.. ;,'. r $pt-ifM"- ,. .fw. V'' If i'A it RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ANOTHER ft . .? ' BIG J t r vf Hi w I te ss if I ? I? 4 A l.fl lih v I The Business Men of Red Cloud hereby announce that they will hold the next RED CLOUD BARGAIN DAY at Red Cloud, Nebraska, OH WEDNESDAY, MAY 27TH, 1914 They extend a special invitation to you and your friends to be their guests on that day. They will be pleased to have you come to Red Cloud, visit them in their stores, enjoy the band concert and other features and inspect their large and varied stocks of up-to-date, seasonable merchandise. The following list of money-saving offers will be available for cash trade to all on that day. s FOR CASH ONLY 25 per cent discount on all silks. All ioc package, canncdand bottled goods at 3 for 25c. (Not jnoro tliiu-$l 00'b worth of nuy one nrtide to any one cnntouior.) M. A. Albright Dry Goods & Groceries A splendid line of ' trimmed hats at $2.00 each will be found on Bargain Day At Miss Averill's 20per cent discount on my entire, line of trimmed hats. Mrs. C. W. Barrett 10 and 20 per cent off on all ready-made goods. Choice of any hat in stock for $2.50. Mrs. J. A. Burden ; Special bargains in all oxfords, both women's and children's at Carpenter's Bargain Shoe Store Wall paper at a special dis count. Henry Cook, M. D. 10 percent discount on Inter national Stock Food. J My line of 25c pennants for 15c Ghas. L. Gotting The Druggist & Free Open Air Band Concert at One O'clock Sharp Special Bargain Day Matinee at THE TEPEE, 3 p. m. Special rate of 5c admission. 5 doz. child's rompers, 5J5c a pair, worth 50c. One special table Men's Selz and Fiorsheim oxfords atSl.JJCa pair, worth up to $5.00. 20 per cent off on reg ular men's and boys' oxfords. Cowden Kaley Go. Diamond Mills Bran and shorts at a bargain. A dish of ice cream will be served with, each 55c dinner on Bargain Day at the Farmers' Restaurant Mrs. L. B. Keagle, Prop. 20 per cent discount on hammocks and lap clusters. Joe Fogel ' 25 per cent discount on handbags. H. E. Grice Drug Go. 20 per cent reduction on all cleaning and pressing re ceived on bargain day. This does not include silks or white serges. Work Called For and Delivered, R. G. Hassinger Cleaner and Dyer We will give five years' sub scription to the tri weekly' Commercial Advertiser for $6.00 on bargain day. A. G. Hosmer Ut - Bargains in Real Estate will be found on the list of Hutchison & Saladen Lowest rates on farm loans. See us for bonds and insur- ance. Hutchison & , Saladen Potter Block Leave your team in Koontz's tie barn on Bargain Day and every other day when you are in town. You will be sure that they are safe. R. W. Koontz A good 5c cigar or a pack age of gum with eaxh 25c dinner on Bargain Day, , H. Ludlow. We have four more of the celebrated Crown silos at greatly reduced prices on bargain day. Maione Avery Go. With every pound of tea or coffee sold on bargain day will sell 22 lbs of sugar for $1. B. E. McFarland Embroideries at l3 price. 3 lb. can fancy sweet potatoes at neper can. The Miner Br,os. Go. 10 per cent discount on all Silverware. J. G. Mitchell - 20 per cent discount on all granite ware. EXTRA SPECIAL A'65C granite .kettle with handle for only 5c. Morhart Bros. A $2.00 ring for 1.(50 " 3.00 " ".4.00 " (i . (i 2.40 3.20 " 5.00 " " 4.00 And all- other rings at same discount. E. H. Newhouse ' 20 per centfoff on laces and wash dress goods. Mrs. Barbara Phares 5 per cent discount on all gasoline and oil stoves. Pope Bros. A Real Bargain. On bargain day we will offer The Red Cloud Chief for five years for $6.00. -A. B. McArthur, Editor Special Combination Sale We will have on sale an assortment of tin, iron and galvanized ware. Includes many articles worth 25c, all priced for this day at only Oo Rust's Model Variety Store 20 per cent discount on all pictures. The American Girl dustless mop, $1.00 size for illhi, Roy Sattley Furniture and Undertaking Madam, how about a pair of our handsome tan shoes? They're beauties. Special prices on bargain day. Frank Smith Post card photos at 98c per doz., usual price $i.5operdoz. Kodak films developed for 5c apiece. Stevens Bros. 50 boys' suits at 25 per cent reduction, sizes 3 to 17. 50. pairs men's trousers 20 per cent off. Paul Storey Bargains in Flour My strictly high patent flour at $1.15. Second grade at $1.10. Geo. Trine 25 per cent off on muslin underwear Sbars White Russian soap 25c. 7 bars any White Laundry soap' 25c. F. G. Turnure & Son A lIUlo slip An Income ttoppid Had ho Insuted A heavy fall A month or two Before the fall A broken limb A doctor's bill The Travelers would No that's not Tho rent past duo Itavo paid It alt all Moral "Insure in tho Trnvolera" G. M. VanCamp Agent 10 per cent discount on gasoline or oil engines and power t washers. C. F. Wallin An extra good dinner at Warren's Restaurant on bargain day for 25c. Warren's Restaurant & Short Order House On bargain day we will gye five years' subscription to the Argus for S6.co. Webster County Argus 25 per cent dis'count on all wool dress goods. 1 lb. full cream cheese, reg ular price 25c, bargain day 1 8c per lb., 2 lbs. for 35c. Weesner Perry Co. CULTIVATOR SHOVELS Ten 6-shovel sets at $2.00 per set. Ten 4-shovel sets at Si. 75 per set. Ten wecder sets at $1.00 per set. Whitaker & Buckles First class extra standard golden wax canned beans, usual price 2 for 25c, on bar gain day 3 for 25c. 1 lb. can good baking powder for joc. P. A. Wullbrandt It will pay you to come a long way to this sale 1 it .1 . Er !3j w. t FSBW t &.) - .... v.' 3 ii ,j4w." . r ,.,