The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1914, Image 4

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    n.. . wrf M (WHWIWrWWWWlllMJW, Wil P I ..dt.lllHWIt.jM.1
K.-..f...Jr -ii- - -iuiJ. - ..'M ..' j'jS. :
rwi',svFwv .... .a4.i
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Red Cloud Nebraska.
JEntercU In tho roslofllco nt Hid ( loud, Nob.
. m Bcroml Clasi Matter
A. B. McAItTllUU
Political Announcements
vAMunccmcnto Are Run Under Thin
Mead By Paying tho Sum ol Flvo Dol
lar Which Must Do Cnah In Advnnco.
Our Columns Aro Open For Any Legi
timate Advortifllns ond Wo Welcome
Announcements Regardlcso or Party
...i i M
1 liciclij nnnouiico m,elf a can
nlidato for tho dfilco of bherlir of Web
ster Count Vi subject to the will of tho
rotors of tho Democratic- parly nt tlif
jprlmnry election to be hold AhkusL 18,
'1P14. lti:.v
1 hereby announce tuyfiolf u ciuidlil
to for the olllco of Slier liT of Webster
county, subject to the will of the
Totcra of the Democratic parly nt the
.primary election to be hold August 18,
-tU. (HUNT CUltlSTY.
I hereby announce mjsclf a candi
date for tho nointimtion of Sheriff of
Webster County subject to the will of
'Ike rotors of the Democratic pnrty nt
tire Primary election to bo held August
38, 1014. ClIAS. J. RKDDON.
I hereby announce myself ns a candi
date for tho otllce of Treasurer of
WcbBter County, subject to the will of
'Ihe -voters of tho Democratic party at
the primary election to bo held Aug
wt 1, 1011. Geo. W. Thine.
J take this method of unnounaluKnry
madtdHcy for tho olllce of County
Treasurer, subject to tho decision of
like .republican voters at the primary
August 18th. C. D. RoniNsoN.
l'rosldeiit Wilson li.nsnecri lit to send
the United States army Into Colorado
to quell tho disturbances at the mines
This is n vety rcjrettnblo condition of
affairs. Wo had hoped that thu l're-i-dent
would have told these mine
owuoi'P, Rockefeller and tho lest of
them, Hint unions they stopped all
disturbances without dolny thegovorn
ment would conltaeato the property.
Mote men hae been killed than in tho
Mexican ttlTulf yet no ono seems to
care. Wo have no busineS fussing
with foioign countries while we cannot
keep peace nt homo.
Quito u lllllo hkIUiHihi has been stir-
.io 1 up this week In logntd to tho pool
halls. A number of cltl.ons asked the
council to submit tho (tuefctloti to the
volets, tirrr color; Io pay nil the expon
sen of tho election, but tho council re
fused the i truest. So far as this editor
is concerned wo bcllevo that If tho pool
halls weic conducted In an orderly
manner and In accordance with the
laws there never would arise tho ques
tion of having them or not having
Not long ago the Y. M. C. A. board
found it necessary to complain of thso
places of uiuusenuint because they
worp permitting boys under eighteen
not o'nly to frequent tho place, but to
play. Wo are no' opposed to pool
halls, but if tho proprietors run dls
ordcily houses the cciiucU ought to
shut their places up without any no-J
lion of tho cltl.ous.
yards are for tho enjoyment of all the
people. Those who wantonly destroy
them or pick them arc depriving, Hoi
tho owner alone, but all the peoplo of
pleasure. We trust heedless gills will
leu u to respect tho rights of the rest
of it, who wish to seo ns much bcautj
In our neighbors' ynrds as may be.
Why we sell and feature Wooltex
Coats, Suits and Skirts
J hereby announce myself n candi
date ior the oftlce of County Clerk of
Webster County, subject to tho (vlll of
Jlhe voters of the Democratic party nt
ke primary election to be held August
38, 19141 Frask Vaviiicka.
; Uv ji ,
I hereby nnnouncc myself a cnndl-
ejt; for the otllce of County Clerk of
JWebster county, subject to tlin decision
ctff tho voters of tho Republican party
:at tho primary to be held August l8tlr,
3914. Ciiah. C. Uexnktt.
I hereby announce myself a cnndl
relate for the tiourlnatiou of County
Commissioner of Commissioner Dlsf r let
JSo. 1, subject to the will af the voters
.of tho Domoer title party lit tho primary
election to beheld August 18', lull.
I'Uuitc n number of our citizens are
being spoken of for the olllco of state
.senator, among othors Mr. Alf McCull,
JM. Steward, John L. Christian und
Wsn. Weesnor. Anyono of thebo gon
'..titsacu would servo the people of tills
cMUatoriul district creditably.
E. .1. Overlng, Jr., seems to be iir
greater demaud as n speaker for I ra
ter nal und other gatherings than most
of the professed public speakers. Ho
delivered tho address at tho OiHl L el-
lows' anniversary at Cowles Saturday,
arrd tho Chief takes pleasure in tho
appreciation which tiro address re
ceived. Independently of Mr. Over-
ing's mental and physical quullfldu
tlons satisfactorily to fill the position
of .orator; ou these occasions he adds a
chrirnctor which is constantly growing
in those traits which distinguish the
Christian gentleman. By that we mean
something other than is usually. meant
r 1 t'.l Yt t,,l ' J
Commissioners Proceedings.
(Continued from fith page)
IJ. F, Ulankenbaker .' (XI
Inuvalo Precinct.
0 A. Waldo, i el . T ml "70
C. V. Rerrkol :' 00
W. II. Cloud 3 0(1
D. !:. Oloud l :i 00
Rnboit Newton :i 00
CatTiertorr Piecluut.
b. G. Gonerotix : 00
John Htcen a 0')
Aug. llenkel Oil
W. R. Urooks, ret 10 ml 0 Op
II. J.Grubb -'! 00
Harmony Freclnct.
Fred Glebe '. H Oo
A. G. Wheat a 00
( B. Patterson 3 00
Oeoigo llito, vet. S3 mi i. 1 SO
( W. Fulton a 00
JUDGES I'otsdam I'rccidct.
II. Schmidt .' 53 CO
A. Kopich 3 GO
P. Fnsslcr 3 60
FredWchnes nnd ret. 23 mi $7 90
EJ II. Funke .....' ." 3 60
JUDGKS-Ltne Precinct.
L. P. Johnson 3 00
I.T.Amnck 3 00
Len Wilmot 3 00
J. II. Stewart, nnd rt,4 mi .... 55 40
Alex Bentley 3 00
Wm.H.Thumui $3 00
M. I. Martin 3 00
Ellas B Goblo 3 00
G. C. Mann, and ret. 2 ml $5 20
J. M. Weestier 3 00
Anton Kudrna 55 00
Frank Bean 3 00
Chas. Harpham 3 OTi
Jas. Hubatkn .r 53 00
Fronk Strobl 3 00
judges -Red Cloud 1st ward.
E. J. Pulsipher $3 00
O. B. Wright 3 00
W. F. White .t 3 01
Paul'Pope.'and ret. 1 mi 55 10
'A.J. Spires ...; 3 0
ttinii.'-a Tnr1 PlniiH OiA vanrA 1
John Grrffeth, and ret 5 li
Jay Pope ...,. 3 00
Chas. E. Reiglc 3 00
Our business after all is your business. Unless we can
please you, we can't continue to do a satisfactory business
J I eo
Copyright 1914
We have found
that Wooltex
coats, suits and
skirts give entire
satisfaction to the
best-d r essed
women of this
Women tell us re
p e a t e d 1 y that
whenever they
b u y ' a Wooltex
coat, suit or skirt,
they are certain
that the sTyle is cor
reel; and because
of the Wooltex
guarantee there
can be no doubt
but that the gar
ment will give
satisfactory s e r -vice.
Could there
possibly be a bet
ter reason why we
sell Wooltex coats,
suits and skirts?
( MV
CopyiltM 1914
lie II. Click Co.
The Miner Bros. Co.
General Merchants.
The Store That Sells Wooltex.
Come and see us for all that is right in Dry Goods, Women's Fur
nishings, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Rugs, Carpets, Shoes and Groceries.
mere expression as a eaui.
phrase. We.moau thut, iu his We.JUs
words nud acts, the true spirit of
Chvlstiuu helpfulness tqwrvdsall mou
Is manifesting itself more und moie
ouch dav. And this spirit, without
- . ,
profession, without vanity Itself ,s , - u. -en ..;;.;;;;; J J
iiiiiiiiinnuiiK .'s sj.c.., ..u K.,...K To(u amt f(jr Hnd cerk $34? g()
On motion board adjourued. To call
to thoiu a tone which Is present only
with those who arc dully helping their
Grandpa and grandma Ilirffer arc
walking around smiling because they
received word this morning that their
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Doitz, at Chey
enne, Wyo., had an eight pound baby
boy, born Saturday. Al mo getting
along fine at this wilting.
Mr. Wess Goodwin of Wichita, Kns.,
will speak in the Methodist chin eh
next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, to a
Mi'ri'j, Mass Meeting. Mr. Goodwin Is
aid to ho a line speaker, and cvory
man in Red Cloud and vicinity Is in
vliiwl to L-oiiiu mid hear hlui Hood
binglrig and a good tliuo is assured.
of cleik.
3Chc now city otllclals took the oath
jtloffice Tuesday nnd are now In full
aahmre of our city affairs. Wo believe
Mfetlhe new otllcers will continue the
TKOcllent work that has becu done tho
fiAktyear and that wo will have n good
jmc. If tho policies already adopted
tmxa carried out for any length of time
-fifeo city will soon be ou Its feet. Our
nrtaler and light systems uro in the best
maditlou that they have been for
E. W. Rose, Clerk.
Some of tho young, wcwoto about to
say hullo, but say, Instead, mUses, of
this city, would bo surprised to Unit
themselves tu rested andjodged In jull,
Tills Statement Is irr store for them un
less thoy can learn tu leave tiro llower
Kiir dons of others alone. Thoy forft
that Jn despoiling a llower garden that
they uro .injuring others besides tho
owire. It would be bad enough If they
Nvoresimply auiioying those who by
their labor und attention .have culti
vated the Jlowers. They nio criminals
when thoy do this. ..But their crime is
inoio than this. Thu majority of the
people of the city are now leaving their
gardens and lawns unenclosed, nut for
ll.oii 'oaji convenience, but to help the
general appearance of tho community.
Tl)0 Rowers Unit adorn the front of the
Tako your oroinri to J. O. Caldwoll,
Aro you trying to got rid of the dan
delions'.1 Vou can make 30 cents look ULc 10c
at Mc Far land's. ndv
My place consisting of eight acres,
for sale or rent, nt the edge of Inavale.
R. B, IIU.NTfct.
I am again ready to make farrrr
loans promptly and orruttractlve terms
Sole agent for Trevett, Mattls &
Baker. J. H. Baii.ev.
I have the best rate iu the county on
farm loans. Stfo me and be convinced .
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wai.kkr.
"A leasoiuiblo View of the Amuse-
mint (ne-tloii" will ho the subject
Sunday evening at the CoiiRiegatinnal
church. Ik rt wiong to d.mee, play
cuds, pool, Otit.? What did the Wise
Man mean when he said in Kcolcslastes
111:1 . "Thero ts a tiin-j to iUnoV"
In the County Court of Webster County. !
Statouf Ncltr.rsktv, I E11,
Webster county. I
lv th'o matter o( tlio estate of Kllllo It.
.Strickland, dcecatd. .
CltUDITOKSot said tstato will taUo notlic,
l that tho tliuo limited for thu iirt-sentalloii
nadlllim! ol claims tiKiitnt the s:itio lNu
Noinhcr 'Jiith, 19U; and for tlio payment of
dolits April ath, 1010; that I will sit at thu
county court room In said county on Uieftlth
day of November mi, at 10 o'clock A. M., to
receive, cxamlno, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly Mid.
Dated this 2.1th day of April, A. v., IUH.
(Seal). A. D. HANNi:V, County Judge.
,Aj(Hjn tho graduates of tho school
'UwvAseut out of town for their com-
.- ;jaeflmout printing. This olllco was
i kiid to bid ou the printing nnd suit
.MlMril samples of ptogt tunes similar
jteAko.e used in tho pnst but a differ
.aMTMitolasa of work was selected. In till
-iSWraess to tho printers hero who pit)
Lheir taxes into tho school fund tho
rr-imiamlttn) or tho school bourd should
TOidect tho stj io of printing that thoy
TiMUtt and thcrr ask for bids on that
isnltuHiif work, This is thu only piopvr.
way to usk for bids,
v ', .v. '.' ::';.; .".,
"TJucro sroina to bo a goner al ItnptOs-
3 hlan-lhat tlio Chamber of Cumiiicioo is
i;i I'lacc) where gambling iimldiluMuc
j is contlnu dly eatriid on. Till .s u
I lalotjilto bliiue theso things tiu ab -
IVSlotoly prohibited by the lvs of tin
KiorRmzntlon. 11 anjono Moubt 11 1
U-3t Jilin felep Into tho loom uuy tiuieln
jplcafaos. The doors mo not loJt id at
;,iy time nnd by this simple ar range-
jvjuwit he find out for himself 1
jjh true th vt gamea aro plnjod there hut
rwetr for money, that would spuil tho
TwArole object of the club.
How to Detect the
Alum Baking Powder
"Which are the alum baking powders;
how can I avoid them unless they are named?'
asks a housekeeper.
Here is one way: take the can of a low
priced powder in your hand and read the
ingrcjdient clause upon the back label. The
law requires that if the powder contains alum
that fact must be there stated, If you find
one of the ingredients named alum, or sul
phate of aluminunvyou have found an alum
baking powder.
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Second House North o! I. O. O. F. Hall
Consultatibn and
Spinal Analysis Free
Phene lnd.212
Of all sizes and shapes.- If it is a
Bath Room Mirror you need we have
them in White Enamel with Plate
Glass, Shelf and Towel Rack. We
also have them in Gilt, Walnut and
Oak Frame, in ajl of the sizes in French
Bevel and Plain. The price is right.
Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer.
)i mmmmmm ii
E. S. Gao-ber
Ileal Ksttito, l-'urra Loans
mid Insntattce.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
m ik
" There i3 another and a .better way. You
dop't have to know the names of the alum
powders. Use Royal Baking Ppwderonly;
that assures you a cream of tartar powder,
and the purest and most heaUltful baking
powder beyond question.
DeLaval Beatrice
Cream Separators
Or More
on One Hen
U by no mfir.s uncommon. No on,??"i'J..cxre,cl
in ran en a uccr wun mat uuniw ",'"'
; . . .: .u..dir'w
inC n'l LIOGU, pux many i;p-t. a
tlio oU hen to j.o ahead rhelllos v
OUl CRK5 VI ic t-v aw iimic -
Mprirn her et me. o nvc y
l!..!.-..!iw. , i(t4!i.1tt-fi nailer
ft a row of ten hi on a roost
H . iii l.'Mt. Tt..aMll (IlikOrlAf tt
LCC sucoiwt "'! '"':""' full
..i i .!.. imiii4 v 1 1 1 n fhii . iirii. 10- -
i...4i .. nt .ifn, ,Srt rnostll tile GJTSJl
vapor klUslloa on tt.e cllcVn s-ltttn 2 VmjV
ovtrlt. rutuponlina.'rtlslitwns. "t&M
T!umsU-S3 ctt, ., II CO. roottrfEootfree.
Qvieen IncubaLtors
flour and Feed of All Hind
. Wo Trine
Both Phones
S3S3fissB5S2sasSS SSssessssmSSS
r ' ',';i Cms'-1,
I,, r en t t I l'li, JT9
2 icr month. I'Vi-t M no-, t t
Dr. Nicholson
liiwmmiirrtM mi iwimim ' rn nr Tirrrt--,i"T
Rn! !e'.id,
(Iradnato Clilcno Veterinary College
uvyelvi: Mi.vris i.NPi:n:yoB
&ctf Cloud -t Nobraskb
tK, 'th
V LtifitffViy
t.v '