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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1914)
ssaagr, M iWW- 1 "'raaofiT'?" if- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 5SS3rai!W I) Throw away your washboard it ruins your clothes it gives you a backache to look atitUseRUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP. No rubbing required. Clothes on the line quickly fresh, sweet and clean. RUB-'NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP should be used freely for washing the finest fabric, It docs no harm to it and needsnohotwatcr. Carbo Disinfects Naptha Cleans RUB-NO-MORE RUB-NO-MORE Carbo Nsptha Soip Washing Powdet Five Cents All Grocers The Rub-No-More Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ttVKwx mmwKwuj .Maanmcem Mtom CmpS in al western xamaa i ...-. . V.i.l ' Msitlolka.Sftl(lfkHMnnnr1 i uainsi ui tup I'mvinrM m A I heart a. Iinv nrru1ifw1 ti. rifki-ffil vfoMta nt ULt il.i. Barley and Flax. Wheat crnrVrl V rrm Cnnt rnct t rI f II A taretcrfijtrl h9W nnrt alUJ - Oft 10 45 busneu per acre: i bushels raa F In matf m rnna.Met-ar1 fulftr eat nrAfit. 1 ahtu an fnr4titrv as crratn mlatfit Tli' t arliprt crraara full nf nntr-itlin am' ' trm nntir fru-tr rntilmr4 tlffiaf IuaI fr Halrv mtrrva In 1019 nnt arrtii In 1Q11 n hfann M..I1A. -.1.J -M , " w.eiwaajjv., ki.uuvu vaiiiou vis , in Championship tor teef suet. OOOd I afhnola. mflrkHfi rnnvnlnt rlimnf . 1 cellent. For the homesteader, the man1; v..w nwiii. tw ...!. VAIEiMMCIiVI UIC t Investor, Canada offers the biggest op- I yununuy m any place on uio continent. ApDly for descriDtiva literature and reduced railway rates to Superintendent of Immleration. f Ottawa, Canada, or to W.V.BENNETT BaaBullUlna Omaha. Nab. Canadian I Government Agent I W.L.DOUGLAS SHOES Mtftliftttf&SPi wmns sure u MlasasiBorstOhlldraiii SkMSI.7BSla TMetathar ui vaiuea tor aa .00.1 and MM Botwiilnitadlas Uw esoraou. mereaae in ta. earn of leei&ar. Our nanoarda oar. not Do lowerM ana id. pr torou remain ta earn. Juk yourdeakrtoataavv hfatuiaa far tkobuuSSUMt aaao. Vnu will than Da mln that W.L.Doualaa ahora an abatx luMly a. coodaa oih makw mid at . BisorrpneM. jnaonijoiamsoi TAKB NO UBTITUTI m. miIm wttaaat W. L. BtrndM aaai T 1 .. . .. i..-W . ... m iniuM Ml. U jit Tlehilv. trtn aira m ranorr. aHnnrnnrmiiMr i ta. remiir at ui pntaa pcwui. n Tf nt. air uiowratra huim .wing a.w W, Ik DOCSLai. tip apart arrl,'Br.kWa. Maaa Nebraska Directory GOFFEUMENERvr. Corratpondents for Logan Bryan of Chicago, I1L Prtrata wires, UKCOT.N. NK11B. UASTrNOS. NEBB. tbonuil-UT " AutolCW THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN ftooma from II M up single, 75 centa up double. CAK PRICKS REASONABLE Good Road Tools All Kinds Repairs for All Machlnas FARM WAGONS CCA COMPLETE POU STROUD & CO., 20th and Ames Ave., Omaha, Nek, CHoltrVA'RUM Dont let your hot. dl.wltb the Oholera when you can rreyent it by lmmunlng hem with onraernm. When ordering (Ira us th. num ber ana weight and w. will know bow much to land. Writ, for free booklet. isaaiKi saaca ooinar atoi. atn.1 lumu,i. Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho Saline Springs Usatsd on our own prsmliss and ussd la the Natural Mineral Water Baths Uasuifaatsd In tha traatmsat of Rheumatism Heart. Stomaeh, Kldnsy and Liver Diseases MODERATE 0HAR0E8. ADDRESS DR. O. W. VKRKTT. Marr. I4M M Straat Lincoln, Nab. REDWOOD ass SBBBaar r A Sh bW "7 Slav' 7I an M BP"lSJKj J iMNtiMiiriii IsattNaBBBFA J , a.s.o,4, XBSKr aV J m. S . to UMMsaklB?VlBBm tM mrM. WKtl WSpV t TXulM akaa la UUm Utt, Mian ra the UJU.S4.00 A mt .t m Jf vt. pBT ajjM jFtk? i!.! JatS:V M WVV k'.v I NOT SO MUCH TO BE PITIED Visiting Englishmen Wasted Sympathy on Man of Millions Who Was Out for Exercise. James stlllman onoo rocotvod a group of Drltlsh flnanclora In his Im posing Now York office and ontor talnod thorn at luncheon In tho Mot ropolltnn club. Afterward ho oxcusod hlmaolf, saying that ho had Important buslnoss. "Dut you can uso my big French motor," ho sold, pointing to a splondid $15,000 machlno that stood outside They accepted his Invitation and started off. A fow hours later tho Drltons woro speeding down a hill on tho Hudson river drivo. Suddenly they spied a lono cyclist tolling up tho Incline He was pumping hard, but making progress. As thoy ncarcd htm ono of tho nritishers sold: "I wonder who that beggor is?" "Poor devil!" remarked nnothor. When they raced post him they saw that tho poor devil was their host, tho head of ono of tho greatest ol world banks, In whoso costly car they wero riding. Saturday Evening Post ECZEMA ON BACK AND CHEST Plerson, N. Dakota. "Tho eczema started on my scalp. It finally went on to tho back of my neck, then on to my back, arms and cheat. It broko out in pimples first and then seemed to run together In somo plnccs, mak ing a soro about tho bIzo of a dimo. At times tho Itching and burning wero bo lntcnso that it seemed unbearable. Tho moro I scratched it tho worse it became, and there would bo a slight dischargo from it, especially on ray scalp, so as to mako my hair matted and sticky close to tho scalp. Tho hair waB dry, lifeless and thin. My hair was falling so terribly that I had begun to despair of over finding re lief. My clothing Irritated tho erup tion on my back. Tho affected partB wero almost a solid scab. "I had been bothered with eczema for about a year and a half. Then I began using tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I used them dally for two months and I was cured." (Signed) Miss Mildred Dennis, Apr. 30, 1913. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each freo.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adr. Plea for the Hen. I should Ilko to see tho hen on a piano, at least, with tho turkey and tho goose. Sho Is their superior in every way except that of size, and yet they have long held the placo of honor on the Christmas and the Thanksgiving din ner table, and they have bad reams and reamB of poetry written about them. But the hen, that most Important of all feathered creatures, who writes poetry about herT Who even takes the trouble to know anything about her early history in America? Who owned the first hen; when and where did she land upon our shores? Why not mako amends for our long years of neglect by making her the center of tho feast on the Fourth of July? Hereafter let It be our Thanks giving turkey, our Christmas goose, and our Fourth of July hen. Atlantic. Animal Idloayncracles. Many are the idloayncracles of ani mals. Somo horses aro afraid of a dog, some of a bit of paper, some of a bear, some of a cor. I have known two mulos to shy at a big yel low cucumber on a fence, and a cow we formerly ownod could not endure to bco any man's hat romovod. Tho oldest trick recorded of a rid ing animal 1b that of Balaam's ass, who trlod to crush Its rider's foot against the wall. Biting, pawing and bolting aro also described in the Scrip tures. A balky team figures in Esop and Chausor. That the horses of the Saracens used to shy 1b shown by the traditional Inquiry, "If they thought King Richard was, In that bush?" This same balking, or Jib bing, In all its varieties Is ono of the most aggravating of vlcos. From "A Farmer's Note Book," by C. B. Phelps. Tltta Ruffo's Important Views. A piece of baked macaroni trying to stand upright. This is the defini tion of the modern American woman given to a Denver newspaper reporter by Tltta Ruffo of tho Chicago Grand Opera company. "It ees llko a piece of cooked maca roni making effort to stand upright," ho said with on air of disgust. "In Eot-aly tho women aro beog. Only boog women are beautiful. "Tho American woman Is very chic and It Is good for her to bo a suffra gette. It Is nice for woman to rale man in Amorlca. In Eeot-aly It is not bo nice." All Do It "I understand he's writing a play." "Oh, yes. Everybody has to go through that period of llfo." Detroit Free Press. Fond lovers are apt to mistake tho glycerine and rose water thoy got with a kiss for tho sweetness of tho girl. STOCK AND SUPPLY TANKS LAST A LIFETIME CAN'T RUST OR ROT NO KNOTS Wa manufacture tho celebrated Cali fornia Redwood tanks. They neither shrink nor swell and cannot rot. Our tanks are held In perfect shape by a patented appliance, not found In any other tank mads. Redwood tanks have been known to stand C8 years without decay. Cost no more than others. Send for price list and men tion also of tank wanted. ATUSTANKMF0.C0.,209W.0.W.BIdg.,0mih SWIFTEST ?gs! &wf I'Vi'-- s4TsyfBfAai sBBaB'Ift V$rrW'llif ir-;".y.. '- :: ,...ixu...v:j.i.y T j mTr:rrr-" ::; J ;; ';' ' "';'' '' " i!'"": i!l"" 'n"' Tho Cruiser Chestur, fastest of Vera Cruz. BROTHER TELLS IT FLETCHER Career of the Rear Admiral Who - Took Vera Cruz. YEARNED FOR SEA WHEN BOY Forced to Remain at an Executive Deak During the Spanish War, He Became an Expert on Ordnance. Chicago. Whllo Admiral Fletcher, who captured tho city of Vera Cruz Tuesday, has never resided In Chi cago, he has been a frequent visitor here at the home of his brother, Thom as J. Fletcher, 6237 Cornell avenue. The latter Is treasurer of the Co-operative League of Chicago. J. Fletch er, a son of the Chicago Fletcher, 1b a lieutenant on Admiral Fletcher's flag ship. "We Fletchers do not come of a sea faring breed," said the civilian Fletch er at his home. "On the contrary, we are Iowa men and we should by all rights have lived and died landlub bers. My brother Is an admiral now because our representative in con gress in Marahalltown, Iowa, decided he would fill a vacancy at Annapolis by holding a" competitive examination. "'Tom,' said my brother when he saw the notice of the examination, T'm going to be a sailor. That's the ttfo for me. I never thought of It be fore, but I see now that I was meant to be a hero of tho deep.'" Leads In Examination. He entered the examination, Just as he said he would, and took first place aver 25 other boys. That was In 1870 and he has been in the navy service since. According to the Chicago Fletcher, lit was ono of the bitterest disappoint ments of the admiral's career when be was compelled to remain at an exec utive desk In Washington during tho Spanish war. But the admiral, as tho result of that experience, became an expert on ordnance. "Secretary Long promised him that If be would remain as assistant chief of the ordnance department until he could get things In order, he could have anything he wished. But bo fore his work was done there tho war was over. You see, the country was totally unprepared for war and the ordnance department was placed un ,der a terrific strain." Invents Recoil Apparatus. Admiral Fletcher had been In the lervlco but a short time when he In vented a recoil apparatus for quick brers, which has been In use ever since. Ho also improvrd the Farcot breech mechanism, thereby Insuring tho success of the system. Whereas to open tho breech of the big guns It had been necessary before to depend upon power from the engine-room, the admiral's improvement made It possible to move the huge blocks with ono hand. As commander of the torpedo boat Cushing the ad miral, then Lieutenant Commander Fletcher, conducted an Investigation of the behavior of torpedoes and dis covered many errors in range and In almost every Instance the correctness of his. deductions was proved. He Is regarded as one of the first ordnance experts of the navy. Born In Oskaloosa. "Admiral Fletcher," said his kins man In Chicago, "was born in Oska loosa, Nov. 23, 1855. He was only fifteen years old when he took tho examination and entered Annapolis. "My brother was graduated In June, 187C, one of the honor men of his class. He served as a midshipman for one year and then was promoted to the rank of an ensign. On April 1, 1882, he became a Junior lieutenant, AMERICAN CRUISER, THE its class lu tho American nuvy, took part in thu uliolllng und capturo of and nt tho outbreak of tho Spanish war was n lieutenant and had at tracted attention by his knowludgo of ordnance. ' "After the war ho was relieved of desk work nt Washington and ordered to sen. in March, 1904, ho waB pro moted to tho rank of commnndcr after having served ns commanding ofllcnr of tho gunboats Knnnwaha and Kaglo. Soon after this promotion ho wnB made Inspector of ordnance In chnrgo of tho torpedo station nt Newport, whero ho served until March 15, 1905. "When ho ngnln went to sea It ws as chief of staff of tho Asiatic fleot, which position he gavo up to tnko command of tho cruiser Rnlclgh. After two moro years at sea ho was ordered to tho naval war colleco at NowDort. and later ho becamo a member of the' special ordnanco board. "In 1908 he was made a captain and given command of the battleship Ver mont. After leaving the Vermont ho became an aid on the staff of Secre tary of the Navy George von L. Meyer. It was during this sorvlco In October, 1911, that he achieved flag rank." May Succeed Badger. Admiral Fletcher Is regarded as a probable successor of Rear Admiral Badger as commander In chief of the Atlantic fleet, a promotion that will carry with It the honor of command ing the great United States fleet that will bo the first to pass through the Panama canal when the waterway Is opened to the ships of the world In 1915. It was Immediately following the assassination of President Madero that Admiral Fletcher was ordered to Mexican waters. ntere Harbor In "Norther." It will be recalled that Admiral Fletcher In his first cablegram record ing tho seizing of the custom-house at Vera Cruz said that he commonoed operations In the face of an approach ing "norther." Tho following extract from a navy text-book on navigation may explain why Admiral Fletcher acted without jUnduo delay 'n carrying out President Wilson's orders: "To attempt to run Into the harbor (Vera Cruz) In a 'norther Is extreme ly perilous, for It blows more power fully within than without the shoals. No confidence can be placod In an chors and no assistance can be given from the shore in case of accident" Admiral Fletcher when, not at sea resides at 1441 Massachusetts avenue, Washington. He married Miss Bcsan Hunt Stetson in 1895. He is a mem ber of the Chevy Chase and the Army and Navy clubs In Washington. How Seizure Order Was Given. ' Washington. The story of how President Wilson ordered the custom house at Vera Crus to be seized has been revealed. The president had gone to bed Mon day night after having read his mes sage to congress. The senate was de bating the Joint resolution to approve the uso of the army and navy, and the president had determined to withhold action until the resolution passed, al though feeling that In an emergenoy the executive had ample authority to act At 4 o'clock Tuesday morning Sec retary Bryan received a cablegram from Consul Canada telling of the ap proach of a German vessel with a tremendous cargo of ammunition for Huerta. A number of locomotives and many cars wero In readiness to rush the arms to Mexico City. Mr. Bryan telephoned Secretary Tu multy, who decided to awaken the president He telephoned the White House. The servants were timid, but Tumulty Insisted. Finally the presi dent came to the telephone, and while Secretary Tumulty was explaining the situation Secretary Daniels called up and was put on the samo lino, Ho, too, had a dispatch about the ammunition. Rear Admiral Fletcher had sent a wireless that 15,000,000 rounds of ammunition and 250 ma chlno guns would bo landed from the German vessel by noon that day. Tho president listened In sllenea, CHESTER "What shall wo do?" asked Secre tary Daniels. "Tell Fletcher to bcIzo tho cuBtom houso," replied tho president without hesitation. "Good night," said tho secretary. Tho telephone conference ended and in u fow minutes wireless diBpatchca wero on their way to Rear Admiral Fletcher. Ho received the message at 10 a. in., and an hour later American marines had landed and taken posses lon of tho custom houso. No War Tax for Six Months. Washington. Tho government's finances nro considered to be In ex cellent condition. Tho treasury offi cials informed tho houso loadors that thcro v ill be no occasion for six months, at least, to worry about rais ing a war revenue. Chairman Underwood of the ways and means committee said: "No plans are being considered for raising a war fund. I have consulted with tho secretary of war and tho sec retary of the navy and they both as sure mo that the current appropria tions for the army and navy will be sufficient for the present needs. Sec retary Daniels told me that it would cost no more to maintain the navy and the marine corps in Mexican wa ters than in the waters of the United States. "If we are foroed Into a prolonged war with Mexico, which I do not be lieve will happen, we can1 easily ar range to raise the revenue necessary to finance it by the bame measures as wero taken during the Spanish-American war. The extraordinary taxes then Imposed increased the revenues of the government approximately 1100,000,000 a year, and the same taxes applied today would yield even a larger return." There was talk of a new Issue of 8200,000,000 of bonds out of the au thorized issue of 9240,000,000 Panama canal bonds, which are still In the treasury, but Secretary McAdoo au thorized the statement that no such action was planned. The bonds art available at any time and can be is sued at the pleasure of the president without any further action by con gress. It was pointed out that President Wilson has authority under a section of the Payne-Aldrlch act of 1900, which has not been repealed by the Underwood tariff act to raise 8450, 000,000 from bond Issues, it necessary, to defray the expenses of war. Un der section 39 of the Payne-Aldrlch act the secretary of the treasury can nse 8250,000,000 of the bonds "to re coup the treasury for moneys used In the building of the Panama canal," which have never been Issued. Wilson Could Raise 1200,000,000. Under section 40, also, the secre tary can Issue 8 per cent bonds up to 9200,000,000, It being specified that he may take such action if he deems it necessary. The section of the law per mltting the secretary of the treasury to raise 9200,000,000 for emergencies, reads as follows: "That section 33 of the act providing ways and means to meet war expendi tures, approved June 81, 1898 (the so called Spanish war stamp act), be anal the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "That the secretary of the treasury is authorized to borrow from time to time at a rate of Interest not exceed ing 3 per centum per annum, such sum or sums as, in his Judgment may be necessary to meet publlo expeadl tures, and to Issue therefor certifi cates of indebtedness in such form as he may prescribe and in denomina tions of 950 or multiples thereof, and each certificate shall be payable with the Interest accrued thereon at such time, not exceeding one year from the date of Issue, as the secretary of the treasury may prescribe; provided, that the sum of such certificates out standing shall at no time txceed 9260, 000,000 and the provisions of existing law respecting counterfeiting and oth er fraudulent practises are hereby ex tended to the bonds and oertlflcatee of Indebtedness authorised by this act" KILL MI GUARDS: . SCENE 18 8HIPTED TO CANON' . CITY. PLEDGE L0YALTYT0 WILSON Resolutions of Support Adopted by Newspaper Publishers Austria Stops the Emigration of Its Youths. Western Newspoper Union News Service. Des Moines, la. Unloss conditions aro Improved In tho southern Colo rado coal fields, a Btriko.of tbo GOO, 000 coal miners of tho country proba bly will bo called, said John P. White, international president of tho United Mine Workers. A meeting of tho ex ecutive board has been cnlled for May 4 at Indlannpolls to consider tho ques tion, ho announced. Canon City, Colo. Tho force of mino guards nt tho Chandler mine near hero, after the death of at loast four of their mimbor, fled beforo an attacking mob of strikers, who were continuing their nssniilt upon the mlno property, begun Saturday. Tho mlno camp was then occupied by the strikers, tho ttpplo dynamited and the buildings fired. Four mlno guards, William King, Robert Perry, Charlca Pinch and John Thomas, aro known to bo dead nnd nt least twelvo othor guardB aro said to bo mlBslng. Austria Restricts Emigration. Vienna. By a simple ministerial decrco, without the passage of any! now law, or oven reforonco to parita ment, tho Austrian cnbtnot has: stopped tho emigration of youths and! mon undor the ago of thlrty-four. They wore not permitted to cross the) frontier unless thoy can produce a' passport, and tho local authorities1 have rccelvod strict instructions to is-, stio such papers only to applicants, who can provo that thoy havo per formed their military sorvlco, Includ ing tho full term in tho resorvo, and! havo passed Into tho 'lnndstrum," the1 last line of reserves for homo dofonso. PLEDGE LOYALTY TO WIL80N. Newspaper Publishers by Resolution, Announce Support New York. Tho American Newspa por Publishers' association, on the last day of Its convention, adopted a reso lution pledging loyalty to President Wilson In the Mexican situation. The resolution was sent to the Whit house by telegraph. A resolution was also passed up holding the entoacement of the news paper publicity Taw, which provides for a full statement as to ownership and circulation. Message Sent to President Denver. Several hundred women met in the capital Saturday to present to Governor Amnions resolutions1 adopted at a recent meeting of the women's peace society. Thoir de- mands wero submitted by Mrs. R. W. Steele, wife of the late R. W. Steele, chief Justice of the Colorado state su preme court. They included a request for federal troops, the withdrawal of the stAte militia and Investigation of charges against Major P. J, Hamrock and Lieutenant LInderfolt. The wo men were Insistent that the governor send a telegram to President Wilson, relative to sending troops Into the strike zono with the result that there was exchange of messages. Lincoln, Nob. Upon receipt of tele graphic Information Saturday after noon from war department headquar ters at Washington he first that has come from thero since tho American marines and naval forces took Vera Cruz activity at the ofllce of Adju tant General Hall was renewed. The contents) of the message were not made public, but it was evidently of a character to encourage the hopo that there Is some chance ' of- Nebraska troops taking the field. London. In response to numerous American inquiries received In London for tonnage in connection with the Mexican crisis; many British steamers have been offered, but no business has resulted. A large volume of war in surance on property In HI Paso has been arranged in London. Red Cross Prepared to Respond. Washington. Tbo war relief board of the American Red Cross has pro pared to respond to any call the gov ernment ssay make. The committee on direction was appointed to have im mediate charge of relief work. Mexican Volunteers Organize. Eagle Pass, Tex. At a mass meet ing of Mexican citizens In Pledras Ne gro, 600 volunteers were organized and armed to resist what they called the expected Invasion of the United States. Wants Large Amount for Injuries. Denver, Colo. Harry B. Srockey, a locomotive fireman, has filed suit in the district court here to collect 926. 600 for personal injuries against the Surllngton railroad. Shockoy charges) gllgence against the company when he was thrust suddenly against heavy pipe in an engine cab, May 1, 1912. He was employed on a run between Ster ling, Colo., and McCook, Nob. The engino struck what he says was a de fective Joint in a rail, throwing him, fdnvard against the cab piping, . 1 ) t f 1 '' M I Wl v 4.. m I 1 ir-r-.a V .JfH'l Ult 111 ' MIMH Kt'l i-;'fl stfl .;! m ' S I aSBM ."n weiil Y: m 1 ,8 .' M V -.- J t t N smmmmmmm . ..MteK 1 .. -a. . . ( M "t to. ' WlVWwrr'tVi , VlV 4 - ' t w .rMV4lWWMl, . V Ux&iffM UJ (PiT-gALhV