The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 26, 1914, Image 8

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Umn iiimiihim J t J, T " ,T -jNjyrV, IV
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WB$$3'v - aum- v
There's Nothing Better
it iwBww"mi
Than our complete line of Gro
ceries, Qticensware, Cigars, Candies,
Tobacco. You will find us able and
willing to supply your wants in a very
satisfactory manner at all times, and our
chief endeavor is to please. Now, with
these inducements and incentives to give
us a trial order, why hot do so today.
A Trial Will
Convince You
iS3S3 M bS3g3li!?
iim .' iimuj
International Harvester Oil
and Gas Engines
The I HC Line
Hind.ri, Ropcti
Kodtn, MsMttl
ItiLtt, Slacken
l!T Udri
llr Prmti
Hiatus, PUltn
Bmdtri, Cultlrtlcri
EmJm Cslltra
SlieUiri. fhred!n
ft, Sp.lnr-Toitt,
Md Dlik llaticwi
Oil tad Ci Latlatt
Oil Tueieu
Mitir Spittdm
Crn Ctpmtort
Fra W(ou
Motor Trvcli
Grtla Drill
Fctd CrLdtu
Kcllt Criadrri
SUCCESSFUL farmers are no longer
asking, "Shall Hwy an engine?"
Jhey have passed that point and now in
quire, "Which engine shall I buy?"
A little careful observation will show that Inter
national Harvester engines aio tlio most satisfactory.
No doubt is left when features like tlio following aro
studied: Detachable) valvo guides, offset cylinder
bead, fuel pump, split-hub fly-wheels, extra largo
intalto and exhaust valves, etc.
Ask tho men who have used I II C engines. That
is tho best test. They will explain tlio excellence of
1 II C construction, simplicity, streiuithand durability.
Study tho endues yoursiilf at tlio nearest dealer's
whero International Harvester endues aro soUl.
They aro made in all styles, and range in sizo from
1 to SO-H. P. They operate ou low and high grado
fuels. s
Write for our interesting and instructive catalogues,
and when wo stud thoin wo will tell you whero tho
engines may bo seen. A postal will do.
taternatlonal Harvester Company of America
M Lincoln Neb.
cu5fty lauapitu ucercg Mciormicit r.i?wukt Utborsa fitM
Is a protection and guarantee
against alum which is found in
the low priced baking powders.
To be on the safe aide when buying
baking powder, examine the label and
take only a brand shown to be made
from Cream of Tartar.
Wl'l Smith made a business trip
luavale Tuesday.
T. W. White va hauling buy to Rod
Cloud on Monday
l'eto Mauley was a ploabuut caller at
Will Fisher's Sunday.
Smith Hros., was hauling corn on
Friday ""'I Saturday.
lVto Mauley and Henry Wiggle, ,'
U,u Kuloy ranch, are busy bteiiUng
nniU'fi to dilvo.
, Muriel and Ethel Vlbhur spent Sat-
t r,...i.... 11 1 nail (rriiiiiiiiiui
M raay buu duuuu nnu ".v.. ...-,- ,
Ooutlmost of Lobauon for a few dajn.
Jerry nip. in' ati'i family entertained
Juclc l.endabraiidt and wife on lust
Hilly Kellhnii bought a loam of
mules mid all the hogrj atlhu Charley
Fruit pale
K ,1, 1'uKliilier i)f Ko-1 Clt-ud wan out
bete for a few days vNtitiK relatlviH
ill North I'awneo.
Jay Leudabtatidt. hauled a few loads
of alfalfa bay from the John Iltonn
place Inai wuik.
Melvln Mc.Cn 1 1 pitreliased (V) betid of
cattle tit the Clmrk-y I-Vult sale which
cost him 810 ti piece.
KvorottMyi'is Intt n valuablo how
In tlio Htnllci with thfi disease lMiowii
us the "blind Ma!tf"lh"
Mr ami Min. Ilaibor and family
wore the kiiuhIs of Mr. and Mr. 1
Wolfo tititl family on la-st Sunday.
Falty Me'Otilic and Jim (Jouldle
boiidit all the brood sows, and htoeh
bogs at the Jack Le.idabiamlt sale on
last Friday.
Tlio public salo of Ulinrlcs Fruit's on
the i;th was well attended and ovoiy
tb n 1; hold at (rood prices. Some horn
es sold at 8170 a piece, mules brought
8HK), cows 800 to S05, youn Cattle
averaged WO an'd hogs 10c a pound.
A most welcome guest tirrlvcd at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gould lc
near the lino a short time ago when 11
10 pound baby.boy aril vod which east
a luminous mllu over Stephen's count
enance. Steve intends to build 1111
addition to his residence as spaco
ricems to be limited.
Mrs. 13. K Spnrrlor relumed homo
.Monday from the Lebanon hospital
wheru she has been taking treatment
for rheumatism for the paH two weeks
She bad tbu most severe foim of rbeu
mutism following her set ions illitibt
with pneumonia and was scarcely ublt
to walk when she entered I hi hospital,
but now feels entirely fiee from tip
disease. '
Tho general public salo of Jack
LcadabraudlYt which came olf ou last
Friday, favored with a good day mid a
large attendance, was a great success
and almost everything fetching fiuie.v
prices, except hot ses which seemed I"
bo a little 011 the downward tunic no,
The Doyle liios., cited the sale bring
ing their vocal chords into operation
as usual and left nothing undone in
extracting good prices.
Scientific 111011 mid some noted close
observers in Smith County,1 Kiiiishs,
claim and lay down, aa 11 strong hy
pothesis and a fundamental ttuth that
when the wind blows from the north
on the 21st of Miuch, at tho equinox-
ial period, there is sure to be cool,
mild and siilnbilous weather during
the spring and summer completely de
void of any scorching hot winds from
tho south as the wind Is said to remain
or continue in the north most of the
time. The sun in crossiug the equator
coming Into our hemisphere faced this
cold north wind but I guess ho was
able to stand it.
cr's .Sunday cvonlng.
Floyd Duggoll iiidpi-d Fiord J ui
pull stumps the II n t ilin wi-ei.
Ilont v P.niln !'' Mi'nt'd nut to (iity
Kuglcr'n Siimlnj and spool the day.
Kdd Hojmbi'in nmv linn hta auto in
ruiitiiiw order ugalii Wonder why?
Mis, NVwbnlt, who lias hcon qnlto
sick the lust fo.v dais, is now on tho
Mrs. Lawrence Shinumiwi lolurnod
homo Tuesday after a visit- of si few
day, with her mother, Mrs. Will Tap
per. Howe Futtig Ih not well enough yet
to jouriipy to bin new home in Wyom
ing. Hud Danker bad a very sick borso
for I wo or three dins, but It Is better
l'nif' Heck or the Illvoitm High
School went home with Max Marshall
Tuesday evening.
Ouy Frenoli of Mont Kose, Colo.,
visited his old friend schoolmate,
Goo. Marshall, I bursday.
Mrs. Hryan Tapper U-rt Monday
morning for Wyoming. Hor husband
having gouo with the goods somo time
Some of tbu men of this neighbor
hood went to Campbell Saturday to
sou Floyd Uiiggett wrostle a man from
Kenesaw but tlio wrestler did not ap
pear so Floyd vviostled and throWed
three mcnlii SI) minutes
Time to sow oats.
U. A. Adams Is in Omaha this week.
Mis. Elllo Strickland continues
quite sick.
M. C. M. McCall went to Hloommg
ton Sunday evening.
Nick Dlaukoiibaker shipped 111 a
load of oats last week.
Millard Ilnuslcker and family of lied
Cloud, visited his patents Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs Clarence Heed visited
at the Clydo Mitchell home Sunday.
Mis. Harry- Chaplain visited her
daughter Mrs; Jim Sutton on Tuesday
of last week.
Mr. Fiivlng of lllvcrton was in the
neighborhood dehorning cattle the
first of the week,
Owon Huusicker of Morlaud, Kas.,
is visiting his parents Robt. Ilunsickcr
and wife this week.
Mi-s,Verda Ilunsickcr was uuiblo to
attend to her school duties last Thurs
day on account of sickness. Her
brother Ray taught for her.
Revival meetings aro being held at
Dist. No, 3 school house ou Walnut
Creek. He v. M. Points and Ho v. Fred
Wild are conducting the services.
Mrs Lulsa Alles.
tluy llarnes was hauling hogs on
TucmIiiv to town, in the afternoon he
cirovo nts rat cattle In nnd shlppod
them Wednesday.
We bad tlueu days of regular winter
weather last week. It suowo I, tho
wind blowcd and vas very cold nnd
no olio seoiued to onjoy it.
Hd White returned t) his home at
r.ongmout, Colorado, Saturday after
visiting thn last tw weeks with his
brother T. W. Whlto ami ramlly. H.illobaek, the hay bailer, re
turned home Sunday from Iowa look
ing veil and hearty. Wo are glad to
sue bis smiling face on wml mill low
oueft more and ho will work for George
llanis this summer.
W. E.JJeauls attending court in Hd
Cloud this week.
John Copley Is in Red Cloud this
week serving as i juror.
Mrs, StiicUbiud living south of Inn-
vale died Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Martin aro both
reported qttlto III nt this writing,
Tho farowell ditnco at Milt Michaels
was well attended and.all report a jlne
W'u are sorry to note tho doathof F.
X. Koolmel 0110 of IniwitleS most In-
lliieniial tnisiuo.s men and extend our
J. C. Williams is visiting lolatlves
Kd lllaek's visited Hdd Holmberg
lien lloyco's vUltod Walter Shoomak
er'o Sunday. '
J. M Polliird'fc called on Floyd Dank"
Miss Pearl Sborer was a passenger to
lllne. Hill Fit lay.
Mr. and Mih itermiin Hun iter wire
lllue 1 1 ill visitors Tuesday
Click y Wright visited at F lla:
ton's Stitntday and Sunday.
Miss Juiiite Uoso Tifislstcd Mrs II.
Cun with her wotk Tuesday.
Leo Hoblnson of Lawrence visited
Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Allen Filday.
'ltruce Laird and Raymond Rnbiuon
wore Guide Rock visitors Sunday.
Mr. II in rm Arnold and Miss Pearl
Sheter autocd to Uluc Hill Sunday.
Mrs. C. Arnolif went to Lincoln for
11 short visit with friends Thutsdsy.
Mr. Irving Nortis and Ml-H Anne
Cowol drovo to (Julde It-ielc Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. Geo. Uuiil.K'r visited at
I). Laniptuairs between trains Friday.
Mrs. Kunelo and daughter, Alice,
wore passengeis to Lawrence Tuesday.
Halllc Hoblnson, Vella and Chesley
Wright visited at F. llarton's Sunday.
Mrs.T. W.Schult'and Cora visited
at A. Sebultv.'s in Deweese between
trains Thursday.
"Mr..nnd Mrs. Horace Henderson of
noar Cowles visited Geo. Henderson
and wlto on Friday.
Dean Lacy, Phillip Lurk, Olive'
Reeve and Vorna Wright uutoed to
Itlue Hill Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F Krause and
daughtor visited at the former's par
ents, Mr. ami .Mrs W. H. Shirley, Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crawford visited
at tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs
A V. KenN Saturday evening and
Mr. .Kind and Geo. Green autocd
from Strutton, Nohr., and aro visiting
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs R
Tho Fanner's Union met Friday In
tho RosoGarago. Tho meeting was
well attended and brought a largo
crowd to town.
The Hvangeol'il church organized a
choir Monday cvoninff. Miss Anna
Cowol was elected leader, Miss Vella
Wright assistant loader and Miss-Pcarl
Sherer organist."
Mr. Duiise of Blue Hill bought Aug.
Lampmau's implements and started
into business Tuesday. Ho has put iu
a full Hue of machinery, come iu and
see Duuso if you want any new ma
chinery to commence spring farming.
Panama Exposition
Nebraska's resources and opportuni
ties will be exploited at the Panama
Paeltlc exposition. At a conference
hold in the olllee of Governor Mora
head, Saturday March 21 it was decid
ed to name n temporary commission to
dotermlno ways and means to finance
the undertaking through popular sub
scription. Tho administration of the
exhibit will be in tho hands of a coin
mission selected by tho people, tlov
ernor Morehead appoiutcd a temporary
commission which has been called to
tho meeting at tbu olllco of the gover
nor Wednesday, Mai ch 2.. The tem
porary commission will devise ways
and means of(onllstlug the aid, or btiil
nev jneti and commcrolal organiza
tions Tho governor spleiHed the fol
lowing for members of tho temporary
commission, one being nuinod fiom
each congressional district of thestate:
1st DlBtrlct Mrs, F. M. Hall, Lincoln
tind District John L. McCigiio, Omaha
Jlrd District Goo. F. Wolz, Fremont
ttli District Peter Janson, Heatrlco
.1th District A. Conner, Guuid Island
0th District W. R. Mellor, Loup City
?(t All Colors ) IB
' r&T (0 4m
(1fi I'our boiling water ou 11 j tM
tW ChlsNatneled lloorwwah it S H
17 with soap. It won't tuiu A H
v"1 p" whlto or lose Its gloss. A Wl
, ' A All material, Instructions, H II
brushes and tool for hii H B
jS uuuttetir to make a new bald W Wl
jX wood llnor out of ny dirt W M
C dnlf1 sHiluod lloor, for only ?U,no;' I
80a I I 1 1 I Como in and seo our Sw V
yCr 1 4;L-iL demonstrator who will be VI m
yk'jAF j hl," Apilllhd mid tth. ( " m
m v(m ' ii A? rfUw 4' 111
I v0N51 Chas. L. Cotting I M
The Druggist W
, ' 15
1 -;---. If
JBBSI ' ' ' (fii "li 1 iniiim 'v-Jzzrrii 1 'ULm" " " I
The Table that Saves Steps
Why trudge to the attic or the basement for extra leaves when you
can have them right inside the table and at no extra cost?
The Robbins is the only table that has this simple and convenient
feature. It is one of the advantages of buying the Robbins kind
and it is one you will appreciate more and more as you use it.
Robbins Tablcsarc built by men who have studied table construc
tion for forty years men who know how to build tables that arc
convenient, good to look at and durable.
Come in and let us show you why the Robbins is a good table to buy.
Licensed Embnimer and Furniture Dealer, fl
'" ' wmmmm,mmm3ma'immnmjmmmmimmmmmmmmwmmmmm
For That New Easter Dress
" We Have A Nice Line Of
Wool Crepes at $1.25 Per Yard
Wnnl Qawjvao In a11 colors from 36 to 54-in
ff OOl OergeS widths, from 50c to $1.60.
In Brocades, Plain Messelines, Serge Silks at
$1.00 for the 27-in and $1.28 and $1.80
for the 36-in.
' ?:
Agent For American Beauty and Warner
Bros. Corsets And Buttorlck Patterns
' -7
Remember Him?
What has become of tho old-fashion
ed dentist who used to give you the
tooth to talco homo with you?
w. .