The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1914, Image 4
Ufll A RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA,' 0 H I E V jim iwim w ii MTiiTTii-n-irrriii i Jr.T""l"I!.Zr'-l""-l'"r''r'" THE UED CLOUD CHIEF (tod Cloud, Nebraska Why we sell and feature Weoltex There's Nothing Better UBL18UKD KUKY UlURSDAY Coats;, Suits and Skis ivyi :$i Knitted In tlio rcmtcriHic it Hoi C loiul. Neb. uh Hccoinl Uai Mailer 41. tr f-ssss-v -gbx- esss-? j H $ Hl . hi- I I t 9 7" K l&f i.-'j f J i P. 'Tlsnn mir cnmnletc line of Gro ceries, ' Queenswnrc, Cigars, Candies, ($ Tobacco. You will find us able and - willing lo supply your wants in n very satisfactory manner at all times, and our chief endeavor is to please. Now, with these inducements and incentives to give us a trial order, why not do so today. A Trial Will Convince You A. WULLB&ANDT THE HO&E GROCERY SSSS MUIHMMMHMW A. II. McAItTIIUK l'U'.USliM! VHti ONLY UUMOCUATIC I'Al'im WKIISTKH COUNTY IN iijjpp i69Sd-5ate6 . . , - """'''jit International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines iiwu-eis3iwa t- immii pi,r,5TsrTiTr Viii- VaSMiw. . i. ;. .' sBai ii iEmiLsRiii. i rrtwiHbrvi ainksh urreiwK i WH1 JHF rilllllllUliMVTis; -Jll JfKL. II fls A ".v3E.SkWF!t- UU-UE3eUBl 1. Vkhva. - thujas... --Sres. lui3i Political. Announcements i i ii - i ' Announcements Arc Run Under This Head By Paying tlio Sum ol Fivo Dol lars Which Must Do Cash In Advance. Our Colun-no Aro Open For Any Lofil tlmato AdvortlslniJ and Wo Welcome Announcement!! Regardless of Party Affiliations. ron sheriff I heiebv announce myself a can- lidato for the ollko of Sherlir of Web ster County, subject lo the will of the voters of the Democratic party tit the prinuuy olectlon to bo held August 18, ton, lM:.v Hudson. Our business after all is your business. Unless we can please you, we can't continue to do a satisfactory business I In-ruby nnnouncc myself a eiindlf) ate for the olllco of Sheriff of Webster county, subject', to the will of the voters of the Democratic parly at the primary election to be hold August 18, 1011. ORANT CI1UISTV. Tbe III C Line CHAIN AND HAT MACHINES BbJtn, Rt Hmiii, Kowtn Rtkrt, Slcltcrt Ktf IJotint 117 Pmiim CORN MACHINES fkattn, Pickett &iWn, CultWiton Eatllua Citlr SkUri. Stridden TILLAGE Ptf . Spilni-Tooll, nut Dbk mtrowi Cultlrit.n GENERAL LINE 03 and Ci DuU OJ Tractors Miliar SpiMdttl Cruffl Stpmtort Frn WtioM Motor Trncki llrtiksr' Crala Drill Fm) CrUileri Knlft GfUJiti Klndtr Twine EVERY wise farmer does what ho can to save money, time, unneces sary hard work, and to have as pleasant a life as is possible. Therefore, wise farmcre buy International Har vester engines, engines of standnrd construction with features like the offset cylinder head, accurately erouud piston and rings, extra largo valves, detach ?i.i ...!.. :.i a..i;t.inil (If.ivlippU features that mako them last bv far the lougeat and cavo tho in. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tbe nomination of' Sheriff of Webster County subject to the will of tho voters of the Democratic party at the Primary election to beheld August 18, 1911. UllAS. J. KUMiON. . 1 hereby announce mjbelf as n candi date for t)io oilleeof Sheilifof Webster county, subject to the will of the voters of tho Democratic party ut tlio primary election to be held August. 18, 101 1. .lAH. llUUATKA. , Copyrliht 1914 most money in tho cut 1 11 C engine, and you Ho suro when you buy vour cngino that it is an H Cnmriue. and vou will be sure of best material nnd best construction. Thoy are made portable, - 1 tako this method of nunounelng myself us u candidate for the olllee of Sheriff of Webster county, uubject to tho will or the progressive voteia to be expiesbed at tho piiuinry Aupust iSth T. W. Wlinn. We have found that Woo ltex coats, suits and skirts give entire satisfaction to the best-dressed women of this community. Women tell us re pea ted ly that whenever they buy a Wooltex coat, suit or skirt, they ate certain that the style is cor red; and because of the Wooltex' guarantee there can be no doubt but that the gar ment will give satisfactory ser vice. Could there possibly ,be a bet ter reason why we sell Wooltex coats, suits and skirts? Iff Or i3 i CcpyrlcM 1914 TLe II. mick Co. stationary, or skidded; vertical or horizontal; air or watcr-cooica. sizes rango noiu iu-. . "jr operato on both low and high grado fuels. Not every local dealer cau show you International Harvester engines. Write U3 for interesting cata logues and full information, and wo will tell you tho namo of tho local dealer who handles our engines. International Harvester Company of America Lincoln Neb. Chwupion Dtericg HcConnlck Milvranlca 0to8 Plana I mw -i ' m$&$&&Esm$m S9S3 cnaessanSSSd FUR.NITUR.E t$' AND &:& a UNDERTAKING FOR COUNTY TItKASURBU I hereby iinnounce iiijBslf as a candi date for the olllee of TienMirer of Webster County, subject to thu will ol the voters of I he Democratic patty ut the pi lumry election to be held Aug ust 18, HIM. - Oko. W. 'J'niNi:. ' 1 tnUe this method of iinnouneinKiny candidacy for tho olllee of County IVeasurer, subject to tlio decision of tho republican votets at the primary August lStli C. V. JoiUNcOK. FOR COUNTY CL.ERK I hereby announce myself a candi date for the olllee of County Cleric of Webster County, subject to the will of the votert, of ttie Democratic party at tho primary election to bo held August 18, Hill. FhatSk Vavmcka. 1 heieby nnnouiicu myself a candi date for the olllee of County Cleric of Woustcr-Oiinty,Mil jectlotha decision of the voters of the Republican parly at tho prlmat y to bo held August 18th, 19H. " Ciia. C. HnsNK.rr. The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants. The Store That Sells Wooltex. Come and see us for all that is right in Dry Goods, Women's Fur nishings, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Rugs, Carpets, Shoes and Groceries. nleased to learn that bo bai dccVe 1 lo liter the race toriouiity sheriff GEESSIS i J SSS9ZQ39( Fai m Loans Lowest rates, bet option. Call fo. mo nt State Dank. C. V. GWiHEn. Nollci. of Final Kciicrl. In Uio county ('oart ol Vub-ttr county, i Nulirnska. In the niatler of thccstateol Alice rtnkeii . . ... i .. unmcr, iiiTinmi. All peivms Intercstcil Inenlil cstnlo nro litroliy notltleil tlinl the .iuimiinirmor ikih iimii iiL-i mini ami rdiortot liUailniln- Irttrntlon.aiKl aiutltlon for llnnl hcttleinciit I ol hW account anil a illfelmrKO irom iiisirus', which havelifOiiKol lor hearliit; beloro salil i.. ..!,'. I, ,l.i. l M.i i. ml l.nt II o'plnck. A. M . when all if nwini Interested in tho preuilM's any appenr and couli'it thu same. Dated tlits&tli day ol May l'JH. sr.Al, A. 1). ItANNUV, County Jiidvc. MIRRORS! rimniiww ED0 AMACK ALL THE PHONES NEVJHOUSE BLK. SSC9KHBS8S SSSS SS2SSSS3 FOU COUNTY C0MMJSS10NEU t lieieby nnliotineo tnyFclf a candi date for tho nomination of County Commissioner of Commissioner District No. 1, subject to tbe will of the voters of the Democratic party at tho pilmary election to beheld August 18, 1UM. A. II. BRIGHT. DON'T GET INTO DEBT FOP. KUIMIESKNTATIVB I hcieliy iinnounce myself as a candi date fur Slate Uepicsontativo for tho 10 Ii ilihtricr Mibjvel to the will of tho Re, ublle m volors at the primary i loo tlo i August Hth I trust 1 mviiiiour Mipport. A. V llAI.TlVtM. t IMtWMMMIMaMi i imifniir m A RFNTED FARM. Mwuwwihm m-m i()R COU.NTY AITORNHY I heieby annunuco mjBelf a eindl dalo for County At tot my in Welutur county, sitbjeel to the uetloii of the Domocralle party at the pilmary elec tion, August 18, 1011. . K. II. Caluweli.. Iii the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska. Slato ol Nehraidca, I 8s. weuiitcr voiiin. i In tho matter ol tlio estate of l.lllto l. Strickland, ileccaKil. ('UKDITOUSoC wild ustato Will tnKO nuum, that tho tlmo limited for the puscntatloii aiidlllln ot claims imalnt'UioMuno.i No vember SMi, t'JIli ami for tho payment ol debts Apiil !ftlli, IBIBi that 1 will fclt at the county court room In hiild county on tho 30th day ol November 11)11, at 10 o'clock A. M., lo ronrivo. iixnnilne. hear, allow, or mljiiht all claims and obJcctloiiH duly lltcd. Dated this Villi day of April, a. u., tan. iSeal). A. 1. HANNBY, Uoiuity Judge. CAMP THE w MIRRORS Of all sizes, and shapes. If it is a Bath Room Mirror you need we have them in White Enamel with Plate Glass, Shelf and Towel Rack. We also have them in Gilt, Walnut and Oak Frame, in all of the sizes in French Bevel and Plain. The price is right. ROY SATTLEY H Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. i rr .... i..i.. .i... ,1 .(..,. t,u..ifi.,t nn vrtiti- rtivn farm. 1 can nut vou In touch i.Ji tho owners of Hue inalrle hinds of rich soli, from 80J to loO inilt-s west of flKuiuliu, whlili can bo lintiRlil on very ensy tonus at liom Sin lo?lt) per acre, '..u aro siiio to miiUe inonoy by modern dairy practice, brciiuso the soil Is tho lution to the daliy problem tinM food crops aio heavy on these lands. If you XJuven't money at tlist lo build a silo,' dU one, (luuit fanners with proper equipment i ' fud can secure cows ou Ume. a'heseo.viiera wmtio tlieso special lOrms lo dairy fartneis, because they Uiow that a good dairy fill mer will nvil.e ut- nt-y by corn-dairy farming hiuJ Ulsoonelein up hlr- obllpatlons. Then hos and poultty 111 rllt'ht in and ;,rtnd out the prod's. TheSo 100 aero tme'Miru located iimoiiif linprtvi linns ! otahlihh d 'inmunilti'. Ulvo me your mime; let me help yon bvu me the owner of a dairy farm, n neniter wheth- r u u.t to buy on ohm lnn in N.biasUa or UihIui-ii Oolor- lo or is l.i i ii nt K. hrtmelvad 2 ' '" Moudi-H tract tu WypuiltiR. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for the olllee of Couutj Attorney, Mibjoot to the -will ot I lie votejs of I lie ltepublluan l'arty at Hie ptliua.rie-. to bo held on August 18tli, 1011 IIiianso.n W STI.WAHl'. Kod!oud, -s- Nebraska Second Houso North ot I. O. O. F. Hall -O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free o IMionc Incl. 212 9S9 8 S.B. Howard, Ase't. Immigration Agent 1004 farnon St., Omaha, Ncbrasli, , ,,., jmnamMll- ' tUo winUe of th Vcmu.cihUo pt T. -.iV'C u K.W -- - " r-m - ... i - . - . . - .i.I. 1 MfflKaw - A. t UiirU.'cll has atiMiiimotjd him self as a Candida l fur tepivntatlve. IlolBali A-Nt.J wit, wU lihud by cvcrywia, ud bns made n ,m,d rvt're- sc-utfttlve.. llaUln u. wt.og ftjck-, however, and If he ws u'y a fieino cruf w ciituhinll vol foi li,. ' , Jas. UutiM-v( Jatln iovu6tp him .(huoitiottuf CiiUutj 'iieiiflf !l3tq.l u- E. S. Grber Hea'Itate, rami Loaus and Insuratiee Red Cloud, - Nebraska. FOR SALE DeLaval Lnd Be,trice Creaim Separ.tors Qvieen Incubators ' Hour and Feed cf All Kind Geoe W Trine Both Phones "ijTOirnttrWJMTo-MBBlvcfss:am a8"iniBA.ftaawka bis i rt " .- r f l w i . i i.j iLi..ii . iS&fclOtAJKIb tfateo I I am iiiraui re ' ' '' yii. iia pii.iu, f i I J4o iii'ent i X i'aUer. ' ' ' IV ' iTbo next band eoiieort wl 1 w K-veii ' Wnltr S.n 111 urrle 1 -.f"r V-.J I.1.....4V tX. -BX..-.tlAtliA..l, , r.-t. TTir.,1,...,. ... .1 ., itAli ' ' .. - , coueVetU ., witg3Uffiaforuiij ...,. n.i t'on, Ho is v.. -, 1 l I 1 i Mi I ( I .1 I ii I l, u' I'll' L ll.ll.l ii i for uh1 tv-XjauXjUVi. .& V, ir?v1 he. eBriitilW, tMiJtrouUcii dut in nmkiy. t.pcuu pr imyiivpsr ivv win. mtn. rnwLncranlinils; recti- ,.. m.,n. liiltH. l.tlTI. -xtr- in i'vinu ...v.... ,...., Unued Irrrj'-1"'"' rMri fO'iw r.IctrtM, iIIBkuU to euro unc ' "" '(! i i.ritmlMiaBMkt3cS- 'at vojmr Mil M ,. . iX --?eerl. y as a r- i T-.- 'n r'Kt.fca.- ' ,w.. .--". - Veun "' I tit'ii Tcjru mil hs ie ord ii olotW , a wu, u,iuwiewiit,unu.. . " T I J Dr. Nicholson DENTIST v iibMIMnMM ilOldlll) nniCli 0HI AMIilIOHT'S KTOBK INJllVmcfoN ON .MONDAY DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Uiaduate ChiciiKo Vototinnry ColleRC Ijtal ;.)". Mfirkn TWtl.M r..ltS I'.XI'IIIIIUNI t: ATHAILICY'dTIK DARN Rett Cloud -- Nebraska v a V ii.H,nq ftu.ndrt.wUl b.r. mi -v ,p QT"rZ VV? ?0 M liAW t i m