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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1914)
st.WWtt RE D OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF KnuT0fiunMTOvc nrreinrvi'.wu-rt-wptrffi&mur.mintrTri'rr t i 'V i L y t A few ' ! ' Stf. , . ;;-' , w, V- vl F, WT , V A FI ini!niilin!!!niMMI!ll!'l!ll!ilrT"F'nii",!!lll!i"l,ilin,,,n Fl V.t v if Ei UlilM M JWv -ilr HI Wgkli rans s i w The 1 to it I ! J) jvi i I ' .1 1 n mI i i-jf t .Jit ip Otli af And that city sets the 'This year's olylcs demand that the dreeo be lifted vdien Milady steps the curb or ctair or enters her car. Hence, her hosiery bccomc3 a fashion essential." Hosiery fashion is but another name for Black Cat Hose Sec tlic Uitcl European hosiery stjlce at DEALERS NAME 1 E3i ai feKj l)i Nlciinlsri ttt'ivi1 1 li i in I'lhhn iiitng fio'ii Linen ii win if K Hit ud it til-- st ti ilfiit.vl iin tU 'jf Mr-. Ho'if McCuJlum f Urt.lii i Me it Suit luy w-lt't W-n M-Cilfuir jpd wTo wl.) lYsl ll' M'Ulll f ImllL i vis LI limn lCnrtiilr r irt hiiing the hi-t of tti-.' wrcfk fiiini K ' C IJ w .t'i. vihrt lm 1 A.ii itl ti.i uttf ai)M-h.if.. I .J dm i. AUnm- mill ElK A turn RifiTT f iiiillli-i of !itin(iii, It'll., ti. K Hi ll iy fk- vhiih Fumk Aiirr ''t rft U W WheMoi-yf tTlHtjf4 and At. T K, 1 -. llV'l IJl' lllll pllt (III 1 1. tit Kcl'ngg I- liniiiM from A' Iimi. lv-vy-v'rJ tstiS36B&tXf wwG li- III' lm-4 been ti'lidltlllt Ii O Ji MlliUd St SON aMMMMraMhM iui a i. s $ a m u a m ,i m HOrfri NJ2W3 Bulletin cf The VaoK's.Calni: f.V.V.AV.V.'.Vc'.V.'.W.V."A Silt in diiy U Dot- nation Diy Mov. thuwi-iK.uMiiiul yoiu-pi-t'iniie. lVs'ilct uomt h i i b"loti nyln thi wet-';. rutliur IMiwnlil vus ir. duperinr Pililiiy D.iii Guiliot-ofrjvi'i'oii wrt lo town Moiulay. O. C W'WM l Orlcfl'm KiUlny mi lHIlhl"!. .. ' I'wjyTtv' Int for ,hhki?4i Pii'nv fo vibit, fr etuN. .1. Ii'ciii-J-.Uui loft fo lHTM'City Monflny trjini nltiB. Clmili'V Vbx'ot Voitt speui. tli 'nd of thi woulc liuro wi'ti lii imivu'. Mis. IMUli WIXHOti ntniiiei lur hotne li Mik'qIh Mnniivj'PToiiilnjr Ofoifrc Ovi'rlmt ."! -'l'" I'f'lfc lr woic In lluir Out, Kiinstn-, Moiu1". V. A. Sllin'n1 v.-iis in 2iot ton, Kuntti, one ilay tin- lust of th.- w.-olc Cliit". Stroiitf mi" " the wi'stoin pait of tlie -utc tlio Inst of Uio wei'l: The lixrnn-is. niv nil b3' cutting the tli-bt crop (if ulf.ilfa which 1" u bumper. Misi F.lible Tubor went to Dewcnso Saturilny moining to viait hor lnothor, Wesley Tuber. Mr. mid Mrs. Joe Md'allum lire tbo jiroiulpaients of u baby boy which wns born Monday. ' Mrs. AtnellB Wainer of Medinn, Ohio, is In the city vlsltinir with her sister, Mm. Julia Warren. Marlt Brown and W. C. Hutchison 6f Jamesport, Mo., are in the cltv visiting with Darrel Burden and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hauar of Lincoln arrived in the city the Ust of the week to visit with fi lends. A largo number of our high bdiool athletics and Ftudont'- attended the track meet at Snporior Friday. Mr, and Mis. Brule of Campbell ar rived in the city Monday to visit with their daughter, Mrs.JoeMrCallum Miss Marquoiile Iticliirdson Hft Sundav morning for Vnlpanno. Id , v.hoio she will attcnrl-aummer school Mrs Frcininidon en'w 'l'iwn fiom ltlooinington Muav arming Jo vu.l her -parents. Mr Jr'' V" r Var B C Phillips, Oc-'pntj u, .uid latr ' oltheA. O V W lwVt, f 'rblt U'rw kwH n t.o-r the dr o " wrck ' The wheat k bgmjtiiB u ne"4 ind t'lPiioyernmont esUmte thin yw ciop at eight hundred and eighty mil lion bushels Superloi wont wot Filday by a ma jority or eight votes alleged lllogul voters weie arn-sled and the drysnre going to try and keep I he town dry. Wayne Harvey and Henry SchulU of Supovlor spent Sntutday evening In this city with Chal Gellatly, the popular book-keeper at the Malono Avery Co. lumbor yard. Mr. and Mrs. John Huish took their lenycar old son to Lincoln Sunday morning where ho was operated on t.hnt. rim for annendicltls. Ho is got- ting along lino at this wilting. Thai. 0 0 F. lodge held olectlou ut ofOcerr, Monday evening and the fol. , lowing ware elected for the ensuing term of &lx mqtilbs Ted Han's, Noble iip-l W (5 Wiwrair, Vice Grand ir Wavilcl' T)w Sjit-rtMt vsijl 'a.'faT,;t ( throat pttn A.tjfrt ww 8isf Hltd ftt- V' , u jrt. Jll'" It , "1 . . . .... . k moir vr' ' ,f " vv i til Wl ihn "'' I'1" tj A Ai no -I In t-ivin 'J'tl-hilny. I A f MuOih w u In K u.waa (Jit Mon i Li' llwlour of tiiflde IWi'lc was in Inwii Tin.,. .oy: r ,i l .Its Hii'mTku hi" H.h Ivti wns in tov.n iMotiihi.v.. ' - j U") iTiOiiuip wb-. In Supiiflr Sun Id IV I'll i CiloCM.. Keniivili AH-.m!h In tu ci'y this week vMUug ti'ii-tnl-. dial ('llat'y spunt S'ludny in Superior v.lih fiiuiuN. Mbii llm'-oii of S'.Hlvut'i- township wiis. in tjwn Tiie-diiy. Ml Clnrn An-tin of tinvn lslsit Iny her, Mii. Hurry Q.-utner. . 111. Dm iivll went f S IViiicN IChiijih, TiRs.lny moi-uliig o'lli'isitiesi Tr. Grou- is home from iJncolii wbei.i ln ftltt'iidvd thi fttuttt flciiUl ui"otInp Sii3-c' Sun luy inoniiii?- ni the Con gregHllouiil chuieli: -jThi' UinM'iii-iyil (Soil Helping weaiied Men". Sitbjei t i't ixetiing M'iftioii. "Gliiisitiiuttlos i-i tiln Answci ti the p'oblem of Sin, j Suff-i-li'g, and Death' On Friday, June 11. MM, the valley cditottiie hereby cilhd to meet in FinnlstUi for the pnrpoM' of adopting acou'titiitiuti iiiul by-laws, and also fur tlio p'liposo of .tiiinsaetliig nnj othei busiiiL-'-s whldi may rightfully cotne betoie said meeting F. 1' Shields, President, ICiul ipence, Secrctmy. IJed Cloud High School boys ctrried off the following houois nt the truck meet held In Superior. Fildny, May i!2nd: lOjyaid dnsh.ll seconds Oiger, 3rd; 880 run Newhouse, .lid; Mile run VanOrnntn, Hardy and Bruner, tied, 1st; Pole Vault, 10 feet Atkins and Dossemeyer, tied. 1st; Wright, 3rd; Shot put, Hs feet 2 Inches Perry, 3rd; Hammer throw, or. font Perry, 2nd; Running broad jump, 1" feet 4 inches Atkins, 2nd; ltunulng high jump, r feel. -1 Inches Potter, 1st; Wright, 2nd; Discus throw, 01 feet, Glgcr, 1st Memorial sot vices were held Sunday morning in the opeiu limine and n very large Hiidionce w as present. The set vice was opened by the slugltig of the joint choiis followed by a qutir tette composed ot MesMh. Ii P. Al biiuht. C. L GittiiiK V. . Fulton and Gkn Walket lit v. Uayne, pastor of the Cougiegntioit'il chmch vpad the M'riptme lesson nd oiteied piayor. Rev. Wright ol tin' "Wjthodlst cliutch. piouched tlm ormrtu and palda tti liute to the ol.t so'd'ers Aftoi the sermou "America" uaa nng, h:uI !x. Uayno prononiictd th ieeHletio i which (osfri tin- ivica Gutter ol 0i til! 1 r Hi ,I.iUnH I TelahwUis Co , wr hi Up rit tW iK,yi.l(fhv. - ' ' ' h , I .V. xt month U thn ttmntn of AUtfo irT".ii. nlMi Juntj IiiI,((Nh tin $ Iih not hearrl ol' nay w)u t.-e rilTijj t. tujve tbe awlJ men meeting .will Ue held Rijlt ' . i.v rtfioinoon t 1 o'cliielt J .r l.i pnr- iioe of oi-ganljt'njr a 'OAipW 'iVuu All men liirltil ' Mr. Olivet of Piillni'le. fn n , l fit the city visiting wit ti h. frmud, C W, ICilny. thiv wfi'k V ackiio vlitljrea plans ml cull fioin h m The Indies of the riul-.tinn ijltureh who belong to Mrs M iRtslueV Sunduv Sc1ioi)1u;Iii'-n gave In i ti surprUe btilli day party Monday e nlng. Mis Smith of (lit Held pivrinet n--tlvi'il houie Kuii'luy uioiiuug ftom M. Cook, where sin- had been visiting hei s in, Cetip Smith and family. The coiittactot bf'gnn wotk on the u jw coutt house this week ami hns a l.u ge number nf our cttlx mis busy dig. glng for the foundation and heating p'unt Diakeiiuin I!oy Robinson of feGoolc ciuie ilown Wcdnesdrty moriiing to visit Ills inn nts, Mr. and Mis C D H ibiuson, and also to nt'end tliegnul uatlng e 'icHes l'Oit SALH A nice 7-ioom moleiti cottage. City watei, electric lights and bath with four lot. Alfo my farm two miles east of C iwles. Tortus to suit .1. H. I?.iiloy. The A O. I. W lodg" ni'jt Tin siitiy ovruiug and n cla-'. of IQ cindidati's wite Initiated. The soteen work was put on and afiei lodge' u lunch wns served. Thctu wns a huge attendance of the niem'iei-ihlp and eveiybody had a eond time. N 'ii. w MjllOO 'I In- Co gli4 itloilill Indlen will hol'l tbvlr UiiiiU. t at P A Wttlih.NiioVrt ,tnr- I'Miin). tyf SCh. adv . I' itivimiting elisi will put on liv f 1 1 iv eniktaj "Th llrmdon" Jatmdnr nielli at th Opera II tis-. Wall"i DutiS mid Ijou Fnltaii lift thla niornlhg for Cr,mlrhlp viKiri' lii-will Hilda oauientslUifor IMhM Kv !i es : M,M"t Anna fllThatn nn 1 Maiy (tlnlntla a ! hoiita ftotn (Jnfd. IUwI. whiii th j b4Ve IjfWB l.Heuli'ig t:hott JKtfn! .v.'tr. ' i ROSEMONT pir, "t .Mit R. K. Jlitaa Huadn.xed feni-T x 'iiolta tfn Am adr, and wife wot o Tjtnvi ence TlsUoiaTn-'sdiy .ius Anna Cowel took dintiv nl 11 C. W. I Ii "s Sun'Jay.' ,1 'I ,il .1 and air Hoots w'aro Blna Ililt'M-'iois Torvlay Mi' a ml Mm, Geo Unlit jer vlsltrd at fl l.inii in'in'H Fildny Mi.ti'jd Mis, H Hiiiitjvr isitd tola tlvec n liwroneo Monday Mis U Kehio of neir Itlatlen U isll- ing her sisti r, Mrs .lne llent. s Miss Floictiec Cute lsited telativis In lllue II II Mon la evening. T W .ehtiHr is ronewlug the looks, of IiIn i k vat 3r with n coat of p'alnt. F. U.iwvts of Liwieni'e is dtllUng a well for Geo. Hudson nnd T Sim. Irs. C C Wilght of Co'otado I- visiting frirttlds and-relatlves here. Miss Bui i el Sins went t i Ainboy Friday to tlsit a filend,- luliirning Monday. Mesdumes Lurk and Lillle of Law retien called on Mi"? II. C. Wilght Monday Mi' ami Mrs. Lee Crnwfoid spiMit Sunday at his sifltei'-. Mrs Ilornea ('.nib'rsoti. - i '' t" V' il'7 ' Iff ' 1 ' ' l r J r f . i if iiJaC ' :r ' u v w r '"'What Do You Want To Pay" :' $i:oo l$r Sl.SO $2.00 '1 irfia This Is Not Aii Auction - Wo juft vnnl to impress you with the fact thai you c!in pick out one of the nobbiest shirts you ever .slaw and at the juice you want to pay. We are here to serve you, not with a $2.00 shirt if you want one nl $ 1 .00, but with the best value ever shown a $1 .00, if tint is what you want lo payor $1 .50 or $2. Glance at the new tics aloOc, 75c and up. They ari great. Ye?, and take just a few minulc3 to look over the new Sring Styles in Clothcraft Clothes at $10 to $20 the clothes that arc making other makers think about prices. nrr he pmden-aley Glothin9 G?- Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers s Geo. Tijne wns called to Ilastlnes Tuesday aftetnonn by the death of his sister, Mjs. (Jims Armstrong, who bad been sick only a few dajs. The fuueial will occur toduv and burial will take pi ice In the Oik Creek cemo tery. Mr. Tilne bus the sympathy of the entile community. 13he TEPEE Friday and Saturday MAY 'JO and CO TI1K DCLAYBD SPKOIAL, A stir ring railroad story. A romance of Iron and steel. HfS LITTLH PAGE An amusing comedy with Norma Tatmadge In tlio capacity of page ts cranky uncle, of her lii-st fellow. PATIIRK WnittCLY. Willi world W'ldo vio.vs of tlio world. best new-i. A DESPElUTR HERO.- Comdy , SKELLY aud tho TL UKCY -Comedy. L'. in nt Farm Ismn l i a'-s, lie-, op'ior ute nun, C 1' Mimday and Tnesdny II NL t am' il tor ..W. "! "". " - . aBKLaad! HMUllakKST6 1 1 --MpPWfTT1Hj f i ir fftathlyi Thre Baus of Silver COWLES Clis and George Denton autoed to Red Cloud Monday. It. H Thompson was in Red Cloud Monday attending couit. James Mcltrido is having tho toutvlr- tioti luid tor his hoitio this week The h'hool picnic Saturdsy suutb of Cow les was well attended and enjoi . 1 by till. Chas Gilhatn of Red Cloud wai jn our stieefs Tuesday shaking hands with frloiulK. Tho school hoatd is Hits week mov. Ing the furnlturo from the old to the new school house Mlssi Louis Illtchny came home Tues day from Indlnnoltt where she had been attending, school. The entertainment given Tuesday night by the band boys was well at tinded and enjoyed by all. O. H. Spracher expects to start for California about the 1st of June for an extended visit with a daughter. V. A. Good s had his lumbor otlire bioken into Monday night. He lost about thiee dollars In stamps And what change thero was in the money drawer, TheillBgo of Cowles Is having two cement culveits put In on the W. W. Rltchey corner, They nro also putting in a cement till on tho road' north of town. Cia C Hennott was in -Red Cloud Monday attending court. He was a witness in the case of the Commercial Hank of Hlue Hill and Roburt Denton of iilndou ....... V- , - - - - - 3 yv V-v' r ? 1 tJir m r. Vi u vt ma 1t t' vVp &h rr y) w h 'rindf O- m lamtmw ran a mm s srpn rwaiirumiiw iwr'Minwmiii'iWiiiwiuniiiiiw SOUTH 1NAVALE rfood ovtu Ve have on hands over $1,000 worth of Ladies' Ox fords and Slippers which we are going to put on sale at a price which you cannot resist. Prices as follows:. $3.50 and 3.75 slippers go at $2.50 3.00 and 3.25 slippers go at 2.00 2.25 and 2.50 slippers go at 1.50 2.00 - slippers go at 1.25 This Big Sale opens May 1st, Come in and look our line over. arpenter's Bargain SHOE STORE v rui 'vA the TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS SAr uti' Hint I v. bl d ui -cd Johp mm .l ! it ( ri In this day and ape if we did not take advantage of that modern iii-n'ssit to liuure ano tiuiinnis ah lAoutu in a tenUy he up in ''i' miiiii'! T'i photir vrtnr t,Tj-l j ' 4H i l !t it it ti I i. (.).iftole ' ( reinu i( t u.reiaiiiiftlf. fci i iiaMianmrniiMimiiniiiMiMniiiiwiiMfciiii it B. E. -pfariabd All (he Phones In Two .eos The stoUin Siued Eloplnuit uuniiu hen rcstoicd to Its feniple in the Walled City, bj Krucc and Kathlyn, they conclude to start for the foast In the inlet itn, her father, Col Hare, hiving escaped prison Joins them In their race to leave Allalia. The party i-i captured by a band of bandits. Urn ballah quickly learns of this and agrees to give three bags of silver as a ran som for Col. Hare, leaving Kathlyn mid Bruco lashed to the tiger cage, in further fiendish dosha for revenge. The ADVENTURES of AN ALARM CLOCK.-IComedy. From the story in tho Pictorial Review for April, THE FAMIM SKELETON. Comedy. CYPRESS LOCOING lo TLORFDA -Educational. Wednesday nnd Thursday J UN L. Sand 4 SHADOWS - A tw.i-int t ihritl.nsr j Tiittl'xlranm featuring Fiij"! Vush- man , 4SILVKK SfiVW BC)V . .,,,, piflf ttotv wltli R'Hsian rMivtroiii!)-!; , BO,H. DIVG iiOi lK ttOMANt ?naiody A WLVIEB it. ,1 EltLAND A .( ti i ifi.uit . views of the Alp FiisstiSltow at tf w ui ' flecoH-1 at 0 'W Mulluet' fttiiirhi? at 1 p m KveiVone is feiHnf line mnia of last wi'l Earry And Bertha VVhitely visited Claul JfarnltmkyM' Hundaj Frank Blankenbaker nntf- fnini'y spent fiunday at Clarence Reed's Mlso Moua was the guest of Mm Vorgie Dally a few days last week abhatli School tins been organized at Djst No H school house. Everyone Invited. Edith Hoffman ot Red Cloud vis'ted at tlio Dickeison homo from Friday until Sunday. Quite a nu tuber fromhis vicinity at tended tho farmorh' meeting at Inavule Saturday nftemonn. Win. Htiut and daughter Ura of Franklin visited at tho Robt Mitelu H homo Suturdiiyand fauuday MUb Emma PeterMiu olomed a mt. iucosfuI term ot cbo! nt Dlsl 7U last Saturdajr Xlit putrnps audi f riti of the uolghi o-'i,"'i wi'ftt with j wfl ttlJefl Vnskts i "i',v toe nfilu r I All fpupUe pHi "i uite 'ti'aiitr MS Sere Death to Lice mites all vermin nnd diseaeo fcvrms if you uao Powdered Lice Killer S5o and 50b 0 A fjrent money saver. LouBy hens cannot lay neither can lousy chicks grow. Priill. Poultry Rei.ul.nlor l tlio best tonic unit devoloptnir l,lp I'kirs. V. (fc CHc, Si 00, 25 lb. pail $2.W. Ittfuw f.ulmtllutfi, InMit en I'raltii. SAtitfaction Guaranteed or Money Back ? Get PratU ISO jkjik) Iultru VooK Gold nnd guaranteed by QEORQE W. TRINE. tr!??yc.TiOc " M. FUR. R VLB G, J Wftilln. Mnw t cycles Woaoh A uit- t)iiptii i . i -j . 10m 1 it ''W.ti vt i Ut , I , i Vi'uU !T ii i ! pi, dhttrlct t.nt in a ti v 'plyn tha gpo!! thiii fy tho appetites of t)m . ,, Alt parr iok of a hUQ.ptuou'- diiuiei which certainly spsakw v;ol foi tL' cooks of Hutt vicinity. ' .. H w& '$A l, ! SI . 11 m ' i If m .1 Lv (i 4-rJi vf A Portrait f -nt to the absent ones now and then binds the friend "hips of youth, bridges distance and knits closer h tieH of family nntl kinsfolk. Our fast lenses, modern tnelhods i ti equipment, r mpt attention 1 1 ( ' 'UJi'tesy tM r t j n - Y a v p.nk' siHIi it pl) tvK" I ' fUl'l - I HI , 'II Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 StIRCEON CallM Answered Day or Night " OincT0litimits: llt,l,M; Iinl.lW. Rfa 't'clciilioiiiti: Hell, Iteit 271, I ml. 1G0. Office Over N- A- AliirUht's Store lioud, -! Nebraska DR. CHAS, E. CROSS fll!E ST.UK kASK UeM Ciud ;U.tskg ,m t'rr t)t !-ttveiri Biros Mll.llO ' '""' ,flVt ,rlM vif 9otldi' Ure-ai tau J 'on tines i of . - C(ecr Ach ertissts IflKrJ? r - "if l 1 m "I? BAJ tw v n "i, 7 Jfo as .&$ ft l j hm ' tJ : m N .:, 'i A mm!-t iW'-f- jtw hajlL'"1?