The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1914, Image 8

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The Business Men of Red Cloud have arranged another
DAY which will be held
on which one day only they will offer for cash trade a fine assortment of
Seasonable Merchandise at Special Reduced Prices
The stores of Red Cloud are known to have the largest and best stocks in the Republi
can Valley and you are invited to look these over whether you desire to buy or not.
Come and spend the day. The following is the list of special offers:
20 per cent discount on
library tables and push carts
on Bargain Day.
Ed Amack
Special reduced prices
on all ready-to-wear
hats on Bargain Day
At Miss AverilPs
20 per cent discount on my
entire line of trimmed hats.
Mrs. G. W. Barrett
7 loaves of bread for 25c on
bargain day only.
Ice cream soda and summer
brinks served to order.
Bon Ton Bakery
Wax beans 10c per can.
2j4 lb. can peaches 15c.
nli lb. can apricots 15c.
iYi lb. can sweet potatoes
-2 cans for 25c.
4 packages corn flakes 25c.
Jas. A. Burden
We will have on display
200 trimmed hats ranging in
price from 50c to $3.50. No
thing higher than $3.50.
Many of these would sell reg
ularly for .$4.50 to $8.00.
$1.25 house dresses at oSc.
Mrs. J. A. Burden
Special bargains in , all
oxfords, both women's and
children's at
' Carpenter's
Bargain Shoe Store
Free Open Air Band Concert at One ,0'clock
Special Bargain Day Matinee at the Tepee at 3 p. m.
lvEyiifidVfi I
Buy, your china and cut
glass for commencement gifts
at discount of 25 per cent.
Henry Cook, M. D.
20 per cent discount
on wall paper.
25 per cent discount
on pocket knives.
Ghas. L. Cotting
The DrutftfUt
Men's and boys' felt hats, at
20 per cent discount.
Five pairs men's fine 25c
socks for Si. 00. .
Gowden Kaley Co.
A dish of ice cream will be
served with each 25c dinner
on Bargain Day at the
Farmers' Restaurant
Mrs. L. B. Keagle, Prop.
100 lbs. wire nails for $2.00.
A $550 National cash reg
ister, new, only $250.
E. T. Foe
Special prices on all traveling
bags, suit cases, trunks, hand
bags and pocket book, also
hammocks $5.00. Grips for
These low prices are for
cash only,
Joe Fogel
Four cakes of toilet
soap for 25c, regular
10c value. Several
kinds to select from.
H. E. Grice Drug Go.
When in Red Cloud leave
your auto at
Hall's Garage "
Repairing a specialty. Deal
ers in
Four $1050
Six 51575
Gents 'two-piece suit cleaned
and presse'd for $1.00.
Ladies' jacket suits cleaned
and pressed for Si. 00.
Skirts cleaned and pressed 50c
Ladiea list does not Include wliltOHeriH-'.
Theso price will be good on Bargain' I
Day, Mny 10th, only.
R. G. Hassinger
Clcnner and Dyer
Bargains in Real Estate
will be found on the list of.
Hutchison & Saladen
Lowest rates on farm loans.
See us for bonds and insur
ance. Hutchison & Saladen
Potter Block
On Bargain Day we will
send our Weekly Edition of
the Commercial Advertiser
one year for 50 cts.
A. G. Hosmer
Leave your team in Koontz's
tie barn on Bargain Day and
every other day when you are
in town. You will be sure
that they are safe.
R. W. Koontz
A good 5c cigar or a pack
age of gum with each 25c
dinner on Bargain Day.
H. Ludlow.
A Chance to Save $100
A good $350 silo for '
$250 on bargain day.
Malone Avery Co.
A reduction of 5c per lb. on
all teas and coffees carried
by me.
B. E. McFarland
22 lbs. best eastern cane
sugar $1.00 this day only.
Only one order to a customer.
20 per cent discount on
summer wash dress goods.
The Miner Bros. Go.
Extra low prices for bar
gain day only on ladies' arid
gents watch and chain outfits.
Buy your commencement
or birthday presents now.
J. G. Mitchell
20 per cent disc6unt on
aluminum Ware. Nice new
Morhart Bros.
Go to
W. T. Mountford
for life insurance. Agent for
State Life of Indiana
one of the best insurance com
panies doing business in the
state. $12,000,000 on deposit
with state auditor for protec
tion of policy holders.
Hull detachable handle
umbrellas and summer para
sols at 33-1-3 percent discount
from regular prices.
E. H. Newhouse
20 per cent off on all laces
and embroideries,
Mrs. . Barbara Phares
I w 1 II
Best Illinois lump coal
$ per ton.
8 in. well tiling 12c
per foot.
Must be taken away
Bargain Day.
Piatt & Frees
10 per cent off on icecream
10 per cent off onfall our
Pope Bros.
100 calling cards for 75c
(usual price $1.00) on Bargain
day only.
The Red Cloud Chief
A. B."Mc Arthur, Prop.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Bargains in
Notions and Novelties
A large variety and special
Model Variety Store
10 per cent discount on all
rocking chairs on bargain day.
Roy Sattley
Furniture and Undertaking
100 pairs boys' shoes at
$1.00 per pair, mostly sizes
3 and 4.
10 dozen men's 75c shirts at
Paul Storey
Special rate of 5c admission.
I if' 1 T
On May 13th, 1914,
you can buy a $4.00
guaranteed electric
flat iron for $2.50 at
J. A. Tomlinson's
415 North Webster St.
Bargains in Flour
My strictly high patent flour
at $1.15 per sack.
Second grade at $1.10;
Geo. Trine
2000 yds. Toiel Du Nard
gingham at neper yd.
Standard corn at 7c per can.
Not over 10 cans to each
F. G. Turnure & Son
A line of choice
Petite Chocolates
at only 25c per pound on
Bargain Day at
Warren's Restaurant
& Short Order House
500 printed noteheads$i.oo
(usual price $1.50.)
500 printed envelopes $1.25
(Usual price $1.75.)
Webster County Argus
-25 per cent discount on all
curtain scrims and nets.
15c grade canned peas'J 10c
per can.
Weesner Perry Co.
3 large cans hominy for 25c
(usual price i2c per can.
Swift's Pride Cleanser 5c
P. A. Wullbrandt