The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 28, 1914, Image 6

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Constitutionalists Have Withdrawn
from Tamplco Ponlblllty of
Clash In Neighborhood
of Vcrn Cruz.
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Niagara Falls, Ont. In the hope oi
seeing n provisional government, that
the United States can recognize nnd
foe in Mexico City beforo the rebel
seize tho control, Uio pan-American
mediators aro preparing for the crisis
in their deliberations which Is expect
ed this week.
After playing at folia for 'two or
three days, it has become evident that
the hour for. serious btiBlnesB has ar
rived. The Mexican delegates them
selves felt this the more keenly, as the
constitutionalists continued their vic
torious march toward the capital.
Should the Huerta government col
lapse, as the constitutionalist army
approaches, it Is realized that a con
dition of chaos and anarchy would
Tho mediators aro working rapldlj
therefore in the hope of seeing a new
provisional government established
that may bo given prompt recogni
tion and support by the United States.
Constitutionalists Have Withdrawn
from Tamplco.
Washington. Despite conflicting re
ports regarding the resignation ol
General Huerta, assurance persisted
In official circles that Huerta bad
placed himself unreservedly In the
lands of his delegates at Niagara
Falls and that, if necessary as a lust
resort, they would be found nble to
ultimately announce his retirement,
Although on conditions.
While these mediation negotiations
-were developing the constitutional
lata' campaign was vigorously In prog
rets. Senor Zubnran, General Carrnn
ea's Washington representative, re
ceived an official messago announcing
4he evacuation of Saltlllo. It gave no
details concerning the retreating gar
risen, estimated at some 12,000 men,
hut it was believed here that the fed
erals were rcatreatlng on San Luis
Potest, whither tho federals who evac
uated Tamplco nnd Tuxpam were un
derstood to be making their way.
fhe constitutionalist force which
captured Tamplco had withdrawn,
except for a 'small garrison, and If
hurrying by railroad back to Montere
to "participate In the general ' cam
0afgn (against Huerta's strongholds in
ii -Mexico. This will bo acceler
by tho unexpectedly early fed-
retirement from Snltillo without
nbtlng to defend that place.
United1 Mexico Will Result.
i hlngt n. That a now nnd stablo
r iment for a united Mexico Is cer-
t ) rosv It from the Niagara Falls
a Ion conference is the word
e out rom Inormost confidential
npstratleit-circles. Only some un-
can calamity can prevent actual
latlon banian assured success.
close to the president de
They declined to say on what
ased their disclosures or to per-
nemselVCT-to"be "quoted, but the
sm was far more, marked than
time sine Ifcrtetlnnlng of the
Mexican 'iirtHo.
ez, Mexico. The riaws that
lerhl Huerta had authoilzed his del-
lesVto the conference with' the
h American' mediator's to nresent
Ills resignation should that act be nec
essary to restore peace was not re
celvedrwlth tnarkod enthusiasm 'by
constitutionalists bere, ."
The! news waswjred to General1
Carraiiza.. who Is on his wav from
iSoinbrjrete to Itiurnhgo. and officials
ihero required Jbat tho first chief would
make statement outlining his attitude
toward! tho situation as developed In
Washington. ' '
Auth Mby ndvlc'ey through dlplo
mntlo i ourcos Evflrpdaya ig6" staWd1
that th a Mexican (flnimlRalnnnri .wr.
clothei (with full power; fo net. andV
man uii-ii uuiiiunzeu to ngreo 10 tno
rumination or Huerta If necessary to
brine nbout .VAAoHlernVritnVViiC.
To Send Renresentatlua.
e'pYeparlng fo send a representative
'South American mediators who nrn on
deavornotUflifVft-tfexkafi erbtP
Hem. This will be done with tho dls
tinct understanding, , that. ith,e, repre
sentative' Is to glvb lnformatI&n" 'as td
committing the constitutionalists to
any plan for tho pacification,, of r Max-..
co tirai;thV5lmbdlators mayttfefernilAe'
open. ,
El Paso; ITpk, The attitude ot'the
American administration with regard
fo the embargo on' n'rms has caused
Immediate activity along this section
of tho border. Tho shortnge of nmmu
altlon has been recognized by those In
olose touch with constitutionalist af
fairs to bo tho greatest problem the
lace. When tho nnnounqoment camo
over the wires that there was no pro
hibition against shipping arms and am
munition Into Tamplco from the
TJnlted states or clsewhero thoro was
n immediate exodus eastward of con
stitutionalist purchasing agents.
Tho German Lutheran church nt
Auburn was dedicated Sunday.
A stockmen's convention will be
held at Alliance, June 18, 19 nnd 20.
Work will be commenced at once on
the new Carnegie llbrnry at Burwell.
The postofflce nt Lanham, Nebraska,
has been changed to Lanham, Kansas.
The Y. M. C. A. stato convention
was in session at Grand Island last
Hastings now has the largest
manual telephone switchboard in the
state, outBide of Omaha.
Miss Ada Talklngton of Surprise
was badly bruised when she fell down
a flight of stairs at her bomci
The annual tournament of the Ne
braska Sportsmen's association is be
ing held at Columbus this week.
Thomas Thompson, a farmer near
Wnhoo, wns found dead in a barn on
bis place, a victim of heart failure.
George Morris, Hlchnrdson county
clerk, paid out a bounty of $231 for
wolf scalps during tho month of April.
Owen Dally nnd Prank Winter will
wrestle at Antelope park nt Lincoln,
June 4, for tho world's lightweight
Gage county farmers will make a
"silo Inspection tour" May 21. Var
ious types of silos will bo visited nnd
Mj L. Ftledrlch of riattsmouth was
severely bitten by a rabies-Infected
borse, nnd has gone to Chicago for
The commencement class at Weep
ing Water was tho Inrgest ever gradu
ated there, there being twenty-one in
the class.
More than half of the $700 play
ground fund desired to carry on the
work at North Platte thiB summer has
been raised.
Tho Broken Bow city council has
passed an ordinancce prohibiting the"
opening of all public pool halls and
bowling alleys.
Dean Coon, a fourteen-year-old Beat
rice boy, fell from a tree from which
he was witnessing a ball game and
fractured bis skull.
The Albion concert orchestra assist
ed by high school singers, presented a
concert at the Albion opera house be
fore a large audience.
Plans are being perfected at Boa
trice for tho erection of a $27,000 the
atcr which will seat about 1,500 and
be thoroughly modern.
Beet growers at North Platte are
relieved by Tecent rains which have
softened the ground so that tho beets
will now have np difficulty In growing.
Monday was Pence day throughout
the length nnd breadth of the United
States, so designated by the various
organizations favoring world-wide
The city council of Humboldt has
Dfferod a reward of $10 for the arreBt
wd conviction of any gambler and
f2G for the conviction of any boot-
Twenty-nino nutomoblles carrying
ne hundred men made a tour in the
rlalnlty of Beatrice inspecting the
various kinds of silos erected by the
Under the auspices of the university
r. W. C. A., a special program for
women is being prepared for the rural
Betterment institute to bo held at tho
anlverBity fnrm, June 11 to 17. '
John Clark of Nebraska City made
i wager with some friends '.hat he
:ould ride a fractious mule. The
mule threw and kicked him in the
head, fracturing the skull. He died
H. T. Sexson, a Burlington car re
pairer at Lincoln, wes caught under
i car in the yards there, suffering a
Slslocatlon of the spine, causing
paralysis, from which he may not re
:over. After a canvass of tho city, Fre
mont is convinced that the business
men want a festival during the sum
mer and a committee is already lay
ing plans for a combined industrial
and agricultural show to be held dur
ing August. Four counties will be in
vited to participate In the fair.
Fire caused by the explosion 'of (a
gasoline stove dnmaged the houso and
property of Dr. James Millen of Odell
to the extent of $3,000.
By a voto of 7 to 5 tho Omaha
bonrd of education has decided to
abandon the summer school, where
nenrly one thousand boys and girls
were permitted to make np back work
last year "
IOldon Carr, a flve-yenr-old Lincoln
'bby.'inlrnculously escaped deathwhen
iJ'.?lw.n'-Ahrown frrui nlB tricycle In
bruised considerably nbout tho head
nnd face. . ,-
VfcilEeMdNoftiocV was ' electrocuted
ialjtb.CwCudahy-. plant- at Omaha- when
he nccldcntly came ln..contaat..,wmjta.
'f.tiilecrlo wire car;)'
r lie dleM I nsUuitlyTOw.
residents of that, town'JtS
license from ,$1,0QQ to -$3.Q'
Nebraska'a, prospcct&.fa
wYl'nnt linvifAol .two nl4VJkt
attention In the east. Becrotlr
Mcllbr, secretary of thpLstfitoaTft WA
agriculture, has recolva'rAiAjIcat!on. J
W ... -. - J-.U s'il , . '- ,?!
f,iuiu u nuuiuer oi conege. obcu wno
'wish to work' as harvest halmls.
Night Captain James I$EnRton; of
the Lincoln police force is a first
cousin of "Flghtlwg Fred" Funston,
brigadier general, United States army,
now In command at Vera Cruz.
ny having her hand caught in tho
mechanical wringer at tho laundry of
tho stato school for deaf, Omnha, a 14-year-old
girl pupil at the Institution,
Casfilo Dyer, lost her right arm.
Tho Hessian fly has appeared in the
southern portion of Richardson county
and is doing much damage to wheat In
that section. Many farmers will plow
up their wheat and replant tho ground
in corn.
Women from Colorado Strike District
Plead for Governmental Protec
tion Funda Provided for '
Agricultural Colleges.
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
New York. Charles Becker, for tho
socond time, Friday wns held respon
sible by a Jury for the Rosenthal mur
der which nearly two years ago awoko
Now York to a realization of corrup
tion in the police department and
opened a now era of police reform
Becker, a former police lieutenant, was
found guilty of murder in the first de
gree. Only a pardon or interference
again by the court of appeals can save
him from fallowing to the eloctrlc
chair tho four gunmen who shot Her
man Rosenthal, the gambler, early on
the morning of July 1G, 1912. Tho Jury
decided that the gunmen were Beck
er's agents.
Funds for Agricultural Colleges.
Lincoln, Neb. In response to a let
tor from Secretary of Agriculture
Houston, Governor Morehead will
designate the agricultural college to
receive tho funds provided by the
Smith-Lover co-operative agricultural
extension law. On May 8, President
Wilson approved the act, which pro
vides fedoral funds to state ngrlcultu
!ral colleges to aid in diffusing among
the peopio UBeful and practical infor
mation on subjects relating to agricul
ture and home economics. Each stato
must duplicate tho money above $10,
000 per yoar appropriated to it by the
government. The money raised by the
state may come from tho legislature
or from nny other source within the
state. Each -state, however, receives
$10,000 annually without additional
appropriations from tho stato.
Receive Assurances Troops Will Not
Quit Colorado.
Washington. President Wilson
granted an audience Thursday to
Judge Ben B. Lindsey of, Denver and a
delegation of women and children
from, the strike districts in Colorado.
Judge Llndsey explained to tho presi
dent that Colorado really haB a civil
war in which it is necessary that the;
iederal governraonshall take ,a flnn,,
uuuu unu turue inemauon. Aiier leav
ing, the White house Judge Llndsey
said be hod asked for an audience with
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; one of the
owners, of the mines in the strike re
gion. In New York,, and, .hoped to be
able to persuade Mr. Rockefeller to
submit all differences to arbitration.
Sixteen Lives' Lost In Tornado,
Muzqulz, Coahulla, Mex. Sixteen
llveB woro lost In a tornado which
swept this town Wednesday. Tho tor
rlflo wind tore down buildings, killed,
Hundreds of horses and cattle and did
great monetary damage. Tho wind
storm was followed by a violent hail
storm. Hall , stones of.onormous size
fell and several of those, who,1iost.t,hoIr1
lives woro' killed by being struck by
tjho stones. ' '
L r.x , f.!!.," ! ..I -.11. 1' -111'. I'll I '.''
.tyr?l),i?n rJ.tyrA,!r''m-i Farmers "1 I
Howo, Neb. Farmers and whoati
rrnvnrs In thin nnrr nf thn stntn. tiro
t 7 ii Ty T7tto7T Wf iiri7rni'-rr.rifr'-r "ft, r, ,, -7j,-riwV" - ir''1'1' '1'iv"
tWh. winf-i! i Th TJoooinn fl!i,.l.tBaito.Jia.v.e1oUlirgepfrtheifQrmrUioriehi
the winter whoat, Tho Hessian.flyiilfl
Hatching in tho growing stalks, and in
wllli, be ( killfiLt'. .Many'iifariuers 'aha
grain men have madotaa 'extensive
nomination of hundreds of fields and
the-presence' of the' youHg fn'dedts, yas
rioted in,'every'lfleia' lhtfp'orJted. It 'is
thought that muoh bf the 'small 'wheat
and weak stalks will noyer head at all,
Durazzb', Albania. After a iong con
ference' In' which the Italian charge
d'affaires and the Austrian minister
took part, Prince William decided to
put Essad Pasha, former minister of
war, aboard a steamer bound for Rrln
dlsl. Essad Pabh'a.mado first a decla
ration promising not to return to Al
bania without tho prince's permission,
New Orleans. Sixty-four American
negroes and as many Indian peons
were killed and 100 persons injured in
a raco war that started In the Querlga
(district, Guatemala.
To Investigate Circulations and Other
Advertising Matters Three Broth
ers Meet Death From
Western Newspaper Union Newa Service.
London An attempt by militant suf
frages to preBent a petition to King
George at Buckingham palaco result
ed In the fiercest battle in the history
of the militant movement nt the very
gates of tho palace Thursday. Head
ed by Mrs. Paukhurat and Miss Sylvia
Pankhurst, tho flying squad of women
swept down Constitutional hill to
wards Buckingham palace, but when
half way 'along they met the most
bated enemy of the militants in the
person of Inspector Riley, who haB
charge of the suffraget detail nt the
Scotland yards police headquarters.
The shock of combat wan short, but
sharp, and resulted in tho arrest of
many women, who in defending them
selves used clubs with a facility which
betrayed long training.
Three Brothers Killed by Lightning.
Ord, Neb. Three brothers,- Charles,
Lumlr and John Crahullk, were In
stantly killed by a flash of lightning
at tho Crahullk farm, thirteen miles
west of Ord. The boys were seven
teen, fifteen and eleven years old re
spectively. Tho flash of lightning that
killed tho boys occurred during a
heavy electrical storm that swept over
Valley county. The boys were stand
ing In tho doorway of tho barn wntch
ing tho storm when the lightning
struck. Tho barn was set on fire and
totally consufned together with four
head of horses in their stalls.
at Chicago
Formed to
Promote It.
Chicago. Publishers, advertisers
and advertising agencies have Joined
hero In tho formation of an organiza
tion for the Investigation and verifica
tion of circulation of advertising me
diums. The new organization was
called The Advertising Audit Associa
tion and Bureau of Verified Circula
tion. The charter membership Includ
ed 350 newspapers in the United
States, nine in Canada, seventy-five
advertisers, fifty advertising agents,
tnrnntir.nlnn tnnirgilnM thirteen VWlt.
ly newspapers, ftft'-flve 'fhlejjiaq9na(,
ppbHcatlona nrteen traaejoura, s anp
jive1 advertising JouHjajiln , , .
1 It wiji' be managed 'y .aboard, of
fcontrol' fcorhposed ' of representatives
of' 'each -'claw ''of membership, whlbh
$vlll elecrtheexecutlve officers.
' Its purposes (arOj to makoexAmina
tlonB of all records considered by the
board of control necessary to ascertain
all facts with regard to tho circula
tion of publications of members and
tor tne uexemunnuon oi uuiu. mi i
benefit; of members. "
South Dakota Has "Rooster Day."
Vermillion. S. D. .."Swat the
irooster", is, the,, slogan-of Jhovpuro
food department of South Dakota
which has issuoda, proclamation urg
ing citizens 'oT tliat stato a observo
June 6 ns "roaster day." "All 'person's
owning' rooBtorB nre-urgW to retnoVe1
thorti'rom lflbbk8"thm';ha'dK o''t6
J. I .1,1 u 1 . I ' ' " II 1"" " .-"
in iii'j'ii
' " n l. i-i.M. itr.i
inrr or-.uiei'anama'lcnBiin'iuio.' miv
1 lirtnalfeA.wlllAhft)Vltfchalrtiian lot thB
kortmltfcecyil. Colonel floethals-'befrigs
;t balrman,' 'iThe ''salary' Is J liOJOOu' a'
yeati!hut) the place) It' Is lunaeretoou,
willAjflStileBB-ttltart aiyear;,arid .thelphJ
'tiro compensation will 'probably
i J A . ft? KMl am A il wlltto -."
'WlHlUMriv-T i,uvw uuu ..O..U..UO --
yiPghaiHiiT bun ynhponb A
Pioneers Celebrate Golden Wedding.
Syracuso, .Neb.-rMr., nnd Mrs. Mar
cel Bro colobrated their golden wed
dink" anniversary at their homo in
Syracuse, in an appropriate manner,
the affair being arranged by their chil
dren in honor of the bride and groom,
of fifty yonrs. Marcel Bro and Miss
Mary Hlmos were married In Glen
Falls, N. Y'., May 20, 1864. They camo
to Otoe county, Nebraska, In 1865, and
settled on the homo farm, three miles
east of this place, beforo the town was
in existence.
I ,t, ! 11 ll f 'I
, l,i f Mr) I 1 iilljll ' ' ."W '
ri1tf(viMCPiie ,ueiRrrew.riacwjn ?
x WhX 'ht IthelfimVtffiitwfet'W'Aftliv
Appropriation for Nursery in Niobrara
Forest Nebraska Will Har
' vest an Immense
Alfalfa Crop.
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. President Wilson will
be satisfied with nothing less than the
passage through both houses of con
gress at, tho present session of the
anti-trust legislation recently agreed
upon. This haB been mado clear by
officials close to the administration.
His attltudo was made known In an
swer to suggestions that some leaders
at the capltol believed It would be suf
ficient to pass the anti-trust bills in
the house and only agreed on a time
for a vote next session In the senate.
It wan said at the White house that
the president Is firmly of the opinion
that anti-trust legislation should be
enacted at this session, nnd Is not
willing to make any compromise which
might endanger tho progrnm deter
mined upon by tho house democratic
Nebraska's Great Alfalfa Crop.
Lincoln. Next week Nebraska will
begin the harvest of a bountiful crop,
a million-acre alfalfa crop. Reports
given out by the state board of ngrU
culture indicate that the first crop
will average about one nnd one-fourth
tons per acre the stnte over, produc
ing at tho first cutting the stupend
ous amount of feed, 1,250,000 tons.
The possibility of three more crops re
mains the hope of the state, which
would ralso the total amount of al
falfa feed In Nebraska this fall to
3,750,000 tons.
Fifteen Thousand Dollar Appropriation
for Niobrara.
Washington. An appropriation of
$15,000 for a nursery In the Niobrara
fores.t reserve Is carried In the agri
cultural appropriation bill which
passed tho senate, put In by Senator
Norrls. Another amendment of Sena
tor NorrlB which wns adopted provides
nn appropriation of $100,000 for experi
menting with artesian wells for Irriga
tion purposes In Nebraska and else
where. John D. Refused Conference.
New York. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
put an end to rumorB of a proposed
conference with Judge Ben B. Llndsey
of Denver, relative to tho Colorado
strlko situation by stntlng, through his
secretary, tho Interview would never
tako placo. At Mr. Rockefellers office
It was said a letter and telogram had
been received from Judge Llndsey ask
ing for an interview, but Mr. Rocke
feller had refused to meet him.
Farmers War on Hog Cholera.
Lincoln. Neb. PlnnB for proventlpg1
nog cnoiera in western nnu souinwesi
em Nebraska arc meeting with the'fuU'
approval of farmers and 'stock rhlsers
of those sections, according-to Dr.lC.
M. Day of South Omaha. ,whq,ha,s bpen,
visiting that, part ,qf( the .state, Drtf
tuay is field man or tno live stocn and
sanitary' hbara. and is endeavoring 't'cj
jco''perate -on behalf' of that depart
ijmeTit In the suppression ' and prevent
tlori of 'stock diseases. ' ' ' '
I ,j ;
t Both Wounded In Duel.
' .Budapest. Count Stephen TIsza,
the Hungarian premier, and1 Stephan
Rakovsky, a member of tho lower
house, fought a duel with rapiers here
Tuesday afternoon, Tho adversaries
fought five bouts nnd both were
wounded. Tho duel grew out of nn
altercation in a committee room of the
Hungarian parliament on May 16.
Mandamus the Head Clerk.
Rock Island, 111. Mandamus pro
ceedings ha'Ve been instituted in the
circuit court to force C. T. Hnwes,
bread clerk of thqfrMod,exn Woodmen
oi jvniuriuu, to iiruBTrw(-'ui!uia iu
, f
' Cll
delegates to
imp in To-
do. O.. choB
gent stato
ptimps In llllnoli
State Offii
ade at s;
or the o:
fate fal:
DO comi
aska nat
i Tlcera have been nssltrned as lnstruc.
, Mummmmmmmmmmmm
irrlast .wlntorhut-afteiA- the- troubla
ltiloidyfloptdv'Il wiBicilldd
an tiP nrnflTWip.f" nf- thnt .llmft wns;
tSaHhififlinlitructqri wouia'hiveito r.
"r-.Ti-n-- Tj-rw-r""r- "v T-j"r-vi. r
jdlntfiefr regiments for fleld.Ber.Yjco.
fSalt Lake qity. Tbe Natlpnal. Jtlfte:
Association of Ameripa announces
tliat the Salt Lake City high school,
with 009 out of a posslblo 1,000 points,
had won the sixth annual rlflo shoot
ing competition for tbe team interscho
lastlo championship of the United
Rock Island, HI, All the officers ot,
the supreme lodge of the Royal Neigh
bors of America, headed by Mrs. Myra
B. Enrlght ot Kansas City, Kan., as su
preme oracle, were re-elected at Wed
nesday's session;
rwrair iiasnv.ic' 'fT.-w
Declares Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her life
and Sanity.
Shamrock, Mo. "I feel It my doty
to tell the public the condition of my
neaitn before using
your medicine. I had
falling, inflamma
tion and congestion,
female weakness,
pains in both sides
backaches and bear
ing down pains, wu
short of memory,
nervous, impatient,
passed sleepless
nfghts, and had
neither strength nor
energy. There was always a fear and
dread In my mind, I had cold, nervous,
weak spells, hot flashes over my body.
I had a place in my right eido that waa
so sore that I could hardly bear the
weight of my clothes. 'I tried medicines
and doctors, but they did mo little good,
and I never expected to get out again.
I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer
tainly would have been in grave or in an
asylum, if your medicines had not Baved
me. But now I can work nil day, sleep
well at night, ent anything I want, have
no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells.
All pains, aches, fears and dreads are
gone, my house, children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I am almost
entirely free of the bad symptoms I had
before taking your remedies, and all is
pleasure and happiness in my home."
Mrs. Josie Ham, R. F. D. 1, Box 22,
Shamrock, Missouri.
If you want special advice write
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn, Mass.
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
. Cut out cathartics and purgatives.
They art
Drutal, nar&n, unnecessary. ItYM
Purely vegetable. Act
genuy on me liver,
eliminate bile, and
eootlie tne delicate.
membrane of the.
bowel, cure
Sick Una.
cht and Indention, as millions know.
Genuine must bear Signature
a big knee like this, but your hons
may have a bunch or bruise on hi
Ankle, Hock, Stifle, Knee or Throat.
will clean it oft without layue the
horse up. No blister, no babr
cone. Concentrated onlvi a few.
drops required at an application. 2 per
bottle (IcUrcnd. Doclibe Tonr cue foi'ydil hxroMmtf
ad Book 8 K frecM AfispRDINE, M., intimitis
Unlmcot for mkUiad.' RMAd't'tfalui1 WtluSfc'-Ko-
KS!Sffti-SSa? MtfffMffl
bottle it dnirjrtM'ordellmei.a MinuJMtur! tlj( br!-'
W.F.TUimu. p. d. t i imvn ii, oprininiBia.iaaM.
7-1 toiiii .ii.iii, m .-in i im.
.bsssssssssssssssssssbw- sssss s u si aw
, . Ylmvm, ttockmon. btoanM i f
y prvivn mnotw wwirfivivfr m...
Writ for booklet and UtUmonlala.
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