The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 11, 1914, Image 1

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A Ncitspiper That Gives The New FIFty-Wo Wcr.ks Each Ynar For Sl.dO. '7' .4 1
- . , jj, m
ii'i "" ' k' "V.ii; ' 3 Fire Destrovs A Bindintf 1 1
If You
Deposits Guaranteed
. 3 and eee
There is no Closed
Season for
It is the "all-the-year-around"
sport, and you can
carry a Kodak anywhere.
Easy to use and every part
of the work can be done in
Ktdaks. S5.00 to Sill .00
Brownies. $1.00 to J1200
All the new goods f rom .Ko
dak City in stock.
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist and Jeweler.
OUlce of Health Physician,
City of Red Cloud. N
All persons are hereby requcatod to
disinfect their closets at once. Cop
peras, lime and ashes aio cheap and
easily obtained. Complaints are com
ing in ulieady as the hot season ap
proaches, and disease U already spread
lug Owners of property and residents
of same are hereby duly notitled.
Please get busy
1, S. The atato Boatd of Health
requires me to quavrntlne all premises
.not conslitereu aanuury.
L mmtmmmmmS'rmmSfSf
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one. returning you the
largest measure of service and accom
modation commensurate with the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits. v
by State Guaranty Fund
1 1 ill
Real Estate Transfers.
" Real C9tate Transfers for week end
ing June 0th, 1014. Uompiled by
M. V. Carter, Bonded Abstracter, Red
Cloud, Nebraska.
D E Blunders, ct al to William
Shermau Bcasley, nd, lots 1
to 0. bile 2, Sub-Dlv. Annex
lot 12, Red Cloud t 100
I'Yed G Foe and wife to Edwin
T Foe, wd, swK sw, 29 .1-
10 2501) 00
Leonard F Reiher to Robeit E
Relher, wd, tie1, 27-1-11.... l 00
Edward G. Coldwell, teferee,
to Conrad Tob cr, iefeiee'6
deed, lots 20, 21. Uk2,GuIdo
Rock 1 400 (0
Henry C Cutti nnd wife to
George V avis, n f , part so
iy ne'i, 33 2.11....- 1500 03
Edua M. Buntjer and husband
to John M. Martin, wd, nw
f, nwHi 20.4-9 3000 00
Charles W. Knley to Raymond
W Koontz, wd wi 32-2-11. H000 00
S. N. Livingston nnd wifb to
"Ernest llrune, wd, nejf 10-3-11
8330 00
Lois E. McKelghan to Editli L.
MoKelglian, wd, lots 10, 20,
blk 15 Red Cloud , .... 1
Mortgages Hied, $13,802.60.
Mortgages released, $27,00000.
900,000,000 Bushels
Wheat United States
Washington, D. C, Juno 8, Nine
hundred million bushels of wheat, al
most half of the average world's wheat
production, and a new record for the
Uultcd States, Is1 the prospective total
yield of the farms of the country this
year, the department of agt (culture
announced today in s Juno crops ie
port. The enormous crop will be 137,000,
000 bushels more than ever was giowu
before In the United States in auy one
There also will be large yields of
oats and barley, probably socoud in
size in the hlstorv of the nation Tups.
J day's World Herald.
li v---."'::"'' r' . " Nimi -- jjf -
' W Vfc.
rire Destrovs
Burlington Hotel
On Tuesday niPinlngnt 1 o'clock the
Hiiillngton hotel, a lather imposltitf
stiuottue which has stood mi .the
depot grounds for moie tluui 30yeai,
was totally desttoyed by Hie.
The blaze was first discovered in tin
upstairs coiner of the building, mid
its origin is unknown, but a good
ninny who were on the scene early,
wete heard Jo comment freely on the
indication of Includerlsni.
The local Hie department rushed to
the scene of activity, but on lug to tbo
ilamcable nntuic of the material used
in the construction of the building,
and the low ptessuto In the" water
mains, it was found useless to try to
check the tlames, and Kite Chief Butler
instiucted his men to devote tlieii
energies toward keeping the Hames
fiom spreading to the depot and other
adjacent buildings.
Notwithstanding 'the fact that the
scetie of the fire Is a mile from town,
and the hour the one when sleep seems
sweetest, yet the bln was witnessed
. by a large number, the must of whom
showed the elr'octs of a hasty toilet
h.ilr down in braids, smoking jackets,
b.ith robe, k'moilHs, etc., being nuieh
111 evidence
The UuiUngton hvtel wa-patronl!e.i
pilnclpnlly ly inii toad employees,
this being a division olnt, and II
being tlio ouly uenrby hosterly, mid
will be greatly missed.
the building find conteuts whs on ti
ed by Messib. JefToties of McCook and
Holland of Orleans As neither of
these men lmvo been heard from, ue
ate nnablo to give the valuation, of
the building or to state the ntnouut of
insiuauce carried, but the geueral
opinion seems to Indicate thnt it is
heavily insured.
Trip to Panama Exposition
The names of the young ladles in
this locality who have been entered hi
the contest to nin a trip with expeuses
paid to the Panama-Pacific Interna
tional Exposition are attached hereto,
By Juno 17, the day proclaimed by
Governor Morehead as Nebraska P-na-ma-Piiciflc
Dollar Dcy, no less than
throe thousand (il.OJo) joung women
lit Nebraska will be engaged lit the
taking of S1.00 contributions for a
Nebiaska bulldlug at the Panama
Pacilic Exposition E-ich contilbntor
of 1.(0 will teccivo n bronco medal
bearing upon one side the seal of the
state of Nebrnska and upon the other
the seal of the Exposition
To the jotiug lady who sends in the
largest amount of money thus raised
will be given a trip for one week to the
Exposition with all expenses paid, or
S100 lu cash. To tlio tin ee Indies send
ing in the next largest amounts will be
given ft eo transpotlation to the E..
position, or S.M) in cash. To the next
830 ladles will bo given gold medals of
the design above described.
This is a patriotlo movement to
which every loyal Nebraskan will sub
scribe. The fact that forty states of
the Union have already raised the
money for Exposition homes makes it
imperative that Nebraska should take
quick action. The raising of the
money through J100 contributions Im
poses a burden upon no one and all
the more glory and credit will accrue
to those who make this project possi
ble, even at this late hour.
Lieutenant Gorernor S. R. MoKelvie
of Lincoln has been placed in charge
of the raising of this fund nnd lie optl
mlstlcally reports that the task- of
raising the fund will undoubtedly be
completed by July 1.
In the contest for the prizes to be
awarded Nebraska ladios every sup
port should be given to thoso of tnls ' August Utu
community whose names are as fol
lows: Edith McKelghan, Jessie Kel
logg, Mabel Buckles, Alison Cowden
and Annie Gilliam all of Red Cloud;
Edna biebrass, Blue Hill; Edna Swl
gart, Conies; Mabel Dunbar, Guide
Rock; Inez Petty, Inavalo: Mrs, Edna
I Williams, Bladen. 1
' 4swa; nwj&
.t r - - w-ga-i -nr.M ftfam4tJ. j .-..j. .... .-.-. -. f- , -
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I Jft M -. mm
A Kinriintf
Twine Story
Those v ho hue wheat and oat to
hnr est should buy their binding tn Sue ,
of our liomo dealers us the body of
men n lio have got in 11 car of twine
aiuuot permanent lKtuics ill the bust
nos elides of tills city, andcoutilbute
but little towaul the bcttciuicntof the
community Their main object In
dealing in binding twine is of a tliiHU
cial nutnie, and they devote much
time to how ling about what the peo
ple of Red Cloud should do.
We should think that the faimeis
would much piefer to buy goods of
our tegular merchants, men who have
been in busluess here for years, who
intend to continue ju business hetc,
and whose on u pcr&onal guaranty Is
back of eeiy thing they Hull, and who
ate noted for giving cveiy one a
squat e deal. No doubt those men who
hiue shipped in this car of twine, some
of whom go to our lnciclmtils and ask
for ctedlt, wete the tiuth known, 111 e
sending their money out of town for
other goods which could bo f-ecttied
from our home merchants.
Some of these same men went around
with petitions this spring in an eilort
to heeuie Signets who would vote dry.
At Ihlstlnie they wete aulliotlty for
the tjtutoment that if Red Cloud
wished theti NUppuit mill patronuge'iu
the future the town must go thy The
town woutdiy and befoie six weeks
have tolled ftay, It iud.s these same
Wen withdrawing their p.iiionago
sending away for tilings which could
bo 'Secured of our hojuc merchant, the
mau who lives for the bettomient of
the community.
Chautauqua Program
The following is the progtam for the
Red Cloud Chautauqua which will be
held August 2nd to 0th
August 2nd
Prelude Liberatt's Rand and Grand
Opera ','oinpauy
Concert Llberati's Baud and Grand
Opera Company
Prelude Llberati's Band and Grund
Opera Company
Concert Llberati's Baud and Grand
Opera Company ,
August 3rd
Prelude Marietta La Dell Reader
Lecture Judge Piank P. Sadler,
"Criminals in the Making".
Pi elude Mat ietta La Dell Reader
Lecturo Dr. John A. Giay, "Out of
August -llh
P. elude Coyla Spring an J Sister
Lcoture Madam Mouutford "The
King of the Shepards".
14 elude Coyla Spring and Sistor
Lacture Politician
August 5th
Pi elude Rlheldaitor-Galloy Co.
Lecture Prof. Wassam
Prelude Rtheldaft'er-Galley Co.
Concert Rlheldaffer-Gailey Co.
August Gtu
Prelude Hbosler Male Quartette
Lecture Miss Fola LaFollette "The
Democraoyof Woman Suffrage"
Prelude Hoosler Male Quartette
Leoture Father John Daly
Auguit 7th
Prelude G went Welsh Mole Prize Sg'rs
Entert. " " ' "
Prelude " " "
Entert. " " "
August 8th
Prelude-Gilbert Shorter Players
L3eture-Dr. Mattison W. Chase, "Ulg
Rugs and Big Humbugs".
Prelude Gilbert Shorter Players
Entort. fiiihr si.nt-f,. Pin-.
rremae uroatlon T a m b u r 1 0 a u Or-
Loiture Dr. Fox, "The Mirror
of u
Mighty Erji''.
Prelude Croatiou T n tn b u r 1 c n n Or-
Concert Croatiou TamburlcauOiches
It will pay you to have that House, Barn,
Crib, Garage or any Lumber bill that you
are planning on, figure.d now, while the
market is low, and the quality high.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
. "Talk With Us About That Bill."
1 '1
Hot Weather Calls
For Coo Clothes
See the Lines of Cool Stuff
Provided For You flore
- 3
Hats in Straw ancl Silk From ,
50c to $6.
"Munsing," "Porosknit," "Goodknit,"
"B. V. D." Underwear
Mohair Suits - Palm Beach Suits
. r
t '. r
A Store Full of Good Things mi Popular
Weather Report for May
Tempcratute: Mean 01 degrees,
muxlmum 01 dcg. 011 25th, minimum 23
deg on 13th.
Preolpjtatlou: Total 2,47 Inches.
Number of days clear 10, partly
cloudy 4, cloudy 11.
Dates of frost Light 14th, killing
Dates of Hall 3d; Thunderatorms-
3, 7, 20, 21, 29th.
Prevailing wind Direction south 11
Remarks; Precipitation since Jan.
1st, 5.23 indies.
Chah. 8. Ludlow, Observer.
Why do you tako trade checks or
chips for your produce" Woesner,
Perry ii Co. pay cash for produce no
FOR SALE A nice 7-room modern
cottage. City water, oiectrlo lights
and bath with four lots. Also my
I wrm two inues east or uowies. xorni8'COrn, corn silage, and cold pressed
itosult.-J. H. Bailey.
fifril WA. i
,.. iuyA'ii.,iuiN ttitiiwa .. . i.kiuul
ih 1
Alfalfa vs Cottonseed Cake
The addition of cold pressed cotton
seed cake to a ratlou for cattle of corn,
corn silage, and alfalfa Increased the
cost of gain and lowered the profits,
according to an experiment just com
pleted by the Nebraska Agricultural
Experiment Station. This year's data
corroborate the evidence of the exper
iments of other years that alfalfa is
the cheapest source of protein to com
bine with the corn plant in beef pro
duction. In the recent experiment
(here were eight lots of feeders. The
rank of the rations according to profit
was as follows: (1) corn, alfalfa and a
light feed of si luge; (3) corn ahd alfalfa;
(3) corn, alfalfa and straw; (1) corn,
alfalfa and a heavy feed of silage at
the beginning, tapering off toward the
close of the feeding period; (5) corn,
alfalfa, and a heavy feed of silage; (0) ,'
corn, alfalfa, a medium feed of silage,
and cold pressed cottonseed cake; (7)
corn, alfalfa, u medium feed of silage,
ttUd cold nreaied poltnnn.l oai,. i
y -..., ..
cottonseed cake.
t. I
, i"a
;L i'.ir titl&it
'...., "!c... ..- &?itt ,j , fr-isa- j ." f,