The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 21, 1914, Image 1
ft '' y ' , i- -.A. U .- ..-t S f H $ . . , r- - -w AfsjrfttlMMl f W, pSg1 "4 'utMpSil'. ?n-j'',., i s. a 9m JSrc- .J J. wfi3BllJ i'yrs5SSSZ2r,5yriSS3Sitmi-rii 4 Newspaper That fllvcs The News Flfty-twa Weeks Each Year For $1.50. , ,'". r ul ,' .IP VOLUME 454 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 21, 11114. NUMBER 2 f . '0 to iii iD ifc i) to 0 to to to 0 to to to to it) to to to to vtt. & i 5S:2t5S33;:3''3:;v8i5a!3:5i13.15SSS?,- 'JYtoinriav For' '.'' . ... bounty Attorney Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and .safe and conservatively managed yo.ur money , here would be safe without the State Guarr-V anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. -. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA FURNITURE W II UNDERTAKING r Vflf3r s Elsewhere wo Imvo tlio announce ment of Attorney lr. .1. Mmiduy us tt candidalo for the Democratic nomina tion as county uttornej. Ho 1ms heen city nttoruey of Red Cloml mill hits been successful in his practice. Ho is known to be true to his clients. Mr. Mmidiiy Is a graduate of our Statu University us well us the Nebraska College of Law. He is ti Nebraska man having lived In south west Ne brnskn over thirty years, having lived in Furnas county before coming to Webster county. Ho kuows the ur-s and do mis of western Nebraska Dining Mr Munday's college days .he represented Nebraska in two lntei statu debutes. Ho is a man with a family and we think would nviko tin efllcleut otllcer. - COWLES '-y 1; - -j tyyT- ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONE9 NEWHOUSE BLK. fBMJyHMBk f There is no Closed Season for KODAKING It is the "all-the-year-around" sport, and you can carry a Kodak anywhere. Easy to use and every part of the work can be done in daylight. Kodaks, $5.00 to Sllf.00 . Brownies. $1.00 to $12 00 All the new goods from Ko dak City in stock, E. H. Newhouse OptomcUlpt and Jeweler. Vi 'W"W"VV 'W'W VVA' V Announcement Having bought the variety store in lied Cloud, I intond to give to tlio trade as grent a variety of goods aud at u prlco within tlio menus of nil, A square deal and n return of your pat ronago will bo profitable to both. Youis for biz, O. II. Itu&r. Ancient Spanlbh University. Tlio oldest Spanish university Is that l Salamanca, founded in 1240. Report of the Condition Ol'TIIK Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, Charter No. 10l6, Incorporated In the Stntoot Xohrnska, at tliu close of luislutsi May 10, l'Jll. kksouiickm: Loans ami Discounts . .. gdI,47D.77 Overdrafts, Kecurcd and unsecured... 121.05 Kurutturo and Fixtures 1,000.00 Current ex peases nud taxes paid 4,000.78 Uue from national and state biuks 810,907.12 Checks and Items of cxcliauyo 1,310 St Currency . . 2,700.00 - Gold cola 2GD.00 Silver, nickels inul cents 101. Hi Total cash on haud .. 2i,2Jl.70 Total 8118,iK.2t) MAiiii.iTii:s: Capital stock paid u fij.000.00 Hurplus fund. .. ... 2,500.00 Undivided pronts .... ..... 7.6G0.M Individual doposlts subject to check....; M.8.17.01 Tlmocertlllcatcs of deposit 2:1,103.0') Depositors' uiiarauty fund ......... 72J.U Total 8 1I8.832.2U BTATB OP Ni:ilIlASICA, I K!l County of Webster. f I,B. H. 1'i.oiiANOE, caslilor of the above named bank, do hereby swear that thcabovo statement Is a correct aud truo copy of the report mado to thoStato Hanking Hoard. H. It. tXOUAN'Ci:, attkst: Cashier. S, It. I'l.oiiANCK, Director. 1). 1'. Mi.i:ii, Director. Subscribed aud sworn to beforo uic this 20th day of May 101 1. O. O. Tkkl, (si:.i..) Notary Public. District 41 During the nine mouths of bohool just ended, the following are the pupils that have uoither been absent or tardy: Eva Grossman, Alva Mlohuel, Leslie Reigle, Daisy I'lchler nud Eima Reiylo Those pupils havo uol been nbsent more thau five dnys. Renfrew l'ltney, Aunlo I'lchler, Dorcas Pitney, Genera Harvey, Chester Pltucy, Raehol Har vey, Irene Pitney ami MnrJe l'lohlcr All pupils did excellent in their school wjiIc, nud also have their mimes upon tlio "Hull of Honor." Wo havo en joyed the presence of flftyoight visit ors this t'jrm of school, UUY DUNBAR, TenoUer. Dean Lacy of Iiluo Hill spent Sin. day atihotne. .James McBrldo and fainlly spent Sunday In llladeu. Arthur Morse unci Morgan Dayls loft for Bird City Mondny ovenlng. i Mr. Kulek is the'jiosseisor of n' new Ford car bought from the Cowles Atto Co O. W. Fuller left for Lincoln Sunday on business. He has interests 'tV-llie First Stato Bank at Nethany, Ncbr. Mr. and Mrs, Allen Vance and family were passengers to Hastings Wednes day. They came. back in the eveniug. Our elevator men are very busy these days loading out their stock of wheat. The prospects are making the grain men unloud. Frank Lee was in Reil Cloud Satur day and Sunduy having u horse, which hud becimo choked some how, treated by the doctor. The children of the hk'li school me going to put on n play Thursday aud Friday evening for the benefit of tlioir new piano luud, James Saunders, Jmiiics Mcllride nt d Win. Norris went to the river flslili g Wednosday morning. We arc veiy sorry for the fish that they catch. Mr.und Mrs Fuwcott came home Tuesday from ISxeter where they havo been during the illness and deuth of Mr. Nash, Mrs. Fawcett's father. Win. Costello, our venerable cream man, is occupying n scat on the jury at Red Cloud this week. Ward Mo Taggart is attending to the cream station. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenhalgh and daughter Dorthy of Trenton, Neb., are here visiting old friends nd relatives. Mr. Greenhalgh formerly was in the Mercantile business inCowles for a number of years. He is now engage in the Hanking business at Trcuton, Ncbr, as Caslilor of a bank. They ex pect to spend a few days in Red Cloud visiting friends before they return to their home 1 ' ' ' i ii . v Requires Many Mules Adjutant General Logan has re ceived word from the war department that 35 escort wagons have been ship ped to the Iowa mllltaty dopattment ho that the Iowa National Guard will have a full uqulpmeut for actual bcr vice. Tho Iowa department has Gl wagons on haud, It requires 00 to transport tho cqulptnont ucoded by tho four regiments doing Hold service. Each escort wagon requlros four mules to supply this motive power. In addition to tho 00 wagon, tho Iowa Guard hus four ambulances, so that 412 mules will ba ueoded for tho en tiro outllt. Tho government will prob ably go Into -the wholesale uiulo market to secure the animals, , Tho 35 wagons ordered sent to Iowa by tho government will bo from the warehouses in Indiana. As soon us received In Des Moines they will be stored at the state rlilo range. Regis? tcr and Leader, Dcs Mottles, la. Rcnl Estate transfers. Real Kslute Transfers fur week end ing May tilth, 101 1 O o m p 1 1 o d by M. W. Gaiter, Boiulol Abstractor, Red Cloud, Xebrabiiu. C. .1. Piatt and wife to School Dlit No. 2, wd, pari annex lot 13, RedClatid g 280 William K. Rife nud wife to Charles 11. Hesse, wd, lots 21, 22,23, 21, Ulk. 15, Smith & Moore's Add to Red Cloud .... 1200 United States to James A. Keuas- ton, Patent, sjj cK. .'1M-12. . . Louis JtitiS9eii and wife to Harry D. Furgeson, wd, s nej-f,, 21- 1-13 10C0 Harry D. Ferguson and wife to Held V. Diekerson, wd, sj nea, SM-ia 3100 Susan II, Cltipp and Iltisb., to Nancy E. Chancy, wd, lots la, J4, llllc. Ho, Rod Cloud IM'O CUtas Rose Jr., nud wife to Henry SZS Spllkor, wd, lots 0, 7, Blk. 0, Rosemont 3100 William Husking and wife to George J. Honker, wd, mvj.f 0. 30 Otto J. Klu mill wife to Leta C. Wolf, wd, lot 8, Blk. t, Speucc & Henuett's Add to Bladen'.. .. Mortgages filed, S27.G10.00. Mortgages released, 830,47000. 110CO 2100 MAKE MORE MONET ISy giving Inicrnationjil Stock Fcod Tonic to yoitrSli.oals, Iiom do w ami lioifeH. It will lioI tlicin to mature earlier and (jjrlk y niiiKc iinciii inoro pi'Q(Vvivc. ii ih iuny gunrnniccd iojJJpKu yon jeSf- BIG EXTRA MONEY Call and let mo oxplaht'to you my Tliroo MonlliR Frco fJTril, OlTor on I itornaliuialfStoolc Food Tonic; let mo toll you of ono of the most liberal oft'ora ovor mado. If International Stock Food Tonic fails to do JUST aH I say it will, tho trial will not cost you ono penny. Don't fail to investigate ibis as it means ' Big Money Chas. L. dotting, for You The Druggist to i In the County Ciur$T glister Cewily Nebraska.' State of Nebraska, I . "Webster county. ' f ' , $ 'Is tho matter of the estato of Kflllu'j. I). HlrJcklaud, deceased. . CHKUlTOUS'otHald estato will tako nothc, that tlio tlmo limited for tho presentation and filing of claims agalnt tho n.imo (No vo rubor suth, 1011; and for tho payment of debts April !th, lUKi; that f will Rlt at tho county court room In Bald county on tho 30th day.of November 1014, at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly tiled. Dated this Sith day ot April, A. I)., 1014. (9cal). A. I). UANNKV, County Judge. MR. FARMER: You have new fence to build and old to repair. "Do It Now" before you are too busy in the field. We have just received tjvp cars of Tennessee ,1 Red Cedar, Posts 3in and 3iml;anda 1 caf White Cedar "qulrpFknr naives Prices Are Right fS. THE M ALONE-AVERY CO. v Come to Red Cloud Bargain Day IPS A WIDOW JONES SUITS .MEN'S! YOUNG MEN'S ' - BOYS'J And Children's Wash Suits m . B I 11 m lrMHaTaMiV I ill mr jm h tm w m - ifMiv "iW r HI i, VM SHOES For Dress and Work TROUSERS SHIRTS ZtJfi .Baj: r. pk ' 6SS9HIS9aHiH PAIL STORE V TheCGIothler :- Lm . Ae "Ji, ,.,. xyJ,v.t u 'Iw.wfe'ltoiA . sJUmttohiSy L', KrtfcS.v. 'Lifstiti..-- rt,Zi&&mtim J, A .1.1 Wfii,..M!4l'VtJf'."'l'f . . ,. y AV .