The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1914, Image 3

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    W-fi . .. .,. . .. " ---
i t)UlUhAJftUMH(aMMMM)ff)IM
s AsL
"Now Does Her Own Work
Lydk E. Pinkham's Vegeta
MeCotnpound Helped Her.
Ironton, OWo.-" I am enjoying bet
ter health now than I have for twelve
years. When I be
gan to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound I
could not sit up. I
bad female troubles
and was very ner
vous. I used the
remedies a year "and
I can do my work
and for the last eight
months I have
WOrkeri fnr nthor
women, too. I cannot praise Lydla E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound enough
for I know I never would have been aa
well if I had not taken it and I recom.
mend it to suffering women."
Daughter Helped Also.
" I gave it to my daughter when she
was thirteen years old. She was in
school and was a nervous wreck, and
could not afcep nights. Now she looks
bo healthy that even the doctor speaks
of it You can publish this letter if you
like. " Mrs. Rena Bowman, 161 S. 10th
Street, Ironton, Ohio.
Why will women continue to suffer
y lndy out and drag out a sickly,
balf-beartod existence, missing three
fourths of the joy of living, when they
can find health in Lydla E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound?
i?f9,.?ayell!0.,1,Bhte8t doubt
that Xydift E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound will help youtwrlte
(confidentiul)Lynn, Massif or ad
Vice. Tour letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman
ana held In strict confidence.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
Tkmf. Why You're Tired-Out of Sort
Have No Appetite
will put you right
in a few days.
They do.
their duty.
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine-must bear Signature
Aged 8hould Eat Sparingly.
A British scientist lays down a
regimen of hygiene for the treatment
of the aged. It is pointed out that the
aged require lees food of all kinds,
because they utilize less. Overfeed
ing, or rather a normal adult's ration,
overtaxes their digestive powers and
floods the blood with effeto products
which the kidneys and other emunc
tories cannot handle. Drinking water
should be encouraged, and baths,
-which should bo taken regularly,
should bo neither hot nor cold, of
abort duration, and preferably in the
evening, when they conduce to a good
night's Bleep. Fresh air and exercise
are indispensable. Clothing should
bo light, warm, loose and of woolen
material. The feet should be well pro
tected, i
The Montessori System.
Old-Fashioned Mother What is this
MontoBsorl system of child education
that I hear bo much about?
Old-Fashioned Fathei- I dunno, ex
actly, but, the keynote of It seems to
bo "votes' for children."
Constipation causes and seriously aggra
vates many diseases. It is thoroughly cured
by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated
granules. Adv.
A good sense of humor can be
turned into dollars. The modern prac
tical joker writes them and sells them.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes color more
goods than others. Adv.
Vanity will continue to flourish as
long as it can feed on itself.
The best way to learn how to waste
money Is to get it easy.
Housework Is a Burden
It's hard enough to keep house if in
perfect health, but a woman who is
weak, tired and suffering from on aching
pack has a Heavy burden.
Any woman in this condition has good
causa to suspect kidney trouble, especial
ly if tbo kidney action seems disordered.
Doan's Kidney Pills have cured thou
sands of suffering women. It's tho best
recommended special kidney remedy.
Mrs. Mary A. El
aerkln, south Frank
lin 6t, Pendleton,
Ind.. sayai "I be
lieve) Do&n'a KISney
tur n iu a
mis savea my me.
I was in sfony
with gravel and was
confined to bed. I
became so bad that
I wasn't expected to
live through the
alsht On a friend's
suggestion. I used
Doan's Kidney mils
and In a short time
they cured me. I
have not had a
symptom of kidney
trouble during- the
past nine years."
Get Desert Aay State. Me a Be
sflllWae tap MflT
wMl T W n'K ,
aaaaV allVER
jpa PILLS.
vl H I
Capture of Mexican City After
Two Days' Fight Presents
Vivid Picture.
Warships 8helled Buildings In Which
Mexican "8nlpers" Had Taken Ref
uge Natives Surprised at Cour
tesy of American Troops.
Vera Crus, Mexico, April 24.
Twelvo Americans were killed and
thirty wounded before tho city of
Vora Crus came Into tho undisputed
possession of the American Invading
forces after a two-day fight. Although
tho Mexicans suffered more severely,
the number of their casualties has not
been ascertained. Tho best estimates
obtained by Capt "William R. Rush
of the battleship Florida indicated
that in tho engagements of Tuesday
and Wednesday their dead numbered
about one hundred and fifty. No per
son knows how many Mexicans fell
wounded, as many of them were taken
away and bidden by friends.
In tho Btreots about tho plaza
Wednosday afternoon lay fifteen or
twenty bodies, a majority of them at
tired in citizen's clothing. Somo of
the men evidently had been dead since
the engagement Tuesday and the
tropical heat made their Immediate
disposal Imperative. One of tho first
orders given after the town had been
captured was to bury the Mexican
dead in a trench at tho sea end of
one of the streets leading from the
Scores Are Taken Prisoner.
When the city was taken the order
was given to advance carefully and
search every building for men bearing
arms. Scores of prisoners were taken,
the majority of them protesting vol
ublymany hysterically that they
were not guilty of any unfriendliness
toward tho Americans. Accustomed
as the Mexicans are to seeing their
own contending forces shoot Imme
diately all prisoners taken, tho cap
tured men could not but believe that
they would receive no less draatio
treatment at the hands of the Ameri
cans. The guns found in houses were
thrown by the marines and blue
jackets from the upper balconies to
the pavement below.
The most spirited action was the
taking of the naval academy. Aside
from that fight, no definite, organised
opposition was encountered by the
Americans. A hot fire was poured
from the naval college, but a few
well directed shots from the cruisers
Chester, Ban Francisco and Prairie
tore gaping holes in the stone walls
and silenced the rifle fire of the Mexi
cans inside. The bluejackets then
were enabled to proceed with the task
they bad in hand.
Escape From Fight Cut Off.
Despite the shelling It had received
Tuesday, a squad of soldiers continued
to give considerable trouble to the
Americans from the battered Benito
Juarez tower. After they had been
silenced and removed from tho tower
It was discovered that the soldiers
had continued fighting for lack of
ability to do anything else. The shells
from the warships Tuesday had torn
away tho stairway In the tower and
the men had been compelled to remain
In It
Appeal From Aged Mexican.
Coincident with the orders for the
general advance of the Americans an
aged, white-haired Mexican, carrying
the white flag of truce, came down a
street from the center of tho city.
He carried a letter to the chief of po
lice, the only authority ho hoped to
reach,' and desired Consul Granada to
read It. It was an urgent appeal to
the chief of police to call off tho
snipers and prevent tho bombardment
he believed would follow if tbey con
tinued their execution.
Even before the messenger -had
climbed tho stairs into the consul's
offlee Capt Rush was Informed of tho
contents of the note he bore and im
mediately sounded "cease firing" and
"halt" But It was too late. The
action had been begun all along the
line and It was not considered wise
to attempt further measures to stop
It. The commanders ordered their
men forward at double quick, which
they carried out with a .vigor that
afterward gave them the 'city.
Evidences of War.
Blood-bespattered sidewalks, broken
windows and bullet-scarred walls gave
the plaza a grewsome aspect. Within
the Dlllgencla hotel there were forty
Americans, most of them women, who
had been there since the commence
ment of hostilities. When the square
was taken they were Immediately no
tified that they might go on the Span
ish cruiser Carlos V. outside the
breakwater in order to give the Prairie
room to flro her guns. Tho Spanish
commander refused, saying that he
dared not maneuver bis boat in so
email a space at night Ho also de
clared that he needed to take on a
supply of frosh water. Admiral
Fletcher insisted yesterday that his
order bo carried out and tho Carlos
V. moved outside Just before the at
track on the center of the city began.
At 10.08 Wednesday morning the
Americans were In undisputed pos
session of all the city except the
southwest quarter, In which the bar
racks are situated, and a few outlying
aisincts. m noon they bad taken
the barracks. When tho city prison,
which faces tho main plaza, was cap
tured, Lieutenant-Commander Buchan
an of the Florida mado nn inspection
tour through It. There was great sur
prlso among tho Mexicans who had
gathered thero that tho prisoners
wero not released. Thoy had beeu
accustomed to seeing tho victor al
ways releaso prisoners and then lm
press them all Into his army.
Chief of Police Captured.
Chief of Police Antonio Villa Vin
cenclo wns taken prisoner by tho
Americans shortly after thoy had oc
cupied tho main plaza of tho city. It
wnB suggested to him that ho con
tinue In IiIb official capacity to direct
tho city's protective system. Ho took
tho question under advisement Had
tho frightened mayor made up his
mind to nccedu to Admiral Fletcher's
suggestion, which was mado through
Consul Canada, tho Mexicans might
have been spared the humiliation of
being forced from tholr positions and
undoubtedly a number of lives would
not have been sacrificed.
When Admiral Fletcher directed
that battalions of bluejackets and ma
rines bo landed from Rear Admiral
Badger's ships before dawn and be
drawn up in tho plaza beforo the rail
road station, thenco to proceed to
tako tho entire town, ho acted only
after warning and after 1G shells
from tho Prairie's three-Inch gunohnd
been thrown Into the steel framework
of tho new market, which faces Mar
ket place. A persistent but scattered
flro camo from rifles In tbo market
during all tho early hours of tho morn
ing, and Admiral Badger's men land
ed to tho accompaniment of riflo bul
lets over their heads.
Uniforms Dyed With Rust
When tho rush started Admiral Bad
ger's bluejackets, clad In orango col
ored clothing, made for them on the
trip down by dyeing whlto uniforms
with Iron rust, moved In close column
formation up tho water front past
tho market and across the front of the
naval college, a long, three story struc
ture built of adobe and having a tile
roof. The column moved steadily for
ward until the first company had
passed beyond tho college and tho re
mainder were covering tho whole front
closo, against the wall.
Suddenly a spatter of rifle tiring
broke out Flashes from the rifles
were plainly visible in the upper win
down of the college and along the
roofs. The Jackies stood their ground
plucklly. Somo or them huddled close
to the wall to avoid the rain of steel
jacketed bullets from above, while oth
ers dashed across a small open space
directly in front of the building. These
bluejackets dropped on their stomachs
and lifted their rifles high to get a
range on the windows above. Finally
the American officers hustled their
men either forward or backward un
til they were In the shelter of nearby
Men In Front Undaunted.
The Jackies in front held their
places, however, and the Prairie sent
shell after shell from her three-Inch
battery into tho windows of the col
lege; huge columns of red dust leaped
upward as each shot went home. The
Chester also joined in, and with a
roar her six-inch shells tore great gaps
In the roof of the college. Far to the
right of the harbor the mine ship San
Francisco opened with her five-Inch
guns, and, taking the front of the col
lege, shot out window after window,
planting the shells with the precision
of target practise.
After 15 minutes of firing the Prai
rie and the San Francisco ceased and
the column of Jackies formed again
and pushed ahead, deploying around
the front of the college. A few shots
were directed at them, but none came
from tbo college. The Chester contin
ued hurling shells into any building In
which snipers lurked and also far out
into the suburbs.
The Jackies went ahead without fal
tering, spreading out through the wa
terfront sections, selzlrig the high
est buildlngs.and organizing squads of
guards at street intersections.
Tho flro along the front gradually
slackenod and then died out but the
Chester sent a few shots into the
bills beforo ceasing. The Hancock,
with JOO marines on board, and the
'battffcshtp Michigan arrived too late
to participate In the fighting.
Wounded and prisoners were taken
aboard the Prairie until the arrival of
tho Solace, about noon.
Vera Crux Thoroughly Cowed.
Conditions in Vera Cruz began to
tako on a normal aspect Thursday.
Some of the restaurants were opened
and a considerable part of the native
population began to appear in the
streets inspecting tho damage done.
There were no expressions of good
will for tho Americans, but there was
no apparent antagonism. The Mexi
cans here seem thoroughly cowed and
appear to acoept with passivenesa the
presence of tho foreign forces.
Fall, New Mexico, and Sheppard,
Texas, Tender Services,
Washington. Senators Fall of New
Mexico and Sheppard of Texas have
written tho president offering their
services In the operations against
Moxico. Senator Weeks of Massachu
setts already had volunteered.
Senator Fall wrote that he was
ready to resign from, tho senate and
go to tho front
Senator Williams of Mississippi, who
mado a speech in tho senate Tuesday
opposing war 'with Mexico, had writ
ten to tho president asking that bis
son, Robert Webb Williams, be ap
pointed a second lieutenant in the
volunteer service
All offers have been sent to the war
(By K. O. HELtnitS. Dlrec-lor of Evening
lrpnrtmcnt, Tlio Moody lilblo Institute,
I.nSSON TnXTM.ulio 13:11-22.
GOLDKN TC.KTV'I will nrlso nnil ko
to my f nth or, nml will any unto him,
Tnthor, I Imvo nlmirri nKnlnst henven, und
In thy BlRlit." l.uUe JG:1S.
Tho parables of Jesus luro marvels
of unity and condensation, yet no nec
essary detail Is omitted. This, per-
naps ina most rmnous, is no excep
tion even though It does carry a dou
bio lesson. Who thinks of tho older
brother when this Btory Is mentioned?
Though designated tho "Story of tho
Prodigal," wo need to remind our
selves that tho word "prodigal" novcr
onco occurs In tho Btory. Tho open
ing scntenco epenks of a father and
of two sons. It Is really tho parnblo
of a porfect father, the unveiling of
tho truo heart of God. Against that
background is set off a self-centered
Bon lacking In natural affection. Also
nlongsldo tho wayward son Is tho mis
erly, selfish ono who lacked all tho
good qualities of his brother, but who
was truly a wnndortr nnd out of har
mony with Cod tho Father. In the
background we sco tho citizens of
tho far country who helped this young
Jew to his placo of want, famine and
degradation. Remember, it Is our
Lord speaking to Jews. When the
Gentiles of tho fnr country Bent him
to feed swlno they insulted him by
compelling him to get his living
through an occupation instinctively
First Fruit of 8ln.
The father makes equal' partition
"divided unto them." (V. 12) though
neither son had a right to demand a
partition of bis estate. At tbo 'bot
tom of the son's request was a desire
to have his own way to bo independ
ent of God. He did not go away from
homo at once, though his heart was
already in the "far country."
I. Into the Far Country, w. 13-16.
Fun 1b the first fruit of sin, and that
the son readily found so long bb his
money lasted (Hob. 11:25). But the
consequences followed, closely on its
trail, for when he had "spent all" he
began to bo in "want." There are
many attractive things about this
young man, but those qualities were
perverted, they lacked control, they
were good servants but bad task
masters. It is not always physical,
temporal want that comes to the sin
ner, there are deeper and more In
tense longings soul want and soul
hunger. Thesa always come to the
bouI away from God. Being in want
does not mean that a man's will has
been subdued. Some prodigals in tho
most abject temporal need aro aa
proud as Lucifer, find boast of tholr
rebolllon. So he "Joined himself to a
citizen of tho country." He did not
belong thero the citizen did. He was
Bet to tho most degrading task im
aginable for a Jew feeding swine.
Like a Lost Sheep.
II. The Home Coming, vv. 17-24.
The first step waB for tho son to stop
and really think. That is where sal
vation always begins In thinking. Ho
knew bo was lost, e. g., out of adjust
ment in tbo wrong place, out of his
element and like tho lost sheep,
"ready to die." He saw his condi
tion, money gone, friends gone, hogs
for companions, no food for bis sus
tenance. He saw his value. Ho was
more Important than tho servants of
his father's home. Ho saw his fath
er's love, already manifested in what
had been givon him and wo fain would
believe that when ho left home he
had the father's urgent plea to re
turn. Ho saw a way to escapo from
his present position. All of this after
he "camo to himself." Before that,
impenitent, ho waB morally Insano,
now he has reasoned, Isa. 1:18. With
his reasoning also camo tho deter
mination to make a full confession.
"I will say unto him," not alone con
fess his need but the fact that bo had
sinned. This is tho only way for a
sinner to como to God, Ps. 32:3-5;
I John 1:9; Luko 18:11-14. Ho did
not stop with resolving but "ho arose
and camo to his father," v. 20. Ho ex
pected to apply for a sen-ant's posi
tion, but novor had tho opportunity
for the father Baw him "a great way
off" and "ran and fell on his neck and
kissed him." Notlco the kiss of recon
ciliation was given beforo ho even had
a chance to confess. In his confes
sion bis first thought is that he had
sinned against God and then against
his earthly father. Tho father had
not once forgotten him; he "had om
passion" even though tho son was un
merciful to himself and to all of his
loved ones. Tho father kissed him
beforo ho was washed or otherwlso
made presentable.
Neither of tho sons aro perfect but
he who uttered tho parablo was him
self the true son of tho father. Ho
novcr departed from hU fathor,
wasted his father's substance, nor
brought discredit upon his name.
Jesus was in full sympathy with his'
father's heart for ho welcomed tho
wandering publicans and sinners to
himself, took tho Journoy into tho far
country to find tho wanderers and to
bring them home, Christ's mission
was to bring many "sons to glory"
(Heb. 2:10), which means restoring
the wanderer and fulfilling In him the
perfectness of aonshlp.
Farmer Willing to Let Wife Sob Her
Fill If He Got His Price
for the "Coo."
Tho farmers mot In the market
town, and there wns a calculating look
in tho eyes of both ns they faced each
other. "About that thero coo I was
tnlklng to you of tho other day," be
gan Farmer Dobbins, "will you tako
twelvo pounds for hor, Georgo?" "No,
no. 01 couldn't part with 'er for that
not by n long chalk." "But t'other
day you told me you might lot 'or go
for that." "SotnclhliiK'R 'npponed to
the coo since then." "Mercy on us,
George, what'fi tho matter? Coo dead 7"
"Worser 'n( that," said George. "You
bop, my old inlBmis can't abeur to pnrt
with t' old coo. It 'ud broak 'er 'eart.
Sho'd sob 'erself Into a lit over It."
"Well, well, 1 suppose that ends the
tnifllnoHH?" "Well, 'm not bo suro o'
that, Farmer Hayseed. Look 'ere.
Mnko It twelve pun' ten, nnd let the
mlsBiie Bob." London Tlt-Ults.
Not Worth Loafing.
Hcmmandhaw I thought Bean
brough wns going on a month's vaca
tion. Shlnimerpntc Ho was, but tho boss
only wnnted to glvo him two weeks
nnd ho refused to tako half n loaf.
Its Moral Advantage.
"Thero Is going to bo a great moral
reform In side to thlH freak fashion
of wearing pink nnd purplo hair."
"What's that?"
"A woman, won't havo to Ho about
Its being all her own."
Why Btieor at tho
overshoots the mark?
high aim that
AMrtftiaUe Preparation for As-
similating the Food and Refute
ling Ihe Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes DiaestionXheerful-
nessandResLContains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
. ,
in fits
i A
A Derfcct Remedv forConstloa.
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions.Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature ef
Thb Centaur Company,
Ouarantecd under the Feodai
Exact Cop of Wrapptr.
Don C. Soltz, of New York, was
praising the nowBpaper advertisement.
. "But billboards," he said, "bring
small returns, and, besides, they dis
figure he landscape.
"In a recent play the stago manager
staged a meadow with chewing-gum
and cold-cure and cigarette ads. on
every rock and tree and fence.
" 'Hold, hold,' said tho star. 'Ads.
In our meadow scene! That's carry
ing commercialism a bit too far.'
"'Commercialism nothing,' said the
stago manager. 'I'm a' realist, 'I am,
and I want that meadow to look like
a genuine one."'
- - i '
Not Guilty.
Mother Well, Dobble, I hopo you
wero a good boy at Mrs. Bond's and
didn't ask for two pieces of plo.
Bobble No, ma, I didn't ask for two
pieces; I only asked If thero wasn't
goln' to bo any.
The Particular Person.
PompouB Stranger Call mo a taxi,
Careful Citizen Cab or demist?
Indiantkpolls Star,
Make Women Look Old
and they show the effect of unnatural iufferinga of bdacke, fack
chee dkataeM, hot fUafcea, pains ia lower limb, mum ia croiaa,
bearing -dowa mbmUoiu.
ThMeavraptoma indicate that Nature noeda help. Overwork, wrong
IDS', lack of ezerclM, and other cauaoa have been too much for natur
ouulde aid muat be called upon to roatoro health and itrength.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
-.?if.X?.f.b,e.Remed7 'F Woman's Ills that relieves nervous azhauitloa
ana irritability and removes other distressing symptoms due to disturbed condU
uona of the delicate feminlno organism.
ti.. nfT!M5?rtyS", 5 oeea sed with more than satisfaction by
rjHVfK' 'ddle-aged and the elderly by wires, mothers and daughters. You
ZSm ii? ; b?f "i-, Bj!d3r Mdlcwe Dsalera in liquid or tablet t one, oc
send Dr. 8. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y., CO ono-ceot stamps for trial box by malL
Uea. reeraUU the liver, aaet
She I don't think you lovo me a
much ii h ou iiRod to dol
He What tnakes you think that
Slio You are not half bo foolish as
you tiBcd to bo. t
Wo know some railway bridges that
seem to bo dependent on Providence
and n coat of paint.
Tho follow who tolls a girl ho would
die for her wants to ho killed with
It's a Treat
to cat your menls when you
know there is no danger of
and this privilege is yours
if you will only assist the di
gestivo organs by tho use of
I It helps Nature correct all
I Stomach, Liver & Bowel ills
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Don't Gut Out
mil remove them and leave no blemithe.
Reducei any puff or welling. Doea not
blister or remove the hair, and hone can be
worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 K free.
ABSORDINE. JR., the Mtlwptlc liniment lor mu.
Ucd. Tot Bolli. Bnilwi. OH Sam. Swclllnn. Vrkw
Vdni, VirkwlUet. AUwPdn. Price SI tn4 (2 1 iwttl
it druulMi or dtllrmd. Will tell nwee II jroa write.
br Cutter Bluklef Flllt, tow
priced, fieeb, relUblei preferred b
Weetcra etockmen. beciiue tkey
preteet where ether vieeleet fell.
Write for booklet ind testlmonlel.
10-dete ikie. Bluklei Pllle $1.00
SO'iew kee. Blieklee mil 4.00
ITa In, tnimrtnr htil ftiftnr'a lat.
Tbe tnperisrltr of Cutter product le due to orer U
Teen of niecUlUlnc In etMlaei eerum ely.
liiut Curter'e. If unobUbuMe, order direct.
The Cutter Lekeratery, Berkelry, Ctl.. or ChlMf e, llh
B ATCIhlTO WrtoaK.rlfHmnn,WaH.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 18-1914.
nature nd
PKEXsTTS BeUeva cm
VeJsTtortVtake mm
if r
T Mm
J t fc , $
1 lktyK
tVs.,u yfliiS
fX w-sBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml