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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1914)
,jpn,3TWp rvKun rvi WM- TITn-KUTyw'-iK'Avf OSQL v..?5WEIiacrt ,4 I ; wafepffii lWpyi""'-- - .WTKSMe 'SFF- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF H -; 1 M a 111 ; 4! c V s HOME NEWS Bulletin ot The Week's Doings T5he TEP Dig up tlio (IhiuIoIIoiis! Vtilher Fitzwrsilil wns In Superior Sunday. George Ovurlug was in Uooinoiit on business. KninU lVteiaou was in Hastings Mouilay. Will Doylo of Amherst Is in Hits city this week. MIU". Doylu is very slolc at his home In this city, Fred (5 mid win down from Ulm Hill Tuesday. Al Sluby wont to Guide Hock Mon day morning. Kenneth Wilson loft Saturday morn- Program For Coming Week (5 rand Island FOURTH STORY of tho Adventures of Kathlyn j.wriTU.n THE ROYAL SLAVE Monday and Tuesday MAY 1 undo lug for Dunning ' Frank Starr wont to Monday morning. Jack (Soodllu went to Kansas City Monday morning. Amuck llros. shipped a car of hogs to St. Joo Wednesday. Our merchants report having had a big trade Saturday Vm. Weesner and family spent Sun day In Smith Cunter, Kas Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mcintosh went to Lincoln Saturday morning. Harry Uoats ;was a passenger to Omaha Wednesday morning. Umn Essig shipped two cars of cattle to Kansas City Sunday. Miner & McCall hhippod a uar of cat tic to Kansas City Wednesday. Estcy Smelsor arrived home the first of tho week from Kansas City. , Don Saunders united home tho llrst of the week from Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. James Silvcy of Ina va'le spcut Suuday In IU-d Cloud. George Coon has purchased a Foul nuto from the lied Cloud Auto Co. ' Attorney A. M. Walters was down from Blue Hill Monday on business. Floyd Turnure went to Kansas City Sunday morning to take in tho sights. Jes,e Johnson of Clay Center, was in town Saturday evening between trains Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Copleu spent Sunday iu Guide ltock witu relatives. District Court will convene iu this city, May mh. It "dU auty ten. Amos Mikscli and Ed Warr-eri arrived bomv-from St Joe Wednesday morning. Frauk Amaek chaperoned a shipment of hogs to St. Joe Wednesday morning S -. T.. t ..fin I I o twl Mr and Mrs. ueorgc .... children speut Sunday In Guide Hock Dan Oarber. the popular real estate agent, was down from Riverton Sat urduy. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Mary At'tfubon Wednesday afternoon, May Oth. . Dr. Drako and daughter of Uiwuer City, Kas., spent Sunday hero with Dr, Camp. Frank Vavricka was a passonger to St. Joo Suuday morning, whore he went to buy cattle. ' Dr. Darley Plumb left today for Nor ton after attending tho f uueral of his father here last week. Mr. and Mrs. TonylClark spent Sun day with Tom Kralik and wife liviug southeast of this olty. .t vvricka ot Crete, was in .town hr nf'tho week. Joo is ruunlng a furnlturo store at Crete now. Woesuer & KoouUs shipped two cars of stock to Kansas City Sunday and one bar of hogs ou Wednesday. Starke llros. shipped 10 cars of cat tle to St Joe and Kansas City on Sun day aud Wednesday of this week. Ed Kellogg went to St. Joe Wednes day morning via tho stock train route where he will take in the sights for n days. George W. Lindsey and wife arrived homo the last of the week from Hawaii where they have been spending the whiter. ir n.wl Mrs. Frank Mizer and daugh toi: left the lust of tho week for Dun ning, where they will mum men .u ture homo. riM. fniirlh of tllO "AdveUtUlCS of .t Kathlyn" at the Tepee next Mouduy . ,,,,,1 Tuesday. First show at 8 o'clock, second at 0:30. rpi, m W. A. state convention will bo hold in Hastings next week and It looks llko there will be a.nvo ume n.u. , atthlsmaetlug James Mollrldo and K. T. Foe of (nwlL'H. bouuht tho IIU11M1II stock of hardware hist Thursday and are now selling It oif at anctiou. r....ii t.VkIi? and Robert llolhor ur -iv,.,i lwimo. Saturday Irom Lincoln .., n.w l.n.i bfun attending tho YV11UIU iw-V Statu Agricultural CoIIoro . - i . .. L.aI ..ft I In iv'll An oldtimo tiuiuuiy buimui , " be hold next Sunday afternoon at -o'clock at the Amhoy school house Everybody invited to attend. A irood rain fell Snnduy ami Monday nights which will help ovcrytulng in general and uss.uo tho farmer-bit n big cutting of tho flwt crop of alfalfa One good 'uapi uppenrs to inpii tho resourceful mid hectored heroini'. Katlilyti, to make anotler, so after tdudiiig the vuvnge hetitlnuls in Tin Temnle of the Lion, she llees to the jungle. There she cncoiinti'is, lions, leopards and tiger, aiul Hnully falls In to 1 In.' liaiuls or Aran nailers unit i sold into slavery. In this tiaiisfer u ii human chattel the unwilling tjuei'ii llnds hui-.-elt the property of t lio hate fill villain, Umballah. llerdellaucu of him is heroic The FIRST EN'DOUSEMENT. A Military draimi. THE ADVKNTUHESof AN ENTHA HA1IY. EdNon comedy. The com plete story of this picture will be found in the Pictorial Hevlew-for March, at Turniiio & Son's store, Red Cloud. These stories and plctuies will appear monthly Wednesday and Thursday MAY fland 7 A MILLION in JEWELLS. A two i eel Ktilem feature pictuie with an in torc&ling story located In India and America. Ilaudsoine scenes. FATTY on THE .101!. He becomes iiheio. Viiagraph comedy. LUMDElttNO In SWEDEN An in teresting industrial picture. Friday and Saturday MAY 8 aud 0 SEALED ORDERS. An Interesting two reel story showing the workings of tho secret service ot .Mexico aim me. United States, with interesting naval scenes. PAT HE WEEKLY World news News in.lnterest views. LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM An Edison comedy. ' CHEESE MINING. Comedy. ' Commencing Monday jVlivyfdth bhow at tt:0d, second at 9:30. llrst Mrs. Frank Huffer and Mrs. Wesley Throckmorton urrivod home tho last of tho week from Harvard, where they hud boon attendliiK.tho D. of H. btato convention. A largo crowd turned out Monday evening to hear the tlrst band concert of tho pous'jU. Our boys are there with the goods when it comes to giving tho peoplo a good bund concert which they did Monday evening. On Friday night part of the east end of the round house fell in when the nicht hostler attempted to run an an- glue in the round house The engine was too big for the door and conse- ' .. .1 ... !-.. .. .,r.,,ol.,,, lw. mienuy too iiei ku aj ."-'"h .. roof to fall in. Douglas O. Tickner, thellftcen-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Tickner, was killed by lightning at Fulls City, Sun day. The body was brought here Tues day evening and burial took place Wmlnesdav in the cltv cemetery. He was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. t. Hale of Inavale. When the old court houso was re moved the other day several stalks of com were found that had been rulsed there some thirty-six years ago. Kev. Hummel was present and he secured one of the stalks as a relic of pioneer dBys. It would be Interesting to know who raised this crop. Commissioners Proceedings Red Cloud, Neb., April 21, Ml The county board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present, viz: Floyd Mi-Cull, 11. Olimstede, W (J Hoirman, Paul Storey aud T. .1 Chap lin, chairman. It was moved and seconded, that the written opinion of the assistant attor ney geneial and the county attorney In regard to advertising for new bids on the coint house he spread tit large on commlssioneis record which are! y Red Cloud, Neb., Apill 'H, '11)11 County ('oniiuls-ionors: Dear Sirs;- Herewith a letter ftom theolllceof tho attorney .gtuewil on the (luestlon of advertisement tor bids. It would appear that thli should settle the question a'ndthnl. the commission eis might cuter Jute) a contnu't with the geneial oontim'tor and the plumb ing contractor at leist and still luep within the M percent limit. So long as no contract is eiitoied Into In o.Neets of 8."i per cent of tho levy 1 can see no objection. It Is a general custom to advertise for sealed bids in tho letting of con tracts for public improvements, the object being to secure the best respon sible bid in tho open market, this end has been already accomplished by the recent advertisement under the Hum mel act aud in tho absence of an ex press statutory requirement for adver tisement for bids I can see no good reason or object In re-advertlsemeutut this time. Iu my opinion no contractor who was awarded a contract under the former advertisement has any legal claim against Webster coonty for the reason that the entlro ptocedure was under a void law and the bidder us well as every other person is presumed to know the law. Yours truly, Fued M.umun. Lincoln, Nob., April 18, lull. Fred B. Maurcr, Esq., County Attorney of Wobster County, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Dear Sir: Your letter of the lGth Instant, addressed to the attorney gen eral, has been referred by him to mo for auswer. In re-matter of county court house iu your couuty you say: "Now the question arises to whether or not It will be necessary toj re-advef tiso for bids or whether we can legally epter into a contract with the persons "tawhom the former bids were awarded V'.i. .. ..iHn.tlinmilllt" wuuuui re-uuYciuotiiiii.v. I am unable to llnd any statute 10 quiring a county board to udvertlsc for bids for the construction of a court In, the absence ot any such renulrements, I think the house. statutory board may safely contract with the A Perfect Corset Perfectly Fitted 1'SS&&&J&. mi A I V. I 1 AXil Sf sE&a&r w mm i McFarland's I Cut T I irrict; tL-wininT I I ?.lv i Uttl is - un Rp.irtATi in j- v M.h. A rft I fl oaia B. E. Pefarland IAllitho PKones Ll ! F you have the least regard for your good looks ana your comiort, you warn a proper corset, properly fittea No matter what your figure proportions may be. you are sure to find, a stylish, cojn fortable model that fits you exactly in our line of J. C. C. Corsets Prices $1 to $6 When you see how soft, Ijow pliable and comfortable they are when you find vhat a trim grace they impart to your figure, ynu will wear no other. Our trained corsotieres have studied carefully the art of corsvting. Come the first op portunity you have and let them help you select the best suited to your individual order. p. G. Tut'MPe & Son Agents lor I'ietnilnl novlow Patterns, por-sons to whom the funnel bids weie a win iled without ic-advertislng, pio vlded they keep within the limit of thu law as to the amount which they aie authorized to pay under the wording of the statute. 1 note that a lu-hearlng has been ie fused in the Itmt county ease to which ou lofer, Judges Letton and Keese dissenting. Youis veiy truly, Oi:ov W. Ayi:hi, Deputy Attorney General. Motion carried. N0w comes Mr. Howies of the ltowlis Company ot OuaWu, Iowa, aud pin poses to enter tutu contract tor build ing new com I house us uw aided. Moved by Sluiey, hicoiuled by Ohm slede that a conliact bo drawn be tween Webster couuty and the Howies Co, ot Oiuiwii, Iowa, tor tho election of a county court house on block 1.', Hod Cloud, Neb., wheie thu old court hotisc now sUi'utls, said contiuct L eoitr changes proposed in roof, nun bu rn tolluts, Hoois In vuulti.iecoid looms tuiil nianuei of pajinouts,the total sum ot said contracts to bo 10,070, less de duction ou face brick. Motion can led. Moveu by McCall ami seconded by Oliiimlcdu that the contract be uwarded to the City I'lumbing aud Heating Co,, of liuukler, Colo. County clerk to tclegregh tho above Co., thut their hid of $4300 is accepted for the plumbing and heating of the new court house and thut they arc to appear in ten days to sign contract. Motion curried. Moved by McCall that all other hide be end arc hereby rejected seconded by Ohmstede. Motion carried. County Clerk directed to return cer tified checks to all but the general, and plumbing and heating contractors. Moved and seconded that the court hodBe fucc the south instead of the East Motion carried. Now comes Geo. E. Coon and iukx uermiBslon of tho hoard to construct u poll line to curry electric current from . he city limits to his furm, same lino to be on fence line of county road. Oi motion the above and.foregoitig request was grunted. On motion tho claim of Orner Wolf for $13 00 wub cut to 89.75. Oflkal bond of E. T. Foe as justice of peace Inland for Cowles and Cowlcs prect. was approved. OfHcal bond of Jas. Kudrna as over eer of road diet. No. 61 was approved. PnmmlnBinnPr Hoffman BBKB lor B 12 foot arch bridge 1 mile Bouth west ul Blue Hill. Also one 6 ft. cement cul vert south of Blue Hill. On motion the above request was granted. ' ' On motion the following claims wcr audited and allowed: Labor on vaults '..? 70 06 Clias. Hunter 53 00 R. H. Fulton. 10 75 C. K. Vuughun B 2B E. McUrW'e I 6 J. It. Horn.v '. a uu Uluo Hiil Loader 30 E0 fcltner Wilson 1C0 00 Sam Fletcher WW Omer Wolf .'. 0 75 Claims of the Judges and Clerks ol election. , Guide Hock Precluct. .1. F. Watt u J. H.Crozler 3 "0 Win. Ilvker ...- 3 Oo L. L. Marsh, ret. 12 ml 0 20 Leo DeTour 3 o0 Heaver Creek Preoluot. J. W. Huinlltou, ret. 12 ml 0 20 F. A.' Vance a o0 F.H.Cadwell 3 00 H.B. Miner.. .v !l .T R. fJarv H 00 Stillwater Precinct. Ben Hudson, ret. 20 ml 7 00 Louis liangert :i 00 C. E.Alblu C D. Fl8hel. 3 00 .Tnt limit H 00 Oak Creek Precinct. W. 11. Shirley 3 00 ll.U. Shappard 3 00 V. L. Laird uw Levi Wright, rot. 32 ml 7 20 A. F. Krause 3 00 Garfield Preffnct. F. B. A mack, rot. 0 ml G 0 OrantShldler .' 00 M A. Ki'mr '. .3 00 W. H. Wlhliar 3 00 Lloyd A.mack .: '!J Oo Pleasant Hill Precluct W.C. Cox ,....., 3 WillDlllin v. 3 0 C. R. Swa'rtz F. S. Frliblo, ret. 5 ml f f,i) Sam Qigor 3 00 Cowles Precinct. Fred Uurjl -'l 0i Jas Mclhide 0 II Koon :! (' M. II. Davis, rot. 10 mi 0 00 C. C. lleniiett Elm Creek Precinct (). II, Uoyce, ret. 8 nit Fied Hupport O, It, Abbey , O. A. Arnold J. H. Ftiiueu Glounwond l'rQolnot. .1. 1. Egllngtou ' VI. .1. Solomon 3 ) J. It. Horn ',' ' " O. L. Llndgren, r,et. Ill ml 7 10 Fiunk Burden ; :J (,, If SValunt Creek Piecinot. H. h Stratton t 00. II E. Harsh M.! II I'iirnlmin i "" Chub. Dlckorson, rot. 11 ml .... (roittinucd on 1th p'tpfM j .VV- fyX. .VV.vv N5130 CLOTHCRAFT i ABetterBlue Serge Special1 $ es Guaranteed f1nAJ Wool and l ft !! ' --- bj . I . Tj.j J"3 I. I ... Fast Color What's On Your Mind ? Oh: That Old Hat ! We knew it, and have juft whal you want d in either a Stiff hat or one of those nobby soft ones they are wearing on 5 th avenue. The prices won't Startle you either, as we are building trade by giving values that brine? vou back. We will expect you in, and may we suggest that you take a look at the new suits for spring. The Clothcraft No. 5130 Blue Serge, special at $15.00 is belter than ever this season on account of the reduction in the cost of wool. Clothcraft all wool suits $10.00 to 20.00 Kuppenheimer all wool suits , $18 to 27. SO New Shoes and Furnishing fo spring that will please you. fne (Jottiden-aley Clothin9 G- SJ' Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers y W VVsA( Look Stop Listen We have, on hands over $1,000 worth of Ladies' Ox fords anj Slippers which we are going to put on sale at a price which you cannot resist. Prices as follows: ' $3.80 and 3.7S slippers go at $2.50 3.00 and 3.25 slippers go at 2.00 2.25 and 2.50 slippers go at 1.50 2.00 - slippers go at 1.25 This Big Sale opens May 1st, Come in and look our line over. Carpenter's Bargain SHOE STORE rvv. Worth Crowing About Comparison of results and profits before and after using nfifs Poultry pr0&22 Regulator Pkgt. tie, toe, C0e,; ti lb. pail $t.S0 the itreat tonic and condltloner-U uro to mke you permanent friend of all Prattt Product. Sitislictlei Guaraiteea r nwmey h X PratU Uce Killer. Powder-25o and we. aims Spring necewlty. Sure deth to all dftpjtorout veroia, JUfuio iubitltutei; Inilit on Pratt. G PratU 110 pagt PoultrvBoek . Bold and guaranteed lay QKbKQK W. THINK, SAVE YOUR CI!i:ES Get A Chicken Life Saver . ;i oo v. ii "aw,w. sitaftrt' 3 00 . ., f . ttll'l qui)! I of l 1.. , Oil lliirl Ift tll j ,.i v, Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 StIRCEON Calls Answered Day or Nlghtr OlllctiTclplioiics: 1IUI.CN: Ind. 160. IU. Tflophoiu: Htll, lUil-Tii; Ind.160. Office Over M. At AlbrUht's Stere ; Nebraska PM Cloud, :t oi) :i oo o 10 ami (jni)i I of l f.. i1. Oil liurl Ift til" ChloteH nil llnriuwlH M'1" 'll MHt Wlljiii jlvlllill tllU" IMll. 'Ilia out. hhor' lnwt Ominin'outl to Ulltull'i' inV-l iMn Shi.' IJt'iiil Qil iimiu'y icf'iurti'il. V l.'l'" yuvor mid iuu( of (.'. I j S. (J'l pn'pnUl f.u$i"0 C. i',.ifcHji'.K,u,nri Chicken Life Saver Co. 02if.ummin4St. - Omalia. ficbr. DR. CrlAS. E. CROSS DENTIST t OVER STA1E BANK Red Gloud ' " Nebraska R3S Wc Have Aided In Building Great - Fortunes For Clever Advertisers . t wmvMiMi ;i ,4 fl c4 i-f V) ,w ""4 c,m ,tw'i .J teUtt. i ,!wiB?wis$fisri rtowfm ,L- ..??$!: l Wk. 'L-v KdUla. ' .I' ;j(L,VSkiaJ wwimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm '.-t n .aiL-a.a