The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 02, 1914, Image 3
!LfriCT52K nHAi iiww V LiSy -i) "J ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF m iPSSSwwiwlMwfSiwSSw I , r INltlMTIONAL awrsoiooL Lesson ny i:. O. HKU.nilS. Director of Hvenlm; Department, The Moody Ullile Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR APRIL 5 CHRIST'S TABLE TALK. T.TWBON TEXT-l.tiUe 14:7-21. riOt-DHN Ti:XT-"Uvoryut)o tlint cxnlt clli liliiMelf Rlinll bo humbled: nml ho tlmt iiumblcth himself ehall bo 'Xaltcd." Luke 14:11. This lesson Is connected dlrcctl with, that of two weeks ngo, the events occurring In tho house of the "chief rharlseo." 14:1. I. An Honorable Promotion, vv. 7-11. Tho spirit of humility hero omplm sized by Jcsub Is not that of com mending tho man who piously, osten tatiously, tnkes tho low seat, and then Is angry If ho Is not promoted; tho man who sayB "no" and Is nngry If ho is taken at his word. These words nro not only to bo applied literally but havo a wide 6copo and embraco nil tho followers of Christ In every walk of llfo. Tho sincere evidenco of this spirit Is proof of tho nearness of tho llsclplo to tho llfo of his Ixrd; sco 'Phil. 2:3, G, 7 and Matt. 18:4. Men pcramblo for position and power to bo obtained nt tho hands of other men. Jesus, tho keon obsorver, saw men striving In this house, and criti cizes such conduct. "Lest haply," twico repeated, gives us tho clow to this section. Guests are not to seok tho higher seats, "lest haply" moro -worthy ones should appear who ought to occupy them. Real Hospitality. II. A Holy Recompense, vv. 12-14. Tho man who makes a feast Invites thoBO who can return his favor or olso thereby pays his obligations to so ciety. Not so tho members of tho Tilngdom (Matt. 6:1-G, 1G-18). "Rc componBo" Is' hero tho key. Thoso who nro needy cannot make any ma terial recompense and tho ono who elves tho feast docs not need any other recompenso than that of tho cratltudo of thoso served and tho ap proval, "well done," from tho king. This does not forbid tho Intcrchnngo of hospitality and courtesies but does warn us lest In our elaborato feasts two overlook tho poor, but worthy ones. In tho kingdom, hospitality con sists of a deslro to givo rather than to get. III. A Heavenly Invitation, vv. 15 24. One of tho guests seems to have neen imnressed with tho words of 'Jesus and exclaimed, "Blessed Is ho that shall eat bread In tho kingdom of God." Ho seemod to reallzo that tho conduct Jesus was speaking of was to bo found only there. In answor our Lord gavo us this parablo of tho groat supper In which ho describes an at mosphere llko that created by his host and tho guests there present By this parablo ho replies to this man, con trasting tho admixing of an Ideal and liolng willing to bo govorned by that ideal, (a) Those who refused. This was a "great supper," a time of great Joy and many wore Invited, seo Gal. 4:4, 5; Matt 3:2; Mark 1:14, 15. All men hnd to do was to "come," Isa. v C5:l; Matt. 11:28; John 7:37; Rev. 22:17. There wore threo who made excuses, yet all threo refused tho In vitation. Tho first (v. 18) was tho man whoso property stood in his way i(II Tim. 4:10; I Tim. 6:9). Tho sec ond allowed a dumb ox, that might havo received attention later, to take precedent over tho glad feast. Do mestic demands and godless homo ties aro used frequently by tho evil ono to Iceep men out of tho kingdom. Tho third excuse (v. 20) was still less Jus tlflablo, for this man should havo brought his wife with him. It was hor plnco as much as his to accept tho invitation. However, to spurn God's invitation does -not mean that thoro shall bo any lack of guests, seo John. 1:11 nnd Matt. 21:31. (2) Those who accepted this Invitation (vv. 21-24). Thus to bo Bpurned made tho mastor of tho house "angry" (v. 21). God's Method. This is God's method of filling empty churches. Jf wo wear out con secrated shoe-leather during tho week men will not forget us on tho Sab bath, and guests will always bo found for God's table. "Compulsion" (v. 23) indicates intense, earnest effort in bringing men to Christ (II Cor. C:20; Col. 1:28; II Tim. 4:2). Mon should to roluctnnt only through a senso of thoir unworthiness, which is In reality their greatest posslblo fitness. Hero again' tho question of host and fiuest is thrust upon ub. In society wo ask our frionds and rich neighbors, lest haply they bid us In turn, or re pay by making sonio other recom pense. Our hospitality 1b a quid pro quo business. Thus thcro is set bo lore us tho blindness of human hearts dn tho excuses thoy make in answer to God's Invitation. In tho matter of entering tho king dom of God it is tho man who humbles himself that is exalted within. Men must stoop to reach tho heights, wo undergo in order to overcome. In tho matter of our bohavlor, guests must humble thomsolves to tho needs of tho lowest, It they nro to bo exalted to the highest In life. Our greatest duty is to that call which come3 from tho highest authority. What a wondorful parablo this Is, given In answer to a pious remark about eating bread In the kingdom of God. Do our feasts call forth wisdom or sensual pleasure only? Embroidered Taffeta . &B0EEEEiEEfi fr THE slim, unformed figures of young girls aro much helped out by ruf fles and skirt draperies, which are al ready established in spring styles. A kind dispensation of Fashion (for the too-slender maid) decrees taffeta nnd ruffles; both lend themselves perfectly to flguro building. Meantime, thoso who have all tho flguro they want, and perhaps a little more, aro mannglng to wear flounces and drapery by choosing clinging fabrics and using shaped ruffles instead of gathered ones. In either case a lot of clever man agement Is evident. Tho object In view Is tho achievement of gracoful lines, and Its attainment for a slender figure, Is shown in tho gown pictured here a design by Doeuillot It will bo seen that tho flguro Is built out about tho hips, but that its lines are not lost sight of. Tho skirt is narrowed JuBt nbovo tho knees and hangs straight from this point to tho instep. There Is a wonderfully easy and pretty effect of drapery at tho waist lino with a narrow vclvit girdle IjoIow it. Tho discernment of tho artist in placing tho velvet ribbon belt below the normal waist lino is ono of thoso evidences of cleverness by which tho French havo won thoir pre eminence In designing. Tho modol is in fact simple enough. Except for two narrow ruffles of the silk ombroldored in a dellcato flower pattern, and small bows of black vel vet with pearl buckles, there aro no purely decorative features. Voile Blouses WE SEEM to havo got away foroyer from tho stiff and starchy shirt waist and to havo adopted tho soft and comfortable blouso, without any sacrlflco of neatness. Thoro nro plain waists of trim wash ellka and others of batlsto nnd voile. Tho good, at tractive, all-round WAlsts of vollo, like thoso shown In tho picture, combine so many satisfactory features for daily wear that they aro most popular of all. Ono of tho best new modols is pic tured here, with round neck and long sleeves. It Is cut with drop shoulder, and tho seams aro hemstitched. Small tucks decorato tho body and sleeves. Tho neck is finished with a narrow turnback collar edged with a ntet flounce. A llttlo hand embroidery touches up tho collar and Its not edg ing. Tbore Is a net flounco at tho wrists. Tho lower sleevo Is sot on to tho upper sleevo a few Inches above tho elbow. Tho second waist is a high-necked model embellished with tucks and small pieces of Irish laco insortton let into the vollo. Tho collar and sleoveo aro finished with tucks and Insertion and aro borderod with a lace edging to match tho Insertion, Hand crochet or cluny laco 1b most KciaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaBlsjiaiaiaiaV 'M ,k ' OEEEEjgxvf aaalllllllllH. Tfc " yjp j , ift .vt .f ' r AV- A .BEEEK r wt ft , If .Vl M if x f . Gown for Young Girl Thero Is a flounco of taffeta, only moderately full, extending from tho waist line to tho thigh nnd terminat ing In a scant rudlo of the embroidery. Below tho embroidered flounco 1h a full rudlo of the plain taffeta. It gives the effect of a short oversklrt. Tho silk below it is laid In plnltB about four Inches drop. At their termina tion a second scant rufflo of tho em broidery Is sewed on. Below It tho silk falls free and is finished with u three-inch hem. Tho bodice has n plain back nnd kimono sleoves. ' It opens surpllco fashion in tho front, with tho front pieces pulled in along the under arm seams. This allows them to fall eas ily about tho waist and over tho belt. Tho opening at tho neck Is finished with the embroidery put on nlmost plain. Thero is very llttlo fullness In tho flounco of embroidery which fin ishes tho short sleeves. Thoro aro several fabrics besides taffeta In which this model may bo effectively, mndo up. Tho light, bor dered, wool challlcs nro perfect for it. Figured cotton crepes and tho light weight poplins, aB woll ns silk ma terials, adapt themselves to draperies and flounces. In making a choice It is to bo remembered that tho "body" or stiffness of taffeta, and Its high luster, aro not desirable for full fig ures. This Is only ono of many designs In which tho skirt appears to bo mndo up of flounces. JULIA BOTT.OMLEY. for Daily Wear desirable, a good match for tho vollo In wear-resisting qualities. Tho sleoves aro three-quarter length aud all Beams hemstitched. It Is bet ter to mako tho collars detachable as thoy soil moro quickly than tho body of tho waist In selecting the vollo, chooso a sheer variety mado ofvory hard twlsN ed threads. -It will thlckon a llttlo with washing, and it is a good Idea to rlnso it out and Iron it beforo mak ing it up. Tho front panel In this waist is dec orated with small sprays of embroid ery. It Is ono of tho few models that opon in tho back. For the business woman and for homo wear theso waists provide ono with cool, comfortable garments hav ing tho charm of crisp neatness added to thoir other attractions, without any hard, Btarched surfacos to suggest dls comfort nnd becomo mussed. A very llttlo starch or none nt all Is used when thoy tiro laundered. Tho ex ponso of tho materials la next to noth ing, tho handwork places them in tho elegant cla'ss, and their durability pays for It. Thoy are an ovolution In waists, tho outcome of long experi ence with tho requirements of Ameri can woman. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Uric Acid is Slow Poison UiiBccn In Its approach, hard to de tect In Its early stages, nnd cruelly painful in Its latur forms, uric acid poisoning Is a iIIbcuho too often fatal. Bright's dlacaso is aim of tho Html stages of urlu ncltl poisoning. It kills in our country every year moro men And women tlinn any other ailment except two consumption and pneu monia. Brlght's dlbcnso and uric ncld poisoning usually start in some kidney weakness that would not bo hard to cure, If discovered early, so it is well to know tho early BlgiiB of kidney dls capo and uric poisoning. When urlo acid 1 formed too fast and tho kltlneyB aro weakened by a cold, or fever, by overwork, or by over indulgences, tho acid collects, tho blood gets Impure and heavy, thero Is head ache, dizziness, heart palpitation, and a dull, heavy-headed, drowsy feeling with disturbances of tho urlno. Real torturo begins when tho uric ncld forniB Into gravel or stone In tho kidney, or crystallizes Into Jagged bltB In tho muscles, Joints or on tho nerve tubings. Thon follow tho awful pains of neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, sciat ica, neuritis, lumbago or kidney colic. u "When DQANS KIDNEY PELLS mm Was Neither, Nayther Nor Neether. A group of Scottish lawyers were gathered round n brow of toddy one evening. Tho conversation turned upon a question of pronunciation. "Now, I nlways say noolher," ono of tho lawyers said In discussing tho pto nunclation of tho word "neither." "I say 'nayther,' " remarked another lawyer. Turning to a third, ho asked: "What do you say, Sandy?" Sandy, whoso head was a llttlo muddled by too many holplugs of toddy, woko up from a gentlo doze. "Mo?" he said, "oh, I say whusky." And Stronger. Teacher Johnny, for what Is Swit zerland famous? Pupil Why m'm SwIbs cheeso. Teacher Oh, something grnndor, moro Impressive, moro tremendous. Pupil Llmburger. Part of It. Wife Dearest, 1 want a silk dust cloak, - IltiBband Well, dnrllng, I am out tor tho dust. I In the Police Court. "What a pinched nppeiininco that poor man has!" "Tho cop did it." Fortunately for tho averago man, few, of his prayers aro answered. Putnnm Fadeless Dyes do not Btaln tho kettle. Adv. Whoover heard of an actress Book ing a divorce without publicity? Nature Never Intended Woman to be Sickly the fact that it is she who brings into tho world tho offspring. Every woman can bo strong and healthy. Don't resign yourseir to a deiicato nro. If vmi miflVr from hn low spirits, lack of well again it's moro than an even chanco that you will speedily regain your health if you will try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I This famous remedy is tho result of years of patient research by a physician who has mado women's peculiar ailments a life study. ITtUI Br. maraaa PlMMat Rheumatism, Sprains Backache, Neuralgia aaaaiBaaaaaaiaaffTH Jr Sprained Ankle Relieved. "I waa m for a lonjt time with a aevtrely apralned anUe. I rot a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and now I am able to be about andean walk a rreat dal, I write thla be cause 1 think you deserre lot of credit for putUng- auch a fine Liniment on the market and lahall always take time to recommend Or. Sloan's IJnliaent." -awa. SLOAN S LINIMENT AlaUDeaIan-28e;BO.aadt.OO. Stomal totraUTakmiiosi bona. cattle, hmm and poultry seat free. Attire Dr. Earl 9. Slots, lac a Boatoa, Maw. I lllt l "I don't know what ails tne." Your Back Is Lomc-Remcmbcr tho SoWbyanOealc.l,rico50ccnb. Fostcr-Mllbom Co., OufTslo, At the Show. "Hero's my boy. Don't you think I ought to bo proud of Btich a lino llttlo youngBtor?" "Ah, but you ought to sco my lino llttlo roadster!" DRY SCALE COVERED HEAD 2760 Tnmm Ave., St. Louis. Mo. "My llttlo daughter's head began with a dry harsh scalo covering It. First It got a whlto scalo over tho top and then it got a dirty brown scab with pus under it. Her hair catno out In less than a week and her head Itched and bled. Sho had no rest. 1 had hor wear a scarf all tho tlmo, it looked so badly. Sho was so soro and had such big brown senba on her bend that the teacher would not let her attend school. "Wo took nnd had hor treated for threo months with no relief. Sho kept getting' worso until I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used tho Cuti cura Soap every third day and the Cuticura Ointment at night, in threo weeks her head was well of Bores. Two cakes of Cuticura Soap and ono box of Cuticura Ointment completely cured hor." (Signod) MrB. Walter Rogera, Nov. 28, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. Have to Pull 'em. "I seo wo aio soon to talk In gen oral by wireless." "But you can't work In politics by it" As a matter of fact it la her rlgfct and her daty to enjoy perfect health and strength to be just as strong and healthy as man Dcrlmna moro so in view of If you suffer from hoadaches, backaches, nervousnoas, 97 snlritfl. lack of ambition, or havo lost all bono of beins ambition, or havo lost all hopo of bcins (In Tablet or liquid Form) Try It now. Your deaUr In madklnwi will aapplr rou or you can send B0 ona-eant atampa for m trial box. Addraaa It. V. llarea, If. U.. UuffaJo. NY. UIHIWa 1UU AJm W M JttM Ik mm vi Pallata ratmteta toatack.Hrw, "Yes, daughter, that's good tuff. The psln in my back is all Igono I never aw anything work at quickly as Sloan's Liniment ' ' Thousands tof grateful people voice thai same opinion. Here's tho proof. RallaradPalataBack. "I wsj troubled with a very bad pain In tar bftClcforactnoUme, I went to a doctor but ba um not do ma anr cooa, to i purchased a bottle of Sloan'a Liniment, nnd now lama well woman. Ialwainkcep n hot- tie of Sloan'a Liniment In th 5ml,r," AU MailUa Cilfon, HilnUAv.,DmMjn.ll. Y. Sciatic Rhaumatius. "We hare nied Sloan'a Llnl tnent for orer alx years and found it the beat we ever uied. when mr wife had sclatla rheuinatUm the only thine that did her any rood waa Sloan'a Uniinent. We cannot praUp it hlfhly . enouah." Mr. firig. U$ JfUMa tawa. It Is but n further step to dropsy or Urlght's diBcasu, Ho warned by IricUuclin, by sediment lnthe.lililiu'yuei'rftlonH.bvpiiinfiii.sfanl or too froijuentnavHiigt's. 'Cure the m'.i omul kidneys, line Doiiii'h Kidney I'llli a medicine mndo jiint for weak kid neys, thnl has been pi oved good In yearn of use. In thousands of cases--the rem edy that is icemnmendud by grateful users from coast to coast, CONFINED TO BED A Story of TerribU Suffering From Kidney Di$a$m Mra. Kilt Kirk. Main nt.. flp'noi, Ind., ng: "Wlirti my tnrk lii-RAn lo Rt lainn. I didn't imy imirh nltfnllon to lh trouble mid in tint rtmilt, 1 Rot worst1. If I nifd a, uddrn movp, tho imln In my bni'k waa Ilka n knit.- Ihriist Th" nrxt aymntonis wera dltrliirim. Innituor nnd a worn-out ffellne I wrnt lo the iluotnr, but Ida mrdlolni- didn't bilp mc I lnRiin lo luvo tfrrlliln nirvoua Hirlla nnd In llircn months. I wnaia plislrnt wrnnlc Mv llnilin nnd linlull liprninn !! lis from rhrmiiBtlp imhia nnd I had to ba fisl, rtremiMl unit lioltn-rt nt rvcty turn. Iltnba nnplid..nil I would rmnur lindfad thar enthroiib kit in Uint MltTctlliKiiiiMtl. Allinnviitni'.i wi in lira ana opinio wiTn my only rrllnf. The Sidney nxrollona WKtnliiHolulshspo. Whrnl lind alml itlfpn up liup, I iM-gnn ntlnit Ihuin's Kldnny I'HU und Of txiii'n put uienn mr fret HlKtiMHiirtrurndiae. ftf oirnvnyttir$ llmi rtmalncdcurrd.' Nome" H ft V, Proprietoo W.L.DOUGLAS SHOES mteimur&ffj woMi'stitSra Mleeee,aoys,Ohlldren si.Tstasi.sotsJ MM tlMM farti m urMtl mtll, ,. ,' In It. MtW, 1.000,270 imiut uata la Tola to the reason veilve yeulM aae &o noiwiiht'ioduie tae aiuas ror aa uu, as.ou e.uu Dormous menaav u lam vym m Maiaar. uur iiunvw ht noi bean lowwtrt and lb prto 10 you ramalca lbs aaas. At voiir daala, in aBaw tbaklndoi w. L. Uouaia atioaa he M eejuoa tit M 00. 13 Su, sToTaid M.60. You ul tben b eoavloesi that W.L.Doutla ahoea are aeee- ooa as ouier maaai awa a hlhrirl TBeouyowi lbDrt. TANK NO UMTITUTK Xia itaala wtlhnt W. L. raaalas' aaaw suaiM ra XU kMtaak lfW.L.DM" tbo., tr ncl for Hit I nr vliralif. Mr ainci nm ncitry. bimiimmut wrrTrrMaiMV I lh. fimllr si ill prtM. (xxlalt fn. rJ.rby mill. W. I. 00001 tie lpn Itrart. tiwim. ! nt lllttMrtiM cif isowi milMW IAS. Hit- fttwivtvvw iig tfcMMaafiftceiti MMKyjCVJDSmaA KLlv'jyrj wctm t mnatiav S7BJffCf It VWWIIBI aiipartaoitnei'rovtnceaoi ' . ....... . 'ii ' Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, have produced won derful yield of Wheat. Oat. Barley and Flax. Wheat graded Mrom Contract to No. 1 Hard. weighed heavy and yielded from 20 lo 45 bushels perncre; 22 bushels waa about the total average. Mixed Fans. 1 ina mav be considered fully a profit able an Industry on strain raising. The ' excellent srasaes full of nutrition, aro i the only food required either for beef i or dairy purpose. In 1912. and again in 1913, at Chicago. Manitoba carried off the Championship for bif ateer. Good chools. markets convenient, climate ex- i cellent. For the homesteader, the man V who wishes to farm extensively, or the investor, Canada offer the biggest op portunity of any place on the continent, Apply for deaerlptivs literature and Ireduced railway rates to Superintendent of Immlii ration. f Ottawa, Canada, or to W.V.BENNETT Ba.Bulldlnc Omaha, Nab. Canadian I Government Agent I RELIEVE8 SORE EYEI Nebraska Directory DIIDTIIDC CUSKDlaafewdayt nUrl Uslaai without pain or a sar Seal operation. No pay until cored. Writs K. WlUYt 808 Be IJIdg., Omaha, Nab. THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nseraska EIIROPCtM PLal Booma from UO up alngle, 75 cent ap double. CATC PRICCm KEASONABaUB Baker Liquid Fiber Stops Punctures and eIow leaks. Will not harden gum or 6tick to your tires. Is not affected by beat or cold. Preserves rather than injures rubber. Will not evaporate or deteriorate. Call on your dealer today for full infor mation or if no dealer in your town write us. AGENTS WANTED. UKER LIQUID FIBER COMPANY 308 So. Ilth St. Lincoln, Neb Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho Saline Springs Located on our own pnmlsu and used la ta Natural Mineral Water Baths UniurpsMid Is tK triatment of Rheumatism Hurt, Stomach, Kldn.y.nd Liver DIimim MODERATE CHARGES. ADDRESS DR. O. W. KVKRCTT. Mar. I40S M Btraat Llnooln, Nab. Wf a I ff ttAI Sr1 BK& U Hf sW7 'M 1 I aiiiiiiiiiiiWk t 1 imI MLKf I tl In l MS L&. IVVXl .aiLakaTl lkvaR ViVasHf I mv Is. "sTasTaTaTaV 19 tt mr 1911. 1 a&' 55a4 m .alaVI Jr'-Wt vy-tl L!S W KeWtWttmmummMtWrl i. ; ' M M i V i U 1 01 n'M m K"' ill tmK 1 n fi' k Ml' H: 1 a TO 11 I I z-siftJ'M 1.1'wt Sm-" i