The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 11, 1914, Image 8

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1 Correspondents
(t'roin Smith (oiititji
MiisLovery oiio is cultliif,' iilfiiHn.uiid
Us iiued IiIm y -v lil
little tN Hi"" ,)' '" 1,ul 'lnlt0 "l
siepoof iihhhi..iu; l.m i better at1
lu-cs'ent. ' '
f ClmonCi-W. If. nhl employed;
on the Spun in- "l' "P""1 Simy,n",
will) homo f ''' ,
IVOplo of tl'.' W t. !. -linre pur
chined tho tM. M . wV property Hi
Wnnior, for u rrHiiHi"
lir-r Ntel.oV of Stillt.n, Kansas
liroiietM'd.lbiPP ItiU'iusth'tf sermons ul
HI'IiIimmI. P.uumi ami Wmner Sunday.
'I'ln- lu'ei tli ni'f pttp'e observed
ClilUlu-uV Dio I.t,lHu.dn 'Tlieyluid
u full hnui-e nnd u "Oil prepared pro
Krutn. Mrs. Curtis returned to her homo in
Seldon, Kitnsas, after n couple of
we6ltN visit with filcmls in tlio Puwme
Dell llrown nnil fiunily uiitoetl s.fntli
of Lebanon, Sunday nud. spent tho
day witli Mis. Hrown's sister, Mrs.
Chet Good nnil family.
Mrs Km inn Price- and dmijrlitor,
Nnnotte, who havo been vlsitlnp (lie
Doll Browu fntnlly, hnvc roinriu'd to
their iiomo in Lebanon.
Bert Payne nud family attended the
services tvt Independence, Sunday,
spending tho remainder of the day nfc
the Ray Simmons Homo.
Miss Inn, Hooper Is in vety poor
lieulth, Buttering from lung trouble
caused from bad colds the past winter.1
She has been compelled to giro up her1
part in the Children's Day cxotclses'
which will bo held Sunday, June J lth,
nt tho Pawnee church.
Wes. Womor and family lsited Kobt.
Mitcliell's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myer vl-Ucd
Whitley's Sunday.
Frank Stokes and wile visited
John Putnos' Sunday.
Clyde Wlckwire and family visited
relatives In this vicinity Sunday.
Miss Adnn Heed was a guest at the
Ilunsluker home u few days this week.
M iv and Mrs. W. 11 Conloy attended
the uriUlimtliip exorcises at IJed Olotnl
last TlliuiMlay uM.
Mi'iClum. Cole met wllh a painful
accident lust Tliursday while working
on the road1, lie recolved it tleop ash
on his left cheek from lielmr diap'.'ol
over Hie semper.
Anna Cook Is on the sick list.
O. Uudsoji and wife vUlled H. F.
Hudson Sunday."
A. F. Krnuscaud wife vlsltnd at K.
Howard's Sun-lav.
Itrueo L ill h1 is helping; II. Hender
son put up n'f-ilfti.
Mamly Uriibeu of lllue Hill visited
friends here Monday.
T. Schnltz and wife vUitetl his
eistor, Mrs. E. Pu-it Sunday.
v Mrs. Geo. Hudson was called to
Lawrence Monday to nurse her grand
sou. Mrs. Cure was called to Uluc Hill by
the death of her father, Mr. Warner,
Mrs. Cowol and Anna spent Satur
day and Sundav nt Mrs. Young's nt
Chesley Wright an-' Oliver Hudson
are helping V. It. Shirley during
nlf.Ufu time.
(lottrnde. and Lavedit Wright visited
their Oratidma, Mrs. F. Wright Mon
day and Tuesday.
Miss Hurrol Slrrs aud Edith VHn
Wormor went to Peru to attend bum
inor school Monday.
Mrs. A. F. Krattso and daughters,
Gladys and Fertile, vlsltodnt Mrs. II.
liattpiua'n'd Thursday.
"Barney Mentz of llluo Hill was on
our streets Sunday,
Airs. Seaton ot Red Cloud is here
vlsitlug her mother, Airs. Davis.
Wreu Thomas returned homo Tins.
diy evening, having been called away
by the serious illness of his sister.
Miss Louis Ritchey has been quite
sick this week but we are glad to
l)arn Is much better at this writing.
Uncle David Paul and son Ed left
Kansas City Tuesday morning. Uncle
David is tnking treatment of an emi
nent physician at that place.
Bart Morgan came iu Monday even
log from the west. He Is in very poor
health. JoeMorgan formorly of this
place, but now Jiving in Oregon, act
companied him home.
Remember tho big Sunday games at
Superior, Norfolk vs. Superior. Pre
llmcuary, Curtland va Supeilor t'lie
Silo Days Advocated .
A duv fur llif Mtuly of silos Is being
ci.eouiige-dl.y the NcbiHblm College
of Agttctiltuie. The plan it tor a
fcroup of funnel', luge or pmnU in
iiiimlier, to innhen tour oyer their jnvn
county, wheio silos are being used At
each place vIMted owner or user of tho
silo toll of his experlfnco nnd explains
lie construction when the tour Is
made by nntomo Me. eintish terrl n
may be covered to vWU Hie illo c m
striteted of ovor.viTial'irliil to he found
In the county. In UiU wur ' "m
putltlve merit of construct Hn mny ',
'obtained without prejudice.. In Gag"
county recently such a day was held
under the auxpkfs or tbe county fn.m
domomtintor. Tim Mjdison county
demottiatoriSBirahHlnT fora similar
tour. It Is .found beil to notify the
fanner to be ls -! a fw days In ad
vnnce so that one t m f Kcliuuuie ma
be conpleted before tb? tour Is tnndo
Agricultural Motorcycles
Two moloioyclft hi-o .recently been
purchnscd by the Agricultural Exten
sion Service of tho Nebraska College
of AcilcuMure to lo.luce trnvollng expense-and
to add to the efllclency of
the work. Fiequuiitly much time has
been lot by stieakets and other assist
ant', of the department when their
destination happened to be in ft mini
j-imniiiulty, an Inland village, or it
town not adequately supplied with
passenger f-ervlce. Sometimes men nro
required to spend several days visiting
different parts or one county, and It
has been necessary to spend very
large ntrioi nts for local transporta
tion The nw means or conveyance
has illicitly tniulp It possible for tho
workers to cover moro territory at
moderate distances from Lincoln nt n
saving to the state.
Save the Trees
Muny complaints have been received
during tho last few days concerning
tho condition of elm, hackberry and
poplar trees, Information secured by
S-cretary . I H. Duncan of the state hor
tlculture society Indicate that many of
tltesu trees are djlotr.
The drouth of last season weakened
tho tree, So Hi' damage lull oled by
borers has much greater effect The
trees, when In n vigorous condit on. me
ablo to withstand those attacks.
To destroy boreis alicady In the'tree
Insert u little cu boil bl-sulphideln the
burrows. To pievrnt eggs being laid
It fa a good plan to coat the tree from
the ground up to n, height of six or
seven fet with a tn'ximc pr.-pare I as
follows: Til a gallon of soft -oap add
half a ghlhni of hot water and a half
p'uilnf en nolle nuld. t ir Unmuighly
an 1 let-stand over night. Ii the morii
ing dilute Altli eight llons of water
and apply with a. white wash brush
Apply us iifteti as Is nojj's-iry to keep
the btrk moist fiom the middle of
May until the hist of July.
In order to assist tho trees in the
fight against Invests thoroughly sotk
the ground about the toots. Set a
Ir.iln tl'oon iinilab'jut mIx fee fiom
the Hunk of tho tree on cither side
and keep filled with water. Wetting
thoMirfaui is useless. Soak up tho
soil where the root feed.
Ordiiiiinue No. 21.
A'ltirdlu.iuco provldl.nv nnd mnklm;n
tax ty upon all thu nvte-saulo property In
the Village of Con lex, Nebr., both real and
personal for nil ucnotal nnd itpecltil purposes
ns per the regular nssessed vHtuntloii ot the
kamfor tho Hue-. I year coiumeuahiK th Urut
Tiwwlny In .May. mil.
Ho It ordained by the chnlriunu nnd Hoard
ofTrusJecjiol the Vlllmjo of (,'owlev
Section 1. That the follotrlm; taxes be nnd
that tho Name aro hereby lc led upon all tho
asscssablu property In tho Vlllimo ol fowled,
Nebr., both real and persounl as per the
nshcssul vnluntlouof tho Name, for tho year
I'or Kcuernl revenue purposes, rive MIIIh
on tho Dollar,
Si'CjIonU. 'I'lils ordinance hlmll bo In force
from and lis passage lippiovnl mid
Passed and approved this 2nd day of .luno
ill. liUElINHAI.OlI,
Vlllnuo Clerk.
lllds for tho Construction of Cross Walks,
Alloy CrosxW'nlkR and Water Ways will bo
Tccelved at thu Olllco of tho City Clork of
lted Cloud City on or before 12 et'clock Noon
July nth, Hill.
All bldt) aro to bo bsaed upon Plans, .Speci
fications and i:stlmato as furnished by thu
City engineer aud now on flic In my oillcc.
l.stlmntont City engineer is as follows: '
Cross WalkB each ... (f 10.37
Allcy CroHg Walks ....... Ill ft ................ PACK)
Alley Cross Wnlks -JO ft 15.21
Water Wnys..... . mi8
1 Tlio Culvert ...... .......... 13.W
Tho siiccessliil bidder shall bo required to
perform all work sultjoct to the approval of
tho City Engineer.
Dated at ltedritiud,Jimo8, tun.
(Seal.) city Clerk.
Ordinance-N. 22,
An ordinance showing tho annual estlnmto
of expenses of tho probablonmonnt of money
necessary (or nil purposes to bo raised In tho
vlllngo of Cowlos during tho onsulng iiscal
year. v
For streets, alleys mid sidewalks,. .. v 300,00
I'or otllccrs salaries,.. ..... . ,. 12.00
Kor printing and supplies, .... aj.oo
For contingent and Incidental
oxpcnses,........ ......., i.yoo
Passed and approved this '.'nil day of June
Vlllago Clerk.
Stenographer, Hammering Out Dic
tated Paragraphs, Times Her Effi
ciency to Our Limitations.
' Who else knows ub half bo well?
Sho has heard nil that wo havo said
and then mado notes of it. Sho linn
rend our Incoming lottoro. Sho knows
who pleads with its for help and wlrnt
wo do about It. Do wo write frankly
or cvaMvi'v, ft v frli.w8 the rtralgV
hewed lino or tho curyo of our devious
ncss. Aro wo courteous only to the
powerful, or Is our treatment oven to
all who como seoltlng? Tho woman
at our elbow, hammering out our para
graphs, Is a clenr oyed witness. Over
the telephone voIcob drift In from the
world, nnd tho, tone of each la caUght
nnd Judged before our prosonco is
acknowledged. Sho Imows whethrr
our friends nro worthy. Is the homo
happy? She knows it. Bho notos til)
our trlcka of person. Our good tempi
our elenn npcoch, ily further than we
guess. Sho is fnmlllnr with tho stfllo
phrases we scatter over tho thousand
roullno'lottors, nnd Is gladdened when
wo light up tho languid vpnge with an
unspoiled turn. Sho is awnro when
wo havo tumbled out from a laden
desk to a world'u scries ball game.
Sho, too, would enjoy n crcat player's
versatility, but alio wndoa through our
debris till twilight. Sho could keep
our tardy correspondenco up to tho
minute, but she hns to tlhio her efll
clency to our limitations. Never out
pacing us, sho is os loyal in tho back
ground na our shadow. Collier'o
Something Hard to Define, but All
Lovers of Nature Will Have Knowl
edge of What It Means.
Tho wild! What Is that that it
should so Impress tho heart of man;
that It should havo lured mo all tho
days of my life, like music, n solaco
and an enchantment? It is benutlful
in Its way, as in a very different way
cultivation Is benutlful, but this alono
doos not explain its Influence Thcro
Is nnplrlt of tho wild, with which tho
eplrlt of man acknowledges a. relation
ship na old na the race; and If tho con
ditions of hlB evolution from prlmltlvo
man have, in the course of ages, sep
arated him farther and farther from
that original ntrinlty with nnturo nnd
made him n wanderer from the father
land, that bond will never become
wholly a thltfe of tho past. It still
huunts and will lmunt a dim, inex
plicable, subconscious memory of a
long burled past. It is natural, then,
that "In tho presence of any bit of
wild lnndecape, or n patch of virgin
forest, soino minds should experience
with a thrill n half r turn to n orgi otnto with a thrill, Indeed'. Thcro
is a wilderness motl heard In an In
ner env by these v on, ns Siegfrkd
heard tho Valhalla, motif. It rules
their stars, as might tho wnndorlust
or the pnrlon for music or art.
Prom 'Worth and Sruth," by Stnnton
Davla Khkhtm.
Lord ricrth'o Wftty Reply.
When ho was 111 his doctor asked
him what ho felt. "What I havo not
felt for a long time," said North: 'l!,:
libs.' lie was, inde d, what . -,?d to
bo termed 'a man of full hnl l, vvl
could make a jest of It. In the hou n
nn.nngry opponent c;co railed nt hiju
ns "that thing, a Minister." Kcrl!:
rcso unperturbed. ""Vcll, to be Te,"
mid he, patting hl3 nmplo side?, "1 r.r.:
nn unwieldy thing; tho hororrMe
member, therefore when ho called mj
a thing said what v:a3 true, nm! 1 cr.n
not bo nngry with him. llut v.tva ho
added 'that thing, n minister,' ho call
ed mo that thing of nil things he him
Bolf wished most to bo; and therefore
I tool: It as a compliment." In his
blind ngo ho met uu old antagonist
who was similarly nV llctcd: "Ah, Col.
Harref" said he, "I am persuaded there
are not two men living who would be
moro happy to see erch other." Well
might Gibson suy, "If they turned 6ut
Lord North tomorrow they would still
leave him one of the best companions
in the kingdom."
Eastern Fanaticism.
A French statistician wroto to tho
vail of Aleppo and esked these four
questions; "What aro your imports?'
What is tho water tupply? What la
tho birth rato? Tho death rato?" Tho
vail replied: "It Is imposslblo for any
ono to know tho number of camels
that kneel in tho markets of Aleppo.
Tho water supply la sufficient. No
ono ever died of thirst In Aleppo. The
inlud of Allah alono knows how many
children shall bo born in this vast
city1 in any given time. As to tho
death rato, who would vonturo to as-'
certain this, for It is revealed only to
tho angels of death who shall bo
taken nnd who shall bo left. O son
ot tho west, ceaso your idle and pre
sumptuous questionings, and know
that things aro not revealed to the
children of men!'
Simple Remedies.
For sick hcadacho apply a hot-water
bottle to head and ono on stom
ach. This gives relief In a short tlmo.
For tired and aching feet put two
tablespoonfuls of salt In two quarts
ot hot water; wbon cool add two ta
blespoons of alcohol or camphor. Let
feet soak la this for 15 minutes. This
is also good for sore throat. Dip com
press in the warm mxlturo and bind
on throat.
For burns, ubo butter; it takes the.
lire out quickly. For cuts peroxldo
will stop bleeding.
For colds take a cup of milk and
add a level teaspoonful of red pep
por,stlr well and drink very quick),
TO ItOlll.llf W M.I.IA.ttNipl'KIHH, NoN
llKtlllK.ST tlH'KMlANT!-
Vouaro licttliy iioilflitl tlinl on the iSth
tiny of January liiHs.irah A. ltopklm lllett '
a jietltloti niiiilnst on In the ilhtrlct court ol
M'cl)ter County, NobrasUa, the objtct ami !
iiiicrol which arc toohtnln atlloree from i
j on on tho Krouiiit that you hae wililuil
nlmiutoaril Mini itcscrteil tlieVlatnllir without
Just cause for the term of two yearnlatt aiit l
u niercqitlittl lonnswtr ttild ppfltiou on I
ur btfori' Montla, UieOtln of July ml l, ,
.t I i HAtn'. J IHH. '
ify t. H. lilacUleJae, liftr attorney.
Marry a. nunvtnn
JiulBOottne I'UtrKt Court.
1 1 th tcttnly Court of Webster tlotinty
HTATK(l'KnilAtlw, ,,
Wuirtltr county, f "'
In the mutter uf tliuiDtntt-of AntvnluW
CRKHITOttS o( wiM ulnts will take notice,
thttlhc tlnie limited for presentation and
lllliu of claims nunlnst the h.ime iNl'eeuiu
her 10th A, U. lull aud for the pnj itignt of
debts l. May lit. hdj, that 1 will Kit nt the
county court room In Raid county on tho 2itt
day of Dccjmber, UU4. nt loo'clock, A. M., to
receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust nil
claims and objections duly (lied.
Dated UiWiM day ol May, A. D 1UH
(sua i.) foimty .lu.lifo.
I'rtd Maurcr, Attorncj .
r i re
THE ALARM is a dreadful thing
OF FIRE for tho mnn without
Instirnnce. Every time he sees the
engines racing along his heart comes
up in his throat If the fire is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
tnken economy.
THE COST OF is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly be
consideied. The freedom fiom worry
Miotic is ninth i ninny time- over
tl ,v ii- iit-niv y i-t to-day.
R&lioftlS! Insurance.
Q101Q Gillette AdC
We Arc Looking For
The Man
win lias Mine i lis. , io ut
Mille I Ii
i lo'he- s,
i a i .i rh'tt the 1 1" ii-t tit
In mi.
ICo ttjiittor htiiv ilni or erie sy
the s'llt limy be re tire t(jtlpi,l
i Ii In tniiM iiii'iIi-iii n-iifli to i'T
Mini biivo skilled wiiik'Min i- h
know lio-v tti
Clean, Repair and Press
- Clothes
R. G. flassingef
Cleaner and Dyer
Both Phonos
aro many, Lee's Is the best
first, Dccause a pouna
and a quirtcr for 25 cu. Imteid of
tho usual 15 ounces; second be
cause obtainable at most every
ton; third because complying
luuy wan ma insecticia: ui,
Eaually food for crown fowls or
chick. Especially fine for setting
hens. You cannot raise chickens
profitably unless kept free from lice and you need
something that I economical and euy to use as
wellaaelfictlya. That's Let's. Put up In round
sprinkler top cans. 2 sixes, 23 eta. and BO cts.
Sold b 10.0W dttlers In U. S. sad Canada. Writ lot
frtt pcaluy boo and pamphlet.
Dr. J. C Caldwell
Calls Answered Day o Night
Olllco Tol phones: Hell. 58; Intl. 1M.
lies. Telephones: Hell, Hod 373; I tut. IH).
Office Over M. A. Albright's Store
Red Cloud! -h Nebraska
Dr. Nicholson
ofkiok ovKit .vr.nniaitT's suonE
'-.fat ltmtiA lW',it..ltlii
WKv ouy
Hen ciMMf
"Pivtty fine lookiii";
sox to wcaTrstx months
without holes."
V es, Dad, unit
jinec c ai. weat
'U-f' fl"
IftV.' fi , . 'It " i ,.
H "V D W ' ,4
fit I"- 1- " i 1 t 1
lu.,)-,! Hi tn4 . '. I II
tivN m,f, ,, l H,' if,
Jfrfrtwrt ,t m-nIS '
tt m ft (I ,1 rtl
I' 1' . ,n4 . If t xil'f
f t . . v .., r.f, f
1 , . n irf fkt lft
... .s
r i i
' t A(l ."J tf i t
'0 v V4 out 'h
Hlk -dl It t s ikfl
t ft' ur 1 Vy c
. I tht 1 nfi4l4
i- MoM' Too
Agent For American
Bros. Corsets And
Highest in quality
.!' J-
J 1
B r&.
H Sn ' is
i i
A$titlJ' ftnntl nnmnnsitinn. iho hnrmnn-
j tzing 01
us figure with you on your next order of
printing. We can please you, give you
your money's worth, and as we are not pos
ing as philanthropists ask only a fair profit.
Anti-vasie basket
June Bulletin o Excursion Fares
il P 11 IC COA-Sl:
(.1 ueml f xeui-iiui i-att of SOU daily.
(n-iieiitl t'.eiiisiim lute 1112 to tlieenttance, nnd from SS2 to S100. all
,'.pi"ff tour.', ilivets- routes etc Infinite tibfuit Wylle .Permanent
(. imp t ens uu tK) tMiiduuted lotus from Cotly
apeeial exuitloa rates to Denver, Etes Park, Giacior National Park,
Salt Lake City, with divers route mountain tours.
Dally tourist rates to Hot Springs, Doadwocd nnd Lead. This beautiful
region Is attracting a greatly increased patronage every summer.
Tout-list rates to Sheridan, Utinclie'jtor, Tuerinopolls ami Cody, Wyo.
Attrnctl re excursion fares commencing June 1st. They cover direct
11I&0 cli cult toiites. H'cure eastern inte lenllet
Publications free: '"Low Kates to the Paciilc Const," "Yelloivntoue
Park," "Iotes P.irk," "Cnllfuiuli Excursion'.," ,rLow Itiit"s East," "Big
Horn llntieh Ile'-orts," "The Black Hills," "Colorad.Utnh Handbook."
Ask us lor s'tch pnhllcatlous us you wish nnd lot us help you plan your
'I. I "' ' ' " ' ' " " ' ' ' "
Red Cloud, -i- Nebraska
Second House North 0! I. O. 0. F. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
PhK lad. 212
We Have Aided
In Building Great
- Fortunes For -Clever
AJ.u A.A '
ria 'x-Av .'.
th trtNiiiinUfl llptiHr
Mf1 !.. Wfrffc M KiOt f"
pn s.o j -jirtmf 44 r fm
ti hf t MtifMt t
trig vt tt. f-ntjA I immri
Beauty and Warner
Butterick Patterns.
- lowest in price
F your printing must be of
the highest class combining
colors 01 paper ana inns,
see us before making contracts.
Our productions are always at
tractive and correct before leav
ing the office. Come in and let
printing gets results
?. E. FOE, Ticket Agent.
L.W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt.
Children are
interesting in
each stage of
their develop
ment. Let pictures
keep them as
they are today
pictures full
of unconscious
un affected
grace, and the
of the child.
Make an ap
pointment for
them to inspect
our playroom.
Stevens Bros.
"' I", vi .., t.l,,l miiMii ii i. )iiiu. ifiii.ii.,.
i .tartti? -
ff ,N.