The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1914, Image 4
m 4 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 3i I it l tl ' 1 Iri-L. fit : i-Jf IE " 't' if' 1 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY .flaatCTCd In the roRtolttco at Hed Cloud. Neb. M Hccond Claw Matter .. B. McARTIIUR I'UJIMBIIKIl ONLY DKMOCHATIO PArKH IN WEIIBTEH COUNTY Political Announcements jAMMonccments Are Run Under This M4 By Paying the Sum ol Five Dol Jara Which Must De Cash In Advance. Our Columns Are Open For Any Legi timate Advertising and Wo Welcomo Announcements Rcgai'dlcso of Party Affiliations. ii a TOK S1IKIUKF I licrcbj announce tn.uelf a can didate for the oltleo of Sheriff of Web ster County, subject to tlio will of the voters ,rjf the Democratic party nt the primary election to be lieltl August 18, J014. HlllllMlSOX. 1 liereliy announce myself ti candid ate for the oillco of .Sheriff of Webster f county, Mibjtet to the will of 'the rotcrsof tlio Democratic party ut the primary election to bo held August 18, J914. GRANT CHRISTY. inr,oby ntinounco myself u candi date for tho 7lominutton of Sheriff of i Webster County sublet to the will of iihe voters of 'the Democratic party at Ctfco Primary election to bo held August 116, 1014. CilAS. J. KKIlttOX. JL.hereby announce in ) self as acandl c.dato for the oillceof Sheriff of Webstar COHnty, subject to the will of the voteis col tho Democratic party ut tlio primary i election to be held August 18, 191 1. Jam. IIi'iia'ika. I tako this method of announcing ..nyselfnsn candidate for Hie oillco of .8beriff of Webster county, subject to Itho will of tho progiesivo voteis tobo expressed at tho primary August 18th T. W. Win in. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as acaudi jdetc for tho olllce of Treasurer of Webster County, subject to the will of 3Lbe voters of tho Democratic parly at ".the primary election to bo held Aug at 18, 1014. Geo. W. Trine. X tako this 'method of unnounolngmy candidacy for tho oillco of County Teaaurer, subject to the decision of lke republican voters at the primary ..August 18th. C. D. Roiiinson. FOR COUNTY CLERK .1 Jboreby announce myself a candi date for tho olllce of County Cleik of debater County, subject to the will of -iho voters of the Democratic paity at ."Jlio primary election to bo hold August J8, 1014. Fiiank Vavhicka. J hereby unnoiincc myself a catidl titavta for the olllce of Comity Clerk of WaMtcr county, subject to tho decision jal.the voters of the Republican patty Xt.ike primary to bo held August 18th, 219J4. Ciiah. C. Bennktt. JTOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER J hereby announce myself a candl- ztl K ROYAL Baking Powder Is the Housewife's Greatest Help. WHAT so tempting to the laggard appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? Royal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit nnd muffin, and improves the flavor and healthf ulness of all risen flour foods. It renders the biscuit, hot bread and short cake more di- gestible and nutritious, at the same time making them more attractive and appetizing. Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable for the preparation ajl, the .year round of perfect foods. - ( w-, Msmtf&m&ukMmi INl r """'TlliHI.Wilfc dato for the nomination of County Commissioner of Commissioner District No. 1, Biibjcct to the will cf the voters of the Democratic party at tho pilmary election to bo held August 18, 1014. A. II. BRIGHT. I hereby announce myself asacandl dato for County Commissioner for dis trict 4, subject to the will of tho demo cratic voters at the primary electiou to bo held Aug. 18, Hill. .1. A. McAiiTlltiu. FOR RKl'IlESENTATLVB I hereby announce mysolf as a caridi date for State Ropiosontallve for tho 10th district subject to tho will of tho Republican voters at the primary oleo Hon August 18th I trust I merit your support. A. K. Il.iiTi:t.i.. KOlt COUM'Y A'lTOKNHY I hereby announce mjself a eaiidl. dato for County Attorney of Webiter county, subject to the action of tho Dumocraticpaity at tho primary elec tion, August 18, 1011. E. G. CAMnvnu.. , I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho odlco of County Attorney, subject to the will of the voteis of tho Republican Party at the primaries to bo held on August 18th, 11)11 , HllANSON W. SThWAKT. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT I. announce myself "s a candidate for the nomination on the Democratic and Peoples Independent ticket at the primary election to bo hold August 18tli, For tho olllce of county superin tendent of Webster county. GERTRUDK L. COON Geo., 12. Hall of Franklin, president of the Franklin Exchange Dank, has filed as a democratic candidate for the oillco of state ticasurer. Mr. Hall will make a very stiong candidate nnd Should come out in tho lend at the Novomber election. Alma Journal. Mr. J. A. MoArthur has yielded to the ploas of his many friends and has llled lor the nomination for the oillco of County Commissioner of district number four on tho detnouratio ticket. Ho is an old settler and well acquaint ed with the real needs of Webster county. Mr. J. L. Grimes of Uluo Hill is about to tlio for.tho nomination for tho olllce of county tioasurer i on tho Progressive, and,, Republican tickets. Mr, Grimes is an old resident of this county and is wojl unci favorably known. Ho lo well qualified for this position and his friends aio pleased that he has determined., to make the race. Tho man who keeps tho weeds from growing in his garden, that kcops the grasi mown on his lawn, and who keeps his picmiso generally in good, condition, may find the work exacting at times, but lie gets' lots of satisfac tion out of it. Ho knows that it is good for his health, for his solf re spect and the appearance of his home towji. lllue Hill Leader. i -pC p - -M .M-. V I'tSr-wrm MM rtlta An exchtitigo rcmtuUs that a man can start out any day, and Inside of an hour and thirty minutes he can engnge a woman to work for him for life nt nothing u week, while It will tako two weelcs of solid search to get ono to worlc ut fair wages and board. Miss Gertrude Coon has filed for the nomination of County Superintendent subject to tho will of tho voters of tho Democratic party. Miss Coon Is Book ing re-olcctlou nnd she naturally feels that her efficient handling of this olllce during tho past two years will deserve favorable consideration at the hands of the people. Shu has mado a good olllcial and is '.veil liked by till the Nchool authorities, The slalo banks of Nebraska are bo lug called upon to put up something like $51,000 witli which to meet tho losses of deposltoiu in tho Supoilor state bank. There uio. over 700 of ihctn, and It will cost them nn average of about S7f each out of the funds they have set aside for the guaiaute.o fund. It Is the first time thebaukshave ever been cullcM upon to put up for u fail ure, and it is doubtless appreciated a gicat. deal more by the depositors than by the bunkers. Onmlia Examiner. Reputation. After n man has mado a reputation it Is tho trying to decorato it that generally gets hint into trouble. Puck. LFJRE 5 THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF" FIRE for the man without insurance Eveiy time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In his throat If the (ire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis1 taken economy. ' THE C09T OF is so small that It INSURANCE need hardly be considered. Tho freedom from worry alone is worth It many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. itAdC We Are Looking For The Man Who has soiled his clothes so badly that they mo not fit to wear. No iiiattt'r how dirty or greasy the suit may be we are equipped l Ii tho most modem muehinciy ami hnvo skilled workuun who know how to Clean, Repair and Press Clothes G. Jassiugef Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones E. S. Geu-ber Heal Hstatc, 1'nim Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Dr. Nicholson H? DENTIST OFFIOK qrKR AI.IIIIIOIIT'a BTORK i irf RlVRRTON OK MONDAY aprjcrswr.ift i iUhVi " -"" .1H.MI-. aa"-v . iiyooMBr nmmmmmmmmmmmtm O101& Qui Notice of Flnnl Repsrt. In tlio County Court of Webster county, Nuhr.iHka. tn the matter of tliecstatcot Alice I'lnkcn binder, deceased. All pcrxoiiH Interested In snll estate aro hereby notified that tho Administrator bait llled a final account and report ol Ills admin istration, nnd a petition for final Kcttlcincnt of bin account and a dlfcharxo from bin trust, which have been net for bearing bctoro wild court on tho3nth day of May 11)14, nt 11 o'clock, A. M , when all persons Interested In tho premies may appear and contest the same. Dated this Oth day of May 1014. mkai.J A. 1. Hannkv, County Judge In (he County Court of Webster County, Nebraska! Stntuof NcbrsiHka, I ,M Webster County. ( In tho matter of the estate of Kfltlu I). Strickland, drenscd. CKKimoitSnf h:iM citato will ta!;o notice, that tho time lliiiliicl for the presentation and llllnt; of claims aunlhl tin; nunc l No vember iitb, IDil; ami for the payment of debts Apill 'Jjtli, lulu; that I will hit at tho county com t room In said county on tbe'.Kitb d of November nil I, at 10 o'clock A. M., to ricclNc, examine, bear, allow, or-iiiljust all claims and objictlons duly llled. Dated this 'iV.b day of April, ATI)., Kill. (Seal). A. D. l(A.SNKY,County.IudKe. Notice of Final Rrrjott. In the County Court of Webster county, N'ebriiHkn. In the mattir of the estate of Catbailne Studcbakcr, deceased. All person IntcrcMcd In said estate are hcroby potllled that the Administrator has filed a final account and report of bis admin istration, and a petition far llnal settlement of bis account and a discharge from bis trust, which have been feet for hcarlru; before said court on tho 2flth day of May, 1014, at 10 o'clock A. M., when all persons Interested In the premises may appear and contest tho same. I Utcd this 0th day of May 11)1 1. SKAI.) A. D. llANNHV, County .ludnc. ' Notice of Flnnl Rrosrt. In tho County Court of Webster county. Nebraska. In tho matter of the estate of Clyde Vance Points, deceased. . All persons Interested In said estate arc hereby nottllcd that the Administrator has tiled a tl mil account and report of his admin istration, and a petition for llnal sestlement of his account and a discharge from bis trust, which havobcen set for hearing before Mild court on the ?.nd day of May l'JH. at 10 o'clock A. M., when all persons Interested In tho premises may appear and contest the same. Dated this 30th day of April, 11)1 1. skai.1 A. D. Hannkv, County .Indue. In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska, STATP.DPNnilUASICA, I W coster county, l In tlio (matter of the estate of Krayk X Koclmcl deceased. Cltr.IHTOltS ill said estate- will tako notice, that tliu tlmo limited for presentation and lllliiK of claims aKAlust tho bamo Is Novum. bcrlGtti A. D. ltlll; nnd for tho payment of debts NJ April 17th, 11)15, that 1 Mill sit at the county court room In said county on tho Kith day of November, Kill, at 10 o'clock, . M., to recche, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated thtH'ilst dayof April, A. 1)., 1011. A. 1). HANNKV, (ski.) County .liuh;e. The White Diamond De-Horning Pencil For sale nt J. E. YOST'S Meat Market Every pencil will dc-norn fifty calves from ouo day to one year oldfor Call and Get One. SI CAMP TNE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -s- Nebraska Second House North ol I. O. O. F. Hall -O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free o IHienc Intl. 213 DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Vetoiiunry College iwuhvi: viiaiis r.xi'iiiturscE ATIIAII.KY'STIE BAKN Rod Cloud :- Nebraska Y0UN6 CHICKS dl af bowel troublt mora Una any other cini. It Ii tlBUMdtlUtOf myiooockldu kitchtd atch gj"jjjjjjjjjJ2J"jjjjjjjmjaj! tliianwitMniai tomb make ManttM attraf MatiMVjaw MUM. Mt SAIE BY N. jf. CMCC tMHNI KJKir.Hja&mK twlca a.VMk irtai m w " SgstHF1 m siaMtMiM Mat r J y'f'!&jfiiaa. nTi Tm ' r ' ' ' j.'Trrnr'Y't'rr rr'ir'r"tr;irii"(r -hi ..,' rv --- - r i -ii i i i liiiih i' i I I i ihi n i i i' i Vrfi. Tl "- "f inMMIllfc,IM,l : i " t . i ... - ISDT SAY UNDERWEAR, SAY MUNSIN8jf ' rrur rVITiMI?1 RPHQ fO IJtljti rillNtiK UKtfD. V. i MIRRORS'. MIRRORS Of all sizes and shapes. If it is a Balh Room Mirror you need we have them, in White Enamel with Plate Glass, Shelf and Towel Rack. We' also have them in Gilt, Walnut and Oak Frame, in all of the sizes in French Bevel and Plain. The price is right. ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture "Dealer. i U aHajjaaHHB v,, I FOR DeLaval acrid Beatrice Cream Separators Qvieen Incubactors flour and Feed of All Kind s Geo. W. Trine Both Phones MONUMENTS - WANTED FOR - Deeofation Day Shovild Be h- or Thm B.t High Grade Memorial I ti OVERING BROS. & GO. Hell Gloud, --Jt Nebraska 9S69aaMaaC9aiasS6S S9S9 SALE & S WDEKi2asBS-;rr r -mmmtm Ordered Now Consult.. i A V ba-Ha-IMMMM. ttu&lWM & .' m 1jjZeaa aTaTaTaTaaTLSJSS.MaaaaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTWaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa fc-T.' , - j J ZsSP '"-Sf J, ,' JaBV"wJIalg' " " '. ' L' 1 "'' " ' ' IT Maaaaataaai aaaamat,aaaMJJLtaatrmmamamm)aamJaamJaaam " JJMaawwMajm aaaaa i 1 1 - "V zLaaW'WaaaWW