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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1914)
VOLUME 4ii r 0 ffl. to h if vJ) to to to to to to to to to to to to to if KS 8 1 pto$VW.fl?i& &'? A Newspaper that fiWes The Now Fifty-two Wcnks Each Year For $1.50. rJED CLOUD, SUSURASKA. MARCH 2, WM. NUMBER 1 3 333333a3333 333S33-333aSfc Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the-' State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed, by the State GuarantyFund. Besides that, this bartk is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here would be safe without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA ( to m to ? aRBjINaHats Sb? &TYLEW ,1f7 w H Exquisite Spring Millinery Opening Out' exhibition will bo the mou oxtensiyo nnd intojostinp w,o J'.nvtf 'over .hold to oarly in tho SP11SOI1. Smart lints in clever patterns of tho bust American designers oro licro in rich Jets, Main's, Fancy Straws, Hemp Milans, Laces, combined with front stiolc-ups Wcalsoshow a very pretty lino ot children's and ladies' reaily-niado dresses and net and muslin underwear. Also a guaranteed line of Caso Corsets. BURDEN'S STORE WE ARE SHOWING THE ADVANCE STYLES IN MEN'S HATS &&- FOR SPRNQ s District Court Proceedings District Com t oponed Monday morn- ( lull, llio 10tli,-for a two weuhh 1urv term, with JiuIko II. S Dnntran on tho ' bench. j Tho foliotvinj,' cases have been dis posed of at this limo: J State v Ch.ih. Llndlov. Illegal Sale oT J IntoSiciftiiiK Liquor'), conl limed, on defendant Klvi ii(,' bond for $.10.U)(). Stale v Milo Williams, Forgery, Uc ftiidauthaVliii: served live inontliH in tho county juil, and llio chare beliif,' on it 8l(l chech, complaint is changed to attempt to obtain money under fulso jlrctbiiscs, and defendant is sent enced tob'nu day in county jail, to pay th(5 costs, and maho itHtlluiion of SKI to.tho paAy. X- A. Denton. Slate v Amos Dillon, charged with assault with Intent to kill; found guilty by tho jury and clemency recommend ed, the penalty belnj; 1 to 120 years in the penitentiary. State v Stovo llruce, Assaidt, con tinued, bond S200.00. Kosa Jones v (Jeo. l-Vancis et al, De murrer overruled, plaintlif lven '20 days to answer. Nebraslca lOleolrio Co., vCity of Had Cloud, suit was for 203.0.'), and inter est at 7 percent from May 1, 11)7, amounting to 8iMl.o;; tlie city had offered judgment for SloO.lrt) with In terest amounting to S220.0O. Verdict was for plaintilf for 4.'I00. Nebrasha Telephouo Co., v City, of Roa Cloud, snit'was for 8401.00 and in terest from April 10, J007, uiuountiiiK to 8000.84; the city hail offered juds ment for 82 J 0.00, with Interest, utuountiujr to 312.00. Verdict was for plaintiff for 8382.011. Occidental Building & Loan Associa tion v Stovo KtUcrton ct ul. Continued foitorm. Henry Cook v Xatioiihl fidelity it UaMiaity Li cnnlluuod for teiin by consent. Ori-a Wilson vTlios. Wilson, Decree of divorce for plaintiff as prayed Tor. Susan B. Clapp ct al v .lacob h. .Mill er et al, Decioe quieting title as pray ed for by pl.untill's. John E, Yost et al v Win. Bohrer, sale confirmed, deod ordereil. N. M. Do ii dn a v Marv K. Malonev et al, sale continued. Deed ordered. C. B. Hale Faces Serious Charges On complaint of suveial Indiauola peoplti Mr. C. B. Halcof tho Honor lor was plaeed in thu hands of Shurlff I Kll.clr, yesterday, altho no formal com plaint has as yut been made against J Mr. llae Thete are suvoral inatttis Involved , In tho present difficulty of Mr. Hale, alleeil iiiorlgnKlng )f roporly to , which he did not have title; tho mai ler of alleged board bill duo. It is stated tho lot mal complaint will be made jot today.' Thu Tribune hopes Mr. Halo may lie able to clear himself of any ut tempt at wrong doing. Monday's McCook Tribune. ALL THE NEW Shapes and -Colors A SPECIAL NEW LINE OF i Cans For Spring LET US SHOW THEM T0 YOU r- -" PAIL STOREY The GlothlerT Inayale Merchant Called By Heath rrauic a kqoiuici, urccI 30 years, died at Ids homo in Inavulo on Monday evening, after an illness of several monthsduration. Ho leaves a wifo and child besides his parents to mourn Ills death. The funeral will bo held today and Inter ment will take place at Bloomlngton. Mr. Koelmel was in the general mer chandise business at Inavulo, and was well liked by everybody. The Chief along with his many friends extend condolence to the bereaved ones. Women's Short Course Offered . A women's short course In domestic ficlonco lusting four days may bo ob tained by tho women of any commun ity upon application to tho Extension Service, University Farm, Lincoln Two instructors uio sent freo of cliargo to give lectures and demonstrations. Actual cooking is dono and u thorough study is made as to. tho economic value of Yoodj?, thoir digestibility, and nutritive value. A" meat cutting de monstration is given at which a beef carcass is cut up and tlio various cuts explained. Homo nursing, Invalid cookery, breads, salads, and desserts a io also treated. Mr. Halo of Bed Cloud, who recently took charge of tho indiauola Kepnrler, Is iielug held in this city to answer suvoral charges from citizens of In diauola, who claim that Mr. Halo has not Healed them squarely'. It seems that, besides several minor offenses he has been writing checks on Indlanola Banks without deposit therein, and upon Investigation several men of that city find tliuy are short considerable cash. Thu Gt.ul1o will publish tho details more thoroughly Uio, next Issue. MotfJa.:' McCook (la,ette. Capt. Adams Wounded By Masked Highwaymen Intense excitement follow el the at tempt Wednesday night at Superior to kill Capt. C. ft. Adam, tho well known banker of that city sayn The Hastings Daily Republican, Capt. Adams was passing on alley near Seventh and Central streets on his way homo from the business center of tho town. Two men, one disguised will) a white mask over his foco ruhcd upon him. Tho Captain grappled with his assailants ut tho same timu pulling a revolver, Tho two men began shooting at tho Cap tain at uloso raugo and tho Captain was likewise quick In using Ids revol ver, Ho put up such u game fight that tho two men beat a hasty retront. Two bullets struck Mr. Adams bohind tl.o ear, striking so near .each other that it was hard to determine whether tho wound was tho mark of one or two bullets. l'liysiolans were quickly summoned. Tho fact that a rovolvor carried by ono of tho assailants and u white mask were found in the alley close to tho scone of tho encounter is taken as con clusive evidence that Mr. Adams seri ously wounded ono of tho men for there were blood stulns ou tho mask. There were three empty shells in Capt. Adams' revolver and two In the other revolver, showing five nr.more shots to have been fired during the pistol duel. The Independent Ticket On Wednesday evening of last week the Independent voters met ut tho county court room and pluced in nomination the following ticket: ' Muyor-Geo. W. Hutchison. Clerk-M. W. Carter. Treasurer S. It. Floranee. City Engineer Geo. II. Ovoring. Councilman m Ward .1. I). Crans. Councilman 2nd Ward-J. O. Cald well. , Board of KJucntion E. II, Now house, It S. Mitchell, W. (!. Hamilton. YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has an Edison Phonograph. 'Disc, Cylinder, $60.00 to $475.00 18.00 to 200.00 7i Come in and let us prove it. 8 F H NEWHfllTSP ww m,m, wp' mMim Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, Nebraska .&-' WERE HERE FOR BUSINESS NO BILL TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE "DUALITY AND SERVICE" OUR HOBBY TALK WITH US ABOUT YOUR LUMBER" THE MALONE-AVERY CO. SUCCESSORS TO SAUNDERS BROS. Widow's Pension. Tho recont act of April llUh, 1003 Klves to all soldiers' widows u uiu.lon 8r2 per month. Prod .Maui or, tho at torney, has all nocefcsary blanks. Chris SturUo perlor. spent Hundny In Su- Fuller-Pilley On Sunday oyoninj at tho homo of the hrldo'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coo. Pllloy, who reside north of town, oc curs od tho marriage of their daughter, Mlss.Sulal'illoy to Mr. Fred tfullor of Cowk-s. Tho undo Is ono of tho popular youiif,' Indies of this community, and tho groom la ono of Cowled popular buslnefes men. They left on No. 11 for Wymore Monday morning to visit friondH ""and rolatlvos. Tho Chief along with their many friends wish them much joy and happiness. l MONUMENTS - WANTED FOR- Decoration Day I ttXXffZiSR&QR! Should Be Ordered Now For Tho Best HighJGrade Memorials :y Consult - OVERIRG BH05. ft GO. fled Cloud, -s Nebraska Wrphw' s 'it 1 s i '& i- i !7t ilSt IS iviiRs. 3 'am M .! m , 'KRSJ Mtt t'vU'bui ,m4 ! At - -ii:l VJl 8 I m ;rI m V 'tin Ij .Prrti'W!&i U!' -Ll