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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1914)
V rr. Mm Hi- A . ' .1 Hcwspajiar riiat filvfts tins Nbw$ Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $.50. lP" . -..- ., , I ' ". ,') 1 .', , Tl) , ill II II I ,111 I..MM ' K...I...-- .... I M 11,1, , . I' "J" - - - ' '., UVIf. , -. , 'B i i ii il n w . ii ii Hi i ii i i i i i i i l i Wf ' i ii i ii m H i i .. ...... -f . . . VOLUME !-' Your Duty To Your Family is not only save Cor a rainy day, but to. Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in' this . bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect-' ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe . v is its and conservatively here would be safe -without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. S3sras SSS csbesehbb$S$3o .FURlNIT UR.E W . 4 UNDERTAKING "' f) ALL THE FHOl-Ea vnv There is no Closed Season for KODAKING It is the "all-the-year-around" sport, and you can carry- a Kodak anywhere. Easy to use and every part jof the work can be done in "daylight. Hodulis, $5.00 to $llf.OO Brownlis, $1.00 to $12.00 All the new goods from Ko dak City in stock. EB Ha Newhouse Optometrist and Juwoler. rfJKr'J Notice to Parents Any pupil desiring free high school tuition for the coming year must make written application to the county superintendent on or before tho ; second Monday in Juno. Application must be made EACH YEAH Tho blanks for free high school tuition may be secured from the town superintendents or from the bounty superintendent. Okiitbudk L. Coo.v, Couuty Superintendent. 3 HfcjjiK,')' $svJidifr P . 5vV -V, W (ft" (1 (0 y '(! (!) (0 (0 (0 (J) m managedyour money. $ if NEBRASKA m y Wy V mU , f-f . Jt 9" ....; ' A'IACK NEWHOUGE S3LK Clio Club Elects Officers At their last niceling of the year at thohomuof Mrs. Alison Lotson the Clio Club elected the following olUccr.s for the onsulnt; year; President Mrs. 13. .1 OverltiR Jri Vice Presloent Mrs. 13. U.Oveiman. Secretary Miss Kdna Henderson. Treasurer Mrs. M. A. Albright. Program Committee Mrs. Alf Mo Call. At the close of tho incctlugMrs, Let son irtirprised the members by serving a daluty luucheou to whlcli, they oil did justice. m Christian Endeavor Convention At Nelson tho Christian Endeavorers of District Nine will hold a big cou ventiou June 10, 11 and 12 with lodg ing and breakfast free to those coming from other towns. A society may send any number of delegates. Tho regis tration fee Is 25 cents. The Ninth Dis trict Includes tho counties of Kearney, Adnms, Clay, Webster and Nuckolls. Tho Christian Endeavorers of this district won tho banner at the fctate convention last year. The banner will go to the society whoso delegates travel the greatest aggrogato uumber of miles to thu annual convention of district nine at Nelson. A flue program has been arranged and all Eudenyorcrs should attend. , Straw Piles Valuable "I counted 11)0 straw piles tho other day In Nebraska along thu rallioud in a strip of 50 mlle," said a profossor of agronomy of tho Nebraska College of Agriculture the other day. "Along the same strip, llvo other pltes had been burned. When one stops to con sider that a straw pile from a SO-aoro Held is worth from t50 to S7.ri, or 83.ho a ton, in nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash alone, this waste In tho ug gregate appeals to one as being aston ishingly large. When a straw pile Is burned, only about 3 pur cent of the former valuo Is retained. There arc several ways of conserving tho valuo of such straw, but the farmer himself is obliged to choose .tho method best adapted to ids own conditions'1. UiU) ULOUD, ;S EBKASKA. MAY LS, JJIM. A Large Class M.53 r&? a Sunday (veiling, May tin '. the MethndUt churcli wits the s u most impressive ceremony cuui'liitiou of u hinli hohool lltli, lit cello of in t ho uotttsc. Tlio Knulimtes, which nutuborcd ilio luvgiMt class In tlio history, of the hchuul, Wfii) fjutliQi'cd ut the pitri'oii itgc nt 7:tf0 in which place ihulnst fond look la this minor hy tho Htrlfc, whs no lc-s In ovliloncc then the clothes ami hair brushes, which was nsetl to bittls ly the iinily of I he opposite sex.' Slmtiltaurous with the tollliifr of the, last bell they bccnn a march which', tciiiilmueil in the rescrvu.l seats hi front of tho. rostrum, ' ' lllacU and red, tho class colot ivercJ used in tlccuratliir the seat1?, which! color also contributed to the eh"cct iu lh.' class motto, "Finished Vet llegln niiiK.' wlillu tho rostrum presented a llorul scene laroly sttrj nsscd in Uod' Cloud. The church was filled to dverllowlu, with friends and relative, and niiiny. a Ktood In the halls and on tlio Men whlhi tlio order of the .-ernce proceed' cd, which was as foliovre: ' iijmn "All Hall." v ;- crijilurc Keu'llnj,'.' solo 'liemtinber Now Thy Cieiv tof,"tilcini Walhur. u Prayer. . -' 4 Authviii '"Como Unto. Mo iwi'd Will Give You Hcst," choir, hernion "Elumclits of l'owor In iViKitmlityV' Ucv. Wrlfht. The class play outitled, 'Tho Hoo doo,'' was given by the graduates last night in the opera house, and w.a Well played. Each member had his part well committed and there was not a single hitch In the entire program. Tho htaidng effect was exceptionally good and thcaudleneo was well pleased. We would liku to give eech actor in dividual mention but it limy be stilli eitnt to bay that they were all stars. The following Is tho cast of charac ters: Btlghton Early, about to bcmarriedf- '.'.... Glenn foo Hilly Jackson, the. heart breaker, Fred Pharcs Professor Soloirfon Splggot, an au thority ou Egypt.... Harold Turnure Heiniiehus Splggot, his sou, aged seventeen Laird Potter Mr. Miilachl Meek, a lively old gentlemen of sixty uiue.Howard Yost Mr, Dunn, the burglar, f. Frank Mcintosh Miss Amy Lee, about to be married Iva Kutledge Mrs. Porringtou Shine, her aunt and Mr. Meck's daughter . . .Grace Sherer Gwendolyn Pcrrington Shine, who does just as mamma says . Mafaolle Smith Dodo DeGraft, tho Dazzling Daisy... Hazel Robinson Mrs. Ima Cllnger, a fascinating young widow lieatrice Sloss Angelina, her nnge) child, aged eight Hazel McKelghati Miss Doris Huillcs, Amy's maid of "honor Hcleirtiaundcrs Mrs. Semiramis Splggat, the mt.tlier of seven.., Minnie Trout Eupopsla Splggot, her . daughter, aged sixteen ".Mirth Walker Miss Lougneckcr, a public school teaehor , Maude Crow Lulu, by name and nature Dorothy Baylor Aunt ParadUe, tho colored cook - lady f . . i Inez e'etty Four Little Splggots. Placo Mrs. Perrington Shino's couutry home about thirty minutes from Philadelphia. Occasion A house party at tho Leo Early wedding. Prof. Hetz's orchestra furnished the musio which was up to tint usual high standard, aud was greatly appreciated by the audience. At the close of ktho play tho .eutlro class rendered tho song, 'The Senior's taroweu. We pay cash for produce no chips, Weesuer, Perry & Co. istrkt Court Proceedings John b. Christian v Wado Tate, He I'lvvlti. Motion for new tilal sustain od. New trial for defendant Tate at the September term. Uojce v Hitmen. DlsinUsed. Hilton v Nyburg. Continued. l'ailtlMMi v King. Continued. Uolling v Wttulle. Continued. Sehouboo v hundborg. Continued. Amboy Mill Co. v Harris. Continued. State Hank of Ked Cloud v h. I Al bright and Edith Vi.son. Judgment for plaintiff against Albright for 5,111 -Tti Wallet tu favor of Edith Wl.xsou. Henry Cool: v N. l A- C. Co. Ver- xllet for plulntlfr for 0215 Overman v Cox. Settled and dis missed. Yetter v Kent. Uy agreement of parties Mary E Simpson 1 made a party with perinihsioh'to answer Droveru Nat'l Hank vs Juhn L. and r'loyd Christian. Demurrer confessed. YVfu Tabor v- Yiu.Surlvuei'. Ver dict for defeudaiit Scrivnur. Van Woui't v fiOtco. Saloeouflriuod. Win. Tabor v (Ji nee Tabcr. Dcuruo ,of Divorce for plaintiff. Wm. Wallace v-A. W. Cox ot. al. Veidict lor plaintiff for SM0 It. Yung vs lVl!,ble. Settled and dis missed. Anna li. Denton Executrix vr Coin- met cIk! Hank of Uluo Hill. Verdict tor plulutlfl tor SliVQ. Governor Morehead Enters Race Again Mindful of his campulgti pledge not to run for a second term, but unable to resist u deiimud'whluh he considers almost unanimous, Governor Morehead Monday announced that hu would be a candidate for re-election on the democratic ticket. He filed an ac ceptance In the olllce ot the secretary of state which completes his nomina tion uuilel' the primary law, sayo tho Nebraska Slate Journal. In his ac ceptance of the nomination by petition he says ho atllliates with the. demo cratic party and 4f elected will qualify and servo. Governor Mojchcad among other things said: "For muny weeks I have been 1m- kportuued by democrats from every part of tho state to stuudfora re-uom-inatiou, regardless of any faction, and so unanimously tiave come these per sisteut requests that I am couviuctd that It is my duty to place myself at tlln crttf.v r.f ltj niixtn sim ttlfk ifil null ' luvov.liwuiuwpt, IU1 UU '".i.g to uecide wlietner or not 1 am ttie ggj most available caudldate to stand forjM the Nebraska democracy during thu j gp comlDg campaign. I may say too, , M that I am deeply gruteful to my re-' M publican friends who helped me iu the last campaign aud who ugaln offer their ussistauce. , "During my term of olllce, I have endeavored to glvo the state an econ omical business administration and I feel that 1 havo made much progress and havo established u better spirit and a higher appreciation of duty iu otllulul life. "I would not havo my determination to enter the racu construed to the prejudice or detriment of any other asplraut for the nomination. It Is to be sincerely hoped that this may be a friendly coutest for. this high honor, aud I pledge myself that no action of m'lno shall militate against the suo coss of tIo party during tho cam paign." i Mayor's Proclamation In accordance with a time honored custom of Showing our respect to tho honored doad.Y hereby renuest that all buslmjss houses iu Red Cloud bo closed betweeu the hours of L ami 3 o'clock. Saturday. Mav 30. Allcltlzeus are re- (juosted to atteud tho exercises and thus show their respect to tho old . soldiers, living und dead, who saved our country, Koiit. Dameiibi.i., Mayor. .. ' lALSOPUTUP IN2SLBWCTERTIGHTWD0DENPAILS MR. FARMER:- You have new fence to build and old to repair. "Do It Now" before you " are too busy in the field. We have just received two cars of Tennessee Red Cedar Posts Sin and S'in, and a car of White Cedar quarters and halves. Prices Are Right THE MALONE-XVERY CO; WIHil" ! ;wii Hot Weather Calls For Cool Clothes Sec the Lines of Cool Stuff ' Provided For You Here 5 V Hats in Straw OUC to 59 "Munsing," 'Porosknit," Goodknit, "B. V. D.M Underwear 5 5 Mohair Suits - teH 1 A Store Full of Good Pi ices. vV '!'; 'A ii PAIL STOREY The Clothier l "Hr::,f? mstM1 '!!''"h '.I 'il iimriiiiii: V.S. Hall of Bladen was iu tho city this woek attending district court, ltudolf Strelt of Bladen was in the city this week attending district-court. Bert Person will begin tho delivery of artificial ice Tuesday, May 80th Rural phono 102. NUMBER 2 'J International Stock Food Tonic Is positively guaranteed to make you big, extra money. I want you to try It for three months nnd If you aro not HiitiHlled with the result's, the trial will not eort you one ponny. Let me ex plain nty liberal Free Trial Offer and show ypu tho beautiful Ut piece sot of dishes that I glvo away as a premium. Absolutely Free Chas. L. Cotting The DruiUist -w 19W Vffl :v x V and Silk From , $o. ,. Palm Beach Suits things at Popular r.'lli.lli'"?!',!'"!! IJlWiilklxl f'MiXi 'MMt W V, Richards of Guide Rock was Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. liruco Kobiuson came down from Clay Center Wednesday to atteud the graduating exorcises, aud tor visit with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. O. ,w- D, Robinson. o , -J vs m I it V M f .i f,tT m ;i v.w u k f . al(. J "&$ '51 'i K t m I M yR tl : m M 'm h :ii r H; wl Sx K m 2 v ' m fe ! ' 'ri 'M I v i; n k 1 il m 1 9;-y Hi "mm A SI w ',.. tip r & J n 'M -m " ; m n ?1VA m :m r. "A ?- x i "ifi. K m& (AlMMl , m. j. . i AJfcif.,1 mtimmmmm tmmm lilKtii: