5pSwjiiiwii5r ; m if n n m w RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEP raa5CTggMgMWbMJ3 -,. Nl V. F 0 1 IJIziJZm $ r l i ft E Vj THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, NohrnnUrv PUIihlbUlta LVEKV 'JHUUSDAY KiiUrul In tin- I'cmolJIri) nt Hut ( lmul, Ncl. uh Second Claw Msiltur Council Doings ! City Treasurer's , Statement A. 11. McAllTHUlt l'Clll.IHIll:!! tiiic only dkmocil.vih' i'ai'kk in wi:iihti:hcoi"Ntv Jt ". J Political Announcements announcement Am Run Undor This flMd By Paying the Sum o! Five Dol lars Which Must Bo Cosh In Advance. Our Column Aro Open Tor Any Legi timate Advertising ond We Welcomo Announcements Regardless of Party Affiliations. FOR SllHlUUT J hereby announce myself n cati Jldalo for the olllco of Shorlir of Web ster County, subject to this will of the voters of the Democratic imtly lit the jrlmnry elcution to be held August 18, t14, IlKX HUDSON. J?OU COUNTY TUUASUKBK J hereby announce myself as. acandl .toietar tho olllcu of TieiiMiror of -Webster County, subject to tho will or votora.of tho Democratic party at the primary election to bo hold Aug lMt 18, 1014. Oeo.'.W. Tmne. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby aunounco myfcelf coudl- ,sste for tho ofllce of County Clerk or Webster County, subject to tho will of -Hie voters of the Democratic party at tbe primary election to ho hold August. J014. FltANK VAVIHCKA. FOR BilEUIPP hereby announce myself a candid ate for the ofllce of Sheriff of Webster .-county, subject; to the will of the voters of tho Democmtio party at the rimary election to bo held August 18, jU. GRANT CHRISTY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a cundi 4lte for tho nomination of County .Commissioner of Commissioner Dlst riot No. 1, subject to the will of tho otois of the Democratic party at the primary selection to beheld August 18, Hill. A. 11. liRIGHT. C iumciI mot In regular bmhIoii Tut"' dfiy I'vciiing. Major Saundur and Al drmtii Foe, 'Vuiw, S'orey ami Orvtho preennt. Miniitoa of previous meeting read and. approved. Report of f. if. Flomnce road and plncactl on file. Tiiu application of thu Independent TulcphnnuCo., tourocl anew bullJlng on their lou wan granted Ralph Foe, appeared and naked for two firo plugH at the depot at the rail nnd'a expense. Sumo wns granted. School board nuked permission to lay four inch main to tho agricultural farm and be allowed to credit water rents on snmu until puhl. Sutnu wan granted. Council n quested the mayor to Nauo n proclamation for April 13 m cleanup tlay and dump trash on iigtiuulturnl farm. The huperiutendent was instructed to buy a half boiler front ' Application for cruniwulk ut Doyle'd corner on North Webster St , laid over until next regular meeting. Thu following claims were nllowcd: Guy Zcigler $120 00 Cliff Jay 7G00 W..A. Patten 70 00 Elmer Vaughan 2G CO S. R. Floranco .i 120 97 O. C.Teel 37 25 E. II. Weber 23 75 J. W. Auld, Treai 3100 Mutual Oil Co 12 GO Sunderland & Co 18 72 Mayer Coal Co 92 35 Pittsburg Meter Co 103 20 Grant Christy 112 GO A. C. Honmer 2 00 Turnuru & Sun 23 42 ArgUB 7 50 A1. B. McArthur 7 00 Wecsner Perry Co 2178 Judges nnd Clerks 30 00 J. It. Cur .' 4 00 Malono Av. ry Co 15 65 Morhurt Brim .. 2 70 Crice DrugCo 2 90 Pmit & Free CD 10 Geo (Jiuumm , ,. G3 00 S. W.Fie 20 till C. II. C(uVnmn 45 50 Apiil ?, Hill Honorable Major utultll.v Council, Rod' Cloud, Neb. Gentlemen: I ciielov) statement oovet. Iiitf leeyipls mid 'dlHbfiisemunls of mv olllco for tho pel lod from Mar. 3, 1!1 1 to ApiilT, 1111. Occupation Fund Amount on hand Mar. 3, M 1 . .8 HI Oi! Receipts '.. f0 CO D'isbiii'seuieiitH 1)1 02 10 H lhilaneo April 711 8 13L t,' Water Fund Amount on', hand Mar. 311...? 530 32 No receipts. No .illsbui Moments. Water Levy Fund Amount on hand Mar..'l, M 1....$ 31!) 30 Receipts ." 00 Balance on hand April 7, Ml.. 3 441 30 Electric Light Fund Amount on hand Mar. 3, M I . .311130 01 Receipts 877 d' 21 07 07 Disbursements 1077 57 Balance April 7, '11 ... 9 1030 1C Electric Light Levy Fund Amount on hand Mar. 3, '14....S 497 00 Receipts 145 Oo Balance April 7, 'II 42 00 General Fund Amount on hand Mar. 3, Ml... 78 33 Receipts 23;. 00 313 .33 Disbursements' 74 35 a tlVlUIM A u MJ i a nmrm tmW3arfsctS' fifjwrpM FORSHKRIFF J hoieby announco injhclf a ciimli etla-to lor the noinliiation of ShcrllV of Wtilnter County subjoci to thu will of iho voters of the Democratic party al thu Primary election to beheld August 38, 1011. Ciiak. .1. UKDDO.V. .Governor Morehend bus appointed jAprll 17th and lrtth as Iho piotcullou tuid elean up days for the stiite of'No .bruskti. Wc believe that uveiy city vud village !u tins state should respond jhcarllly io this tnovo of Governor 'Jiorehead. It Is an encelleut thlny 'tt liavo clean stieets and alleys and oclenu stieets ami alloys mean less tiro Jkiss. . Incorporation Notice. Iteil Clouit, Ncliraikn, l'iliruary 3H, 11)1 1. At a t'lillid nudlin; ol llui Olllccrs ami lloiinl ol DlrtctnrKol the Mnlone Aer" Co.. 1k.1i! at Kid dotal, Wtlxtir County, .'! IuiihUm, on tile iib(iinl:Uii nt wlileh nil slook IioIiIith were riM nt the follow hm ami ml nientH to thu Aitk'Usol liii'ortiorattuu wen; mmlu: Artlclo Ninnliir I'wn uuh miiciukil lo rend uh lollowh: II. I'I.ai i: or nrsiMs: 'Die )irlnclml il:t(e ul liiiii'.nctlm! tlin IiiikIiicsm ot tlilh Coriioratluii shull lie Iteil Pliiiiil, Wthster I'ciimly, .NelinmkM. ArllcleMimlifr Tour uiisuim lukd toreait: IV. WIOt'NT Of CAPITA Ij MOCK: rhtiamiiunl ol the ( iijiUnl Moil: ul IIiIh Cm lioiatlim bhtill I'd I unity 'I'luiuhnml Pol lain f4i.0OU.UG) illMildl Into 'luu Hiimlitil hhnrc.iiil the I'nr V'altu- ul One lluiuhcit Dollias oni'li. Ilieume Iinvlait lircu mb ii'iIIhiI mill nnlil up ami In lliociistoily ot t lie 'nrikliui.limltirimn.inHtliuoiile(.rsniui Uoaiil o( Fli ti tnis. isrr.i, ItOIlfllT I.. AVKHV, M cretarj TreiiMiiri r. .- Balance April 7, '14 S 238 03 Judgment Fund Amount on hand Mnr. 3, '14... 8 200 00 No receipts No disbursements Firemen's Fund Amount on hand Mar. 3, Ml ... 5 22 45 Recapitulation OcoiipntinifFund $ 131 5'2 Water Fund 230 2 Water Levy Fund . 4 14 20 General Fund 238 93 Eleetiiu Light Fund 10M) 10 Eleetilu Light Levy Fund 112 00 .Tudiriimnt Fund. 30000 iFIieiueu'r, Fund 22 1.1 Total S. R. Floisanci: $2010 Sl Cily Trcasuior. ThuFurnier'sludependintTelophone o0ipany has let bids for tho election jat thilr now exchange building. Wotlc 'J .expected to begin within thhty days. iWiteu this stiuctuie is completed ll rill be one of thu best appointed tele- jiiione exchanges in the (ditto. TliU speaks well for the management and ubu) testliles to thespiiit of progrc -tf tlte stock holders. Now that thu city has gone dry wit would suggest to those petitioners who signed tho pre-election dudtiiueut that vlbu way to show that they weio .'jducerc. and In eninest Is to throw all csf their mail-oidor catalogs In the sa4oro and buy of homo merchant . JThls city is a gooil place. In which to Arado aud there Is no icaou why all rtho funnel's ti tiding should not be itmasacted with our merchants. r&A'f vi .alHH prU& Prevent prs!U 'Loss llnhv CliIcK Food White Diarrhea Remedy Without thco two KuorontccJ nro trctl e you cannot luccenl with poultry. No other iircpnratlon li nt irood tho lirst thrcoweckuna rrnltiDabr Chick Food 26c. tOo and $1,00 tho only fmfo ration. Insures luity crowth. To jirovrnt Intrttlnal trouble the on siro tin-cilia Is Pralti Whit Diarrhea Remedy 25c and 60c. After they ta tho onily critical period they mature quickly Into protlt paylns incnihcrt of ur Hock. Itcfuie (ubatltutei; IniUt on Pratt. Cll..ttAM riHlait nMMli RmcIc Ct Pratt ISO pan Poultry Book Sold nnd gti'ir nteedby Geo. W. Trine Order to Sltotv Cause Mate ol .N'clirafiku, I in Thu (iunt Court. cbsler oiiuty. I Ara (.'oiinty totut hold at the County Court loom lu mid for mid county A pi II id, A.I). 1U1I. In tlm imiltcr of the iwtato of frank X. Koolmul IkL'tHMtl. ON rtaillay ami illliii; the .cUtlim ol Ada Koi lnal jtr.i) Ini; that ivlmliilHtratloii ol Mild estate may l. Kranted ti I irleli Kovlmili ai Administrator. , Oltlir.Ulll. that fildiiy tho'lt1ul:i ol April, . P. 1U1I. nt two o'eluvk .p. in., Is asili;iied for hearing nuld petttlenMhcn all persons lutrrohtcd In nnld matter nhiy ap piar at a County Court to hu held In a nil for H.ild County and hliou c.uiko why pi.tj'cr of petitioner Hhould not lie granted; and thai notice ol tlm,pi ndeiy of x.ild petition and thuhearliiK tlitreol bo Ktveu to all peifous luteri.itid In hald inullcr, by piiblMilnn a copy ot this older In the Ited Cloud Clilof, a weeUly uowMpnper prlutid In said county, for tlirto consecutive wnks prior lo Haiti day ut hiiiilm;. ' A. I). It VN.SUV, (ritiil) County . I udigu. SAVE YOUR CHICKS NGet A Chicken Life Saver Mr. Leu DcTour of (lutde Rock lui- Viswaounced himself as u candidate fot .the ofllce of county commissioner of vcUatrict No. 5, Mr. DcTour Is an old rmatident of this county nnd Is Unit- -cTHiffhly ucqualuted with the needs uf 'iUetxninty both by residencu and thu fact that ho was county cle.ik for one term, e vim nl jeat ago. jliis man; friends over the eotiuty ato well pica lod'lhat hu has decided to run for llilh position. At the county Woodmen couvention Jiold tvt Otildu Koul; h st week Mr. .lak ISllinger was chosen as 11 delegate t tle state camp meeting, llu was in zatmcUd to do his utmost to ousi tliu present olllecib nnd to reduce the of ,Jrs tahirles to the old rates. This ntouuty is iiistirgeut So far us tho Wood i 3ien tueiuheiship is eoueerued and nil ;ilicnnps feel that 11 good de.il of in tisUce has be ell done theotganl.at'ou ' Jff tlu pi-ttsuul oIIIcUiIh. mm snfz&M Babies Will Grow tiil vvhllo they aie gt owing you si iMild liavo them phot ou'i-np It oil often oikiiikIi to 1.0 'P u tecoid of i ' Intel estiug '. ii of t h e I i i ii i i il Y u i pi 1-0 tho col c ii of liab)V I ii'ini -s tinire anil ill as thu mmi ii ' v .Make an I'l UlltUICIll t o I t V U) Stevens Bros. Studio and quart of C. L. S. Oil and let tho Chicks rid themselves of Lieu and Mites Wotks while they eat. 'iho cut shows how. litiuranteed to kill all Lice and cure Sore Head or money lefuuded. A Life Saver and quart of U. L. R. Oil prepaid for SJ.M Onid hriuuK piirtlculurs. Chicken Life Saver Co. 3021 Cummins St. Omaha. Nrhr. Dr. J. Caldwell PHYSICIAWftStRCECW Cnlla Anpwcrod Doy or Nitfht D&iit - Wait - until to buy your the Easter Sast Coat or Suit J. here are but Iwo days between now and Easter Sunday Pr flit CopyrliM 1914 The II. Mick Co. Take advantage of this suggestion and come today to make your selec tion. You will not only have time to go leisurely over our beautiful stocks of fashionable, up-to-date apparel, but you will allow us ample time to make, if necessary, such slight corrections as may suggest themselves. By coming today you may be able to secure the coat or suit most becom ing to you, which may have been sold if you put joff your shopping until tomorrow. : : : : : 4 h vSr u Copyrltht 1914 Tte II. Black Co. The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants x t 9 The Store That Sells Wooltex Coats . Suits Skirts I K: mikM0rmmm 1 ' T 'i i J -- " - --- - -i ' 1 ,, ii,iart.4 Q Vll 'fl "mA fillllT 7 VVA- jOlOlOGIUcttcAdCo We Are Looking For The Man Vlio has soiled his clothe so badly that they nve not lit in wear. No mutter how dirtj Or greasy the Stilt may be wi mo i quipped, vllh tho most model n machinery mid have skilled workmen who know how to Clean, Repair and Press Clothes H. 6. flassingep Cleaner and Dyer Both Phonos The Table that Saves Steps Why trudge to the attic or the basement for extra leaves when yoti can have them right inside the table and at no extra cost? The Robbins is the only table that has this simple and convenient feature. It is one of the advantages of buying the Robbins kind and it is one you will appreciate more and more as you use it. Robbins Tables arc built by men who have studied table construc tion for forty years men who know how to build tables that" are convenient, good to look at and durable. Come in and let us show you why the Robbins is a good table to buv. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North ot I. O. O. F. Hall -O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free o- Phone lnd.212 ROY t SAT l tley) Licensed Embalmer and a Furniture iti Dealer. I 696SOHHBBB69 CS &? S JK,iSEtrT?M q WXieuui Hifiuiteatgi'feiirtiE&xi OilleoToliilionei: Hell. ;: I ml IM. lies. 1 1 leplioiu'h: Hell, llnl r,.l; 1ml. 100. Ofllce Over A3. A. Albright's Store : Nebraska i&cd Clem, DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DZtVTtGT OYEH STATE BANK Start Cloud ' Nebraska YOUNG CHICKS die or bowel trouble more than xny other cause. It Is estimated that ol every lOOOchlcks hatched ea& vearlessthan 400 reach marketable tl. Germo-inn.cri-iki.. nAiiillv. oo of chicks hatcretl. Ojrmoione kecpa tho bowels rcculir. It prevents diarrhoea from overdrlnklni of vater: from cijlnj muiyorpoillfooilietc. It houlJ be rl.en In drlnklns stsr twice n vvulc from the day they ra i,..j,.,i itnir...ihe ln. I'verv ch ck thst ulsi cult b.1lr lwi' I'm Prcat fwn tho rut rvory cklik wvij will rr Ike cut ul a Intilt cl btrxctcno. Out sUe J-, 5J ctoti, oti'olu'scc rl?iU- FOR SALE BY H. E. CRICE DRUG CO. s FOR SALE DeLaval and Beatrice Cream Separators Qvieen IncubaLtors Hour and Feed o? All Kind Geo. W. Trine Both Phones SS $ Wldovi's Pension. Thu rccou t not of April lllth, 1IK)3 Klroti to nil aoliUors' willows a pension $12 per month. Frod Maurer, the at- Dr. Nicholson DENTIST N? lll'KIOK OVCII AI.1UIU1IITS UTOtti: IN IlIVIIIirON OX .MO.N'DAV Rnl Cloufl. N'hrshn DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Oinduatf Chicago Vctuiinary College M llVELVr. YKAIIS lJM'UltlKXCE ATIIAIMSY'STIB BARN moticiourt -;- Nebraska