L . -" !$ififqv.r& 4' hfipttomtwvn3yimimm1mfi4yaiimmtm tm'4iwiKi Pi-. iy' ly " .' ,1 ii m t 4, w I RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF -"SSCS-v -)- -vS39feel There's Nothing Better Tlmn our complete line of Gro ceries, Qucensware, Cigars, Candies, Tobacco. You will find us able and willing to supply your wants in a very satisfactory manner at all times, and our chief endeavor is to please. Now, with these inducements and incentives to give us a trial order, why not do so today. A Trial Will Convince You P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOME GROCERY n 4 s J 8 mmm&si& I International Harvester I Oil and Gas Engines 'H TbelHCLiM .CRAINANOHAT , MACHINES mn, RMytn Httem, Mtwiri RtkM, Steckm HtjrUtUn IbyPrMM CORN MACHINES PUatm, Ncktrt Biafcn, CikftaUr Eaibn CatUrt Stiffen. Sknittn TILUCI , wi IMA Htmwa Cbimra GENERAL UNB OfWaJCuEafiM OUTncten , MuaftSpruMn Stemtan "-, Ptra WatM Uf GntoOrifa B.'SBK:?r MMtTTWlM I x V.".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V: I Correspondents j :? VAV.V.V.VV.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V GARFIELD A light frost, on Tuesday nlKlit. Two Hue rains already this week. Corn planting Is the ordor of the day, Howard Alius was visiting with his mother Saturday and Sunday. KiiiestShipman, who luid his eye injured some lime ago, l mxiiu duller. Mhn Kl inn Allis, who litis deon teaching school in tin; north west part of llio state, Mulshed very sucus fnl tat in on Thursday and. returned to her home in Garfield on Saturday. BUY an International Harvester en gine, take care of it as any machine should be cared for and a dozen years or more from now it will still be working for It wilt save you and your family endless hours of hard labor in pumping, sawing, grinding, Bpraying, running separator, etc. Buy an I H C engine. They last longer, burn H cro are a few of the reasons: Offset cylinder ucads, less fuel, aro simpler, and give you most power. i: unset cynnuer und tnston and heavy drop forged crank shafts and connecting large valves, accurately ground piston and rings, heavv dron forced crank shafts and connecting rods, etc. Best material and construction mean tho best eneine. I H C ent'ines are built in all styles. and in all sizes from 1 to SO-H. P. They operate on low and hiuh irrario fuels. Not everv local dealer handles I H C em The one who does is'a eood man to know. 1 acJifiOf Jtnow who, lie is, Va 'will telr you twhen yoP wiuo uo tui vaituugucs. t International Hamster Company of America j ' UaceeralU Lincoln CfauriM DMrisg MeCeraick WhraakM ' Neb. OAane Flaae 4 ?inem.i ': MOttfe'.-JI rmrVHrHB IF I R E THE ALARM is a dreadful thing 'OF' M9K for tho man without iinsurance. Every time he sees the renginos racing along his heart conies up in his throat If the (Ire Is anywhere aienr his.place. What folly, wliat mis itaUeu economy. THE COST OF is so small thnt It NBUANCE need hardly be considered. Tim freedom from worry .Igiiu is worth it many times over .Have us insure you fo-dtty, . C. TEEL, Reliable insurance. in the County Court o? Webster County, Nebraska. STATKOF NKMtAKKA, I ,.,. Webster County. f "" In tho matter of tho estate of Krnuk X. Kocliuel deceased. UUKimotlH of nld estate will tako notice, that llio tlmo limited (or iireocntatlon anil mine ol elnhnsnuolnst tliu unino U Novcin. her 15th A. I. 1UU; unit tor the paymt'iit or (loots Is April t'tli, l'JIO, that I will Hltattho county court room In said county on tho Ifitli ilny of November, 1911, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to receive, examine, henr, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated this 'Jlst tiny of April, A. 1 1U1 1. A. I). KANN'liV, (ska I.) County Judge. COWLES Mrs. Darnell was it passetitrer to Htistli-'ts Saturday. Mr Uantleldof IIIueHIll shipped a car of stock to SI. Joo Wedne.sdHy. Jud White and wife spent the day at Frank Amiiok's across tile river Suu il'iy. A. A. JJoren has an unction snlu o! Iinpleinonls in Cowles Satur3ay. He iiiteiuls to close out all of Ms imple ments ami quit tlie business. Kev. Uavls was agreeably surprised Tuesday evening by u number of his muiifbers from Eckluy chinch. It was a oomplute surprise and u very enjoy able evening was spent by all. Mr. Cooper and Morgan Davis passed through here Sunday in a WHgou with a number of horses. Mr. Cooper is taking these horses from lied (J loud to his farm near DeWitt, Nebraska. Stanley Long has taken over the A. A. lioren Hardware and Furniture stock this week and lie stands ready to wait on any customer for any of tueso lines. Wo wish him overy success. Dwight Johu&on former! v of 1 1 1 1 J- place but now of Bethany Heights, Nebraska, came in Tuesday and is shaking bauds with bis nunierotic friends. He intends accepting a post tiou in one of the General Stores in Bethany. We understand that Ciias C. Ben nett has aunouueed himself as a, candi date for the nomination of County Clerk of Webster County on tho Kt pnblicau ticket. He lias lived in this county for several years and has been. In business1 here several times and has always glve'u'everybody a square deal,. Charley is well qualified for the, ottlce aim uis many menus win ue pusascu to hear or his announcement. The anniversary of the I. O. O. P., lodge was celebrated, by the Cowles lodge Saturday in the Congregational church. The Cowles Baud rendered a number of selections and accompan ied tho lodge to the church. A violin splo was given by Miss Geneva Stark ana it piano solo was giveu by Miss Georglt(ood. After this the adli nee was delighted with au address deliver ed by Kd Overiug of Rod Cloud. Mi'm. Ct infold of tlliut Hill i-Mtul hor sou, Lee, 'rue-day. l?cn Lnbiii rli pttrch ed n Imrao fmin 1. II, Allen s.iniriiHy. ftlen James is vlsitiuu tits gr-nd pi ents Mr lyul Air-.. It." Cure. Mi, ntid Mrs Ed O.itmati ami cjil -(lien visited II II. Laird Sunday. R Hose, priprii'tui' of the mirage, sold his first Mhxweil car Monday. Mr. and Mrs 11. uu visited their d.uightor, Mrs, y. Janus, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cowel, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Suliult:; visited wltli 11 K. Haas Sdmlav. Jettfiilgkt, EiiH (Ireen, Vella and JUhel Wilglil. spent Hmidiiy atternooii at F. Barton's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kiinuleatid children spent Sunday at A KiincloV in Lat reuiM" Suiiday. Mr. and Mis. W. Husking and chil dren and John Hupliiiu visited t licit fither, Mr. Iltipllne, Sunday. Hiarm Arnold and Miss Pearl Sherer spent Sunday with hor mother, Mis Sherer, at Kurt Cloud Stuidny. Huv. L. T. Maze, prusiditi"; elder, held services at the Evungelieal church Sunday morning and evening. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Handfelt, Mr. and Mtt. Gf-o. Meents and Mr and Mrs. O. Mounts spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Itenker's near Blue llill.Snmlay. LOGAN. KAS., The Standard Bred and Registered Trotting Stallion Aiiercyone McGregor AI.l f.ItCYONK Mclti:OI, N'o. :iW0. llio jubjtct of thlnslietili, hits n record of 2.0U l-'Jou a half mile track In iio. lie Is one nf the Htoul luiiitid. rmjucd miiili.immorniohori'is. mid In troiiia tac-u hurso faiullv on liolli sides of tho hoiiM-.l)tlijKMrcd by Allcicyone. ho by the rt:it Allertou JOl) I-'. IiIh dnni bciii tliu 8ruit brood ninre, All .McdrcKor, by lieu .Medrcjmr Ills itcond dam l.s Maud Mcllrei-or. dam ol Nut Jlo-(lri'i;or.U:IT:i-l, also ttiedaiu of Miss Delniarch, the Krcatt-st race mare that ever raced over i, half mile trnrk. Also the dam of ninny otherH nltli Mnndar.l rwordH. Ills third dam Is thu dam of Mx from 11 to a: i! 1.4. iiml u-lth n,n fuurlhiliinilsafioducaronhlsMrc'MMde. Alter cyoijo McdreRor comes from tho roat Allertou family, bolni; by A lleroyuno the la-it mm of the ureal Allertou. who In h tlmo held tho world'tt I rrrrHrW &&&iRwft&-- HI mWSmM nw u(. II In.. ... ....., tin, . , ... ,.,..,. ..... .T . ... .. """"; iviiiiiAui i-i, in iikii wiii-ei H111K.V, huh 'i wiu icnoiiiK siro of tlio u olid; on his dam' Hide this Ilrst three duns wore McGregor innns, which family cave us tho tnlifhtv irccits. who held tho Malllon record. ! 1)1 .. for several yearn, and a family that linn becit considered thi yameM laro ho so family In exIMcnce. Alljreyono Mcdrci-or Is a lino In dlMdunlaudainmuraroliorsc, linvlmcMnrtcil 'Jl times and lielns Mrit or second every tlmo bill tube. Ilo wiih bred liv L. U'm II. l'nrtlmui. .Mn. Ingrn,ii t..i.i.. n i....i , null'. k. tho II. 1 1110. he beat as likh class n Meld i,f 'MV2 nneets as over started over a half-mllo trae iiini iiciu nciiiic-jani i-i,iiiu.iiiiiu uic iracK rironi inauo by .llattlochluu-s tho year before. iu nun iiiu iii-iii piiiiciiioiijoi;iiiinesircicn,aniiii w.iKsaiu by a the horsemen nrescnt hat ho could have iiiieed tho liwilln':s.8 or better, t Hit record Is no Unit to IiIh" p"t lias Tlo has bo n i.ace. a h-df milt on a half n.llo track In 10J l-l. a qunrter In sa. a id an tluhth In :i: I-l. While Allcrcy.-ne Mct-renor Isa tiaecr hlinxelf. ho Is strictly trutiliVi I.Vecd an what feweoltHhehasarealltroters.andshowlotHofspcid, and ho should bo as f nreti 1 MroaHhlsuranilKlrolf glMiian opportunity. " ' Will stand for season 1914, Mondays and Tuesdays at F. E. Payne's barn on Sec. 24-3-12. Thursdays. Fridavs and Satur days at Red Cloud Tie Barn, Red Cloud, Nebraska. TERMS: $12.50 for the season. $15.90 to insure colt to stand and suck. F. E. PAYNE, Owner .v'NV3C3'v A Portrait 1rtL, , AtW "'"l U) ,,u' UU-0til tvaiu'Sa om's ,I0W ,uu' l,,u" ' a$5vi' binds tho IVii-iiil- mk'WL' Milpsofvout.,, Order T Show Cause. Stnte of Nebraska, I i,ThnCniinn.-(',M,rt Webster Couatv. f '" lnoi-uUD -outi AT a i ouuty ourt held at tho County Court room In and for said county April Uth., loll. In tho matter of tho cstato of Antonio V. Sadllek, Deceased. On readlnir and lllhin tho petition of Frank V. .sadllek, prayliiK that administra tion of said estato may boKrauteJ to himself as Administrator. 'OuiiKitKii, That I'rhlay, tho Ut day ol May, A. I)., llill, at 10 o'clock n. in., Is assigned for hcarlui; said ctltlon, when all porsons Interested In said matter may appear at a Comity court to bo held In and for said county and showcauso why prayer of peti tioner nlnm!d not bo Krantid; and tliat uottijo ol tho )Liidnucy of said jii'tlllon and tho hear Inn ihcreot bo bIvcii to all persons Interested In said mailer, by publishing A copy of this order In llio Ited (.'loud Chief, a weekly news paper pi luted In said county, for three con sceutlM weefR prior toiald day of hearlm;. Ishai.1 A. 1). ll.VNM'.V, Countv .liidKO. SOUTH 1NAVALE bridges distance uud l;niB closer tho tins of family and lilnslolk. Our fast lonseB, modern methods a uU equipment, prompt' attention and courtesy to patr.ons have made, sittlnjr for plio togrsipliri.u real pleasuru, Our prices uro conslstout, v 1 1 h Llio lilgli quality nf our work. M a U e- a n ap pointment today. Stevens Bros. Studio Incorporation Notice. lied 1'loiul, Nebraska. IVbruary iS, mil. At u called niotlUiK of tho dlllcprH and Jlotirdol llricloriot tlioMalonp Avery 'Co., held al Ited Cloud, Woluur county, 'l1 ItrasWa, on tho alwvo date nt which all stooK hQldirs wero present tho IoIIowJuk amend- menu to ihc-ArUcliwol lniMirporalloiuwiru' itmdu: Artlale Number Two rn afiicndcHl to read us follows: ' II, 1'I.ACK OF III'HINUSH: Tlie principal pluco of trnnwetlng thu btirilmsM of this Coi)sirittlou Dliall bu liul Cloud, Veiwtcr t'ouniy, oI)ra)ka. Article Number Four wuManicuded to rend; IV. ' AMOUNT OF CAJMTALi .STOCK; Tho amount of the t'npltal Hlock of thlM ('oiiKiratlouMiall bo Twenty Thousand Uol lars t5i,XX).0O) divided Into Two Jtundrwl Nharojjot tho Vnr Value of Ono llundrcd liollras each. Th'e sauio havlni? been Mile wrtiicd and paid up and In the custody of tho parties hereinafter named as thoOItlcirs and Hoard of Directors. (HI-.AI.) ItOllKHT I.. AVKHY, ecrctnry-Treaiiurer. ltert tuuUartl went to Kansas City last Sunday. Miss ltertba Whitley visited rolatlveb In Xelson last week. Clyde Kersey and family spent Inst Friday at b Wintjeus. There W6re several baptized at tho river Sunday afternoon. Wni. Xorrls and Coell McCall each shipped stock tb Kansas City Sunday. Malen Points and family were trans acting business in Red Cloud otie day last week. , L. D. Dally and wife and J. A. Kecd spent Thursday of lust week at the liunslckei home. John Mitchell and Clnis. Dlekersou have beou tptltu busy tho past wcok repairing the oast Walnut Ureek phouuliue. 'Mms. Uiuker and wlfu weru guefits at Priiulc UlankeubHkers last Sunday, ami attended the babtlslnjrat the rh'ot in the afternoon. The little friends of Nora I'utniiiu irave her a Htirprlso Hnutluy in honor of hor sixth birthday, A phMMiut tlmo was hud by all present. Max Moode, ono of the s ate guards, wan in tills neighborhood soiiultlnK voluntoeih to uo to M:.uo. A number of the boys have joined. Thu voii'iik pooplo of tho Christian church sveru entertained by the young men at the hom of Karl and Allies Wilmot last Friday uvenluj,'. , Tills tiolKUborlinml was visited wUh u'fiur rain Sunday and Monday imrhtb wbioh wn yrflatly needed to fitaet; tlm pustuj-(H, ,s tlmre Is very little dry feed loft in tho-eguntry. ' 't L fr'.'-f l John llroun liauled a load of hogs to Inavale last Saturday. x The Myers brothers made a business trip to Ited Cloud lHst Saturday. Almost every one started in to list corn last. Monday. They find the soil in excellent condition. Miss Clnike, sister of Mrs. J. fetter sou Duckervllle, who has been making an extended visit in Iowa is home. Tho-e who were behind in planting gardens were busy during the past week. The earlier gardens look line. J. C. Williams and Herb Barber both traded horses with Bill Holliday one day last week, the former also traded horses with Kugene Smith tho follow ing day. Herb Barber, wife and family, were iu Bed Cloud last Saturday doing their trading, also Mrs. Ada and George Leiulabraudt were there In the middle of tho week transacting business. The dance in South Pawnee was well attended last Saturday uight uud all report a good time as good order and harmony prevailed. The general amusement ceased as the clock struck twelve. ' l Will Relehan of Topeka, Kau., paid an incidental visit to his boys, Bill and Dan. who aid farming his place and caring for his stock here in Logan If Will finds everything all right the boys will be continued In ottlce, if not, a dismissal is liable to ensue Elmer Spuire' of Duckervllle pin chased a most attractive automobile from Liudcll, McMurrny & Co , of Lebanon, which co-t him the sum of 31,2.10, alto his brother-in-law, Fied Brown Pawnee, one the next day cost ing him the same amount, both with their families autoed to Bed Cloud on lust Saturday for the purpose of test ing their ears and to do their trading. They were wejl pleaded with the trip and everything all-around being very sMUtactory. SPRING AND iSSSSv-w Summer - Uudewear! M) l tfB i - . Now that the warm days of spring are here you will need lighter weight underwear. We have a full line in all styles for ladies in sep arate pieces or union suits. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length union suits at - 60c Low neck, either of two styles, in tight knee or 1 n r frrm Application for License. Notlco Is hereby given that I did, on tho Kith day of April, I9U, llio my petition with tho village clerk of tho vlllaoot Illadcn, county of Webster, state of Nebraska, for a license to sell malt, spirituous, and vinous liquors In tho bulldliiK situated on lots 9 and 10, block 11, In the vlllago of Illadcn, county unit stato afore said, tor tiio period of ono year from the com mencement of tho municipal year. IlKHIIKHTSCK. lace, from 25c to $1.25 . Children's and infants vests, long sleeves from 15 to 30e Nazareth .waist in all sizes from 2 to 13 at 25e BARB ARTPHARES Agent For American Beauty and Warner Bros. Corset And -Butterlck Pattern xawssss w afaAi AMe)atMifcetfceaJC FUR.NITUR.E asa AND ses- UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK ALL THK PHONKB NEWHOUmE BLK. ROSEMONT h f Little Vtilum Crawford id on thohfek list. ' ' , Mr, and Mrs.. It. Rose-spout ruuduy with 0. Hudson's," Miss Alta Guthvto visited nt A, V Krausc's Saturday. ,an10l0ailletteAJCo We Ave Looking For The Man Who lias soiled his olnthcs bo hadly that, they tiro not lit to wear. No matter how dirty or urvusy lho hiiit may lie wo ale equlppell' -. with tho moist niodoiu uiachtnory and havo aUllliul worltiuen who know how to f Clean, Repair and Press-Clothes G. HassingeF Cleaner and Dyer -Both Phonoo A Tour of the East Take advantage- or tho very attractive excursion rates this coming Sum liter applying over a completu circuit, uroin ono way, returning another that will Include many of the. most luiuutis mountain and i-uiisIiuio loeiiHtios of llio KaHt. You may Include Ihu Ailrlondiu'ks, tlio.Wliito MoitntaiiiH, The St. I.nw n tieo Uivor Hogion, Litku Gpnrjrn, Siuali'KO. Montreal, (juebec, Dnstou, New Yotk, thu Hudson Hlvnr, tliu 'Ocean Tiip to Newport News, thu Jmoy Const, Urn Virginias, Waslilugton, I). 0. Leavo your name with me and let mo secure for yousomo railroad and ho'el literature that will dcfuribo thu Summer journey you havo in mind. Something NowThrough sleepers now in service be- tween Omaha and Peoria, train No. 12,. 17. C. F-'OS, Ticket Agent. L,W. WAKELtZY, General Passenger Agt. z 1 1 wwni ) i m wii m w wjtBssamamisx xmwKmwwTwwmimvsBssiBwmasssiwi :. THY DS FOR fiHTISTIG JOB W0Tp .-. Wo Can Please You As To Material, Style And Workmanship, And. Our Prices Are Very Low. I JL ! gtfli Mir - Tk.; vt .,l-(ib