KED CLOUD, MI1IAIKA, OHIIF V 13? i h, mt if m in l tiHl 17 I ll.. I m tf: m w wa i There's Nothing Better & v p. Than our complete line of Gro ceries, Queensware, Cigars, Candies, Tobacco. You will find us able and willing to supply your wants in a very satisfactory manner at all times, and our chief endeavor is to please. Now, with these inducements and incentives to give us a trial order, why not do so today. A Trial Will Convince You A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY II lit International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines GARFIELD A nice rain on Monday night. Mrs. Allot who has been quite sick U better at tills time. Sowing outs and disking1 In the order of the day In Garfield now. Howard Alios spent the end of the week hero visiting his mother. B. F. Watt lost a milk cow on Mon day night from unknown causes. Qmsoy DeWltt, who has been quite sick for tho past two weeks, is some better. A large crowd from lioro nttended tho Clirlstlau-Tate trial last Thursday and Friday. There Is a lot of excitement at the Harrlp hoi so ranch on Wind Mill How. nowadays, breaking hoi sea. Labon Wagoner had tho misfortune to gut ills hand iu contact with a click saw, Injuring It sulllcieut as to require the attention of a doctor. George and Alf Harris brought In a car of hogs on Tuesday and shipped to mark". Wednesday. Joe Mudd also brought in a oar the Baine day. SOUTH 1NAVALE TblHCLiM GRAIN AND HAT . MACHINES Maim, Ruynt Holm. M.wer Uktt. Stecktn Hit Vttim Hit PrMMt CORN MACHINES PUittn, f kktn KiJm, CritinUrt Eatilict Ciltm SkUtn. Sbr.Jdtn TILLACE inJDUk Htmvt CiltinUn GENERAL LINE OiUaJfeiEifiM Oil Tre!or Mtau S,nun Crua S.ptrttori fjint Wit tat MUr Tricks Tkruktn Crtia Drib FttlCriti'tn KaU CrlaJcrt KainTwU H BUY an International Harvester en gine, take care of it as any machine should be cared for and a dozen years or more from now it will still be working for you. It will save you and your family endless hours of hard labor in pumping, sawing,' grinding, spraying, running separator, etc. Buy an 1 II C engine They laBt longer, burn lcs9 fuel, aro simpler, and give you most power. Here are a few of the rcasbmi: Offset cylinder heads, largo valves, accurately ground piston and rings, heavy drop forged crank shafts and connecting rods, etc. Best material and construction mean the best engine. 1 H C engines aro built in all styles, and in all sizes from 1 to 50-H. P. They operate on low and high grade fuels. Not every local dealer handles I H C engines. Tho one who does is a good man to know. It you do not know who ho is, wo will tell you when you write U3 for catalogues. Miss Beatrice Sloss was visiting; friends at Inavale Saturday. The social gathering at W. Cloud's Saturday evening was a grand success Thomas Nesblt from Seattle, Wash ington, is visiting hit sister Mrs. It. E. H u n tor Fred GuVoka has returned from Chicago wheic he has been visiting his parents. J. T. Uutledge Is spending u few days at home getting his spring work lined up for the boys. 9 W. F. Renkel has purchased tho pool hall from Will Walters and is now iu possession of same. Charley Joyce and family arrived home from Kansas City, Mo , wnero they have boon visiting for several days. ROSEMONT International Harvester Company of America llBCorporuedi Lincoln Neb. Cfcuploa Dceriag McCormlek Kilwtniee Oilone P!bo Jim Kincaid and wife spent Sunday at W. 11. Conley's. Mrs. Bruno Schnoiberhas been quite Ick the past week. Harold Burg left for Ong, Nebr., last Tuesday to visit relatives. Carl Rudd and Frank Stokes are numbered among tho sick Miss Mollie Kldd visited her uncle Wtn.'Kuchn Sunday and Monday. Earnest Warthen of Hebron is visit ing his brother Oliver and family. Harry Chaplain has been enjoying a visit from his mother the past week. Wray Mitchell is buildiug an addi tion to his bouse. Looks rather sus picious? Geo. Jensen left for Iowa Monday where he Intends to work this coming summer. Louie Jnnsscn traded bin farm to a Mr Ferguson for ft farm )i miles south of Franklin. Mulen Points was called to Clay Center, Kansas, last week to attend tho funeral of his bister. Miss Artio Dlckerson visited from Friday till Sunday at the Buzzard home northwest of Inavale Tho Red Cloud High School student from this vicinity aro enjoying there spring vacation this week at home Tho Farmers' Union mooting that was to bo held Saturday evening at Dlsti let No. 3 school house wns post poned until Monday evening on ac count of the weather. M. KuUclc was a passenger to Law rence Friday Miss Burrel Sirrs spent Sunday with friends at Lester. Mrs. T. Strrs is visiting friends and relatives at Aurora Mr. Keddon ot Blue Hill was in town on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. E. K. Haas visited at A. F. Krause's Saturday. Mr. Cowels have moved into the new houso built by H II. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Myers visited at R. Hose's Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oatinan called on Mr. and Mrs. Laird Sunday. Miss Jennie Rose assisted Mrs. 11. Cure with her work last week. , Mr. and Mrs. O Hudson and children visited B. F. Hudson's Sunday. Miss Velia Wright visited friends iu Lawrence Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Allen went to Red Cloud uu business Thursday. It. Cute visited Mr. Leetsch Sunday. Mr. Leetch has been on the sick list. ' Miss Ethel Searl tended coutral for Mrs. R. II. Alton Thursday and Friday. Miss Pearl Shorer went to Red Cloud Saturday to visit over Sunday with her mother. Geo. Hudson, II. C. Wright, R. Rob inson and C. Hudson autoed to Fuir lleld Friday. Mr. and Mr. W. B. Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stcveus visited at A. F. Krause's Sunday. The Standard Bred anil Registered Trotting Stallion ' Allercyone McGregor record 2tt9x Af.CKItnvnNK xtmn.Ti,.i. . ... h?irtl r!ijl ,n.LU ?: " '" ono ' l0 0Ul- nmatkroKR?i,n,wF.nn,eraco,,orRc. and l rrjnnarace nuno fnmllv on iwmi. m. ni .., xcVt'ora?lJi!f5e.y'i''? '"'. "?: nmrc, All McOrcWrThy Uwi McVfrSor Hta hiu'nmi irMrC0 Imn2JhQt cvcr ver k wuh nminrJ f A" Hcdani of many other da ii n Jitter. Hls tll"-' lain In tho 7",?.A'.'r01""' to 2.-2JM. and with Hip vemo Vr,"nr,uca!Lon Ills slro's side. Allfl famuv i?iwKi?.T "w from tho Brcat Allerton ,,VA,n., test son of the ii nlllon record. 2KW 1.4. lo hlah wliTiTiTilkv. ii .. ,L , .iVJ " "J" tlmo hold the worl1 aam h hiuu mo urm inrco iiHins wort t.'reciiH, who held the Htalllon record conildered tho Knniest raco Iioihu In uiimuiii una d is id rnco nono, nnviiiKHinricii vi limes and bpln ilri ..;;.;..., ..:. iiuiomu iwire. no was nrca y v.. Ktieii. LnilhnKe, Mo. Inn riinnni, ? At. uc,f M. 1BI0, ho bent an hlch clnsn a llbld of -.:I2 paroranH over "started ovi r hn Vi m V0.hicVHe.Vt tlrst heat helm? 2:09 l-l, e(uallt.(? the track record nindo Km i ,?', ' ',V"' ' 'rac,lfl, t'10 Ho won tho lieat pulled to a Jo In thn strotch, and It hVh said hv nit V.i.J.i ycnr ,,0,ore; that he enulil have paced tho heal In 2.-08 or hitler, in" record u i iVnV.,h.?.r?V,,c" 5re8C,nt has bc.n pcl a h.lf mllo on a hall mile track In 102 m' n linrtpr m U ?h pe.?d,.tt?.1.1,0 ln:i:im. While. llcrcyonoMcilreKorlHapnccrlHnielf.lVHHiri?iii ir?.ititt,-di.lln S'Bht!j what low colts ho has aro all trotcrS, and al low-lota i f si'ccd and u ,Kh Vl15 rc,(,, n.nd slroashlUKrandslrolf given an opportunity. ,u,BO,"l'ccu' nn" ho sHouid bo as great a Will stand for season 1914. Mondays and Tuesdays at F E Payne s barn on Sea 24-3-12. Thursdays. Fridays and Satur days at Red Cloud Tie Barn. Red' Cloud. Nebraska. $15.90 to insure- colt to stand' jiO HLt ....,- .,..., tllv i.-ituiiiiz Kirn ff thn wnt , inHit :-J02 M VorwvtAi vJnS ,a"!lly. Kav 's h "i Rl y ally ncxlKtrnrP ' nn,?'..nnd '.'.,,"lly ''" i" he on "."ll"c.x,PI.?.Mrp' Alloreyono Mrdrrunr la n l.w. I... TERMS;-$12.50 for the season, and suck. F. E. PAYNE, Owner vCSSSn ofiifi PETITION FIRST ARRIVALS IN SPRING STYLES For That New Easter Dress We Have A. Nice Line Of Wool Grapes at $1.25 Per Yard Wnnl Afcrac In dlcolors from 36 to 54-in HOOI OergeS widths, IromS0cto$1.50. SiLKS In Brocades. Plain Messelines, Serge Silks at. $1.00 for the 274n. and $1.2& and $1.50 for the 36-in. LOGAN. KAS.. ROYAL Baking Powder Saves Health mm v aves ivioney I . . v - s I Makes Better r oci I tfl W.W.W.V.WAVliV.W.V.V,. - j 1 s Correspondents tho Modern VWVWAWSW.V.W.V.VAV Wednesday to attond Wooilniun iucettii(,r. Thoro was plenty of oxettoment in tho vlllaKc tlds werU. Two list flKhts and a baud concert. O. V. Fuller was taken qnlto hlok Saturday evening bnt wo aro glad to learn since that lie Is mnch bettor. The Hand Concort with a great sue coss Tho M. K. chnrch wns well tilled ... ....I It 11T- Fred Ound was down from Dlno Hill wu an apprccmuvo ,,. . o v rcu uun , , ,nimv nconio came out to heln Tuesday. , , imn,i omisn. . i. .... .1 nnt n.wl . Id en 111.. to lilt fciCOtV, WO Uliuuiomuu, .; u.. ... B1CK llSl aguiu. t COWLES John Steluer and wlfowere Lebanon visitors libt Saturday. J. Hat nes bulled oat straw for J C. Williams last Saturday. Theo. Spurrier and wife wore in lied Cloud tho latter part of the wosk. .lim Ryan and wife wero attending to business affairs In Iuavalo last 1-V1 dav. Mrs. llverett Myers has been visiting her parent", Mr. and Mrs. 1 Gouldle uoar Womor. Oworgo Mat'on and wifo wore in Hod Cloud Saturday vIsitiiiR C. .T. Harlan and wife. (icor;o Johusou and Uoy Brown are doing some good work on tho roads tho last few days. Tho Myers Bros, and Jack Lcada brand t were transacting business In Ked Cloud Saturday. Jorry Dunno and Horn Barber were visiting friends in Ked Cloud tho hit ter part of tho weok. Albert M. Murray who is 'attending high school at Ked Cloud is now homo for a week's vacaton. Frank llynn and Bennett Mahler have been busy tho past week plowing and disking, which sooms to bo this order of tho day. Somo of our people are now taking advantage of any spare time, and are removing obstructions ulong the roads such as fences, phono poles, trees, etu. Some folks have already planted gardens on a small scale, sucli as vegetables etc, that aro able to stand any anticipated inclement weather. Tho Fruit ltro. threshed oatb for J. C. WUltnnia on last ('hmbduy, also alfalfa and cane for George Leadu brandt, Fred Hooper and Uoy Brown, lioorgo McMnrray left hero a foxv days ago for t)io Platte country on a visit with his brother-in-law, Wcs Ansehulz, tho latter recently meeting with a serious ucoldeut while felling trees. George Intends to bring back a team of brood mares. Chas. C. Henuott was .looking up Imshiessmatters In Shickjoy loBt week. NORTH INAVALE Quito a number of citizens of Cowles went to Hod Cloud Wednesday tovat tond the insanity luebrlato trial of N. V. Ariderson," It was decided by the Jas. MoBrldo nutoed to Guldo Rock joar(j t0 EOm ),,n 01T for treatment'. Miss Ini. Petty is spending her vaca tion ut home. ' Jennio Minor was visiting friends at Iuavnlo Saturday. Miss Iva Rutledgo is spending her In the Case of William Galbraith ) -' . From Webster County. ) To His Excelleuey, John H. Morehead, Uoveruor of the Statu of Nebraska. We, your petitioners respectfully pray that u pardon may be granted to William Galbraith, undergoing ben tonco for bmglary, at the October 10111 term of the District Court, within uud for Webstor'County, Xebraska, for the following reavU!: The said William Galbraith does not belong to tho criminal class, but, when not under tho intlueuee of his appetite for liquor, is an industrious citizo.ii and devoted to his family. Ho was not, iu the opinion of the majority of tho peoplo of Red Cloud, gnllly of tho crime charged against liiiu. At the most, his offense is be lieved by us to be potty larcenoy from the railroad company, while ho was uloxlcatcd. His friends here, knowing his weak ness for liquor, thought his atrest a good opportunity to reform him in tho matter of drink. They persuaded him to plead guilty, assiirlug him that tho sentence would he buspeuded under tho provisions of L'lXUxl Cobbtiy's A Statute 1911. Ho acted under their advice. Judge Dun gan suspended sentence, and at tho suggestion of his fiieiuls, threatened hliu with the full penalties of tho law if ho ugalit, indulged in drink. Giu biii it h kept his parole with fidelity until just befoio Ids year expired when having yielded to his appetite i.t drink ho failed to appear at court. T'iioro boetucd to bo no alternative for tho court except to sentence him to the penitentiary; and we, who sign this petition, either recommend this procedure to the com t, or approve it, beliovlug that u few mouths enforced abstinence from liquor would enable him to conquer Ids appetite, llu has now been coutluod iu juil uud tho ponl teutiaiy for six months, and wo believe that ho cau bo safely trusted at liberty. He lias a wife and seven children, who are now hugely supported by tho public, and whom ho supported previ ous to his Incarcoi'cllou. His bcuteuce uud imprisonment wero really tho result of his friends advice and action as a measure to reform him in the matter of temperance, rather than to punish him as u criminal. Wo boljeve that ho cau uow be restored to tils family and the community as a useful citizen. Wo expect that tho letters of J. . S Ollham, who appeared as his attorney,, or Fred Mauror, tho prosecuting at torney, of 13. J. Ovoriug Jr., and of his Honor Judge Dungau will acquaint you vbioro fully with th'o details of tblcabo. ' Atloruoy L. 11, Blucklcdgo was at BARBARA PHARES Agont For American Beauty and Warner Bros. Corsets And Butterlck Patterns i UAwSSftSu 'VSSS'' gt&SSS wsFfsmm SSG 3gra&&S3S$ FURNITURE 3. AND ess- UNDERTAKING r ED. ANACK ALL THE PHONES NEWHOUSE BLK. esss sacs esesi MK. FARMER You can make money raising alfalfa Iu the Big Horn Basin or tho North Platte Valley. If you will go with mVj to either of theio localities, I will show you many farm wins "alfay'old w U nmazoyou. You do nit ha-o to sow and reap for each crop. You seed tho grouud to alfalfa oncu and thou cut three times each year for succeeding years. You can homestead forty or eighty acres of this land under tho Govern ment Canals, repaying tho Government the actual cost of water, the payments spreading over many years, without Interest. Tho Burlington's now main line through Central Wynmintr will travorso these looalltios and connect them with an immodiato and porpetual market at protltablo prices. Thoro aio, albo, deeded lauds and Carey Act Lands nAiillablo in both of these togions. Lot me put you iu touch with Not th I'lntto Vnlloy laud agents. Send for the now Big Horn Basin folder, now on tho press. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent J004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska vncatlou at homo. Milton Michaels and family are vjsltt jWto loKTbusliioss iu Bliio Hill I ng at W. K. UeukeVs. on'Winestroy. Free To Farmers By special arrangement the Ratokin Seed,Hpiso of Shenandoah, Iowa agree to mail a copy of their Big 101-1 Illus trated Seed Catalogue and a sample of their famous Diamond Joe's Big Early White Soed Corn that has a record of over 200 bushels per aero, aUo a sam ple of their New 'Aluor.ta, Canadian grown, Oats, to every reader of this paper, who plants Farm -orGardo'ii Seeds nnd Nursery Stock. This book is acoinplotocompendium t of farm and garden seeds. It tells how to grow big crops and all about tho best varieties of Seed Corn for your locality; also Seed Oats, Wheat, Bar ley, Spelts, Grasses, Clovers, Alfalfa. Pasturo ami Lawn Mixtures, Seed Potatoes, and all othor farm anil gard on seeds and Nurfory stock. It is worth dqljiirs to all who aro iu want of seeds of any sort. It is FREE to all our readers. Write for it today,' . The address Is IUtekin's Sm:D Housi:, Shenandoah, la., Box 3oG, J A. .' Vi f: i in iiiiiwnmrrawtnrh,yB,rirnii.T-yiMr'rlr j . ti , , Jtfa(t I k - 4r ifwf-