The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1914, Image 1
eVV r I r- b I .r t.) wfafs i j" ntttinn -'t TgaSsSaM-aa TmvpsJS&Sfc 4 Nwspnpcr That Hives The Nans Flfty-twa Weeks Each Year For SI.50. VOLUME 4ii HED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 7, 1!M. NUMBER 19 rfi0 r0 '0'' 'm'0 "0 i&'f0'''0'''. & to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managedyour money here would be safe without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA VV KV (? (0 (ft) ! () m m (0 m .4r3r37$r3HS$s:3S:$:3d H3H59S9S ' PRICES BAM Baking Powder Received the highest award at Chicago World's Fair S wKSuy9vSf There is no Closed Season for " KODAKING It is the "all-the-year-around" sport, and you can carry a Kodak anywhere. Easy to use and every part of the work can be done in daylight. "Kodaks. $5.00 to $111.00 Brownies. $1.00 to $t?00 All the new goods from Ko dak City in stock. E. H-, Newhausc Optometrist rind Jeweler. six o'clock In th afternoon mi elegant banquet was served at the lioyal Hotel, and all ptesont did thomsclvos credit at this part of tlio work. After tlio biutinot tlioy teltirned to the lodge room and continued the work until the midnight hour, tit which time H lunch oon was served in the dining room of the lodge. Am jiii,' the out of town visitors wc nolo the following; T. A. Lueo and A. II. Waiien, Republican CM y; Win. Depondeiier, and l)i. Smith, IiYuulcllii; .7. A.SIlvoy and Clyde Wieluvho, Inn vlo; I. IJ CiUin mill 1!. U. l'cleif-, Guide, lloclr, C. 13. Htlue and Hay lluiil or, Supeii r. Wo o niiniend the fraternal spliit shown, and utc always gUd to welcome huch meetings to our city. E. G: Caldwell Files For County Attorney Knights Templar We call the attention of our readers to the announcement of K. O. Caldwell for Comity Attorney In this week's issue. I He came to Hed Cloud tho latter pint ! of lOou, since which time he ban been utKOBliitod with L. II. Hlacldodgo in tho practice of law. Hu graduated j from the Ivnnvis City Scliool of Lnw I in June UK'8, and was Assistant to tlio County Attorney of Seward County, ! Kansas from September 1908 to Sop ! tembcr lOOlt. Tho lttw.s of Nebraska ! do not admit the attorneys of Missouri oi ICans is unions they have practiced live year-; ho Mr. Caldwell took 'the btalo I! ir IjNMiuiuntlou at Lincoln and etructed to look was admitted boforo tho Sn promo Court In November 1010. Ho lias been ! Council Proceedings Red Cloud, Miy 5, 1914 The city council mot I ml. night In their first regular mnelipg for tlio now year, in tho council chamber, with Ilia Honor, Major DHinercll protddiug, and Aldermen Foe, I'erry, Storey and C.ilJ well, present. O. v . Tecl, city clcik at the denk. The following liihincsg was traus'intcd: Minutes of the meeting rend nnd approved. Application of A. C. Sluby for city marshal wm presented and read. Movel by Storey and seconded by I'erry that the following appointments be cor finned. Carried. ProMdent of Councll-S V. Foe. City Attorney Frank Munday. Health Phynician-Dr. II Cook. City Marshal-Grant Chri.Uy. Street commissioner To be nihil by major and street and alley committee later. Supt. water nnd lights G.iy Zsigler. Finance committee Perry, Caldwell and Foe. Supply committee Storey, Perry nod Caldwell. Huilding committee Caldwell, gtorcy nnd Fee. Side and cross walk committee Fop, Perry nnd Storey. Streets and alleys, 1st word Foe nnd Perry. Streets and alleys, 2nd ward Cald well nnd Storey. Advisory committee Robert. Damer ell, chairman; S. W. Foe, Frunk Perry, Paul Storey and J. O. Caldwell. Moved by Storey and seconded by Foe that O. C. Tee I bo appointed book keeper at $25 per mon'h. Carried. Labor oil ) cxpnnse items under $3 be paid" by clerk ind placed h expenee account. Curried. Moved by Storey und seconded by Foe that the city will not be liable for any debt rvhen not accompanied by the rq lired requisition. Carried. Moved by Foe and siomded by Cald well that chairman of supply committee 0. K. nil freight and expenso bills on city treasurer. Curried. Estimate by city engineer on dirt in telephone excavation read and filad. , Annual report of S. R. Florance and April report read and ordered placed on flic. Report of school district 2 on coat of water main read. Total cost $76.65. City clerk's annual report read. Mayor mado a few statements regard ing superintendent and engineers at the power house. Moved by Foe and seconded by Storoy that salary of each of the engineers bo increased $3.00 per month from May lr, 1914. Yens, Fop, Perry, Storey. Caldwell not voting. Moved by Storey and seconded by Pjrry that Superintendent Zjlglcr'd eal&ry be increased $20 per month, wi'h understanding that he remain with city to May 1st, 1915. Carried. Rid on coal by Carbon Coal Supply Company read, and their representa tive, Mr. Jones, being present explain ed the proposition. Moved by Foe and seconded by Storey that the eupply committed together with mayor und superiutentcnt be Instructed to look tho matter up. Carried. Petition of the M. E. Sunday school for stand on school houso grounds dur ing band concerts, rend. Moved by Perry and seconded by Storey that tho n quest bo rejected, on account of it being unfair to subscribers to tho band fund. Carried. Henry Dedrick asked for eirene whistlo at the power hau?o to be used in case of fire. Moved by Storey und seconded by Perry that fire commission er and superintendent Zaiglcr be ir- up prico and report. Carried. Moved that B, H. Webor'u coaljiuub Untied Seal Co .. Mutual Oil Co.... R W. Kuoiilz I) D. Satidemcn... 7 00 13 20 5 75 17 50 R. S. Mitchell a 00 fc3 R. Slawson " 18 00 F. J. Munday 32 50 Cily Treasurer's Statement May 5, 1014 Honorable Mayor and Cily Council, Red Cloud, Neb. Gentlemen: - , 1 oncloso statement, cover ing lecelpts and disbuihomenls of my olllce for tho period from April 7, 1911 to May 5, 1011. Occupation Fund Amount on hand April 7, Ml.. 3 1111 t,'l Receipts 110 00 211 52 Disbursements 2111 :10 llalanco May 5, '1 1 S 23 22 Water Fund Amount on hand Aprll7,'ll...$ SI10 22 Receipts 495 r.2 DHbuisemcuts' 25 71 23 9i llalanco May .1, Ml 1112 00 Registered warrants outstanding $900. Judgment Fund Amount on hand April 7, Ml..'.$ 200 00 Noiccelpts No disbursements Malance May r.,Ml 2)0 00 1''lii'iiien'rt Fund Amount on hand April 7, Ml... 22 45 No iccolpts No dlsbmsetnnnts llalanco May r., Ml 22 15 licneial Fund Amount on hand Apill7, Ml.., 2IW l3 Dlbbutflcments IKW 10 Overdraft Maj fi, 11 M 12 Registered Warrants outs'dlng. S5!l.'17o Recapitulation Occupation Fund $ 28 22 Water Fund 401 811 Water Levy Fund Ill 20 Kleottio Light Fund 237 f!2 Klcutrlo Light Levy Fund 012 00 Judgment Fund 200 00 Fiipmcn'a Fund 22 lr Loss Goneial Fund Ovci draft S2070 02 0,1 12 llalanco S lOSU 80 Registered warrants outntmd- Inn 8 1083 80? B. R. Flokanoi:, City Treasuror. ' Cards oflhnnks. To tho kind d lends and neighbors who mi willingly agisted us during tiro HleknesT nnd doilh of our daughter and wife, we wish to express ourhoart ftdt thanks, also to tlioi-o sending flow- (MS. Mil AND Mils. II RatIMKN. Wtl.i. Mr I'limt.SoN- and chlbl'n. To the kind friends and neighbors who so willingly assisted us dining the hlckucoH and death of our beloved tou Robert, wo wish toexpicss our heart felt thanks, and we especially thank those who furnished (lowers and also the singers. Mn Mils. LitNi:sr Davis. The Mothodlst church will observe Mothers' Day on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, (lood muslu and n tormon on Mothers' Rights. Let Sunday to a great church-going day in respect to tlio mothers who aru still with us, and In honor of the memory tt those who ' have passed on. $ 101 s:i Ualnticc Miiv fi, M-l Water Levy Fund Amount on hand Api II 7, Ml.... 8 111 20 No leccipls No disbursements IJahuicc on hand May 5, M1...S 111 20 Registered warrant outst Hiding SOOi). Klectrlc- Llulit Fund Amount on hand April 7, Ml,..SlQ30 10 Receipts 800 00 1810 10 Disbursements 1592 78 U ilnuco May 5, M4 $ 237 .32 Llectrio Light Levy Fund' Amount on hand April 7, Ml.... S 042 00 No receipts No dl&biirsemsn y The satisfaction of Quality is remembered long after the Price is forgotten. But we go a step farther, our QiialityPrice is no higher than you pay elsewhere for Common Stock. "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER'' THE MALONE-AVERY CO. f fr lip ITS A WIDOW JONES 'Gortln SUITS MEN'S YOUNG MEN'S BOYS' And Children's Wash Suits IitMI WjlJ H Iffll I IF H SHOES For Dress and Work m TROUSERS Fred ! i -. ri i .. a . . .... i tt 1 1 Tm . IMT j -! t'-U'liy i"iiiii.y aiiuniny linger OOICiS 31g Flee Ullg ' M mrer for tho pan four years. . in aopiomour r.m no inariiprtono or Tlio Krlghts. Templar lodgu heio hold n big moot log Tuesday. Tho meeting bvgiii nt two o'clock in the afternoon and lusted until' midnight, Tlittto wero wvrul oandidalos put through the doivw, inti tho woik was done by our homo' joiTga in. a veiy creditably Huumor and was much' un loved by the largo crowd pK&eut. At Itud Oloiid'rj girlH, bought n residence (fin I has made Hod Cloud his ponna- tint rubbish in ing proposition nt 502 a ton und he stand demurrage under three cars at one lime, bo accepted, Carried, Moved by Perry, soconJed by Foe ti rtf 7 SHIRTS !:':': nent homo. Wo feel nfo in saying f erred to streot Umt with thfo iualillcatlons Mr. ' of tho 2nd ward. Ofcldwall is ciiupntenf , and that ho has hud tho cxpuilouoo nfcessnry to Locust street bo ro and alloy committee ! The following claims were allowci?: Illllko KliinnnndH.irtiuttRii 9 10 HO agpod County Attorney. If elected, i MaycrGoul Co 25190 1. 1 . i he will doubtless lo bis duty fear or" favor, without Crime Co ,.. 47 -15 Sundurland & Co 2 01 9 ftiK m " PAIL STOREY The Clothier S3- r? L : a w v r V - 1l mt r :h ., i. M 41 V fit r? H: u' in "h - i h 'i St M "Ai 'M ' ta M,-miM , !-,: ,t , irjJS! wSQBS i mil n il in ii mi I null n i nn i i lii in im m mi Uiw i awtwi . i J . " . tXmKttmrm tHII'I'W! ocT-. wces'lt: j;--r-n mMdjjmgBMMBi