any country on earth for this iudustry. FOR SALE Mower cycles $2 each.-- 3Ml1a C. F. WalllD. if A'aHifl . Ek ii I vm tt!- w?I Ui !.H -, . t :mSm tti maWamlaWaWalaWaW