The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 19, 1914, Image 4

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    R h '"
... 'XT J 'StsrAiV ' " l
Rod Cloud. NobrasUo.
Eatcrulin tlio roMoitlro at HOI f Kmd, Nil.
an Hcconil CIiim Mnllcr
tma rtm rw m mm I m
,A. H. McAllTHUR PlMM'J.r.
JttJt ONLY t)i:MOl'HTU' 1'Al'HH N ( Ol M'
I w'
Annual Businesi
4 '
i V
S T I-
AUyor-DH. UOlir l)AMUKEM.
iCUy Oh-ik o i tp.i.i..
iCityTreifUrer S K. FLOKV.NCh
Cly Engine... -OHO, i! OVBKINU
Sul Ward X. W. (Ottl.BN.
&V. I.. WEEnSE!.. 3 Miur term.
iOEO. COON. ! ji-HftiMMi
UAiiiMi i: rou, iijeart-'H".
Political Announcements
-UVnnounccmontc Aid Run Under Tld
Head By Paying the Sum o! Five Dol
lars Which Hunt Do Cnsh in Advance.
Our Columns Aro Orcn I'cr Any Lrfil
tlmnto Advertising nnd Wo Welcome
Announcements Regardless or Party
KOIt SllllRII r
I hcicb. announce mjsclf u ohii
dldato for llu ollleo of Shcilir of Wolf
stor County. subject to tlio will of the
voters of the Demon title parly Jit tho
primary election to ho hold August 18,
1014. Ih:.v Hudson.
J hereby announce in hi Hits iiuuiidl
date for tlio oillci' of Tieitsurcr ot
Wrbstcr County, subject to tho will of
the voters of tho Dcniociutlu only lit
'the prlmaiy election to ho held Aug
ust 48, 11)11. (li:o.'V Think.
I hereby unnoiiiicu mjself a ciindl
olato for the olllco of County Civile or
'Webster County, hiihjeul to tho will of
-the voters of tlio Demoeintio pmty at
tho primary election to bo hold August
18,1011. FlSATiK Vavhicka.
J hereby nnnoutice myself a candid.
;te for tho olllco of Sheriff, of Webster
county, subject tp the will of the
-rotors of the Democratic party at tlio
-jirimary election to bu hold August 18,
I heieby iinnoiinoo mytclf a candi
idate for tho ncmilnallon of Count,
x Commissioner of Commissioner DNtrlut
Jio.l, subject to the will of the voting
tnt the Democratic party at the pt lumry
election to be held August 18, 101 1.
'Xho largest eiowd of tho now year
ion our streets Saturday and after
0k long beaMiu of bad roads it did seem
ggmd to onco iiguiii greet our fanner
A. It Talbot tho high-salaried head
?Off AU.C M. W. A., declares that ho will
liKfO-cleeteil at tho nicotine; of tho head
cCftBip in April. ltouudsa good deal
like the pre-election claims of thu
jiUud-jmt lopubllcans in the lustpresl
alciitial campaign. It lb the FcnUmtnl
xaS the rank and 111c of the onlor that
'.Talbot mu-t go and he will uiiduubt
.dly Und himself down uiul out when
'Alio votes arc counted. Times-Ti Ibiinu.
Tlie many lilcndi of Mr. Frid
JUiriplit are plcabtd that ho luw Ulcd for
Mus uoiiituation for the olllco. of county
SMnmi8iIouer of Dlshiut No. 1. .Mr.
;ilrifiht litis lived In WehMcr county
'Iir ood ninny yeaib and is thuioly
dsunvcibtiut with tlio needs of this
tcuuiity Ho is known us a intui of uif
puubtioncd houcbly nnd taiiuess and
gliould lie be entituted with the duties
tf this ofllce he would till it with honor.
-Jhu'hiuiself uud the county.
IV (
fl -
IB i
Hoor Space Employing
13 Acres ' 5,127 People
Nothing but Merit in the Article Made Can Build Such a Business as This an Organ
ization of Shoe Specialists With but One Ambition--t6 Make Better Shoes Every Day
TEe Result is that
2,000,000 Women
all over the World
a Jiff iSl
t'Mt ft
fir w.
Sif &r
RJ t Aft v. ,& tCC3wara5SK- . jMU
xw irvuai "EBSSB3 &0&S
Famous for Fit,
Recognized Style,
Absolute Comfort
Shoe Satisfaction.
A Price For Every Purse
5, $4
SHOES A style For Every Foot
$.26 A $Q.75 $0.50 3
Red Cloud,
Jit la coucecdod by all that tho nnti
jrmrti law lb it ood one. If it la w nooil
"Swmwa far us the mllroadb aieeoncciti'
didii is pretty (,rood for all other onlor
3rle8. Wo believe that the news pup
earn over thu state that huvo refused to
juoefit passcH to tho state f:ilr are illit
iiu their uutloti. I'suully thu weekly I
rjmtftim uro askodto carry column After
oeuluuiu boosting' tho htuto fair for
wbick they are supposed to he amply
zrepald by u little paste board adiiiittiiiK
tHuma to tho (,'iouuds durliie; fair week,
liter this prlvlledKO of using u free pass
3tAtldug fdsuld about b'lvliif,' aood re
gpart ot tho fair but when one accepts
.arjfcvor lie does not feel like growlluK
Of lltings do not go to suit him there
Sum bis Hccouot lb more or less garbled.
iMewpapers need the puy for their
tfgmt in the shape of money and not,
Degree of Honor
Surprise Workmen
A lino time is reported by nil" who
were present and those members of
both lodges who were absent never
will know just how much they missed
by not attondiug their lodge meetings
the most you can for your money.
We lccently came across a new
remedy for increasing strength aud
building up people who are run down
I nnd emaciated. We know that a
- On Tuesday evening, March 17thf
just ns tho "chosen few" A. O. U. W.
members opened lodge they wore
greatly surprised to Und that the
Degioo ot Honor members had in some
iiiyHtcrlous way learned thu secrets ot
their order aud had worked tholr way
into the lodge room. About forty
ladles marched through the hall to the
kitchen each cairying from one to
three queer looking packages The
Workmen grow excited and at the HrM
odor of cotfeo they dismissed lodge.
The Degree ot Honor ladles had
prepared a very delightful progiam
consisting of songs by the Degree of
Honor chorus, addresses, Instrumental
sojos, drill team work uud a short
pay, entitled, "Female Workmen"
which wits very appropiiate ns It ex
plained how the ladies gained admit
tance to the workman lodge.
At the close or I be program they all
marched to the dining room where a
bountiful supper awaited theui.
7" t TTO'Byy.' "'ypiy wyftvw
We have on hand now a carload
Genuine Minnesota lied River Early
Ohio Seed Potatoes. These are the
best tablo potato and the only kind for
seed. Weesner, lVrry & Uo. adv
This New Medicine
Saves You Money
Wo arc druggists right heie in your
town uud make a living out of the drug
business, but it is because people have
tahavo drugs and not bocuusa wo' like
to see people suffer we don't. Our
duty is to reuder tho best servioo we
cau, and when some ono is ailing, we
are interested in seoing them take the
best medicine there is for their partic
ular trouble. We don't recommend
"cure-alls" as we don't believe they tire
such things. We don't wau't you to
spend more than you have to. Some'bf
you get small wages, and when you re
slok, none at all, aud you should gat
slight trouble sometimes grows into a
of I Herlnns ono. and to ston It
T B-
in the be
ginning, will save you money lu the
end. This new compound Is called
Kc.Ntill Olive Oil Emulsion. It is the
best remedy, when you are run dowu,
tired out, .nervous no maitor what
tho cause. It doesn't merely stimulate
you and make you feel good Jfor u few
hours, but takes hold of the weakness
and builds you up to a healthy, nor
mal condition. It is a real nerve food
tonic and builder of good blood, strong
muscle, good digestion It contains
llypophosphlteh, which tono the nerves
and pure Olive Oil, whluh nourishes J
thu nerves, the blood aud tho entire
system. Pleasant to take. Contains
no alcohol or habit forming drugs. We
promise that if you aro not perfectly
satislled with It, we'll give back your
money ns soon as you tell us. Sold
only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in
tbVtowu only by us. $1.00. ' II.
a rice Drug Co., Red Cloud, Nebr,,
Wldaws Pension.
'I'bo recent aot of April l()th, 1908
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
812 per mouth. Fred Mauror, the at
torney, has nil necessary blanks.
Keal Estate Iraasfcre.
Real Estate Transfers for Week end
ing March 17th, 1U14. Compiled by
M. W. Carter, Hondo! Abstractor, Red
Cloud, Nebraska.
George Yung and wife to Albert
Held, wd,be 3 10 1
Albert W. Rust and wife to John
Hansen, wd, w swK 7311. . . 3000
Gairet 11. Itusebrook and wife to
Allen County, Kansas, Invest
inent Co., wd, s) and 6 vt)i
-lit t tiuUUU
Zella V. Crablll aud llusb., to
Clarence McCallum, wd, lots 21,
22, 33, and 24, 111k. 5, Smith &
Moores Add to Red Cloud 1500
A. H. Botlnvcll and wlfo to Lor
enzo Thomas, wd, lots G, 7, 8,
Bllt. lO.Cowle 1000
Frank E. Maydew and wife to
Ray D" Maydew, wd, w 18 2
12 : .' 10000
Edward Glebe and wife to A.
Drzewleckl, wd, w, sjf sof
44-13 ". 40000
Kato Alexander to Frank 8.
Kudrna, qod, lots 4, C, Illk. 10,
Hladen 1
Charles S. lirautingham &et. at.,
to Emerson-lirantlngbam Im
plement Co., Deed, lots 5, 0,
Blk.5, lilue Hill 1
CiiRsins M. Scrivneraud wife to
W. J. Scrivner, wd, lots 4, 5,
Hlk. 0, Garber'B Add to" Red
Cloud; .'. 400
Lillie Helton and Hush , to Henry
G. Arends, wd, los 5,0, lllk. 5,
S weezys Add to lllue Hill COO
Jacob ltauror and wlfo to John
W. Falmou, wd, w se 2G-4
10 0150
Delia lloseand llusb., to John
W. Falnion, wd, o)i sej 204
10 .-... -3000
Arthur Berge and wife to Fred
Waterman, wd, lot 20. east 11 ft
of lot 28, Dlk. 14, Blue Hill.... 800
D. E. Saunders, et ah, 'to Leon
ard H. aud Robert E. Relher,
wd,.ne 27-Ml.., i
Mortgages filed, $10,900,00.
Mortgages-released," $30,023.00.
1 jf '