The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1914, Image 1
&.Aauwv(ajrwft!ft'&.4x . mm 1 1 J? U4rhtic &AX ' ArjMMtPMaBWK.3'-BBaiq . jm'( t r ,yi . fe.V. ' If-' .'1. Bg., ' ' f ' "" .' N " S? " - Z?-'" s.'-rm--Z 'f?5??&t ' i i-J" -.; iS$S5'"-rs'jr?''j?2 VOLUME .J Hi vtf to to vi to to 0 to to to to to to to to to Hi Hi Hi Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this ' bank, because, we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here would be safe without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA iSV 0mf .- m m'J'0'm m' 0f imfm0m s Vifi i There is no Closed Season for KODAKING It is the "all-the-year-around" sport, and you can carry a Kodak anywhere. Easy to use and every part of the work can be done in daylight. Kodaks. $5.00 to $111.00 Brownies. Sl.00 to $f?-00 All the new goods from Ko dak City in stock. E. H. Newhoiise Optometrist and .lewder. VlA.rfWW' Died 'Miles Doyle, aged 81 yous unit 9 months, died ut bis homo in this city Sunday af tornoon after a long Ulne9s. He was boru iu Ireland, August 10, 1833, and came to thin couuUy lu early mauhood'. He was a splendid cltlzeu and a devoted husband and a kind uud Indulgent father, lie resided on u farm for many years up until three years ago when ho moved to this city, wboto he has since- made his home. Ho was married to Cathrine Breoti Juuo 22, 1858.. To this union ten ehildreu wore born, who together with thirty-eight grand children, four great graud children, a brother, John Doyle of this city, a sister, Mrs, Mary Sen nstt of Sanborn, Iowa, are left to moufu his demise. Funeral services were held at tlio Catholic church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, interment taking place in the Cathollo cemetery. The Chief along with their many friends cxteud con dolence to the bereaved family. Card o! Thanks We wish to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the sickness mid death of our husband uud father, Mits, Mii.ks Dovm: and Family Annual Report of City Clerk The following Is rt statement of the HNpeuscn'of the City of Red Cloud, Ne braska, for the ileal year ending May 4, 111) I, as shown by the records In the olliee of the City Clerk. 5 gen. fund War. issued :1C81 10 171 clee. light (cost) fM war. is. 07 Jii 15 5 ",,. ," (lcvj)J'd.war. is, 1C02 70 :J3 water (cost) fund war. issued vSio "5 12 " (levy) " " " lOl'O 0!) 00 occupation fund wsir. issued 2228 8) 2 Fireman fund " " ,T3i 7n HOI) Warrants issued. Total $2094130 The'present conditloti of the various funds after deducting Jail outstanding warrants (except old light plant dubt estimated at 81700.00) at close of busi ness May 4, 1914, was us follows: nEsovnci:s Gen. Fund uucolUevy 8.ri pcrc't 021 33 Elec. Lt. " " " 85 Water " " " 85 Oc'pat'u " " " 85 Electric Light (cost) fund Water (cost) fund A Judgment (cost) fund Occupation (cost) " Fireman's Fund " G0 87 " 370 02 (est'djaM 00 210 12 501 8.1 200 Ou JIG 42 22 45 V Total Resources 8 8137 50 LIAIIU.ITlr.H Goueral Fund warrants out'atd g020 87 Elec. Light " " " 257 10 Water " " " 15S 80 Total outstanding wan ants $ 1QI2 77 Water lionds outstanding i2)00 00 Electric Lt lionds " 83LO 00 Total liabilities 8 111542 77 Electric Lt. llond repaid dur ing year , 8 1000 00 No Bouds issued or refunded during the year. Dated this 4th day of May 1914. O. C. TkuL, City Clerk. Weather Report for April Temperature: Mean Gil degrees; maximum 90 degrees on the 2lut; mini mum 15 deg. on the 9th. Precipitation: Total .OS Indies. Number of days clear 18, partly cloudy 5, cloudy 7. Dates of frost Light 29th, killing 15th. Dates of Thunderstorms 23d. Prevailing wind Direction N. W. " Remarks Precipitation since Jan. 1 2 70 Inches. Ciiah, S. Ludlow, Observer. The Storage And Use Of Soil Moisture The Nebraska Experiment Station has just issued liullciin No, 140, on 'Tlio Storage and Usoof Soil Moisture". It luay be had free by residents of Ne braska on application to the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Stat on, Lincoln, Nobraska. 4 Hcwainuer That Hives The Arks !EI) CLOUD, JSJCBUASKA, ,MAV M, ItlM. Program for Memorial Sunday On Sumlity, May 2lt'i, nil Buldiers and FUilors of the Civil and Spanish American wars and members of the W. R. C, ate requested to meet at MuhoiiIc II ill at ten o'clock, a. m. From this plaru they will march to the Opel a Hoiisi', where union services will ho held, conducted by the local ministerx. Riv. Wright will give the address. Mu.-ie furnished by mixed choir. DKCOHATION On Saturday, May Illth, iillomradeB of American wars with memberu of W. R. C will meet at Miunnic hull at one o'clock, p. in., when line of march commanded by O. 0. McConkey will form on Webster Street mid march south iu (l west to the cemetery heuil cd by the Red Cloud bund. DuUils to dtcoratc graves will be assigned by Commander Wolfe. After decorating graves line of march will form a hollow rquuro iit the monument for ths Unknown Ddhd where the exerciser of the W. R. C and G. A. R. will be given. Close with benediction. Column will then march to rp-ra house win re the following piogram will be given: Miific Red Cloud Rnnd. Invocation Rev. Geo. Hummel. Reading, "Lineoln'ti Avldrces 'at Gettysburg Chnplain Roycc. Music, Solo-Mrs. Will West. FIr Drill School Children. Music. Reading, "List of Deud Comrades'- S. B. Kizer. Address E. J. Overing, ' Song, "America" Audience. Benediction Rev. J. J. Cayne. m Ileal Estate transfers. Real Estate Tiatibfors for Week end ing May Oth," l'JU. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Boudo 1 Abstractor, Red Cloud, Nebrasica. O. II. Strayer, single, to Flank Graham, wd, lots 7, 8, lilfc. 10, Smith & .Moore's Add to Red Cloud' 8 G50 William X. RiehanUon to llessle Richardson, wd, sVi lot 5, and lot 0, 111k. Q; LeDuc's Add to Red Cloud 1 Frank J. Munday and wife to Frank Abel, wd, lots 7, 8," 0, Ulk. 2, Sub-Div. Annex lot 12, Red Cloud 400 Sarah J. Delahoyd and Hush., to Fred Wehnes, wd, lots 3, 1, Rlk. 7, Hoover's Add to Blue Hill 1C0 Fred Wehnes and wife to Edgar Mcllrlde, wd, lots 3, 4, Blk. 7, Hoover's Add to lilue.Uill 150 .7. Ed C. Fisher, Trustee to Les Ho Cooper Glllett, Trust Doed, soli 31-1-12 1 Leslie Cooper Ulllett to Leila Owsley iillett, wd, seK 31-1-12 1 George Ream to Surah J. A mints, qcd, sijswj4' 32-1-0 17 "ordella R. Wright uud Hush., to barah J. Arrants, qcd, b sw)i 32-1-9 380 Josehlne Leckeuby to Sarah J. Arrents, qcd, a)i sw 82-1-0.. W. II, Roam and wife to Sarah J. Arrents, qcd, sf sw. 32-1.9 Joseph Beam to Sarah J. Ar rents, qcd, s4 &w 32-1-0 Mary O. Ilasklns and Ilusb., to Sarah J. Arrents, qcd, sj'sw 32-1-9 , .' S. Magner and wife to Frank Smith, wd, lot 2, Blk. 0, S weezy's Add Blue Hill 380 25 20 580 10 D Moore nud wife to Lawrence -State Bank, wd, setf 10-1-9.... 10.0CO Herman Schmidt and wife to Mrs. Erallo Bank, wd, lot 3, Blk. 22, Rluo Hill 1000 Mortgages Hied, 821,237.00. Mortgages released, 820,775.00. Poultry Prospects Reports from poultry exports rccelv , cd by the Nebraska State Hoard of , Agriculture, indicate that a prosperous year Is cxpeetod in this Industry.' ! Fowls camo through the wlutor in good condition nud therv-nro signs of in.! creased Interest in this important industry, I'lfty - two Weeks Each Year For Sl.fiO. Commisioners Doings Red Cloud, May 11, 19M. Hoard of county coinmiusionerH met pursuant to nrij nirnmcnt. Mcmbera present, viz: Storey, Iluirmau, McCall, Ohimti'do unilT. J. Chaplin, chairman, uf Hoard. On motion tlio general contract for the court houio building read, approved and signed. O.i motion the Inn 1 of the Howies Co., tlio general contrac'nr for the nuld court house build, wu passed upon by tho county attorney nud approved by the hoard of comrnifaionors. On motion tho plumbing nnd heating contract for the new court-house build ing was read, upproved nnd signid. In the matter of C. F. EvnnH claim for ?23i. lt was moved and seconded tint u warrant be drawn for $199 in favor of tiiid Evbih and $25 hn p'dd Mid Evann when j)h of moving court house I completed, steps to be pi jeed at Eiat entrance, chimneys properly pvotcetul at bottom, and no allowance to ho made for moving cknut or pitching chimneyM, as board did not nq lino him to place ImiUing on fouu hitiou. On motion board ar'jjuriud to May 12. May 12, 1913 j Hoard met pursuant to lu'j lurnineiii, numbers pr.sent, aunhovu, ixcupllkff man. In the mptler of the pe'itiunof Robt. Quiggle of Rnemont in Oak Creek Pre cinct for liccnc to tun pool hull in Risemont in said prccina;, now coming ou to be heard. I It wns moved nnd soconde.K that a license be granted t'j Robt. Q jiggle, us prayed for in said petition. Motion carried! i On motion the County Clerk Is here by authorized and instructed to issue License to said Quiggle. On motion the following oflloinl bouds were approved; L. Sohenk as Road Oaorseer of Dlst. No. 10'; T. A. SUITS MEN'S YOUNG MEN'S BOYS' And Children's Wash Suits go!W ?3k 69e9-B-e9aMMW of nut. No. II H. On motion tlio following claims wore allowed: Chits. Kihoilon 8 3 (X) C F. Evans 199 00 II. .1. Maurer '.VJ 0() J. A. Toinlliifcou 15 lu T. .1, Ilarwood 2 00 j John V. Thompson 2 00 Pope Bros, 1135 Robt. ITainerell , r ir 0(1 j Robt. Mitchell .'...V 01 0() A 11. MeAithur -.. 5 Is Edith L. McKelghiii .'HI f,0 A. 1). Raiinoy 20 55 Anni Belle Spauogle i., 2150 T.J. Chaplin 71 CO Floyd MeCall 48 () G. Ohmstcdo,v Paul Storey... L Peters Amanda Dlllln. Dr. U.S. Reed. F. W. Miller... Harry Conner.. 51 20 25' 00 fi 10 7 10 5 10 r. io 5 70 Elmer Doiighmau 5 10 Ilelllln as Overseei MR. FARMER:- You have new fence to build and old to repair. "Do It Now" before you are too busy in the field. We have just received two cars of(Tennessee Red Cedar Posts 3in and 3Lin, and a car of White Cedar quarters and halves. .'. Prices Are Right ; THE MAL0NE-AVERY CO. A i7Jh " t) i I 111 JTnu IT'S A WIDOW JONES k4t. l A VmV 1 1 lllfl PAIL STOREY The:C!othler NUM3JER20 i. Leslie Dlllln 7 W Leoia Dlllln 7 1CT Elmlra Dlllln 7 10 Edward Dlllln 7 10- E S. (larber 4 10 .1. M. Roland 5 10? A ndrow Guy 3 10" Geo. W. Hngnn 3 7t) John Mni'Hh 8 10' John Ely & 1(1 Junius Simpson .' 3 10- Charles Simpson 10 15 Ou motion Hoard ndjournod to call of Clerk. Announcement Having bought tho variety store In Red Cloud, I Intoud to give to the trade as groat a variety of goods and at a nrlce within tin: means of nil. A square deal and a return of your pat louagu will bo profitable to both. Yours for biz., C. II. Rusr. Roy Hoblmou of McCook is in town today , : ,. SHOES For Dress and Work 2g TROUSERS 22 SHIRTS ! Tl i - :-r . -'. 1 -ft s A 3 4 "v 18 Sin Al M m j' it w. CI 4Ji I ' At wmmwwwh,