The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1914, Image 6

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Feeling of Optimism Prevail at Wash
ington Dut Situation at
Mexico City Growing
Western Ncwiipapcr Union News Service.
Washington. Spanish Ambassndor
fllano announced Sunday that ho had
rocelvcd prlvnto advlcco from Mexico
City stating that General Huerta had
accepted tho offer of Argentine and
Brazil nnd Chllo to uso their good of
flees to bring about an amicable set
tlement of tho difficulty between tho
United States and Mexico. This In
formation, though unofficial, was ac-
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cepted as authentic by the ambassa
dor, who expects to be prepared to
place General Huerta's formal accep
tance before the representatives of the
three South American countries.
El Paso. The International politi
cal eltuatlon is clearing as affecting
the status of the rebel government and
that of the United States. This city
and Juarez were perfectly quiet. A
long note from Secretary Bryan was
transmitted through Juarez to Chi
kuahua. General Francisco Villa, who ar
rived at Juarez Thursday, repeated his
declaration that he would not be drawn
Into a war .with the Unttcd States, par,
tloularly as that would serve to draw
the Huerta chestnuts out of the Are.
He repeated these assertions to Georgo
0. Carothera, apodal agent of the
tate department, and to newspaper
nen and many visitors. To J. T. Mo
Clammy, his cattle agent on this side
of the river, he said: "It's that little
drunkard Huerta's fight; let him fight
it I wish I had 10,000,000 cartridges
right now; I'd march Into Moxlco City
without a stop."
Refuses to Discuss Mediation Plan
as Presented.
Chihuahua, Mex. General Vonustl
ano Carranza, chief of tho constitu
tionalists, has received a telegraphic
message telling of tho offer of tho
governments of Argentine, Brazil and
Chile to use their good offices In at
tempting a solution of tho Mexican
question. Whother ho was included in
the offer could not bo learned nor
would he talk for publication on tho
subject. Ho is expecting a stntement
from Presidont Wilson dealing with
his note of Wednesday, tho note
which caused consternation among all
classes here and accoloratcd tho exo
4us of foreigners.
Optimistic at Washington.
Washington. -Whllo tho attention of
the Amorlcan government for tho most
part was concentrated on restoring
order at Vera Cruz and expediting tho
departuro of Americans from all parts
of Mexico, a watchful eye was trained
on the transcontinental boundary be
tween Mexico and the United States
Plannlnj War Tax Measure.
Washington, D. C Tho llrst war
tax mcaBuro planned would impose a
stamp tax on checks and legal docu
ments. Another measure would tax
sweet wines and fortified brnndlos
and probably boor, According to the
estimato this measure would not tho
treasury about $116,000,000 a year,
and If the situation demanded, a tax
would bo imposed on clgarottos, cigars
and tobacco. It is not tho present in
tention In any way to alter tho pres
ent tariff law.
for signs of. hostility from constitu
tionalists. President Wilson and his,
cabinet had a long meeting, aftor
which optimism was conspicuously ap
parent In both tholr demeanor and In
formal discussion of the situation.
There was no particular development
to which the feeling of hopefulness
that real war would bo averted could
bo traced, but General Villa's friendly
pronouncement, it was admitted, had
Impressed many officials here with tho
possibility that the constitutionalists
would remain neutral while tho Ameri
can government sought rcpuratlon
from Huerta.
Huerta Must Go.
Washington, From out of tho an
archy, bloodshed and rapine In Mexico
these facts stand out in sharp relief:
That the United States will accept the
good offices of Argentine, Urnzll and
Chile, In an attempt at mediation
but only on positive assurances that !
Huerta will go and order and peace be
restored In all Mexico. That there has
been no cessation in our military and
naval preparations und this country
Is prepared to exact vengeance for any
massacre of Americans In Mexico.
Becoming More Alarming.
Vera Cruz. Tho situation In the cap
ital dally is becoming mora alarming
for Americans, according to refugees
who arrived here. Tho mobs in the
streets wero Increasing In size and
numbers, they said. They confirmed
the report that the rifles and rapid fire
guns that recently were permitted to
reach the American embassy had boen
seized by order of Prosldent Huerta,
and stated also that a house to house
soarch had begun for arms. Only a
few American refugees arrived hero
on the train that brought Nelson
O'Shaughncssy, the American charge
d'affaires. Several who had boarded
the train were removed by tho, authori
ties In Mexico City and held in the
capital for their own "protection."
Algeva Geta Passport.
Washington. Tho United States has
severed nil diplomatic relatlonarwlth
Dictator Huerta. Sonor Algara was
notified that ho would reccivo his pass
ports nt once. The charge called up
the stato department and told them be
had been directed by his government
to ask for passports. Secretary Bryan
asked tho charge to call and complete
tho necessary formalities.' The papers
wore delivered without any delay.
Ab ho left tho state department Al
gara shook hands sadly with Boaz
Long, director of the bureau of Latin
Amorlcan affairs; John Barrett, direc
tor general of tho Panama-American
union, and "Eddlo," tho negro mes
senger who has been nt tho offlco of
tho secretary of state for a quarter
of a contury. Algara was plainly sad
dened at leaving. In diplomatic and
official circles ho was personally pop
ular. Neuva Laredo In Ruins.
Laredo, Tex. Neuvn .Laredo, the
thriving Mexican border town opposite
hero, Is in ruins, devastated by dyna
mite and fired by Mexican fedoral sol
diers, who began an orgy of destruc
tion, which did not end until they
wero forced to fleo beforo tho guns of
tho American bordor patrol. Two
Mexicans are known to havo been
killed by United States troops and sov
eral wore seen to fall when a machino
gun platoon from Fort Mcintosh got
into action.
Strength of National Guards.
Lincoln, Nob. If tho presidont de
cides to call for 250,000 troops tho na
tional guard of all the states will bo
first to bo mustered in. A call for
that numbor of troops could bo filled
by the guard if recruited to war
strength. Tho ontlro guard of tho
country at prosent number about 127,
000, If tho companies aro Increased
to war strength tho numbor would bo
at least 240,000. Some estimato that
Nebraska's quota would bo 5,000. Tho
strength of threo full regiments would
not exceed 4,200..
How, It Happened.
Washington. Tho Btory of how
President Wilson ordered the customs
house at Vera Cruz to bo seized has
just been revealed. The president
had gone to bed Monday night after
having read his message to Congress.
The senate was debating tho Joint res
olution to approve the use of the army
and navy, and the president had de
termined to withhold nctlon until the
resolution passed, although feeling
that In dn emergency tho executlvo
had ample authority to act,
At 4 o'clock Tuesday morning Sec
rotary Bryan received a cablegram
from Consul Canada telling of the ap
proach of a German vessel with a tro
mendous cargo of ammunition for
Hucrtn. Locomotives nnd cars wero
In readiness to rush the nrms to Mex
ico City. Mr. Bryan telephoned Sec
retary Tumulty, who decided to awak
en the president. Ho telephoned tho
Whlto house.
The servants were timid, but Mr.
Tumulty insisted Finally the presi
dent came to tho tctophone and while
Secretary Tumulty was explaining the
situation Secretary Daniels called up
and was put on the same line. Ho,
too, hnd a dispatch about the ammunition,
Rear Admiral Fletched had sent a
wlroless that fifteen million roundB of
ammunition and 250 field guns
would be landed from the German
vessel by noon that day. The presi
dent listened In silence.
"What, shall we do?" asked Secre
tary Daniels.
"Tell Fletcher to seize the customs
house," replied the president without
"Good night," said the' secretary.
The telephone conference ended and
In a few minutes messages were on
the way to Rear Admiral Fletcher.
He received tho message at 10 a, ra
and an hour later marines had taken
possession of the customs house. The
ammunition will go back to its ship
pers in Germany.,
Admiral Fletcher's Proclamation.
Washington. Admiral Fletcher's
proclamation to the mayor, chief of po
lice and citizens of Vera Cruz read:
"It has become necessary for the
naval forces of tho United States of
America now nt Vera Cruz to land and
assume military control pf the customs
wharves of Vera Cruz. Your co-operation
Is requested to preserve order
and prevont loss of life.
"It is not the Intention of tho United
States naval forces to intcrfero .with
the administratis of the civil affairs
of Vera Cruz, more than Is necessary
for tho purpose of maintaining a con
dition of law and order and enforco
such sanitary conditions as aro needed
to meet military requirements.
"It is desired that'tho civil officials
of Vera Cruz shall continue In tho
peaceful pursuits of their occupations.
Under these conditions, tull protection
will be given to the city by tho United
States naval forces,
"It Is enjoined on all Inhabitants and
property owners to prevent firing by
individuals from tho shelter of tholr
houses on United Stntes forces, or on
anyone else, such firing by Irregulars
not members of an organized military
forco, Is contrary to the lnws of war,
if persisted in It will call for severe
measures. (Signed)
"Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Com
mander Detached Squadron
U. S. Atlantic Fleet."
Vera Cruz, Tho Moxlcan gunboat.
Progrcsso, with moro than 500 sol
diers in heavy marching order aboard,
steamed to tho harbor mouth Thurs
day evening, but no further. The
commander of the Progresso had not
heard that tho Americans wero In pos
session of thoclty. The ProgresBO
was hailed by.'tbo flagship and board
ed by Lieut.' Byron McCandless, of
Roar Admiral Badger's staff, who in
formed tlvo commander that he had
tho choice of remaining under the
guns and searchlights of the flagship
or putting out to. sea.
State May Bear the Expense.
Lincoln, Neb. Whether or not Ne
braska Is called upon for troops, it is
believed the state will be obliged to
pay tho expenses of tho recruiting of
a third national guard regiment and
the) recruiting of two old national
guard regiments to war strength. In
addition thero will bo the 6ost of the
salaries of tho colonels of the Ne
braska national guard military board
In session continuously during tho past
week. All of the expenses of the state
military board and tho enlisting of
national guardsmen for a new regi
ment nnd tho filling up of two old
regiments to war strength will natural,
ly come from state fundB for the sup
port of tho guard.
Burned at Stake.
El Paso, Tex. Americans from Tor
reon have confirmed the report that
an Amerlcnn, Haurlco McDonald, was
caught by the fedcrnls at tho first bat
tle of San Pedro, the Boles of his feet
cut off, and that he "was mnrched
through tho streets and finally burned
nt tho stnke. The American refugees
say that reliable Americans who were
In San Pedro at tho time of the cap
ture have verified the report that Mc
Donald was killed and tortured before
being shot. McDonald's home was in
Berkeley, Cal .and he was a gunner
for Villa.
Harbor Clear of Warships,
San Diego, Calif. San Diego har
bor Is emptied of United States war
ships for the first time in weeks.
Every available naval vessel Is al
ready along tho west cOast of Mexico
or Is speeding there. Six companies
of regular coast artillery are dis
tributed along the border awaiting
orders from Washington. Two com
panies of state guards and one com
pany of naval reserves are guarding
tho Snn Diego water system from any
possible damage at the hands of tho
Japan Is Neutral.
Toklo. Japanese government of
ficials declare thai tho attitude of the
Japanese government in the Mexican
situation Is naturally one of strict neu
trality. It was pointed out that the
Japanese warship Idzumo was now at
Guaymas on tho Pacific coast and
could arrange for the embarkation of
Japanese residents In Mexico, should
such a step become necessary.
To Bring Out Refugees.
Washington, D. C. The resolution
appropriating $500,000 to bring Amer
icans in Mexico back to the United
States was favorably acted on by the
senate appropriations committee and
Chairman Martin planned to get
unanimous consent for its passage so
It could be ready for the president's
Carranza Resents Invasion.
Chihuahua, Mex. Replying to a tel
egram from Secretary Bryan at Wash
ington, General Carranza telegraphed
that the United States is 'not Justified
In occupying Mexican territory.
"The Invasion," saya the letter,
"will drag us (Moxlco) Into an un
equal war with dignity, but which
until today we desired to avoid."
Looks for Long Campaign.
Houston. Army officers at Texas
City aro pessimistic over tho Carranza
declaration, and believe It portends a
long and hard campaign in Mexico.
Recruits aro being rushed to Texas
City to fill regiments to war strength.
Brazil to Guard Interests.
The United States has chosen Bra
zil to look after Its Interests in Mex
ico. Whero there are no Brazilian
consuls, French consuls will act for
tho United States.
Washington. Twelve Americans
have been killed and fifty wounded In
tho occupation of Vera Cruz. This
was announced In n dispatch from
Roar Admiral Badger Just made pub
lic by the navy department. Eight
men wero "kllletl nnd thirty wounded In
Wednesday's fighting.
Many Mexicans Killed.
Tho numbor of Mexicans killed Is
ostimntcd at 150, with many wounded.
Tho total Mexican loss is not known,
but 1b thought to be heavy.
Tho paymaster of the British
cruisor Essex, Albert W. Klmber, was
wounded on board his ship by a sniper
Field Guns Captured.
Vera Cruz. Tho German ship Ypl-
rango docked early Wednesday and
Amorlcan marines immediately took
possession of tho 15,000,000 rounds of
ammunition and 250 field guns con
signed to Huortn. Tho cargo of tho
steamer was unloaded at tho customs
house, which is held by tho Americans.
Ammunition Back to Germany.
Washington. Disposition of the
gunB and ammunition in tho cargo of
tho German vessel Yplranga, which
wero hold up nt Vera Cruz when Ad
miral Fletcher took tho port, was ar
ranged for at n conferenco between
Secretary of Stnto Bryan and Ambas
sador von Bernstorff of Gormany.
Feeling Bitter at Tamplco.
Baltimore. Paymaster Copp, of the
United States navy, was arrested on
tho pretext that ho was a relative of
Madoro, according to a message from
a war correspondent given for trans
mission by wireless to Captald Har
aldson, of tho steamer Borgestad,
which has Just reached here from
Tamplco, Copp was afterwards re
leased from a 'Jail, at Tamplco with
scant apology.
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Readers. '
Western Newspaper Union News Scrvlo.
The Amorlcan Poland China Record
association has issued a list of the
herds nominated in the eleven futurity
shows to bo held during tho season of
1914. These are held on tho state fair
grounds nnd tho Nebraska exhibit
will bo held September 7 to 11 at tho
stato fair.
In Nebraska thero aro twenty nomi
nations as follows: Beall & Jackson,
llocn; T. W. Cavett, Phillips; W. R.
Cooper, Mlirord; Phil Dawson. Endi
cott; W. E. Epley, Dlller; William
Ferguson, Scrlbner; L. P. Fuller.
Bothnny; G. A. Kissinger, Mllford;
W. A. Lingford, Dannobrog; D. C.
Loncrgan, Florence; O. J. McCul
lough, Clarks; H. C. McGath, Foster;
McNutt & Meeso, Ord; J. C. Mecoc,
Ord; Tlmm Neuhofol, Central City;
L. F. Reilly, St. Paul; Harry Soltz,
DeSoto; Lloyd S. Taylor, Steele City;
Paul Wagnor, Pierce, and W. E. Wil
leyley, Steele City.
To Fight Hog, Cholera.
Tho live stock sanitary board met
with about thirty members of the
live stock breeders' association and
agricultural editors from over the
state. J. A, Ollls of Ord Introduced
a resolution asking the board to ap
point one or more men, experienced
veterinarians, to glvo advice nnd sup
ervise tho work of extinguishing hog
cholera in Nebraska, The governor
said that tho board has always been
willing to appoint one man for this
work but that the understanding had
been that five men were wanted for
this purpose and that he believed fivo
men too many. Ho will recommend
that one roan bo appointed with the
approval of the board and on recom
mendation of State Veterinarian Klgln
and J. H. Gain, head of the veterinary
department at the university farm.
Only Two Polluted Sources of Supply.
The examination of water used on,
Burlington trains in Nebraska, bo far
as analysis have been made by Dr..
Wild, director of the bacteriological
laboratory of the state board of health,
shows only two polluted sources of
supply. One Is from a pond at Ansel
mo which has become contaminated or
polluted and which will soon be re
placed by bored wells, and the other
Is water from the Missouri river at
Nebraska City which Is not properly
filtered. Wells will bo completed at
Anselmo within one month. Better
filters or some other remedy will bo
found at Nebraska City. Samples
from the following sources of supply
on tho Burlington road havo been
found pure: Alliance, Hastings, Hoi
drege, McCook, Omaha, O'Neill, Or
leans, Red Cloud, Alma, Aurora,
Broken Bow, Fairfield, Fairmont and
the Burlington water works system
at Lincoln. The railroad company
also uses some water from tho water
Bystem of the city of Lincoln. This
has not yet been examined by Dr.
Depends on War Department.
Mobilization of tho Nebraska state
guard brigade, In the event that a'
call for volunteers emanates from the
president, may be undertaken at Fort
Crook Instead of the stato fair
grounds. It all depends upon the war
department. Tho moment tho men
leave their home stations the expense
of transporting them to the stato
camp, of supplying them -with food
nnd clothing, and footing their pay, is
borne by tho federal government.
Hence it can order the assembly at
any point most advantageous to tho
department. '
At a meeting of several well known
educators of tho state nt the Commer
cial club a tentative plan was adopted
for the formation of an organization
of boards of education from cities of a
certain class within tho state. Such
towns, cities and districts whose popu
lation entitles them to six board mem
bers will bo eligible to Join tho pro
posed association.
To Organize Additional N. N. G.
Organization of another regiment
of National guardsmen to fill In a Ne
braska brigade and thus assure state
troops, In tho event of war, of being
sent out solidly In some division, was
tho subject of a lengthy conferonco
between the military board members
and Governor Morehead. As a Result,
preparations went on In tho matter,
and plans were perfected for applying
to the war department for permisslo'n
to mako this move. It is planned to
secure enough provisional companies
within tho next few days to glvo Im
petus to tho undertaking, Companies
are in process of formation at Ord,
Vordlgre, Ashland, Friend and O'Neill
and bunches of young men in other
towns are said to havo mado applica
tion for permission to organize.
Petitions for "university week" are
now being circulated about tho cam
pus. It is proposed to doslgnate a
special week In the year for tho ex
ploiting of the advantages of tho uni
versity among tho people of tho stato.
At that time various organizations
would be sent out for advertising pur
poses. I
Blue Springs is laying plans for tho
organization of a commercial club.
Five hundred acreB of land around
Shubcrt are being set out with apple
trees. The. 1915 encampment of the Span
ish War Vetorans will be hold at
John F. Griffith, for three terms post
master nt Pawnee City, has tendered
his resignation.
Dr. F. B. Rlghtcr, for many years a
practicing physician nnd prominent
citizen of Lincoln, died at his home In
that place Saturday.
Lincoln Benchey will loop the loop
nnd fly upside down at the NebruBka
stato fair, September 7-11.
A prairie fire near Johnstown dam
aged a considerable area and for a
time threatened the town,
A. Balfanz, a former Hastings boy,
wns among the American boyB wound
ed In tho attack on Vera Cruz.
Tho Missouri synod of the Lutheran
church has purchased lots In WeBt
Bentrlce whero It will erect n church.
Dean E. L. Rouso of Peru will de
liver the commencement address to
the graduating class of the Shubcrt
high school.
Tho 2-year-old son of Hans Obor
mlller, near Loup City, was drowned
In a water tank when he attempted to
get a drink.
The mothers' club of Wymore has
condemned the dog races there as
brutal nnd have asked tho mdyor to
prohibit them. "
The new postofflco building at David
City Is almost completed. Efforts are
being made to secure free carrier ser
vice in tho city.
Father Duffy, at Kearney, was pre
sented wit.i a silver platter containing
$200 in gold, by tho Knights of Co
lumbus at that placo.
Frank Pollard, the C-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Pollard of Ne
hawka, fell from a tree and broke botb
bones in his left forearm.
Charles Foreman, an Otoe county
farmer, was seriously injured when he
was kicked in the sido by a horse.
Ho suffered five fractured ribs.
A number of horses havo been
stolen In Jefferson county recently
and Sheriff Ed Hughes Is' making
every effort to locate, the thieves.
The position of park commissioner
has been abolished at Nebraska City
and the street department will take
up the work of the park department.
Victor Halllgan of North Platte,
Neb., during the last football cam
paign star tackle on the Cornhusker
eleven, has been chosen to head the
1914 team.
Sister Agnes, a 'teacher of music at
the Ursullne convent, York, died
Thursday morning. She had been a
Bister at the convent about twenty
five years.
Frank Harrison of Lincoln will con
duct a tourist expedition through Cen
tral America during the summer, tak
ing moving pictures of the various
countries visited.
With a copy of a local paper lying
beside him, containing the lateBt news
of the Mexican situation, T. R. Com
brara, a Mexican, shot himself In his
room at an Omaha' hotel.
Physical Director Prlndle of the Y.
M. C. A. at Beatrice Is making plans
for a one hundred mile, hike for t'he
boys of the association and the Beat
rice high school. The boys will start
on the trip at the close of school,
Mary Drew, a 15-ycar-old Fremont
girl, had a narrow escape from death
when a cow she was leading ran away,
entangling her In the rope, and drag
ging her through a barbed wire fence.
The explosion of a gasoline can that
was being dragged across a cement
floor burned Z. E. Hurlbut seriously
about tho face and bands and started
a firo that completely destroyed his
livery barn and garage at Greenwood.
" The barn of J. L. Dorsey, north of
Bradsbaw, was destroyed by fire Wed
nesday night. Six head of horses
were also burned, and hay and grain
and somo machinery also lost. Mr.
Dorsoy cannot account for the origin
of tho fire.
A car load of hogs were cremated
when a stock car caught fire from the
engine near Greeley Center.
A. Y. Caddell and C. L. Amlck aro
planning to establish an extensive ce
ment manufacturing plant at Weep
ing Water.
Lieutenant Martin Shallonberger of
the Sixteenth United States Infantry
Is among the troops ordered by the
war department from California to
Fort Bliss at El Paso, Tex. He Is a
son of ex-Governor A. C. Shallenber
ger and was formerly captain of a
national guard company at his home
at Alma, Neb,
Rev. J. Ploper, formerly of Snyder,
has been appointed pastor of tho new
Catholic church at Beemer.
Forest Boyor of North Bond was
killed when he fell beneath tho discs
of a pulverlzor which ho was operat
ing on his farm near that place.
Tho finding of a lot of burnt
matches, cigarette buttB, disarranged
and displaced furniture, and a number
of empty pocketbooks In tho Congre
gational church at Grand Island has
aroused a suspicion that members of
a gang who havo boen working in thnt
vicinity had made the building a placo
of rendezvous.
Tho schools of Elk Creek havo been
closed for two weeks because of the
prevalence of smallpox In tho village.
Tho decapitated body of a man,
lator Identified as Joe F. Maca, of
Crete, was found on the tracks In the.
Burlington yards at Lincoln, Sunday
On petition of tho village board of
Cortland, Judge Pemborton of Beatrice
has issued a restraining order 'against
tho Farmers Elevator & Coal company,
the effect of which will bo to stop tho
building of coal sheds on what the
village officers claim is a part of
Third street.
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