The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1914, Image 5
5!!7?!!(?r7'jwr?' .TftVf t rt frVff- - a WW' A a - , ; J i V St -1 ?. i.-. t: C I7jl. 43 - .v" i ' A'1 ' '$ . l ,-V ?f V &, t 'St- e .... flwyraym MUJ.4ir.iar,iaxrj.T?r,owCTTHw HOME NEWS Uullotin of Tha Week's Doings ( Diaf up tin dim i'i "niiif! Next Snntliiy it M I'Uei's 0 iy. """' NOM Wednesday Haiynni l)ny. Mutt Dojle is hcio from Amber t. Cmt Uoer wus In Mile II 111 Monday. Will tlmoUH went to Omaha Tnewl.iy I, U. Overman wan, Iti Orloium '1 ue- tiny. Another Kood nilu fell Saturday nltflit. Will U'nltois of Inavule wan In town Monday. .luineStineiti'Ui was in UmUiirii on Tuesday. George FuirlloM went to Guide Hook Tuubday. Will White w n lltrttlnff visitor on Tuesday. I'miik Ktheiloii went to Oman ion Tue-dny. Ft ml Wallin vent to St. .Too Sunday morning. Will WW of Naponeo.fcpciitSundBy in the city. SaniShminan went to Hastings on Wednesday. A. V. Ilnrtwoll of luavale was in tow n Fihlny. Wall .Means went to Hiibtinga Mon clay moiniiiK- Clnls fns-sler of Blue Hill wab in town Monday. Alliu Uioivn was a paengerlo Has tiiij;b Tuesday. Win. Iioiib of luavale was on our s'leets Monday. William Hooves was a (lulilo Hock Visitor Tuesday. .las. HubatUrtof Ilillu township was In town Monday. At tome j MoNeny was in Alm.i Mon day on biisiiioi-'. Tom Auld of Oniului spent Suturelny and SuiuUy here. John Ohm.ste leof Ouido liuck was in town Wed him! y. (Jha. ,T U a ! i f ll Hill was in town Wednesday. Cllas Mo d vflturiied tul3ls I1UI Tuesday uiorniiiH'. John h Christian went to HnbUiiffs Tiiod.i"y moirftn. v '" Chi Il'ulev Aintf h'inie fioiiiX'iill foinia Vfilnesduy. Silver and Wan en Lonirtou went to UiistiuKs Tuesday lleniy btrayer of Franklin, spent Sunday in tln-eity. MisiCerliu.leCoou reiurned home from Hindi n M nday. l'Oll UHN I' umul u-iouin lion'P. Ilutuhi-iiii ic Sal.nlen. Frank I'orry, wife and child, went to llaivaiil ednebilay. CIph. Uui UOiualm this week buy Inj goods tor li i sinie. Attorney A. M. Walter, was down tiom Hluo 1)111 Monday. , .loe Crow shipped two wua of cattle Monday to ICansi-. City. Mrs. Ale:; Hackles win a piiRscngi r tj Ainu Sunday evening. Hoy and Fay Teel me homo fiom their visit to California. Jako Klllngei was a passenger to Hasting Tuoi, lay morning. - HirLllull and filnlr l'opo went, to Omaha Wwdiiewhiy movuliig. Mr-". M. lU'lgo aud wn. Aaion, v.oie up to Fran. i I'm i.nt ThuiBday. Lymm K-olg hMppwl t" curs "' cattle Mouda. tJ Kniwas City. f I have the lust into in the county ou farm loanj. See me mid no convinced My motto pi ompt service. A. T.!!. We take meiehants tnide chips same U3 cash for any goods in our stoic. ,Tiie Cownu.v Ci.o. Co. M. AlMlehaels or luavale was in town Friday. Mr. Michaels and family loft the Ihst of the week for Hsp.wolo, Floilda, whole I hoy will mako their future home. Hoboit Davis, sou or Mr. and Mib. Ernest Davis, died last Friday. The funeral services weio held nt tho home Suuday nftornooi and burial took place in the olty cemetery. , .Mother Dav" will he observed . Suuday inoriiinjr nt t'"' CoiiKieKatlomtl cliurch with n-poll oiuion ami spe cial muslo. )--ot tin honor our niotliuy, by attoniilug ulmi-cli this occasion. Subject of sermon: "BtfhoW Tliy Moth er." AHiletitt" will. bo the subject of .' n sireolul addM to Ve jlveu at the evening durviee Tho inlor will speak of tho KdUtuMit U8 of "lMiynical Oul- tare." All y""ng pcoplo tn'e given i epUl InvltttUon to ntvnir. l VV. White uf (im-llriia Township cwna4 Tuetjdnv ,.! ttli.l ui'ngiest-, iV4 cMHUatti fvr tlie uorttjyulict) f S4io4. JC. W nlittHai (k bllleviM tliui'y 1 Uv )paiy, duoii4m, and UiiJc tlioi,ntKi,tHfclv,i ti(ild . k. p elvai .' - ' ,""' 'in1 '' I'm HI t. -, i ( l) i li ttrra'jnmwL i'aumji1 ujargy .1. II II llev is home from Omaha. Take jour creHin to .1. O. Cihlwell. Alf SiludiMi ami Chns. Htubalier weiv in lSepublleau City Sunday iikiiii- l"'g. . . Jack Alsteilt unit family were pass oiiKciN to Uranil Island Monday mora lug. (iln Fun ivtnt to liiiieoln TuosiUy morning to vliit IiIh biothorl Howaul foe. lei VanOntiip and wlfu avilreil ht.ine Tuesday fism their visit in the oh(. C V C her hun imtehnned a new i.d iuU. r auto fiotn (.ieo. Hall .1 Sons. Will Dear anil wife took their little daughter to Hastings last ThuiMluy for lieatmeut. .St aike Urns .shipped 10 ears of cat tle and '2 em of In'ga to the liver initrketa Wedtiesd iy. The iimtirgenis wftn llnj fitsl roiin 1 In th" M. W. A state convention ni Hasliii'jriW " 'lie lay. Frrd Diti'den and wtnTo! ''t'.i'"vii'-, ton fc'iit f-'undoy with hor p in tits, Luii Kslg un 1 wife. .1. A. MeArlhur spent Monday in Hong IslnUil, Kansas, with his fiister. Mrs. Curl .and daughters Miss Hditli McKeighiiu utteuded a meeting of the cluiki of the district court hold at Oxford Friday. All of my teas and eulr"es fin per pound oil' on Uarguiu Day, May i:i, H. U McFaiii.axi). Wo want your, ti ado checks. Same as cash to us. Cownn.v Ci.o Co. ICd Iteilnor shinned tlnco cars of cattle Sunday to St. Joe and ICausas City. He accompanied the shipment. Miss Lena Ludlow leturued homo Sunday fiom the northern part of the suite where slio lias been teaching School. Meiedltli Uutlor, Walter Davis and Don Fulton wont to Supeiior Monday to build a cement silo for Piatt vV Frees Mr. and Mr. Will Weostier were in Salem,. Kansas, Wednesday attending the fun.- hi of ids cousin, Will Crumley who died TiUhd.iy. Wilt U.ilhjen It-It for his In me at Mlnneipolw Wednesday nfter attend ing Hie in leial "f liiB.bisttr, Mis. Friinees Mcl'ln-raoii. Mrs Hoalyof Maploton, Minn., was hero attending" the funeral of Mis. Will MoPhersou. Mia. Hualy is a sis ter of .Will Mcl'hcrson. Mis. A. H. Saladeii ami daughter, Miss- Hazel, .arrived homo Sunday uioi nlng from Call fornin wlieie they have been spending the winter. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Files for County Attorney On Republican Ticket This week we aie pleased to add to our list ol candidateb the mime of Uraiison W. Stewait, who is seeking the olllco of County Attorney on the Kopublicun ticket. Mr. Stewait ib a man who needs no introduction to the people of this vicin ity, ho having made a very clean and commendable campaign two years ago, wlion he ran against Fred H. Maurer, candidate for a second teini. Mr. Stewait is u Nebiaska man through and thiougli, coming to thin state when but u year old. Ho grew up on a farm near Lincoln and tecelv- liit ofltw.utimi In tllll lilllllli M'liOnls ill l.lucnlii and in me fseurasua otaic UnivoiMiy, graduating iiom the Unl veislty Col lego of Law in June, 1011, and was admitted to the bar .hit o 10th of tho same year. Mr. Stewart openeil up his olllce in tins dlty about tho llrst of November, OU, and has made for, himself, both a a citizen and In his ptnfossion a n mie that is beyond lepioaeh. Hois a until thn makes his ollents o.ise his own, and his fi lends arc batlslled that he i- competent to care for tho count) 's work In a commendable manner. School Board Proceedings Hcd Cloud, Xeh., Apt 11 5, Ml. IJortid inetn i pgnlur session, iniMii I vr present, Stoiey, Cielghton, Coon, I'llliiun, 'l'n r mi io and Hlaelcledge. Minutes of previous inei'tlngfi lead ii ud nppnnod. S.ipt.exp, for April L'000 H T )tal reeeiptsfor jear 18.i7n fi!l Total e.pi uses isoal rt." Communication from l'latsiuoiitli school boaid Inviting the Hed Cloud Ktluuil bo.ud to pnitcipito In otgntilK nig a Sluti' School Hoard Asoelal Ion, ii-eeived and placed on Hie. Supt. leeoiiituiilded pliieing Domes-1-0 Sciince and Tipewrltlng as elecllves in any guide lii this High School. The following bills were lead and unified paid: I'ndci wood Typo. Co !? 1 t'O Malouo A very Co 'i I r.O I.d, Hansen... 8 'JO Atneiieiui Uook Co 1 1 "3 Vi rice Ding Co .ri 45 .s. U Fioiaueu -'." fiO t?ee. OwviiIil' ...". "J 2 00 M. A. Albiight 1 ' Krank Suiolser 'J '-' ti. P. Walker I'D Chas. ailluim 70 ',K Teaclieis coniinittee lecouiinonilul the iollowing teaclieis for election: Klndei f!iii toiiT-Uei triide Uood. 3rd gtade Anna (Jllhain. lth guide Venla Henderson. 7th guide Huby Coleman. High School Stella Ducker. Music J. H Wagoner. Chair ordoied a ballot on election of teachers which resulted as follows: Kindergai ten tioi triulo Oood ll vot's Jth guide -Venia Ileinlerson 5 votes. lth grade Mrs. Patmore 1 vote. :iid giado Annie (illlian (5 votes. ill! giaue liuoy lineman u volub. High School half time, Stella Duck er 0 votes. Music J. H. Wagoner G votes. Upon motion salary of Stella Ducker was fixed at $10 per month, and .1 H. Wagoner's salary at S3" per month. Upon motion board adjourned. It I). Mom r., Seoi otary a Meeting called to order by Ilenr (iilliani. Upon motion llco. Coon was elected temporarily chaitiuan. The following weto elected olllcois of the now boaid: Henry 0'tlliam, Piesidenl; (ieo. Coon, Vice President; llalph Foe, Seel otary. Moled by Creighton and seconded by Coon that all supplies are to he oi del ed by the supply coniinittee Upon motion L. If. Hlncklodgo was elected to represent tho Red Cloud Uoaul or Fducation at u meeting to be held in Lincoln, May lltli, for tho pin pose of organizing a State School Hoard Association. Hoard adjourned. llALi'lt Foe, Secretary. CHIEF lm Will Hlfo of iieatrlee 1 vlilt'-ig hmtliei', liny, an I wife this week. I.ojil t vpi-nt. r ipt nt S'uul iy with Ins parenln M mil Mis (.'nrpeiilut'. Reigle-Picrce One of tho puttleitH wedillusf of Hie season took phieo on Wednesday, May Dili, in the home of Mr. .1 S. Hotgle of Indian Cieek. The day was perfict and nntun' as well as tho hostess seemed to Hiulle a weleoiuo to the guests. liNiielly at high noon the luppj couple look their places while Itev. Ilnjne pionounred tho mystic words that mtiilo them husband and wile. The beautiful ring ceremony was used, tho ring hoiii,: can led by a liitlo nelec of the bride's. About thirty llioof the Immediate relatives were pi i soul to wit nes I lie service. Aftei Hie eoieinony a bountiful and elegiut wedding dinner was soivvd which was ei.j yul by nil. Tl.obtldf, Miw Laura H. Relglo Is lie of our nfoul entini'ible and aceoin- j.. i- ii pI'Ml a llll&llinil fUiB. I III! Miooill. Mr U uido A. Plviotf, W a gfndu ite ol ..or 1. oil hijli Bcho l whi re ho was .in' nf tho honor men of ids eUss. liming i (to iwt year 1 bus hn .ci. rf at t'loTiiiMmi ' uek 1 1 n '. h. io 1 o bus nii'l.i R grut -ilior. f his mm a They will In ".on h u .( i piiiK t l" C'' in tin M iim h. nn1 south of Hi- lU I'1" h l l" fl '"'ids "nlto in vi 1 i K liiem h .'I'll, welltli and a lulig and h p " hi. d llf-. uiii,wwii)iiiiiiiihiiiiiiiii ii mminii nmwwiiwi w vn,3 sr -Vvi yu mi x i-- fY .IQTOD 1SI3T U pueiooAttV si iiiMDcis g.ies eiiia jmav) rixivra3Hioi:)ogiSoM!i s t. What's On Your Mind ? Oh: That Old Hat ! I We knew it, and have juft what you want d in either a iftiff hat or one of those nobby x soft ones thev are wearing on 5 ih avenue. r-- .- I hfi The White Diamond . De-Horning Pencil For sale at J. E. YOST'S Meat Market Cvery pencil wlltde-norn llfty calves from one day to one j ear old, for Call and Get One. $1 -.1 m. won i siartie von eimer. as we A are huilclin trade bv oivincr values that m U-:M ,. uL Y ,;il v.i n ; Ultiij If KJ.i uin-iv. vv Ki vvni vi-i yuu 111, y and may we suggest that you take a look 1 at the new suits for spring. 7 The Clothcraft No. 5130 Blue Serge, special at $15.00 is bctlcr lhan ever this season on account of the, reduction in the cost of wool. Clothcraft all wool suits $10.00 to 20.00 Kuppcnhciiner all wool suits 918 to 27. SO New Shoes and Furnishing fo spring that will please you. .Jhe Qomden-Kaley Clotuin9 G0 Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers WVs' The Corset of Youthful Vitality Just - Received ! s (" 'J's ll iifc'-O . i i'y V L .,, y n ""r a ftfZ;; I . w,ymm a;- ;:k 1W HI UW'A Tir Notice of Pinal Rcpcit. In Hie rouiiiy Court ol Woimer iiiimty, Nfliniska. rn the iimtur ol tlu tstato of ratlmrluo'rr. ilLLpaSL'tl All vurhims lutcrc-itiil In Hald Lhtftte are henhy notllKil that the AdinlnlHtratoi lias hi.. i ! iinni tu'i'iiunl nail reiiort of IiIh mliulii- lHtiatloii, .uidapilltlon lr Haul hcltli-iiitiil ol nis nccoiml and a iHsflmruelioni his trust, which liavehieu set lor huulus htlore K.Ud coart cm tho S'lth ila ol M.ij , I'll l,at 10 o'clock A. M., when all pirnon JiiUtiHtcil In thu Iircinlset may a ppi ar anil eonti hi me wune. iinini 1 1, ur.tli iltiv ol May 101 1- HIIAl. A,l).Ul.NM'l, Comity J mine. Nollcc of Final Rdicrt. in the Count' I'oart nl Wclwtcr county. NeluasUn. ' In the matte nil the estate ol I'ljiU-Namo rollltK, lUltllLil. All pcrsoni In hdil mutate aiu herthj notllleil that the Ailmliilstrator )ms tiled a llnal ncrotmt anil rt port ol his ailiulu Utratlon, ami a petition lor hcstlement ol his iiiTount nml a illxi'hai go irom ins irust. which have hit ii set lor heailnx holorowiiu iourt on the i!ml tlaj ol May 1'Jll, at 10 o'clock A. M.. wlitn all persons liilcriKtul In tho premium may appear ami eunleat the n:mic. I mieil this aoili day ol A pi II, nil I. hkai. Ai 1- Ka-"'M- t'oimly .Indue. KKKK" 'vvA' "vs -Hi'vn'v'v M Steli listen s We have on hands over $1,000 worth of Ladies' Ox fords and Slippers which ve are going to put on sale at a price which you cannot resist. Prices as follows: 33.50 and 3.75 slippers go at $2.50 3.00 and 3.25 slippers go at 2.00 2.25 and 2.50 slippers go at 1.50 2.00 - slippers go at 1.25 In the Cciinty ttuM of Webster Usuuiy Nrbrashn. STATKOl' NIJIlltASICA, I Mt Wilislei Loimiy, I In tho matter ol tho estate ol frank X KoclnitlilceeiiBcil. 'ur.i)i'mitSolnnldestnto will tnke notice, that tho tlnio limited lor presentation ami llllni; ol claims aanlaxl "'o muuo Id Novem. herlBth A. I). Illili ami 'or the pnynient ol ilolitslsApilllTlh. l'Jir.. that 1 will Mlatlhe county court room In b.'Iil county on tho nun day ol Novciulicr, mil, ai 100 -cioci.,.. m., iu recelc, e-taiulae,, auow, or mijusi tin LlalniH and objections duly Wed. Dated tlilH Jlut day ol April, A. u., iuh. A. I). HANVCV, (hi-Ai.) County .Indue. This Big Sale opens May 1st, Come in and look our line over. Carpenter's Bargain SHOE STORE Large assortment of DUSTLESS o O'Ccdar & Wizard Polish for Mops . . . 1 ! , t the 11 ,i ! ' ' bill l .i. e Tio, i i an li til. ll I. 1 1, ,i c i' n u t r , i i lit-i till l Ik in n u 1 1 26c, 80c, $1 8. E.'f&'fai'land All the Phone! flllR yoiintr woman of toilny, with her iminemo vitality, retinites a cor&ot allowiiifr the (jiealest fiee ilotn of motion. For iliinelnjf, for vl(;oious outdoor puMiiiie this in the Ideal eorbet. TVi IlnvAratrirlirn J. c. c. College Girl No. 5 Thin Is u now model niado with an ex'treniely low bu&t, allowing the ,.,...(, .si. inniiliiiv. mid airliii; Iho H.. ....- uiodlBl), iiueoibotod appiaratie't. It hasnlBii tlm IomK htyllhh -Ulft, lit tin If in clot,oJ3' Jt W iniule of hiit- stiinliiil mitt in lul. ciuofiilly honed with loiiff.plluhlofctioU Atltaetlve, imported otnhi oldoy llnllieH it neatly at th but I'lh-el lu our wit depart ineiil attlic. veup- & tliiiinlly low prleu of ... h-' o hnvo ll OOlill'lrte hh. x njf of ,J. C. C. UmseU In flet,"is for all UKUie', l'l lees p. 0. Tuf nape & Son AgontN for PJctnilal Review Pattenih. lZez-. iMB ,, un n'- . - . .. ' ! 1 . 4aiwBMnMBniouHH Worth Cro,wIng About Compnrison of results and profits before and after using prgm SEEK. rha. tie soc, not, turn: ss id. pan i.s P, tho trrcot tonic and conditioner-! Buro to mako you a permanent friend of all Pratt Products. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back Prat Is Lice Killer. Powder 25c and M)c. AUou Spring necessity. Suro death toalldangcroui vermin, Itcfuto iukatltutcii; lnilaton Pratts. Get rratts 160 vaga Poultry Book II TV i Fr-it.liJm-t VU P&rzf Gold and guaranteed by GEORGE W. TRINET. $1 to $6 (31010 Qlllctte Ad Cu We Are Looking For The Man Who has soiled hi clothes mi badly that they mo not lit to wiar. Nil matter h-uv duty or ffiohny the hull may bi; we mv tiilpiHd with the inodein mnchiiiciy anl have bklllctl woihiU'O who linow how to "N Clsan, Repair and Press Clothes to. iter j' ,11-1,.,.,.,. . . isworod Do y or Nigh't R. G. Hassingsp Cleaner and Dyer Both Phonos -"j' i (id r vt fejf tffir (( -t7i Our fa 1 4.i ill illfi o Ul ' Ik N It 0 d itjiiiplli V , .,i li)i,l tllrll I '. ii il il i'Oui lviV in I h 1 1 j n h ii v e n.U'l hittiutf tor p i l nif rufjl a i ml pk'iuni''. Our pilce tre oim')tenl with tho hijh quality uf our ivoih. ' M u-l, i i I oUtllieiif tiflnj ilnd " Stevens Bros. Studio a. To: trait Dr. 1. Caldwell PMSI!G1 AN Si SURGEON ...VI.. I , l..l.r,.,r.. It. 11 P-Q lllil 1Pil IU- UlepliouiM. Hill, Uid.T.I; I nil. I&0. Office Over S3. A. AftrlAlil's Store Kedlsud? -: Kebraskm DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST , OVEK STATE UANH Red eioml NebraskaS VLGi CI3K We l!ae Aided In Buiiuiiig Great - Fortunes For -Clever Advertisers ft It V4 b y j v 'A f if, i ',' te.t A , K P li " ( il )? I Afl k nV HWi . lillti IV.M I'm' it' ,r t of the I'm no Mvn ciini.0. rt .i . v gtsjjy i !. "$