The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 23, 1914, Image 8

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iwlm .mfcoJi iiiiwAJiwM
( m
I :H
n .f.
-eses'v m-
There's Nothing Better
Than our complete line of Gro
ceries, Qnccnswarc, Cigars, Candies,
Tobacco. You will find us able nrd
willing to supply your wants in a very
satisfactory manner at all times, and our
chief endeavor is to please. Now, with
these inducements and incentives to give
U3 a trial order, why not dp so today.
A Trial Will ' (
' Convince You
'111 """ ii" t1" " ' ' ' ' ' ' "mmmm 1 1 1
iHni"-'!" '
I TnAl.MMwm JVA.Mn I Ba WS-WT -SiCir
AIllCll JL&GLLlJ'JlJLCiLl 11AX VliCl
Oil and Gas Engines
i-MH'..ivy r; ,v!rvn"ii vii
Harvester en
The I IIC Lino
titeitn, Rrsp::i
lltidcit, Mowiii
fUli, Sudttra
lit botiitn
Hut Prtiii
Plinttri, helm
IlinJtrl, CiiltiTitotl
Em.lue Cutlrri
Sttlicn, Shrid.lcrl
Pfl, Sprlitt-Tol!ii
a4 DUk Ilnrrow
Oil anil Gil Eminci
Oil Tnetori
Mannra Sprtaur
Crtan Sfpmtor
Ftra Wjotu
Grata DrCt
bib Cristas
BUY an International
- ginc, take care of it as any machine
should be cared for and a dozen years or
more from now it will still be working for
you. . ,..,ii ,
It will E.ivo you and your family endless lioura ot
hard labor iu pumping, Bawiug, grinding, cprayiug,
running separator, etc.
13 uy an I H C engine. They last longer, tjurn
less fuel, aro simpler, and givo you most power.
Hero arc a few of tho reasons: Offset cylinder heads,
largo valves, accurately ground piston and rings,
heavy drop forged crank shafts and connecting
rods, etc. Best material and construction mean tho
best engine. I H C engines aro built in all styles,
and in all sizes from 1 to SO-H. P. Thoy operate
on low and high grade fuels..
Not every local dealer handles I H C engines.
Tim nnn who does id a eood man to know. If VOU
do not know who he is, we will tell you wbea.ypji
,....w .w. -
" V-,1
International Harretter Company of America
Lincoln Neb.
ClMftaa Dmkf HcCentkk KhmtM OtktM tkm
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder
Indispensable to best results saves
worry saves .work saves money
saves health saves complaints at table
Miss Vellu WrighllsMck with iioural-
Mr. and Mia. II. Aulubuin visited at
F Steven's Sunday.
Mt. SlPWim of Imv.i Is vIsUIiik Ids
brother, II. SImvoiis
Mr. iflid Mis. O. Hiutsoli vUllud 15.
b Hudson's Sunday.
Itoynful Chosley Wilght aro sleh
with piu'iinioiila fever.
Mr and Mrs. A. K. Krauso-Monl
Sullllnvflu100,l ,lt J- (1ol)s'.-
Miss lluiel HirrH wont to Auroiu tu
visit hurMo'r Mr VaiiWonner.
Mi4. Il.SU'vens was cMlod to Iowa by
tho dfivlh f Ids brother la-t vveclt.
Mr. and Mr. H HoiuIiiVhii I Mr. and
Mih. A. K Kiauso visited hi lliiHt.lii.s
Clyde Hudr-on came homo Saturday
fiom whoro ho hud his oych
operated on.
Hulllu Hnblitbon Is delayed from hU
work for a few dajs on aceouiitof huv
lu 11 mumps. f
V. 1. Crawford has sold his pool
hall to It. Qulgglo. Jet (Julygle. in
i-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k tho pool hall for him.
Misses Anna Towel and Pearl Shcrei
went to llluo lllll Sat hi day afternoon
and took tho tending elielo examina
Sl.ffiCJSSSiT.'.'KTh' StanW Brad and Registered Tnlliog Stallion f
tT,;.";:'::;;r1 ,,,,,1.1 J Ailercyone McGregor
beri I.ondibraiidtnU. Mr. and Mis. J. &S&Sokk RECORD 209f
Aiiistoimnn dim-d wl'h .Teliv Dimiio , W vflflk k t !c'i',H,?2J . Vt',,,tl,f" ,t" .N''V., THIV u'
KIBfc-i. -- . MOvltct ol HilsHkeleli, lawn rwidiliif 'AoiM-ion a
an. i lamtiy inM ." iui!iv, (HHmmk imiriiiiH inion in iua. lie U one l Hie Htmii-
. ...,.,, ,i LIIBE2u7V linritd. ruuued inntU'. kiiiiii rnec liurKi, nlul Is
.Miiu niiiKiiii?. iiis juxt compiiioi i
blank Ihtli eO ariosof hi.tlahd which ;
system he lias futtud by uxpcrleneo to
be most ufreotual In the total ckti not
ion of tlio oggs of limpets, IcIllltiK of
roods' besides making thu after eultl
vallou easy.
Quito a iiumborof ponple down hero
In Kansas are inakliK u gieat howl on
tho dog lax oiiiiloiiinlnK those IpkIs
lators lor hiipuniiw iidotilileandlioble
lux on nnc ot iby ni'ist (Hcfid domestic
alihimlri on tho place, deolailng it to
Oe most U', etc., nnd I HMsl hnin
b y wish lo put tin atnpndineiit to that
HK" HliIm Tftf
C. G l'ltney and family were visit
uiK at John I'iehler'aon Sunday.
Charles L'ulzor is a regular cnller nl
J. T. HnlletlKu's every Sunday. We
wonder why.
Tlio d'liiee given by- Freil ('opleyVHs,
pronounced a grand success by all who
were present.
Ihi'ituee Ileau and Roo lleiilad tnidod
hnreca one day last wook and of eourst
both made money.
Dr. Phillips and Frank Junseii Imvo
gopo to tho band hills t loeato on
tnelr claims they drew.
Itoy Copley is "liu.ilng ehalia and
lamp". Wo would suggest I ho Matter
as appropriate for a newly ui,niiMl
miu, but the former you will havo no
use for.
Hustuuo IJean has a job as govern-'
meiit inspector of crops, ids route be
lag la llladeu and liluo Uijl. He has
to muketho trip uvery Sjuuday and ie
potts everything to bu iu tho best ol
Milton Michaels returned home from
florida and is now Rounding the praise
of the Irish and sweet potatoes us
they grow down there. He bought a
farm and expects to move there in the
near future.
The bule of the deceased Anthonlt
Sadilek's personal property was, well
attended, being about the largest crowd
we ever saw at n 'sale. There was
about 20 motor cars there and every
thing sold well for thotlme of year.
I! Curler unil family .spent Sunday
at Jim lvlncuid'iJ. .
I.lert Stiinkard and family vl-ited in
Uuide Jloek .Sunday.
Hd Heiseh, our Ito id Overseer, has
begun his- mad uorl:.
.Mis. Jim Kincaid wont to Hastings
with her sister Wednesday.
Win. Norris and Cecil McCall and
faniilles nutoed tu Hastings b.ituulny.
Mhs Mona ,llfhch visited Sunday
vlth Miss Mabel Uiiidy oast of lua
vide. Jliss lilsio Hawkins missed school
pail of labt week on nncount of sickness.
I 'ay Ariilsoii sawod wood for John
Mi toll all Wednesday and Thurdaay of
last week.
lio'it. Hiuisiukcr Is enjoying a v i - I L -t
rtijjihls aunt, Mr.?. Small Keed, of
Kansas City. ' -
Miss Veda Ludlow closed a verv sue
ca.lul term of schoul at No. '! Fridaj
wiili a big dinner.
Mrs. MaU"ii 1'oinlu and Mrs. Hose
Points and little son wore lied Cloud
iiltoM last Thiitsday.
. Mr-. Ora Challln mid llttlo son.
Wayne, .pent fiom Wednesday till Fr -hi,)
of last at the lioine of her
mother, Mrs. Oickorson.
Miss llotinlo Ilhtukcubaker eutei
tallied the young people of the Christ
iaii Sunday school to ii party at her
home on Walnut Creek. A pleasant
time is reported by those present.
Iionni nice liurse latniiv on holh kIiIm ol tlie
lioui. btliif! Klrtil tv Allirejnne. liol l)u- creni
Minion 'Jim M. IiImcIiuii IxIiik tlio urciu Ijrunil
nmre, All Mdiundr, ly Hen McOrcgor Ills
ki c( nit tliun Is Mnuil Mcdteitui, ilmn ol Nut Me-
Mri'i4or.:u .i-i.niMi iiieania oi aiifs lunnnrcii,
tin r.llet rate niare Hint cvtr raenl over
luill mile track. Also ilielnii ol ninny otlu rx
with Hlaiiilnril record. Illi llilrd ilnm U the
(Hill ol six Iroin 2 11 to 'J:?.ll-I. ami Willi tlio
(ourtli (tain Isn irodueoron Ills Mre'N hide. A Met.
c(nie MeKrt KoreoiurM from tlie vreal Alkrlun
lanilly. l)i'lii lo Allereyinictlie lieht i-onof tlio
uri at Alli'iton. who In fits tlini.' held the wotlilV
a iilllon record, 'J-ci l-l, tu lih'li when .utlsi. ml was tlm Icidlni; h to of Hie world; on Ills
dam's Mite the ur i ilirer il in were Mit.rt mr lnnrif. Whleli Intnlly pave tin tlie illicitly
t recu. who lielil the hl.i'H at record.! 2 I i. f-irsoMtal cnin, anda laiully that twin bun
considered tlie uiivoM nii'i ho c liimllj In i lti new Allnrcjono Mcdmjor Is n line In
dlNldunl mid n Kitiin nu horne imi. '(in'l 21 times mid Uelnu tlrKl or oieond ivery
llnielmt twli-i. lit a. i,nd iy i l.i i u i miliaire. Mn, inn race at tuledo. Ohio. Hept.
II, I'llO, he heal nu Illicit ui-m a in tl nl ' .' pnvi r un eer utarlul ui",n htilf-nille tract:, tho
ilrnl heat ) 1114 1 11-1 i'.illn!it 5 1 in-1. re ord innili- li .MnltleTt'lllliHS Iho year l.efoie.
Ilowonthi In it iml'pilii'.i iu in tin stu'lfh.aiidliAiiissnld hy all ilm Iturpunieit present
llml hoeoiild Itiui paced the h. -it In J.OHor beiui. Illitrieuidls no limit to hUspecd, nH he
has he np'.lculiih If mile on a hall mile lra I. in IWJ 11, a ntiinurln :'il. and an iIrIiIIi
liiil.M-l. White Alliie.oiie Md. renorlin pncir hlniiiill, he fssttk'tl) Iroltlim lined, and
wlini fovr eollR he linn nre nll.iroieri, andi-howloisot xpetd, and lie Mu.tild lie 11s great a
klrt as hl KrtnuUlru K i(l irnu opportunlly.
Will stand for season 19M, Mondays and Tuesdays at F. E.
Payne's barn on See. IM-tM 2. Thursdays, Fridays and Satur
days at Red Cloud Tie Barn, Red Cloud, Nebraska.
TERMS; $12.50 Cor the season,
and suck.
515.90 to insure colt lo stand
F. E. PAYNE, Owner
-vvSSSSo &2L!3&iggs iSSSSv
Summer - .Uudewear!
Now that the warm
days of spring arc here
you will need lighter
weight underwear. "We
have a full line in all
styles for ladies in sep
arate pieces or union
suits. High neck, long
sleeves, ankle length
union suits at - 60c
Low neck, either of two
styles, in tight knee or
lace, from
2& to S1.2B
i Children's and infants vests, long sleeves from
IS to 30c 1
Nazareth waist in all sizes from 2 to 13
at 25c
MifciJ -... I II i" ' ' ' " i ' '"
Pe? i lllHiiw
I I A I R II I ill I t M O l U .
.Sonne ', Kas,, for :i shot t visit with hh
mutlier, Mrs. Mors.'. Ilo Is on liiu way
1 lo Muntnun where he drew a half foet-
, ion of land from Unci Sinn labt fall
Stanley i.nng inue n ileal with 4V. A
lloruii for hU llanlwaio block anil lie
1 experts to lie with lift uahl in the
I t'ul ire. The Chief wlulmfl him onr
Mi . Cjiwnhatfc'li hah a hUtur vUilmn j !' e.lbloln hi ne nmlerltik-
lur WihjoMi lvas.
1 'v-Tli-Mnns I khIhH lo ',ftvo ,u
IiOubo moved bank IVom tlm sldo wall.-,
A hrg ntiinuer in tour cntorpiisilng
oltixeiis inn mtUlUK nut ft uooilly nam-
bur ot bhatltt Irueti thlh hoi-Iiil'. Waaio
Ed Wlilto, who has bson 911 tho fo , voly g,ul u, M0 lt fcti,ul.0 i m)thltiu
innro boiiullcial, for the least uxnciibo
unvolvt'd, and tho; am a riBimani.'iit
Art Ovcrleese and family visited Joe
Suhmldt Sunday. .
D,iy Kuwbolt has the miiuii!. and
sajH it's not voiy funny.
Thoy say Amos Miller la btiidjIiiK
siollln,for Filday nlht.
Wheat and oats aro looking line bin
a good r.iln would help both.
Ilttd Danker Is quite proud now, he
has a nl 00 team of mule colt.--.
Mrn. l M. Danker was In town Mon
day having some dental work dune.
Oa'.-ai' Tuppi'i' and 'Floyd Danker
dipped their cattle Tuesday. Bud
I) inker helped. '
Charlie Schmidt bought a lioihe of
C'haiiio Irwin Friday. Charlie be
lievei lu letting tho colts have it eab.v
while breaking them.
O.I l lleunolt and family vlbltod on'
l'annei Creek Siinday. The ehlldion
stayed to visit thuir yi'audpaienlh, Mr.
nntl Mm. Ii. T. Martin, for a few days.
The new paper at Uiveiton couldn't
get llialr new hoadllne at presi'Ut, so
eime out under the hiadlii,' of "Iho
I'Yankllti Comity Tiibuue." It s a (jnoit
uuw.-y paper and a credit to any town.
Here's wlshlntr 'hum snecohs. J
Wednesday a. 111. Tlio now prlutltm
office burned tub. inoinllifT betwueii ft
and 0 uclools. The lire started (10m
borne ttuliiiowu(V) Origin. The In lug
rooms of the Ulle-y iflUliuvry toro also
hflruod ami tlio inllliuory ktuuk ws
imito badly damaged.
Wc can hoar tho peals of thunder In
the dlstacce but no rain yet.
Charley Schultz lost a calf by tbo
alfalfa route the other day. '
Hansen Bros., sold two teams of
horses to Starr Dros , one day last
T. W. White was the first to plant
eorti in Uartleld. He commenced ou
The assessor la making the rounds
and ib trying to make tho neople be
lieve they are rich the&o haul times.
" Agent For American Beauty and Warner
Broa. Coraeta And Butterick Patterna
'Farm Loans
Lowest rates, best option. Call for
me at Stale Dank. C. V. CaiIIER.
Order To Shaw-Cause.
3$3 AND SS
Am lotmty 1 ourt licltl at the Comity
Court 100m In hint for salil coiialy April
Ittli., 1011.
In tlio matter ol thutcstato of Autonto
Sadllel:, Deceased.
Ox rciullm; and flllnts tlio jictltlou ol
I'rauk r..idllel;, praylmc that lulinlnlstriv
tlon ol biiltl eslnto may boKnintedto lilmself
ns Admlnlttrator.
OitiiKitim, That I'rlday, tlio let day ol
May, A. D.i 1911, at 10 o'clock a. in., U
usslmicd lor litnrlni,' -snld iictllloii, ulum all
persons lntcrohtccl In said matter may appeal
at 11 Comity court lobe held In and lor wild
county and nlioweau.10 why prayer of pell.
tlrMior should not borantcdi and that notice
ol tnu pciidt ucy ofxald petition and the him
line thertol bo Riven to all pcrnoiiH Inttrestid
In said niattor, by publlslitiiK a ropy of this
oritur In the Kod Cloud Chief, a weekly news-
papor printed in hatd county, for three con-
iccuttvo weeks prior to said day 01 iieaimc
lHKAI.1 A. D. ItANNl.V, "
Count V .IlldKO.
r HI
.utihil Estes Park
Notice of Probate
list lately, l- much bettnr tit the pre
cut wriiinj,'. -
E .1. Soott mil family havo ntot-od
into the A. II. Spracher property bouth
of Main street
JIov llarvty Andoron jjavo twfl leet
wes nt tho M. 13 cliuioli Moudiiy and
Tuesday to very nppi oclatlvc audiences
Tho house which Mrs Angle Is moot-
linr In tho Foo & Mcllrldo adilltluii l
processing Hue, Il Is about ready foi
Le pluSturpis.
A. J. Grant bought the school limine
ittd gioundb at the sale Satiuduy.
Clitik. Frauelb, whllo ioiltiiur,ou Mis
Aii)le'n hoiue, attempted to saw a
haiidfull of lath with a ogiiittobaw mid
the miw bllppud lu soiitu maiiiiei' and
lacerated hl thumb very bull. Dr.
llonni tlrekMid the wound ami It U get
thij; along nicely.
The I. p. O. I'., lodge espwuts to cele
brate Its annlverbiuy Hatiuday after
noon at tho CoiiKioifiitlouul church.
Ed Overing of lied Uloud Is to give tho
Xhv building yas bouglit at g.JSj auill principal nddicbs. The momboro are
j tlio ground 8223 Possession is to be 1 to form in lino and inarch to the church
given Juno 1st. " accompanied by the band. Everybody
Arthur Morse "cnino in Friday from I is cordially invited.
Mot ovorybody Is done disking and
quite a fow are splitting In to list corn.
Harvey Mohler was in Ucd Cloud
one d.iy last week transacting bu-t-lies.
Mrs. S. Jolinston-of Red Cloud Is out
lini.i fnr 11 few' visit with Mrs. A.
Tlio early howed oats are coming on
nicely and aro exhibiting a mo&t
healthy appearance.
.ln.lo Coy has his new house Mulsh
ed and paliitod all ready for his renter,
Hurt I'.iyne, to enter.
Delh Hrown, wife and family weio
tho gnosis of Mr and Mrs. Harry
Hrown on last Sunday,
Tho pastures lu gonei al look greor,
InTho Co'mly Court ol Wuhater (imnty. '
rttateof NohroHkti, I
WulwtCT 1 ouiity. I
To rrfl por.som liiioroiited In Iho olato of
lllo,D. Strickland, Dieuated;
tt'AICIC NOTIcBi tliat a petition has Ken
filed luajlna that tho IiiHtriiinmit IUlhI In
thlb wmrt on the nth day oi-jiarcn, ijm,
purporttaij! to bo tbo last will and testament
of mild deceased, uuj ho proved and allowed
and recorded as tlm last will and teitaiiiiat
oriSlllo D. Strickland,' deceased; that (.aid
lutlrumuut bo admitted to piob.ite.and the
administration of wild entato bo granted to
franK A. Strickland, r.xeeutor.
It In hereby ordered by tho comt, that all
pcrtnni IntorcHted In said CHlate appear at
ihoConaty. couit to bohuld lu and for wild
county on the i,th dny ot Apill, lUlb at
,ton o'clock 11. in.. toBhow cause, It any ihcro
I.e. why tho prayer of the petitioner niiould
not boijrantod.aiid that notice of tlio pond
cuey of said pullllou and the hcarlim theriot
bcelvon to all pcrnom iiitcrctii'd in said
niiilter b' puWUliIng a copy of this older In
iho Ucd Cloud Chief, a legal weekly new-'
paper printed In wild county for Unco con
Mcuttvu weeks prior to said day of hearing.
WltncM my band ami thohoal of cild com 1
this Sad day of April, A. I 1UH.
ti2l A. D.ItANNKY,
rfial. County Judge.
Seventy mlks nortluient of Denver, at the font of Long's Peak, a paradise
of mountain 'air, v.dd lloueis, trout stM'iijns ami auto ioad,-a natual ninphl
theatre of 1.10 bquarr v "' '', with Himv-capped punoratille barrlois, fouuing Iho
most Attractive, pletiiiu In all the Rockies. 30,000 tourists visited the Vaik
during the Snmmr of HUH It. is reached from Denver by tho Uurlingtou
through LyoiiR, thence bj auto through the St. Viuln liver, or by tho CJ. & S
thiongh I'iOveland, lliene. by auto thruiuh tlio stonie canyons of tho Dig
'L'hunipoii. Thiongh tickets ate lutejoluingfiablo over the two loutes. There
.110 a dozen excellent holds miir bulges In Iho Pnik, with ratos from 31U.00 11
uv.olr and nnwanb: alf.o many camps, ranches and cottages. Ask for the new'
F.-.tcb Park descriptive booklet, now 011 the pros-.
Olustrative Summer Fares to Estes Park and Return,
Including the Auto Trip.
From Lincoln &24.SO
From Hastings 23.GO
From Beatrice , 25. AO
From York -. 24.00
From Denver 0.60
J (Ml pi lll'I'HIIP IMWWWMI ,
?. E". FOE, Ticket Accnt.
L.W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt.
We Can Please You As To Material, Style And
Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Low.
. .iniimnii ummiiu, miuMammm j..uferf
"''"1'' " ' -r !- iiiJriimiil(Mih"-mii''ii