The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1914, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Heavy Oil 30c a gallon.-C. V. Wnlllu.
Uert Sherman went to Lineo'n Mou
day. Don Saunders Is homo fioui Kansas
Ben Williams Is homo fioui Gtaud
Alls. Floyd McCull is homo fiom
Oris MutUins was down from Uri n
lug Friday.
Harry Dcdrick went to Covvlcs.Mou
day morning.
Fred Temple of luitisuo City was in
to,n Saturday.
Lloyd Mclntyre went to Lincoln
Wednesday morning
Will Walton of Inavule left Mondaj
for Hillings, Montana.
Miss Maude brush leturned to llusV
ings .Monday morning.
Mrs Wuircii Lougtlu weut to ilust
lugs Wednesday morning.
The Christinas Club met with Mia,
lien MoFarland Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 10, M. Gard wore pass
engers to Grand Island Monday.
Sam Saunders, left for Illinois Wed
nesday morning to visit his bister.
Guy Tennanl left Monday for Green
wood whero ho will work this summer.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
Joseph Topham next Wednesday after
noon. J E. Frohnen of Hastings is in the
city visiting with J. A. Biadford and
Al Cumberland and wife of Geneva
spent Sunday with A. B. Atkins ami
Mr. ilyers of Illinois is in the city
this week visiting with his bi other,
-J. C. Myers.
The State League b.ise ball season
opened Tuesday. The Superior team
was dt-foato'1.
Mrs. Kd. Amuck arrived home Tnes
day from Omaha wheie she had been
visiting her bister.
'Albert Delnh returned home fiom
Kiusas City, Sunday wheie lie
bbeu for some time.
?,Ve take meiohuuts trade chips same
as cash for uny goods in our btore,
The Cowden Kai.i:y CiA Co.
jMrs. C. C. Cox and bon, Clare, and
wife' aro home lioiu Floilda where
they, have btou spending the winter.
'Joo McCiaclcen and II. O. Wolfe
went to Giaud lblaud Wednesday to
attend the U. A. It state eneampmont.
' Jus. Hurden Veiuon Zeiss, J. A.
Jlrudford and Gilbert autoed to
- Hastings Tuesday to tuko In the ball
Mrs. E. Kobblus and daughter, Mis.
Smith left Wednesday morning for
Graud Island to attend tho W. it. C.
II. "j. Coggms who has been working
in this olllee tho past six week", re
signed his position and leturned to
his home at Hebron Sunday.
Wm. Wolfe and wife urrived home
from Colorado Sprlugs Wednesday
morning, where they had been for the
benefit of Mr. Wolfe's health.
I have the best rate lu the county on
farm loans. See me uud be couvluced
My motto prompt service.
"The Lupse of Enoch Weutworth '
Is the tllle of u new serial story, that
annears this week in the Chief. It upl
pears on tho Inside and don't forget lo
read it.
George VanCamp returned to Omaha
the llrst of the week whero he will io-
side lu tho future Ills wife will ic-
main heie tor u short time. George
( has accepted a good position lu Omaha.
Tho ilirectois of the Farmers' Inde
pendent Phono Co., held n meeting
,- Saturday wild elected George lleuids-
Icons a dhector to uu uio tuBuuw,
caused by tho resignation of Frank
The Chief otlloo has llolshed .printing
the new tolophouo directories for tho
Farmers' Independent Phone Co., ami
thoy aro now in the hands of t-ourotary
' O. C Tool for distribution among the
phono patrons.
Tho heavy frost Tuesday night ef
fectually ended tho dieams of oxtta
early tomatoes, potatoes, bealis and a
few other tender plants. The alfalfa
was too far advauccd to bo seriously
huit by this frost.
pi.Uv cemetery is beginning to
look splok aud spau under the enlclent
management of Sexton McCoukey. Tho
entire cemetery is uearly cleaned and
tt presents a very beautiful appear
ance The blue grass has covered al
most all the ground and the trees aud
nhubbery are looking their best. Red
Cloud has reason to be proud of her
silent city, It is one of the best In
the state, each year adds to to Us
beauty and attractiveness. Pres
ent managegjeut had adopted
t.2i. ai.thn.1 rf caring for the
Take your cream to J. O. Caldwell.
Dan Garbcr of Ulverton was lu town
A. C. Atkins arrived homo Saturday
from Lincoln.
Tho county commissioner were In'
session Monday.
FOR KENT A good 5-room house
Hutchison & Saladen.
J. V. Grimes of Dluc Hill wns In tho
city the Hi st of the week.
Frank Elllngerand wlfo spent Sun
day lu Campbell with fi lends.
Mis. W G. Win ron and Miss Doiu
Urlijliinun spent Sunday in Superior.
Mis Walter Warrou went to Finnic
lln Tuesday moinlng to friends.
.John (J. Potter of Denver is visiting
his mother Speiiee Potter, this week
Wyumio had a big llro Saturday
which destroyed scveial blt-dnis
Rev. Hatc-s left Monday for Alllnuci
to attend the annual couvueatiou ol
Geo. Tophuin and family of Blue
Hill spent Sunday hole with fiiends
and lclutivcs
E. G. C.ildwell has purchased a new
Ford automobile of the Hod Cloud
Auto Company.
Wade Koout. has purchased a new
'Maxwell iiiilomobllo for uso in con
nection with his livery business.
Wo want your tiado checks. Same
as cash to us.
CowDi:x Clo. Co.
Uistiict coutt will convene in this
city next Monday Theie aro three
criminal and tlfty civil cases on the
FOll SALE-A few Short Horn and
Polled Durham Hulls. All subject to
register. John Ohmstode, Guide Kock,
John Toiuliusou in lived home the
II ret of the week from Chicago where
liu was called by tho serious illness of
his sister.
Jake Ellinger returned homo Thins
day evening from Hastings whero he
ropiesented Webitcr county M. W. A
camps at the state convention.
I am again ready to make farm
loans promptly and on attractive terms
Solo agent for Trevett, Mattis &
Baker. J. II. Bailey.
Congregational Chinch Notes Sun
day School at 10 a. in. Morning pleach
ing Servico at 11 o'clock. Subject of
seimon, "First Things." Evening ser
vice at 8 p. m. Subject of sermon,
"Spliitual Manhood." Mid-Week Meet
iue: on We'dnesdav evening at 8 p. in.
Everybody Invited to nil service's
John J. liaj uc, Pastor.
This moinlng wc wore shown n clip
ping from aChojeuue, Wyoming, paper
which states that C. II. Halo, who was
recently lelcased from jail ntMcCook
whore ho had beon confined for passing
worthless checks, and who on being
released left for tho west, apparently,
to grow up with tho country, was
again lu durauco vile lu that city,
whero he Is charged with obtaining
50 from ti propiletor of a thirst parlor
at that place, giving him In exchange
a check drawn on a bHUk In which he
has no funds.
A trip over this ounty will reveal
the best crop conditions within the
memory of the oldest Inhabitant. The
wheat, oats, alfalfa uud corn aro all
that mortals can wish. Perhaps never
before lu the history of the county has
the wheat 1eeu so promising. This Is
partly due to tho favorable weather
conditions but more largely, we be
lieve, to the improved methods of
fanning. Our furmers aro up to the
minute on tho newest and best
wrinkles in their business and better
crops are bound to result.
Program For Coming Week
Monday and Tuesday
MAY 18 and 19
The Adventures
Of Kathlyn
The Colonel In Chains
The beauteous Kathljn incarcerated
with her father, Cut. lluie, sees little
hope In prospect for escaping ftoiu tin'
tightening coll of the sualte lil.e, vil
lainous t'uitiailrth, who has suoin
vengeance, smarting under thu hold
blows ot the nullum Aineilcau and re
treated to uilly his minions for thu
nubile Hogging of the Colonel and thu
ilcgroduttoii ot his daughter. Sudden
ly the talk of father and daughter is
interrupted by a noise at tho clo-i-burred
window of their cell, and the
friendly elephant that has aided her
escape applies his gloat strength to a
chain, pulling away the bars and part
of the masonry allowing tho heioiue
to escape.
Kalluyti, who has escaped prison
through tho aid of Bruce, the Ameri
can huiitort sought sanctuary in her
lather's bungalow in the jungle. There
they lure Uinbalhih tlnough the kindly
olllces of the fascinating Puudlta aud
lu a room wliosc door Is guarded uy a
snarling leopard, they compel Uiubal
lull toiilgn a release for Col. Hare,
who was chained to a pillar in the
dungeon unable to escapu Then they
make their way to a distant icndc.vous
where they aio to meet Col. Hare.
Piogram will include two oini:ii ooon
The Material Value of Beauty
It used often to bo remarked that
"beauty Is a luxuiy." This splilt has
made tho majority of American towns
quite ugly. Meanwhile, as education
advances and peoplo travel, thoy leain
that good taste is not costly Also
ugliness i often terribly expensive.
The spring is the time uf much new
construction. It Is the sohhou for
cleaning up and beautifying towns.
The time has gone by when tho com
munity is a whole views with Indiffer
ence the ehniuoler which now growth
takis. ThcielMu growing deslio for
simple .luos, harmonious colnr.s, avoid
ntico of the lnonstiosltitH and cccoutrl
cities that ono sees nearly cvorywhoio
Wjien people uio looking for a plnco
for lesldence, the (list thing they ash
lb to the chances for business. In per
Imps even nioie iis's it Is '"Is jour
town an ultiaclhe plnco lo live iuV
if on visiting the prospective homo
tho sheets aio seen to be slatternly,
the buildings grotsipio and llUlu-pt, It
will take very good business ur educa
tional prospects lo neutiallv.j these
"Thus beauty has its distinct commer
cial Milue. A street with trees and
lloweis makes every house moicsiilnblc
at higher pi ices. Other things being
equal, prospective residents will pay
more money to live lu a town vvheio
a consistent attempt is made tuvvaid
beautifying ihe place.
Au ugly houso cheapens nearby
properly. Omaha Examiner.
A Belter Blue Serge Special
S 4 cs Guaranteed
I AH Wool and
it IfiHU
Fast Color
What's On Your Mind ?
Oh: That Old Hat !
Wednesday and Thursday
MAY 'JO uud ill
new Mary Fuller pictui es, with tluce
other reels.
First Show at 8 p. m. Second al
0:30. Matinee Saturday at 3 p. in.
Tho fact that Nebraska can grow
com and alfalfa at lets cost than al
most any other state In the Union
makes it posslblo for'Nebraska to take
advantage of tho high price of meat
Ten years of experimental work at the
Nebraska E.perimeut Station has
nroved that beef can bo nroduced at a
lower cost ou some combination of the
corn plant, and alfalfa than any other
food combination nvailablo in the
state. A large amount of data have,
been obtained on the comparative
value of cattle foods and may bo had
upon application for bulletins Nos. UU
and 13J of tho Bulletin department,
Univeislty Farm, Lincoln.
Water Lost In Three Ways
Water In the soil may bo lost in
three ways. By downward percolation,
byovi'.porntloii at tho surface, and by
uso of the plants. As there is scaicely
ever enough water in many parts of
Nebraska to allow percolation, it need
not getioially concern thu fanner.
Evupottilloti, however, is a thing that
can bo partially controlled. Molstuto
comes to the surface like oil lu a wick.
If laud Is cultivated, thu evaporation
is greatly loturiieu, for water moves
slowly thru a loose soil. As rain is
gcueially followed by a wind which
luduces evaporation, it it well to cultl
vate as soon after a rain as iioss
It also assists lu destroying nu
factor in the loss ofvvater, the weeds
Cultivutioiillls weeds which use the
moihturo that should be rcscived for
the plants, A detailed discussion of
"The Storage aud Use of Soil Moist
uie" may be secured upon application
for Bulletin No. 1 10 of the Bulletin de
partment, Univeislty Farm, .Lincoln.
We knew it, and have juft what you want
in either a iliff hat or one of those nobby
soft ones they are wearing on 5 th avenue.
The prices won't startle you either, as we
are building trade by giving values that
bring you back. We will expect you in,
and may we suggest that you take a look
at the new suits for spring.
The Clothcraft No. 5130 Blue Serge, special at $15.00
is belter ihan ever this season on account of the reduction
in the cost of wool.
Clothcraft all wool suits $10.00 to 20.00
Kuppcnhcimcr all wool suits
$78 to 27. SO
New Shoes and Furnishing fo spring that will please you.
he Qoiaden-Kaley Qlothing Qo.
other S
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
Look Stop Listen
Farm Loans
Lowest rates, best option,
me at State Bank. C. F.
Call for
Just - Received
Large assortment of
The Corset of
Youthful Vitality
Why Not A Few Sheep?
A few sheep on the avernuo Nebraska
farm, if pi operly eared for, will give
yood financial return!?. A fanner who
is not familiar with sheep htisbandr.i
should start with a small Hock and lis
his number ki'ow.h his knowledge ol
sheep management will increase. Tin
profits derived from the sheep busi
ness, the Nebraska College of Agricul
ture tlnds, are largely determined by
the shepherd's knowledge of the Indus
try. Sheep aro sometimes called the
plant scavengers of the farm. They
will thrive on more kinds of weeds
than will atiy other domestio animal.
Sheep prove invaluable In clcaulug
weedy pastures, fenco corners, and in
removing brush. Sheep can always be
rased to good ndvanlage in utilizing
products which would otherwise go to
waste, such as the scattered heads and
volunteer growth in tho stubble field,
orab riiisb, and the lower leaves in tho
O'Cedar & Wizard
Polish for Mops . . .
25c, 50c, $1
B. E. JffGFarland
All the Phones
TIIK young woman of today, with
her linmonto vitality, requires
a coisot allowing the greatest free
dom of motion. For dancing, for
. ..1 ... t....i t la ilin
VlgOlOllS Ulliuuur II.IOHU1U in .r. ... ...
ideal corset.
The Unrestricting
3 s v
College Girl No. 8
Tills is a now model made with an
oxtreinoly low bust, allowing the
gieatest mobility, and giving the
modish, iiucoisetod appearance. It
has also the long, stylish skirt, fit
ting In closely It Is made of sub
btantial mateiial, carefully. boned
with long, pliable steels. Attractive,
imported embroidery finishes U
neatly at tho bust. Priced In our
corst department at the excep- A 4
tlonally low price of
Wo have a complete showing of
J, O. C. Corsets in designs
,Ceir:::r. $ito$6
Why Hoe?
We have on hands over $1,000 worth of Ladies' Ox
fords and Slippers which we are going to put on sale
at a price which you cannot resist. Prices as follows:
$3.50 and 3.75 slippers go at $2.50
3.00 and 3.25 slippers go at 2.00
2.25 and 2.50 slippers go at 1.50
2.00 - slippers go at 1.25
This Big Sale opens Nay 1st,
Come in and look our line over.
Carpenter's Bargain
Tho loosening of tho soil by cultiva
tion so tlmt oxygen and nitrogen nmv
enter Is nrcef'Sary for the best plant
growth. Tho normal surface soil is
full of millions of bacteria which live
on the. vegetable matter of the soil
Tiie bacteria cause this to decay and
thus become soluble and usablu for
plants. If the baeleiia do not get the
oxygen, they die. The nitrogen Is of
assistance in the growing of legumin
ous crops, buch as clover, alfalfa, pons,
and beau", as well as tho uon-leguiuiu-ojis
crops. In oulor to secure tho
proper amount of miration, tho Nu-
braska College of Agriculture advises
pioper draiungo and cultivation. Moo
ing, nr'other cultivation, in addition,
by destroying weeds, eouforves the
needed moisture.
Sure Deatbfp lice
mitea all vermin and dlsriK&errns if you use
Drafts Powdered Lice Killer
gfrCSZZS qfeind coo.
A great money saver. Lousy hens cannot lay
neither can lousy chicks grcVtv f
Pratt Poultry Regulator lithe bt tonic and developing
help. I'kgi. Uc. COc. COo. 1.00; 15 lb. pall f2.G0. Ktfuwi
Bubtltut; Inalit on Pratts.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back
cfl Get Pra ttaMpaoo roultry Book
Gold and euarantocd by GEORGE W. TRINE.
F. G. Turnace & Son
Agntg for
Dakota Gounty Hires .
Farm Demonstrator
Dakota county fanners, who lecont
lv formed n farm management associa
tion, Imvo hired 'II ugh Hiiymoud of
Norfolk, to becomo their farm demon
strator, effeotive July 1. Mr. Ray
mond lias been edentilled with farm
ing all his life. lie was reared ou n
farm in South Dakota und lived for u
number of years on a farm lu Fillmore
county. Ho also taught stock feeding
and stock judging et the University
8chool of Agriculture, Lincoln. Ne
braska now has several farm demon
strators. They ure located in Oage,
Thurston, Seward, Merrick, Madison,
Dawes and Dakota counties.
FOR SA.LK-Mtiwer cycles t2aob t-
lV, JrSr j'
at I
A Pcrlrait
m nt to the ub-oilt
ones now and then
bit dr. the liieiid
'hlps of you tli,
biidgt-8 distunco
hi d Ui,i s closer
tin ths of family
I'lut kins (du.
t)ur f.i t U'i.i.. b,
III II Ol II ill- UlUllh
II II i HJIll)llll ut,
p i mpl iituu'l in
i ml oniu'tsy lo
p a l r o ii a h a v e
uiadn silling for
phot o graphs a
real pleasure,
Our pi ices a re
consistent with
the high quality
of our work.
Make an ap
pointment today.
Steveis Bros.
m, J, C Caldwell
CixlIo'AnBvvercid Bo y or Nlflht
OIllcoTt'lpliniU'H: lloll.M; I ml. IW.
Ugx. I'ilc'ih(iiuii: Ikll, Hi(fJ7J; Iml.lW.
Office Over N. A. Allirltht's Store
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Red Cloud -a " Nebraska
We Have Aided
In Building Great
Fortunes For r
I jicver Advertiser
ll,otosU) RfUw HUrDt.
bOtV. WaIIIb.
-tyjKvK . xi
' ''? m p
" a .V
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