RID OLOUD, NIBRAIKA, CHIEF 'M fTf w JtfesS i:a t: zm Tl' rxw"- l( p, .v LMUiiwih. ffBiniiauKviHM K12W HUlHUff c "" . v aiy miasi cfTSXS&tZZAVrV ""- n? jR&sirpsr 7vss?-' tf&y'fipzsJ&or&-pw:?tf? &&&? Alt I' A8TKH In foreign lands la thu i;nlu day of tbo your and la celobrutcri with u sunt raraly found In this country, whnro tlio chief features of tho occasion nro choral surv Icon and Daino FnHlilon'B parade of Eastor finery. Easter festlvltlus abroad are ulaboruto in tho ux troniu and marked by many unlnuo custonm and curemouloH. During Holy wcok no meat ts oaten In Poland, (iood Friday, Groaned In mourning, tho women ro to church and pray for nn hour. Tho grave of Christ 1b always reprcRcnted at tho church, and It 1b boforo this prayers nro said. Saturday, too, Ih spent In fust tag and prayer. Eastor Sunday tho Rreat lunch eon, or "Hwlcceny," ob It Is called In Polish, taken placo. At tbo castlos of tho nobility refreshments aro proparcd for hundreds of Kuests. Tho tables aro laden with cold moats, pigs ronsted whole, various kinds of sausages and great cukes, or "haba," which aro ulwayB eaton at Eastertide. During thu afternoon visitors call. It Is tho cus torn of tho host and hostess to meet their guestH at tho tloor with a plato of orbs, ouch visitor takes a small pleco and tho greeting of tho day, "Hallelujah." Is exchanged. Fteh2 . r -- .. - ...... ,-, , rfi .. .,"- i SfefilKiOTQ'v r in rkiTito-fflrfi mmKjXmi&.yjiw-? .- r-'.f-rrmmiM mflW; pMyMflflwwv K1 v .s ! .-vam. ;.CJS &lf&Zl&2S, r &Z&&SJX& w&7rjVo- c&?g&i& t$zrr oizhr2- kiss three times, first on one cheek, then on tin other, and tho last tlmo on tho other cheek again. Tills represents tho Joy they feel on account ot tho Savior's resurrection. The custom Is some times continued for sovoral days, unci, tho peas ants often kiss those whom they have Just met. Following tho half-hour church service there is a night mass held, tho only one during tho year. This Is not usually ended until 3 o'clock In tho morning. Krom tho church the people return homo und liavo what Is really an early breakfast, but which Is more like a feaBt Tboy cat hard boiled eggs, "pascha" und "coolltch," which form tho feuturPB of tho repast. Tho custom of kissing is also observed In the court. Easter day tho emperor recolves tho mem bers of his household, his bodyguurd and repre sentatives from tho olllccrs und soldiers of the regiments stationed In and near St. Petersburg. Easter is a Joyful occasion for tho children. For two or three days provious their elders dyo eggs for them, much ns Is done in this country. Easter tho children roll them and play with thorn. It Is also tho custom to exchange eggs, and many peo plo enrry a few with them to present to their friends after tho church service. Tho children piny with tholr eggs for a. week after Easter ond sometimes longer Tho "pascha" and "coolltch" m Li SfJ .Hal &3 n v - m .a . - JM. ?y?ft-Tri I'-'-S i T? ,7&CZP3A fcrcck EWT1 1 r & i A V C t.tUy, SJ m l1's t: V. SW: yt fC &. k i ' v i &I13& I ''& ktM & m vl Di: -25r23e tfawsxy u&v&vo vze u-i&Ji&w2M$ &&&&&& J<fT&Q -:AZTS3ZAr0 &Z& && On tho day preceding this luncheon tho food Is blossod by tho priest. As tho castlo Is usually thu conter ot tho community, tho pcasuutB or fnrmera bring their food thcro. When tho priest blesses tho castle luncheon ho also bestows a blessing upon tho food of tho servants and peasants in tho lower hall. During tho ontlro weok following Eastor Sunday visitors nro Invited to partake of tlio cold dishes on tho Easter luncheon tnblo, which is roplonlshod us necessity arises. Landowners rccelvo gifts from tho pensnnts ou their estates at Eastcrtido. Ono may bring his best calf, another his fattest pig. and u woman ' her largest chicken or duck. In turn tho peasants rocolvo presents of money and other valuables. Tho children piny with eggs on Easter Sunday In much tho saino manner thoy do on tho Whlto House lawn In Washington. In AuBtrln-Ilungnry tho Barao ceremony Is observed, with tho exception of tho great luncheon. Always on Good Friday tho emperor and his court attend dlvlno service for an hour. Enater in Franco la primarily n floral celebra tion. Tho flower market along tho Selno is re dolent with tho porfumo of lilies and other as fragrant, though less stntely blooniH. Every one wears a flower at Eastertldo, and poor Indeed is .tho household that does not display a florul sym bol of "tho resurrection and tho lifo." It la not ono ot tho groat celebrations of Franco, but Is dccldodly a children's day. Ot courso, It Is a legal holiday and tho banks, gov ernment buildings and schools aro closed. Thoro aro tho usual religious services to bo found in a Catholic country. Tho Parisian child makes inor rjwlth Eastor eggs, which are generally painted tn vivid colors. For tho children of tho wealthlor class are eggs of chocolato and sugar, either solid candy or hollowed out bo aa to conceal pretty favors In tho form ot small toys. In Italy, Eastor li qulto tho most Important re ligious festival of tho year and u tlmo of public and prlvato rejoicing. In Rome on Eastor Sunday and for several days afterward religious proces sions are to bo Been on tho streets. Dignitaries ot tho church, clad In gorgeous raiment, march from church to church, blessing the baptismal fonta and rekindling tho nltar tiros that woro ex tinguished on Good Friday In memory ot tho death of Christ A unlQUo ceremony marks tho observnnco of Holy wook in Floronco, Italy. It 1b probablo this ceremony will bo discontinued boforo many years bocauso ot tho fatalities and sorlous nccldenti which have occured In recent yenrs. At noon on Saturday of Holy week a ceremony called tho "scopplo del enrro" (tho explosion of the car) takes place In tho Plazzo dol Duomo, Just In front of tho Uattlstero. It is In fulfillment ot a provlslou In tho will of tho do l'azzl family, an anciont Florentlno household, certain members of which brought flints from tho holy land with which to klndlo tho tires on the altars at Eastor. Tho "car," which resembles nn altar and ia nearly as largo as a nninll framo house, is drawn to tho square- beforo tho cathedral by a team ot white oxon, whore It Is filled with flroworfca and decorated with flowers. A wlro Is stretched from tho car to the altar In tho cathedral. At the con clusion ot the servlco u wooden device known ns a "dove," traveling over tho wlro on a wheel and bearing n small fuse, Is lighted from the snered flro on tho alter. It niBhos down tho wlro to tho car filled with combustibles. The explo sion that follows is a wonderful pyrotechnic dis play. Tho peasants In and near Floronco at tach considerable importance to tho explosion of tho "car," and especially to tho unlntoiruptod de scent of tho "dovo" down tho wlro; If everything transpires without a hitch, they consider It an omen of plentiful crops tho rest of tho year. Abounding in quaint customs and straugo cere monies Mexico upholds her reputation in her Easter celebration. Tho day is n day of ven goancu not upon tho living, but upon tho num berless 'images of Judas Iscariot.tho botrnycr of ' Christ. All over tho country countless Images of Judas aro mado, generally in peasant clothes, with ropos fastoncd around their necks. Amid tho hoots and Jeers of tho crowd tho images nro Bwung nloft and hung. As thoy swing to and fro stones and knives nro hurled nt thorn; out in tho provinces tho llgures nro riddled with bullets un til thoy aro literally cut to ribbons. Sometimes an imago ts stuffed with cigarettes, confections and trinkets, strung aloft nud exploded from a fuso running to tho ground. Tho contents nrd scattered In tho explosion, of courso, and tho grown-ups ns well as tho children scramble for tho Hying gifts. Tho coromonles really begin with Thursday eve ning of Holy week, when tho "vlsltn do la sloto casus," or tho calling of tho seven houses or churches, Is hold. Tho populaco on this, occa sion visit seven or moro churches thoro must be Boven at tho lowest and pray. All tho churches aro decorated, and thoro is considerable rivalry ns to which has tho most gorgeous altar. On tho afternoon of Good Friday thoro Is a servlco called "la sloto palabras," or tho seven words, roforrlng to tho Boven words of Christ on tho cross. All women nttondlng this sorvlco nro dressed either In mourning or In sombor colors. In tho evening, attired In the samo manner, thoy attend a service called "pesumo," a servlco of condolence and mourning. On Saturday morning tho ''gloria" service Is hold, after which comes tho hanging of tho otu glca of Judas. In tho afternoon tho pooplo attend tho tUoators or a bull fight If tho weather Is not too warm for tlio latter. On Eastor day propor tho colcbratton Is nlmost onUrcly a religious ono Enstor Is tho holiday of holidays In HubsIu. This is partly duo to tho fact that Eastor Is the first colcbratton ot tho spring season, and tho warm weather naturally draws people to tho out-of-doors. Ou Enster ovo In Russia thcro Is a church serv lco hold which begins boforo midnight and con tlnuos, for half an hour. In tho country, oven among tho peasants' whero tho customs nro more strictly followed, tho peoplo wear their best and lightest clothes. After tho servlco comes tho Eastor kiss. Friends INIlTMTIONAL SBNftsrsaiooL Lesson By E. O. SKLl.tittK. Director of Evening Department, The Moody Hlblo Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR APRIL 12 are also eaten duilng tho scek after Easter, und always served to vlsltois who may call. It is also a custom to greet friends Easter day with "Christ Is rlson from tho dead." To Unit tho irlond replies in tho same way or exclaims: 'Yea, verily, ho is risen!" Another phase of the Russian celebration ot Eastor Is to bo found not In Russia, nut In Pales tine Thousands upon thousands of pilgrims, from Russln, but also from other parts ot the world ab well, assemble on the banks of tho river Jordan on Eastor morning to hatha In tho samo waters In which Christ was baptized. As tho rays of tho rising sun gild tho tops of the mountains of Monb a shout of "Ilosannn" bursts forth with ono accord from every throat, followed by song. Bap tismal robes aro donned and the peoplo rush Into tho stream. Tho Russian government has erected hospices for tho pilgrims all along their lino of march, Easter in Jerusalem is n great occasion. At the Church of tho Holy Scpulchro tho ceremony of th doscont of tho holy flro Is celebrated on Saturday. All lights In tho church aro extinguished at a certain hour and tho worshipers stand praying that tho holy flro bo sent down from heaven. Two high priests go down Into tho sacred scpulchro; suddenly llgtits appear in tho tomb, and other priests hand down candles, which nro returned to them lighted. These candles nro then carried to tho various churches In the city to light their al tar candles, nnd, In fnct, thcro huvo boon in stances whoroln they have been carried all tho way back to Russia by pilgrims. On Palm Sunday a great service Is hold In tho church, nt tho con clusion of which tho worshipers stream forth shouting "HoBannn!" and waving their palm branches. Tho most remarkable feature of thu Easter cele bration In Jerusalem, however, ts the march ot the pilgrims through tho Via Dolorosa. Many thou sands of persons, from all over the world partial pato In this march, following tho courso taken ty Christ In his Journoy to tho cross on Calvary. Good Friday In Spain, especially in Seville. Is tho day on which tho various guilds and societies and tho monks array themselves in fantastic garb and pnrudo tho streets as mummers. Thoy boar beforo thorn lingo standards, crosses, Images of tho Virgin Mary and queer symbolic devices. In other sections of tho country tho parade takes tho form of a cnrnlvnl of flowers; queous of tho carnival are chosen and thoy are feted with all tho homago usually shown a real sovereign, Vast Bums, secured by popular subscription, aro ex pended upon tho parades. Tho Images of tho Tlr gin nro garbed In robes and Jewels that cost thousands of dollars. Tho beautiful servlco In St. Mark's cathedral la by far tho chief feature of tho Eastor celebra tion in Veulco. Tho worshipers como to tho church. In gondolns literally covered with flowers. Tho ontlro scono is n riot of color and blooms. In tho afternoon every ono bears n supply nt food to tho squaro In front ot tho cathedral and scatters It broadcast to the countless flocks of plgoons that fly about the stately edlflco. THE JOURNEY TO EMMAU8. (Easter Lesson.) LESSON TI"T-I.lll!0 2:13-K. GOLDEN' TEXT "Who Is lio that shall condemn? It U Christ Jesus that died, yea ii.ilicr, that wna raised from tlio dcud, who Is nt tho rlcht hand of God, who also tnnkcUi Intel cession for us." Itom, 8:31. Wo turn asldo today to consider aa tho Easter lesson a well-known cvont In connection with tho several appear ances of our Lord aftor his resurrec tion; dtio of tho mnny infalllblo proofs, Acts 1:3; I Cor. 15:4. Tho narrative ,of this Journoy is ono of tho most beautiful post-resurrection stories, simple, clear and of great value. It Ib related, evidently, by an eye witness. Tho Cleopas mentioned Is not tho son ot Mary, John 19:25. Tho name ot the socoud pilgrim Is but a conjecturo, though we somehow feel It wns Luko himself. Tho Journey was about seven nnd one-half miles and most likely they wero returning to their homes after tho Passover. Somowhoro on tho way a stranger Joined them who asked the naturo of their conversation, nnd the causo of their evident jadnesa (v. 17). In astonishment, Cleopas nnswers, but tho stranger continues and adroitly draws out their entire story. Interesting Progression. I. Their Disappointment, vv. 13-24. It Is all too evident that they did not oxpect a resurrection nnd that, filled with perplexity and discouragement thoy wero on tho verge of despair. It is Interesting in this lesson to observe tho progression (1) "nnd thoy talked" v. 14; (2) "and they found not," v. 23; (3) "and they saw not," v. 21; (4) ''and they constrained him," v. 29; (5) "nnd thoy knew him," v. 31; (G) "and thoy said . . . tho Lord is risen," vv. 32, 34; (7) "and they told," v. 34. As thoy "titlkcd" ltwas revealed that their loving hearts woro full of sadness and empty of faith, yet to talk Is often tlio only way to And relief from tho gnawing of grief. Thoro seem (v. 15 II. V.) to havo been two opinions nnd In their slow ness of heart nnd unbelief they did not recognlzo their new companion. In rcsponso to his query they told how this Jesus had been delivered, con demned, crucified, nnd then rcvcnlcd that this was to them tho end of nil things, for Bald thoy, "Wo had hoped that it was he." Aro wo willing ho should lmvo part in our every conver sation? Continuing they told tho amazing talo related by tho women nnd, moreover that their statement of nn empty tomb hnd been verified by certain women who had gone to in vestigate, but, In conclusion, they Bgatn reverted to their sadness bj saying "They found his body." Causo of Sadness. II. His Appointment, vv. 25-35. Evidently tho Journey wob continued and bo gently rebukes thom for tholr Blowncss of heart to bollovo tho rec ord of their own proplyjts. All sad ness, practically, arises from unbo lief In tho Word of God, Phil. 4:6, 7; Rom. 8:28-32. Ho Interpreted to thorn, tho truo Mcsslaulo teaching ot their own scriptures. Ho charges them with folly not to bellovo'all" of tho record iy. 25). Truo wisdom is not that of Bkoptlclsm which cuts out portions of tho word, but, according to Jesus, it consists In bollevlng all of tho Scriptures. At last thoy reach Em maus, Btlll, let ub remember, not knowing who It la walking with them. Tho road beyond was dangcrouB and "thoy constrained him" to accept tholr hospitality. As ho sat at tho tablo partaking of tho ordinary evening meal, ho assumed tho placo of tho host, took tho bread, blessed It and" broko it. Instantly those old familiar nets and words rovealed to thom who it was that had walked by tho way. III. Teaching Points. This narra tlvo is so full of teaching and yet bo clear and simple that it Is" hard to euggest any ordinary deductions thcrofrom. The story does, however, reveal tho interest of tho risen Lord in tho doubt of theso two disciples. That they wero probably not ot tho twelvo is evident by the fact that when they returned to Jerusalem they found the eleven assembled (v. 33). Thua wo seo tilm going tc those out eldo of that Inner clrclo, also, two who loved him seeking a solution of the mystery and consolation for their sad hearts. First hiding his Identity, ho drow from thom tholr atory. Ho then took them back to tholr Scrip tures, with which thoy muBt havo been familiar, and rovealed to thom. that thla mystery waa according to those holy writings. Again tho picture ol his dlsclploa is interesting. Tho progress of de velopment in their faith above al luded to, tho evldenco ot their faith nnd lovo in him, their tender affection and tho death of their hope. Ho had not, so they thought, been ablo to accomplish that which thoy had ex pected ho would accomplish. In com pany with all of his disciples thoy did not approhend tho real meaning of hla mission. Hla teaching la manifested in their urgont hospitality for they must havo remembered his words, "I waa a stranger, and ye took me in." Don't Sacrifice Your Health for anything, for once it is lost it is hard to regain. Guard it carefully and at the first sign of distress in tho Stomach, Liver or Bowels, resort to Hostdfer's Stomach Bitters It keeps entire system normal and promotes health and strength. !! J Nap In a Nutshell. Murks Are you reading this new history of the Napoleonic tragedy that's being printed? Parks No. To mo the tragedy of Napoleon may be summed up In two lines. The divorce of Josephine waa tho prelude: Elba the interlude, and his lust battle the Waterlooed. Largest English Cathedral. 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