The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 21, 1914, Image 3

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mn ftjK--
.tm.,7, K . tfr -Va
, r-f j ' ,, "
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l ',
Ab One Who's Been Humbled.
Tho head of tho fnmlly drank his
coffee uncomplainingly, although Its
Btrcugth brought tears to hlB eyes.
"Why, father," remonstrated his son,
"how could you swallow that lyef '
"My son," replied tho old gentle
man, "It's not the first lie that I haw
bad to swallow, by any means."
Many a man's pleasures are a nui
sance to others.
It takes a sensible woman to gener
ate silence.
Are Your Kidneys Weak?
Yon may have kidney trouble and not
know it. The only signs may be occa
sional twinges in the small of tho back,
constant lameness, ditty spells or some
annoyingtrregularityofthekidney action.
But no sign of kidney trouble can be
safely ignored. Kidney disease moves
rapidly. It leads to dropsy, gravel,
Bright's disease, rheumatism.
If you suspect that your kidneys are
sluggish, use Doan's Kidney Pills,
which have relieved thousands.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Esrl Curtis.
Auburn, Neb , says:
"Mr whola body
pained mr, fspclat
iy my back. Differ
ent parti of my body
welled mid even my
fret were affected.
The doctor! mcdl
clno failed and on a
friend's advice, I
used Doan's Kidney
ritla. I Improved
from the first and
three boxes cured
me. I have never
suffered since. I five
v Doan's Kidney Fills
K the credit for sav-
Ins my llfe.
Ct Doaa's at Aay Star. BOe a Box
AWtfctable Preparation Tor As
similating ihefoodandRegula
liirg the Stomachs and Bowels oT
Promotes Digeilion,Cheerful
nesa and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nahc otic
rtttip roMDrSAWurims
Ay4t Std
JfkJMUS HimJitd - .
Antrfrrl Remedv fnrConstloa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
ness and Loss OP SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
' &&&!'
The Centair Company,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
ttttuti mSfo&
TtRfSllr" jRSfefd
xfjttuaranteed under the Foodssj
Bars ears sod postUrs pravsotlT. bo matter how bona, i anrao ars ln .ctaa
ofupowd." Llaald,RlTn on Uo toomei acts on thf Blood and aiandai ami. ttas
polHnottijtermi from (no body. Cam DUtemper In Vngt sod Bboop and Cholera m
anil lii flu. Kidney remedy.
UarvMt Minn ut
Keep It. hbowtoioardnifflit. b
Cairn and Cures. BpocUlAgenU
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver If
right the 6tomach ana dowcis are ngnu
gently butftrmly com;
pel a lazy aver
do its dutv.
Cures Coa
stipation, In
.nil Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
W. N. U.( LINCOLN, NO. 21-1914.
4 irt
.ajnHaw an iu
.iaWaWaW ivc.rv
afBBBBBBT suite
avBaawava Bb r a Tii
Are "Danger Signals" the human ystem't method of giving warn
Ing that the blood has become impoverished and circulation poor.
In this condition the human body ia almost powerless to resist the
more serious illness. Don't delay. You need
Golden Medical Discovery
It sets to work ImmedlsUly at the
It lnrl a halnlncr hand. Heine to direst
Knnn hrlnva back normal conditions.
turned Into rich, red blood. Every
Hade from roots taken from our
remedy now. Sold by Medicine Dealers
Made from roots taken from our great
edy now. Sold by Medicine Dealers In liqu
r. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. V., fo
to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo,
Tea caa save the eeasstete Teescal.ArHear" e IS aimMI
heaaS-free-ay seaatog Be. Wares sic Sac wrsss Si issiaj.
Theatrical Manager Evidently Cared
More for Effect Than for Accuracy
of Production.
The production of great dramas waa
his business. Hit great Ulent ws
success, and his weakness was that
he always liked to "show off" vaan be
was rehearsing a play. He was
In the habit of sitting far back In
the darkened theater, and whenever
a stranger came In to see the re
hearsal work he put himself In the
foreground by Jumping to his feet
and bawling out the actors and act
resses. When he was putting on a
big production of "The Holy City"
three friends of his entered the the
ater ono afternoon to seo the dress
rehearsnl. As soon as they had sat
down the producer began to fidget In
his seat. He wns consumed by the
old fever for prominence. He wanted
tho visitors to sco that he wns the
boss of everything. There wore 12
men on tho stage, which was unusual
ly large. "Who are thoso men on
the stage?" he called out to his stage
manager In n thunderous voice.
"That's ono of tho big scenes of the
play," tho manner said humbly.
"Those men nro tho 12 disciples."
"Oh, well," shouted tho Impresario
Imperiously, "go out and get 12 more.
That's a big Btnge, and wo want to
fill It up."
Then It Started.
"The man I marry must ,be well
"The man you marry won't." Hous
ton Post.
One? swallow will cat at least G,000
flies a day.
Tor InfantB and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Flak Eye. EpUootlo
ShipatBg' Fever
& Catarrhal Fever
(?ura La Or Inn aunonir humim beliuraV
Ma and si
mock remraj.
ftUWt aVnrl Sfl M.
m OOtU IS IDQ fill OOlvll iininiiuufc
ill. woo win ni u lorjou rwm nwint, vujwuvia
Chamlata and finCUCU lUn It 0 A
Baotar.oiosUt. UUOntH, IIUJi, Ui fia
Her Only Chance.
"I understand that Miss Antique Is
Far More.
"Papa, how big is a croquet ball?"
"About the sizo of a grapofrult, but
more nutritious."
Anybody can dye successfully with
Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Adv.
The man who gives himself away
can't expect tho world to value hlru
very highly.
Alfalfa sflcd t&M. Farms for sain on crop par
iitmu. J. Mulball, BooUltr, la Adr..
Madagascar Imb 2,180,000 acres of
land undor cultivation.
seat of :
ar trouble tka Btesaaeh.
the :
food. Tones ap the stomach.
Is properly assimilated and
trengtaeaea and ntrv tissue
orgsn Is strengthens
areac American forests. Try this
In liquid or tablet form or send 60c
N. Y., for trial box.
t 111
fU 41 ft
Child's Dress of Embroidered Batiste
Baaaaaaaaaaaa fi f',,ll BSsWeaw
aasijBaafeea. -Z0w
eaaaaaKraaaaaai LaaaK 'aaaaaam V. esTSV
trfrsaaaW'aaMBaaV .
'4WaaaaaaaisaaalBaaaaa Xm.
aaaWV'aaaaaaKLa7lia LV
aaar'I'iaaaaawl' W '51Li. m
'Mbb-sswJtT t" r -fijssTi aA
r-?JSsi'!' ISbbHEk ssi
rtIYt:?,i'; &$ jW naaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
' 8'il i VsMiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT
S ' ? sf5:' -f arsaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
aaUsaaaaaa " t-ift l" f vJEriuBaaaaT' aaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
IW1 tV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat"
Vaaaaaaaal IsaaaaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW
ONE of the prettiest models for lit
tle girls' dresses Is from tho estab
liahmont of Dcrtho Raulln, and Its
daintiness and simplicity speak well
for tho Paris modiste. Flno mull or
batiste is tho fabric upon which there
ia a moderate amount of hand em
broidery in eyelet work and flat
The scant fullness of the dress is
provided by single box plaits at tho
front and back. There are two at each
side of the middle panel. The lower
edge of the skirt is cut in squares at
the front, back and each side. A flounce
of imitation, all-over val lace, edged
with a narrow edging of the same
kind of lace. Is set in at each of the
aquare openings. This gives plenty of
freedom at the lower edge of the
There is a border outlining the low
er edge of the batiste, of a strong
lace in Irish crochet pattern. The em
broidered daisies are applied to both
the batiste and this lace.
There- is a yoke and collar In one
Summer Wrap of Taffeta
aBBT saF aHfeMkiMSMBBBiaBBW LBfr TMpy yBBBpk bvbbV jbssKX''" m eM
f $M& aBb r jt JsffytfjsfcBaff j6 SSSSlSMa
OTHINQ could set forth more clear
ly tho faBhlon In flaures than the
coat of 'taffeta which is shown1 In tbo
picture, The flat chest, low bust, ab
sence of waist line, and loose hang
of tho coat aro all items to reckon
with In choosing apparel to meet the
latest whims of those who create
styles. And the approval of those
who make styles Into fashions, by
adopting and wearing them, la al
ready set upon these features.
The figure, as managed in the new
modes, Is straight up and down, or
appears so, with curves only those
provided by drapery and placed to
suit the modiste. But in spite of this
arbitrary draping and loose adjust
ment to the flgsre there is no lack
of elegance in the fashionable ap
parel of today. One may .embody
these style features In a garment like
the little coat shown here in a man
ner that is attractive and beoomlng
to the wearer.
light taffota coats promise well for
saM-summer wear. The airiest ef
of embroidered batiste edged with
tho same lace. Tho sleeves are of
the all-over val edged with tho same,
laco as that In the bottom of the skirt,
and on the collar. This collar ex
tends over the top of tho sleeves like
a wide epaulette.
A soft ribbon, about live Inches
wide, Is drawn through the skirt where
tho flounces of val lace are set In.
A short space is left at tho side of
each flounce. The ribbon Is threaded
through this. It extends under the
skirt, from one spaco or slash to the
next, and Is tied in a knot at the front
and in a flat bow at the back.
Small flat crochet buttons, barrel
shaped, are placed in four groups of
three each up the front and back. The
dress fastens with flat pearl buttons
under a fly at the back.
It would not be easy to And a more,
beautiful or delightfully childish model)
than this, which 1b in the best mode of
tho French designs of children's
gowns is not crushed by themT they
are easily slipped on or off, and they
are cool and crisp looking. Like linen
they are prone to become wrinkled
and must be occasionally dampened
and pressed with a warm iron. It Is,
said the most satisfactory way to.
dampen a taffeta garment is to hang
It, near an open window or door on a
rainy day and allow It to pick up
moisture' from the air. It should be
pressed under a thin clean cloth.
The three views given of the coat,
pictured here show clearly the out-4
lines of the garment and may be
taken as a criterion in the matter of
shaping the popular summer coats otj
Business Footing.
An heiress refused a conceited mon
ey seeker by asking him: "Why should'
1 marry you? I don't love you." The
man had the impertinence to reply:
"Oh, that's all right - I would not be
at home much."
Excellent Spring for Work and
Wheat Seeding About
The writer has Just returned from
an extensive trip through the Prov
inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, In Western Canada. The crop
conditions are the very best, and no
one locality seems to have an advan
tage over another in this respect. "The
uniformity in growth Is remarkable,
and In all parts of the three provinces
spring wheat at tho time of writing,
May 10th, Is well above tho ground
from two to threo Inches. Consider
able fall plowing was done last year,
and this, with the summer fallow, Is
already seeded, so that practically
wheat needing is over by this dato.
Everywhere tho farmers aro busy and
tho wholo country presents ono great
sceno of nctivlty three-horse, four
borso and flve-horso teams nro busy
preparing land for barley, ontB and
flax. On eomo of tho largor farms
batteries of steam and gasoline out
fits nro at work, but In n great many
districts whero theso have been oper
ated In tho pnst they nro being dis
placed by horseB, owing no doubt par
tially to tho difficulty of securing ex
perienced men to oporato them. Any
wny, there Is being put Into ngrlcul
turo In Western Canada, greater ef
fort with more promise than for some
yearB past. Tho soil Is In the best
possible condition; moisture has been
sufficient, there hnvo been no winds
to dry out the soil, and if the farmers
have had to lay up for a day or so
now and ngnln, It was merely that tho
ground might hnvo tho advnntago of
the rain and an occaslonnl Bnow,
which promise so much for the grow
ing crop. With some warm weather
the grain will come along In a man
ner thnt will equal the best years
Western Cannda haB ever had.
It must not bo thought from this
that the farmers are full bent on bo
curing n grain crop nlone. In nearly
every district there is more and more
tho Indication ,nnd Inclination to go
Into mixed farming. HcrdB of cattle
now dot the plains that up to the
present had been fully given up to
grnln growing, hogs and sheep are In
evidence. New buildings are to be
eeen on a great many places, these
being pig houses and cow stables, al
though protection of cattle Is not regu
larly required, excepting for calves
and such cows as It may be necessary
to house from time to time.
Thn crrnwine of alfalfa and other
fodder grasses Is anndustry that is
being rapidly developed.
During this spring a splendid class
of new settlers have gone in, many of
them from the eastern states. These
have seen what success the western
and central states man has achieved
in Western Canada, and are now go
ing In in hundreds. The movement
from Montana, Oregon and Washing
ton to Canada continues without any
abatement as to numbers and value of
effects, whllo the central and eastern
states are still sending an excellent
Reliable evidence to abundant that women
are constantly being restored to health by
Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound '
The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub
lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them are all genu
ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude
for the freedom from suffering that has come to these
women solely through the use of Lydla E. Plnkham'a
'Vegetable Compound.
Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain
such recommendations ; you may depend upon it that any
testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any
doubt of this write to the women whose true names and
addresses are always given, and learn for yourself.
Read this one from Mrs. Waters:
Camden, N. J. "1 was flick for two years with nervous spells, and
my kidneys wero affected. I had a doctor all tho time and used a
Silvanlo battery, but nothing did mo any good. I was not able to go
bed, but spent my tirao on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon
became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his
health, and my husband hoard of Lydia E. Pinklmm's vegetable
Compound and got me some. ' In two months I got relief and-now I
am like a new woman and am at my usual weight I recommend
your medicine to every ono and so does my husband." Mrs. Tillib
Watkiis, 1135 Knight St., Camden, N.J.
And thlstone from Mrs. Haddock:
Utioa, Okul "I was weak and nervous, not able to do my work
and scarcely able to be on my feet. I had backache, headache, palpi
tation of the heart, trouble with my bowels, and inflammation. Since
taking the Lydla E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound I am better
than I have been for twenty years. 1 think it is a wonderful medi
cine and I have recommended it to others," Mrs. Mast Aim Had
dock, Utlca, Oklahoma,
Now answer this question if you can. Why should a
woman continue to suffer without first giving -Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that
it has saved many others why should it fail in your case?
Tor 30 yean Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for fe
male ills. No ono sick with woman's ailments
dees Justice to herself If she does net try this fa
mous medicine made from root and herbs, it
has restored so many suffering; women to health.
W (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, M A 88,, for advlo.
Tour letter will be opened, read and answered
by a woman ana neia m stnet
class of fnnncrB with means sufficient
to begin farming on a scale that will
pay from tho start.
Those who contemplato visiting the
Panama Imposition next year will find
that one of the most Interesting trips
they can make will be via the Cana
dian West. Thero will bo three lines
of railway thoy can use the Canadian'.
Pacific, Canadian Northern and Grand
Trunk Pacific, all of which will have
through to coast lines completed. Thus
will be given a view of prairie, wood
land and mountain scenery unexcelled
in America. Advertisement.
What Hs Fssred.
It was during a very violent thun.
derstorm, in which the lightning flashes
wore particularly vivid, terrifying and
"Do not bo afraid, Tommle," said his
mother, "our Father in heaven holdi
the lightning in his bauds."
"Yes, I know ho does, mother, but
then, you seo, lightning is so quid
and slippery that I am afraid ho might
let somo of it get nwny from him when
he don't mean to."
Easily Satisfied.
"I want a man with red blood In his
"How would a scarlet-fever patient
Quails and partrldgoa deserted parts
of Franco when tho aoroplano made
Its appearance there.
Tho avcrngo man is seldom very po
lite unless ho Is trying to sell yoa
something. -
A Cheery
is something entirely,
foreign to the person
with poor digestion,
liver troubles or con
stipated bowels but,
there is no need to
remain in such a con
dition, for
has been found very
beneficial in helping
sickly folks back to
health and happiness.
Get a bottle today.
JLtolItt Brsparatloa of maris.
jUlpa to sradlcat dudrsS,
rev Rescenaw wwor
SOa.andTl.rf at PnmUM. I
if Vat eatsal r - VJ. $
If 171 Well W8
frv ssaMsfas At " ' fi
t ,
'i' ;?
71 P7
,.M PS-.