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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1914)
" -;' k f mv'yw w-i'''w iWA'( , Barfly. 47rv-. 7 I- l.; . . Lv- I ; ) . j.ato Uidluriunl Society . Iffc"'"c',', .. i 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Ench Year For SI. 50. VOLUME 4J RED CLOUD, JSEBRASKA, A1MUL i), 1M. NUMBER Iff 3 0 0 0 itf il to it to to to il to to to to Ik Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a r,ainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CAN'T LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate .under the State Guaranty Law. and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here would be safe without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBHASKA (!) m M m to m m The City Goes Dry clean. UP Day MONUMENTS WANTED FOR t- Decoration Day Should Be Ordered Now i. For The Best High Grade Memorials jL (4 zr. Consult U Red GToud, f- Nebraska g Vote For Court House Next Tuesday tbo voters of this county will be called upon to settle the question of a court house or no court house. Tbo Issue is placed squarely before the people ottliecouu ty and they are to ay whether they aro to have u uew building or not. The Chief believes that a better op portunity for bulldiuK will never pie nent Itself. The plaus have been so lected and we all Uuow .that the pro posed building will not cost a penny more then sixty tlrousand dollars. Bids were received on tub) building and all fell under tho mark, so there is no question about that.6 As to tho amount to bo raised, tho tax-payer can reason that the now building will not cost a cent because if the proposition carries au amount suniclent to make up the sixty thous and dollars will be diverted from other funds for this purpose. The levy will remain the same whether the court house is built or not. Anyouo with half an eye can see that Webster county does need a new building. The present courthouse is a disgraco to uy countyand the records are fast moulding away. If the voter is in doubt as to this he has plenty of time to come In and Investigate for himself before voting. Farm Leans Lowest rates, best option. Call for mo ut State' Dank. O. V, CATiinn. Antone Sedglich Shoots Himself 0 Word w,is received by undertaker Atnack as wo go to press that Anton e Sedglich, who II ves near Dlnden, had commlted suicide by shooting himself this evening. Sheriff Hedge and Cor' oner Amack left for tho Sedglich farm immediately upon receipt of the message No details were available. Governor's Proclamation FIRE PREVENIION--CLEAN-IJP DAYS April 17th and 18th. 1914 A few years, ago our Legislature created the otlleo of Fire Commissioner in order that the great loss annually sustained by lire might be reduced to the minimum. It has been the custom,' since the creation of this otllce, to designate two days each spring as Fire Prevention "Clean-Up Dnys" and in accordance with this custom' I so designate April 17 and;i8, 1014. I request all the citizens of the State to cooperate with the Fire Commission er in his efforts to reduce the loss of property and the danger to 'life, by having removed from their premises all trash and useless Inflammable ma terial. I also suggest that the teach ers in our schools have some suitable exeroises on these days and that they lend hearty aid u'tul assistance to the Commissioner Given under my band and the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska, this second day of April, 11)14. JOHN II. MOUEHBAD, Governor. The city election Is over and the dry clement won the day by a majority of H. This result is decisive enough to satisfy anyone. Dr. Robert Damurull received a very (tattering vote for tho oillco of mayor and he goes Into olllco with a larger following behind htm than any mayor in recent years. .1 O. Caldwell and Frank Perry were elect ed coiiuciluicn; O. C. Tout, city cle.rk; S. 11. Floranco, city treasurer; U, II. Ovcrlng, city engineer. Win. Weesner, George Coon, and It. K. Foe were tho winners on the school board. The following is tho detailed vote: For Mayor, 1st ward Robert Damcrell 107 Geo. Hutchison 31 For Clerk O. C. Teel . 17 M. W. Carter Irf For Tieasurer S It. Florauce. , l.Vf For City Engineer U, 11. Ovorlug 1" For Councilman Frank Porrv 1 15 .lohuCrans T W Members of School Hoard Win. Weesner lHil George Cooi MO Wilbur Hamilton fl Dr. Koht. Mitchell 42 HalphFoo 100 Henry Nowhouse 31 License Proposition For J.... 00 Against.;... ::.-... ...01 Foe Mayor, 2nd, ward Robert Damcrell 108 Geo. Hutchison ... 64 . For Clerk O. C. Teel 1"4 M. W. Carter 76 Fo'r Treasurer S. R. Florance 218 For City Engineer G. II. Ovoring....' ,...219 For Councilman Frank Cow'deti US' ,7. O. Caldwell 121 Members.of Sohool Hoard Win. Weesner 210 George Coon 221 Wilbur Hamilton IK) Dr. Unbt. Mitchell 71) Ralph Foe 282 Henry Ncwhouso "1 License Proposition For 11" Against H'2 I have the best rate In the county on farm loans. See ma and be convinced My motto prompt service. A. T. WAI.KKR. I am again ready Jto make farm loans promptly and on attractive terms? Solo agent for Trevett, Mattis & Baker. J. II. Bailey. People that bolievo in home trade sell the Bed Cloud Cigars us tlioy are the best 5 cent cigar in the world. In other towns they get 10 cents for this cigar. ' adv We have on hand now a carload of Genuine Minnesota Red Blver Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. These aro ttie best tablo potato and tho only kind for seed. Weesner, Perry & Co. adv The contract for putting in tho now Independent Telephone Central was let Monday to Mr. Jensen, of Fair bury, Morhart Bros, got the contract for putting In the heating, plumbing and electric light wiring. My placo consisting of olght acres for sale or rent, at the edge of Inavale. B. E. Hu.viT.ii. Ah tli ore is a general movement lu Nebraska to set apart certain days next week us "clean up day" and as Governor Mnrchcad has Issued a pro clamation to that, clVeet, I hereby urge and request all citixens of Bed Cloud to clean up and dent my all rubbish about their premises, during tho week dating April 12 to 18 inclusive Also during that week only the school board has gh-en consent that rubbish may ho dumped on tho situ recently purchased for the agricultural experi ment station. ' . D K. SAUNDKKS, Mayor. Choleraic Pigs ( ' Pius from Immune sows are not al ways Immune to cholera. Some litters may be farrowed in infected puns and go past weaning time without bccoiu ing infected, while others get. cholera within two or tlireo weeks after far rowing. Tho safo method, says tho Animal Pathologist at the University Farm, is to ulve these nlcs serum alone al about tlircu weeks, which wil' us ually carry them well past weaning time whim they can be given the simultaneous treatment. Thorc aro Bonio herds where the plus seem to be very susceptible to cholera In those it will be necessary to give serum alono more than once in order to carry them several weeks past, weaning. Pigs given tlie simultaneous method soon after weaning sometimes loso this protection within a few months. To acquire a long time immunity, pigs should weigh at least SO or (SO pounds at the time of recoiviug simultaneous treatment At this weight tho im munity usually lasts the ordinary life time of the hog, although in soino in stances hogs that have been proved positively immune at 125 pounds have later developed cholera. Nature is not constant. YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has an Edison Phonograph. Disc, . Cylinder, $60.00 to $475.00 v 15.00 to 200.00 Come in and let us prove it. E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, Nebraska ' tard ? Thanks. We wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their assistance during the sick noss and death of our grand mother. Mlt.ANUMUS.JAH.KKAOI.E Mb. I. W. Hipki.v. Notice Anyone interested lu cream Separa tors should not fall to call at my place and see the DcLaval demonstration of Cream Separators. Gko". W. Thine. The satisfaction of Quality is remembered long after the Price is forgotten. But we go a step, farther, our Quality Price is no -higher than you pay elsewhere for, Common OtOCK. U :..- " ' ' k(K Villi ?uihu THE M ALONE-AVERYI ICO. iV m3maWa f) j.iS rGoraon SUITS MEN'S YOUNG MEN'S BOYS' And Children's Wash Suits irs . A WIDOW JONES TuUo your oreain to J. O. Caldwell. VI V u I . Mi IV Kv I III 1'1 I I III JZQ&K. 11 If SHOES For Dress and Work TROUSERS SHIRTS s-"K'- PAIL STOREY The Clothier Ll t 1 $J :i '.ij ' s mi I -F M ' "'P rf'.Ai ,,kfu V .'-V. i! prWf g....-" iiiiiHihH m-n m. h.T'" . . wmit frtvM h. "Tl